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SPOILER Theory On Who The Ahc Guy Is

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by qraq, Aug 8, 2020.


who do you think he is?

  1. bob?

    4 vote(s)
  2. the olm?

    2 vote(s)
  3. the dern guy?

    3 vote(s)
  4. some other powerful/incomprehensible figure from dern?

    15 vote(s)
  5. your CONSCIENCE?

    4 vote(s)
  6. not yours, but some other manifestation?

    6 vote(s)
  7. your mom?

    25 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm just throwing this out here. What we know is that Bob spent his life force sealing the Portal to Dern so that this guy can't escape Dern. ok now let's look at the Silent Expanse's Ultimate Discovery.

    ok did you see it? good. now you can assume the guy you are:

    - is really big
    - is really powerful
    - ripped out his eye and told bak'al to put it on a tower
    - speaks weirdly, in short, cryptic phrases
    - it would be crazy if he left dern (Bak'al: You cannot possibly intend to leave, can you?)

    maybe he can't leave dern because he controls it, and if he doesn't then it would fall into chaos. why? maybe because he sort of controls the essence of dern and it would fall apart if he leaves, or maybe there are actual people in dern who would revolt if he abandoned station. maybe he can't survive in the Silent Expanse (which used to be just another part of Wynn). who knows?

    lol but wait! the AHC guy speaks in short, cryptic phrases as well. the difference is that the AHC guy refers to himself as "we". so, is he using the royal "we"
    (the royal we is when people of power refer to themself as we, for some reason I dunno)
    or is he actually multiple people? well, the royal "we" isn't used by the big dern guy, and he is probably as powerful as it gets.
    (not as BIG as it gets, though: have you seen nagarath's hand? he's absolutely GIANT)
    in addition, it's not a commonality by ragni's king, troms' king, and most likely not any other kings either. so we have to assume the AHC guy is multiple people.

    now for the fact that AHC man speaks in short, cryptic phrases. is he the dern guy? possibly, but...it's also possible that everyone from dern speaks like that. so is he from dern? we should also address the fact that he's not just any NPC. it's assumed he's incorporeal, maybe even a representation of darkness. also, if he is some of the people from the poll, then he would have to be a ghost. which WOULD be pretty cool, not gonna lie.

    I'm not going to pick apart exactly what he says, and what it means. It can't be that complicated to extract meaning from his words. We can also ask the Wynn writers verbatim what what he says means. BUT, it can be assumed, you (the player, or your character?) came to the silent expanse for an end to your journey, and he is providing one. he is providing insight, trying to help you understand. but he can only do so much. at the end of the quest, he gives you a choice, power to do what you want with it. he tells you the answer isn't what you're really searching for. he shows you what you need but this meaning is unravelled by your hype when you finally unlock hunted mode. WOO! LET'S GO! let's grind some PROFESSIOSN baybee!

    anyway, who is he?

    The Dern Guy:
    he knows, since you've beaten the eye already, obviously, that he has no dominion over you or over the Silent Expanse. he can't harm you. but he is wise and powerful. perhaps he wants to help enlighten you. he knows he will have to kill you if you ever enter dern, but right now, he doesn't have to. this is actually a sort of common trope in media. if you've read magnus chase, which I did a while ago, you might be magnus in this situation, and he might be loki. loki knows he will eventually have to kill magnus, but for now, they're simply talking. he provides input and insight. if you've watched the legend of korra, which I have recently, it's similar to when zaheer helps korra after he's imprisoned again. you are being shown (by him) for whatever reason, what it would be like if you were on the side of evil. scroll up to the above paragraph if you want to but either way, you're not sure of what his goals are by showing you this. but you are being shown it.

    okay, so this guy's intentions aren't clear, but he is obviously enlightening us. bob is shown to have high hopes for the new recruits, and we have in fact proven to be worthy of his power in the reincarnation quest. this would obviously not be actually bob, but perhaps some sort of strawman. I really don't know, and it's kind of a stretch, but if you look at it on surface level, it makes sense: bob spent his life essence and sealed the gate to dern, and now he sort of exists as this buffer to provide some sort of end to the adventure. its symbolic value is good, and AHC man seems to be on our side. so yeah.

    The Olm:
    I thought of this because AHC man keeps referring to himself as "we". perhaps it is, similarly to the bob theory, the ghosts of the olm? what we know about them is that they are an ancient and powerful race, and that their technology and knowledge was far beyond ours. obviously, again, it's not the actual olm, but some sort of cryptic recreation of them. they show us what we need to see. plus, it would make sense why AHC man consistently refers to himself as "we".

