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SPOILER Exploration Of The Nilrem's Sealed Letters (the Valuable Part Of Wynncraft's Storyline)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by brilliantknight, Aug 7, 2020.

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  1. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    Hello guys, it's a time to explore the thing, that mean like a 80% of Main Storyline of Wynncraft about Light and Darkness battleground.

    Dear Nilrem,

    1. The letter I enclose to you has been sealed with concealment magicks. I trust you to know how to read it.

    2. My war against the creature is futile. Intel has reached me from a trusted source. Our world is far smaller than we could have imagined, our magick feeble in comparison to what I am about to explain.

    3. There are realms beyond our comprehension, powers we can not hope to defeat. Two immense forces are at war, with our plain of existence being the battleground. There is a dark creature of the night in a land "far" away, it poses a threat to all.

    4. I give you this letter as a warning and a farewell, friend. I am going to challenge the beast and attempt to seal it away using my own life force, for I know that is all I can do, killing it is not an option.

    5. You know of the magic I have infused in my animal companions, I trust you to hide them until one worthy is able to wield my might. The world can not know of my sacrifice, no one must search for me. You must fake my death, and create a body for them to bury.

    6. The fight will continue, but at least the new recruits will have a fighting chance for the years to come. I wish you luck, Nilrem, continue to train the forces of good, you are the most skilled man than I have ever known.

    7. Yours faithfully, Robert.

    8. P.s. I have enclosed the item of power you were seeking.

    These Letters was written by Bob, The Protector of Wynn Province. He wrote these letters to his friend - Unknown Powerful Magican Nilrem.

    But, his story is "ended", after he gone in the year 984 AP with purpose to find a Dark Creature (Darkness Overlord or Dernic Beast) from far off dark lands (The Realm of Dern).

    So, let's start to theorize on this part of storyline:

    The first thing all readers should pay attention to is the letter interval - 984 AP.
    This means that the Eye has not yet been defeated by our Hero. And Bob is just going to the Silent Expanse to destroy him and go further through the Portal to Dern.

    1st Theory - Who was Bob's trusted source of information? Who knew about the Realms and their Battlegrounds? Old Man Martyn? Nilrem itself? or the Survived Olm?

    2nd Theory - Bob used The Sacrifice Method on Soul Gate like Aledar on yourself or used some powerful soul. And he is dead.

    Read correctly the paragraph (4.) - "I am going to challenge the beast and attempt to seal it away using my own life force, for I know that is all I can do, killing it is not an option."
    And read this paragraph (5.) - "The world can not know of my sacrifice, no one must search for me. You must fake my death, and create a body for them to bury."
    But, it writes what Nilrem must fake his death, while he gone to The Silent Expanse. And he said: "The world can not know of my sacrifice". Sacrifice. SACRIFICE. Still, Bob does not exclude that he may die from the power of the Eye.
    And the interesting point of letters begin from this - "my own life force".
    Hmmm, that's very interesting.
    But i think Bob is dead because he used his soul to fully broke the Soul Gate, which allows Our Hero enter the Eldritch Outlook. (Bob is fucking loser, tried to solo the Eye, but messed up without any soldiers, whose can enter through the Soul Gate.)

    3rd Theory - What is that "Item of Power, what we were seeking"?
    I think it's a scroll, which contains a TREMENDOUSLY POWERFUL SPELL which allows us to enter the Realm of Dern through the Portal to Dern.
    And i think we need to challenge Nilrem to take that Item of Power.

    4th Theory - Who did Bob send letters to Nilrem through?
    Personally, I think they were the group of Remained Olms. (i think Old Man Martyn is a member of that group)
    Because they are civilization of powerful magicians, whose can encrypt his letters to Nilrem, and i think they are a trusted source of Bob's Knowledge.

    And, that's the End of the Theory.
    I know that this is a very small theory, but what they are trying to convey to us in these letters is much more interesting and confusing than we think. We just have to wait for the Tenth Part of the Sealed Letters to fully understand what Bob wanted to tell Nilrem through them.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    hi PLEASE support dark theme by using "none" as text color instead of black.
    this is tremendously painful to read.
  3. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    It's done :)
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Not Nilrem. In that case he would propably say something like "thanks for your intel"

    No. If he broke the gate, it would be opened when we come to SE.

    It was propably the Dern Portal (SE final discovery)
    please change it to None
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  5. FTB_player123

    FTB_player123 gavel is actually here VIP+

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    Does anyone have any sealed letters? I got one as a level 30 ish warrior back in 2016 after (accidentally) entering my first powder altar. Was kinda pissed I didn’t get a powder but I haven’t seen another one to this day. The text is just all stored on the wiki.
  6. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    they're obtainable through one of the nesaak secret discoveries
    TrapinchO likes this.
  7. FTB_player123

    FTB_player123 gavel is actually here VIP+

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    I mean the original ones with the custom detail formatting from 2016
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