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A Theory. Light, Darkness, And More.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LeviLips96, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    This theory was made by me and a friend after we did the Silent Expanse Discoveries and brainstormed about the Realm of Light, the Silent Expanse, the Decay, the Lutho Obelisk , the Nether and Corruption. I think we connected the dots pretty well. A lot of people I talked to were confused about the lore of the Decay and how they all tie together. I hope this explanation will be good.

    In the quest "The Realm of Light" we learn that Orphion is the physical embodiment of the Light Realm. In the ultimate Silent Expanse secret discovery we know that the entity Bak'al is talking to and takes orders from is not the Eye, well it is but it's more than just that. The thing ripped the Eye out of it for Bak'al to put in the Eldritch Outlook. So the thing that ripped the Eye out of itself is most probably the physical embodiment of the Realm of Dern.

    In Aldorei Secrets Questline the Elves explain that the Decay appeared because the villagers got greedy and made Gavel impure. Which allowed darkness to creep into the pre-decay Light forest. On the other hand, in the secret discovery on Lutho "A Monument of Hope" the lore says that just as the darkness crept into Gavel, the light found refugee in the Silent Expanse and became the Obelisk.

    From this I deduced that the Decay and the Obelisk are the same thing but while one is Darkness taking over Light, the other one is Light persisting in Darkness.

    Moreover the Light Forest and Silent Expanse are also like this. One is the influence of the Light Realm over an area of Gavel aka the Light Forest. The other one shows the effects of Dern over an area of the Wynn Province. Those effects are caused by the presence of the respective portals being present.

    I do not have the exact time frames but I can be pretty sure that the 2 portals (aka Light's Secret and Dern's Gate) opened into our realm way before the Nether portal. Since the race that once lived in the Silent Expanse and Time Valley aka the Olm were told to have lived thousands of years before Corruption was unearthed and they went extinct because of the darkness of Dern.

    Also the reason why Decay is more effective than the Obelisk is because there formed an imbalance between Light and Dern. As the world got more violent and greedy, and less virtuous, the Light was losing power while Dern was getting stronger and stronger.

    This is also where Corruption comes in. Wynn Excavation D tells that Corruption appeared due to the energies of Dern and Light touched in our realm due to the appearance of the 2 portals.

    I also assumed the reason why the Dernic beast (aka owner of the Eye) was ordering Bak'al is that while Corruption is the result of Light and Dern touching, it chose to follow Dern instead of staying neutral or following the Light, since Dern was more powerful than Light because of the reasons above. This also explains why Orphion was attacked by corruption. The embodiment of Dern could have ordered Corruption to attack Orphion.

    I was also asked about the Dark Obelisk. The lore for that one states it's unknown what the relation to the Lutho one is. My theory is that they both existed in dark mode but when light found refugee in SE it randomly chose one of the 2. Aka Lutho one.

    This is all not set in stone obviously and is just a theory made by combining all the lore from libraries, discoveries, quests and other stuff discovered while playing. Please take it with a grain of salt.
  2. KrzysztofMaz

    KrzysztofMaz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Everything fits together, but if Wynn got attacked by Darkness (silent expanse and stuff) and Gavel got attacked by Darkness too and then Silent Expanse got attacked by light, then what attacks Fruma? (I don't count corruption cuz it's just side effect of clashing realms)

    Edit: Maybe it will be something totally diffrent like sentient AI attacking Corkus.
  3. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Fruma is its own worst enemy, due to the continuous oppression of the governing body (read: Fruma Queen and her consortium) and the elite guard, Kai Shi (I'm guessing that's a reference to Dai Li from ATLA).
  4. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    From what I got in Llevigar and Relos's libraries and from Recover the Past, Fruma's problem/enemy is the Civil war between royalty and other high members of it's society and the working class that has been oppressed. We will see when the CT releases more info about it.
    TotemOfUndying and KrzysztofMaz like this.
  5. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    Actually, this holds some water! It's not a foolproof theory in terms of the presentation, but I would agree with most of your points here. You might like the lore discord I'm running - message me for a link.
    NerdyGamer2012 and Kahsol like this.
  6. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    again, magma, it's in your signature, so nobody has to message you for the link
  7. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    I know, but I'm sure he doesn't scour everyone's signature xD
    Kahsol likes this.
  8. KrzysztofMaz

    KrzysztofMaz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't really think that Fruma's main questline will be only about resistance and stuff. Fruma plays an important part in lore. There has to be more.
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