    Someone Else From Dern:
    yeah, sure. why would the big boy dern guy want to help us? that makes no sense. so what if it was someone else from dern? the AHC man is meant to be some sort of mysterious figure. perhaps we're not meant to know who he is......yet. when dern finally releases, there might be some sort of being to guide you. dern is an entirely separate dimension, by the way, so who knows how powerful the people in dern really are. perhaps AHC man exists in dern, as well, and is just using magic to create some sort of manifestation (you'll see me using that word a lot) of himself to help guide us. perhaps he wants to help us defeat the big boy dern guy, in the future. we're not going to find out who AHC man is soon, anyway, so, any theory works, but this one works the most.

    Your Conscience:
    okay, so here's where it gets a little wacky. let's see what AHC man is really showing us, yeah? he's showing us what would happen if we were on the other side of the war. the side of "evil". but if the protagonist is doing it, can it really be considered evil? sure, in the almuj one, you're helping amadel, a decidedly evil power-seeking villager. in others, you're wiping out the province of wynn to spread the will of big boy dern guy. this seems evil. he already owns a whole province, it's unfair for him to wipe out humans, no matter how powerless we seem to him, to take control of wynn. but what are his real goals? what if he wants to protect the world as we know it, and the only way to do that is taking control of wynn? we have no clue. these are the questions you're asking YOURSELF. it's sort of like when you're taking a shower and you think "but what would have happened if I HADN'T stolen all those fish? would I really be taking a shower in a water fountain right now?" bad example, but that one is really personal to me. sorry.

    A Manifestation of Something Else Entirely:
    okay, but you and AHC man are pretty distinct. sure, he talks weird, and it's hard to understand, but you would know where to go to have to re-imagine these scenarios. also, he says "we" and "you". a LOT. he offers you an end, instead of you taking it yourself. we've seen creatures of the silent expanse corrupt your mind in AJB. maybe this is one of them? but no, he says "You fear. Does the dark become you?" (which was spot on, by the way, that IS what I was fearing at the moment) "The answer...No. You remain whole. You do not change." So no, this isn't just some SE-related mind messing, compelling you to wonder what would have happened if you had done wrong instead of right, making you question if you really WERE right. no. it's not that. and it's not you questioning yourself if you were right or not. so perhaps it's some separate manifestation asking you, or offering you to ask yourself, the aforementioned questions. we don't know why. that's just what it does! now what is it a manifestation of? it's not darkness, that's for sure. and it's not light. it's probably not corruption. I think it's actually, like, really meta. maybe it's a symbol for the admins (which would also explain "we"!, showing us our adventure, offering us the "end" we seek. also, other players are never really acknowledged in wynn. but in the second-to-last line AHC man says, he says he will remain and offer others the same. I really do think this is like a monika DDLC type deal. sorry to compare it to that.

    Your Mom:
    I can't even think of a your mom joke at this point. I am just in awe of the AHC man. just like your mom was when I offered HER an end last night! gottem! high five high five high five high five high five high five high

    also if you read this far (or if u skipped to your mom part) and you are still guildless, I think you should join Phantom Hearts. it's a really cool guild, we have a survival server, we've hosted UHCs, we have FFA fridays where we war to the top of lb (it's really fun and surprisingly easy with like 6 people in one war, in every war), and we occassionally do other fun stuff: one of us has jackbox, and we play the party games together sometimes. plus, we're not too shabby when it comes to power, we have several territories and are level 65! not to mention how cool all of us are :)
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  2. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    The AHC man is literally a black Heliolux with a skull as their face.

    I think that the AHC portal guy is just one of the many Dern Helioluxes or whatever who inhabit Dern.
  3. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    so then someone else from dern?
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Yeah that's what I'm thinking
  5. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    There's already a dark heliolux head though. The fact it's not using that and has a custom skull instead would mean that it's a separate entity, wouldn't it? A lot of ghostly or incorporeal entities use the "head+chestplate" design, and while Heliolux are included in there, this was at a time where we didn't have models available to us to flesh out what they were more intended to look like.
    Caulan likes this.
  6. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm seeing a GM next to that name. That means everything you say is canon. @Emogla3 rekt!
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I only said "dark Helilolux" because we do not have a name for this/these creatures. Why would a creature of darkness be called "dernic Sun Light"? That one head is used for the corrupted Helioluxes in RoL. These "dernic Helioluxes" or whatever may have a completely different kind of face. Maybe this one used to look just like a black Heliolux, but got its face torn off for unknown reasons? Maybe it was as a punishment? Maybe it is a higher rank of dernic Heliolux?

    The Heliolux are the only species in RoL with human-level intellect, so it would only make sense that Dern has a similiar counterpart, seeing the resemblance with the AHC entity.

    Also, both the Heliolux and the AHC entity emit particles from below their body, so that's another resemblance.

    Still, I am not saying that it must be a dernic Heliolux. The entity there can be anything honestly, but this is just my best guess.

    also what is this post lmao
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  8. _RainbowNoob_

    _RainbowNoob_ Well-Known Adventurer

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    Light realm creatures look similar
  9. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    sorry emolga :(
  10. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    black sans
    the drink and HappyCreeperlo like this.
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