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Community Event The Island Creation Contest - Vote For Your 3 Favorite Islands!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jul 30, 2020.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Voting has now ended, thank you everyone who submitted a response! Winning teams will be announced tomorrow.
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I know I'm too late to vote for this (damn) but I just wanted to give my opinions on these. These do NOT in any way count as votes. I just thought it would be fun to say what I think about these. I can tell a lot of work went into these ideas and I respect that. (also they aren't in order of preference but in order of how this thread lists them)

    Good luck to every contestant.

    1: I'm going to have to say this again for the next one but I really don't think we need another sea dungeon. I do like the village building thing though. I would love another high level dungeon and if it weren't for GG I wouldn't have complained because the dungeon is interesting. Also more level 90s content is direly needed so if this were real it would be great. Plus, if you were to incorporate the forsaken player houses into the mix it would appease the community.
    2: This one is actually really good. I should probably treat these without the issue of there having to be 2 sea dungeons but just remember that it's a small background problem. The storyline is perfect because it readies the player for the depressing plot for the silent expanse and it's also quite interesting. The only gigantic problem is the dungeon boss. You can just completely skip the last phase and get the same rewards as you would for fighting the last phase, which is dumb. The last phase should exclusively give the corrupt heart. Also I just noticed another tiny issue which is that the corrupt heart sounds too similar to the corrupted heart dropped by CoW. Plus, the special drop usually references the boss in the title, so I'd change it to Inqu's Quill.
    3: I hate to be harsh but there are a lot of pointless things on this one. I get that it's supposed to be a joke and all but it just feels unneeded. That's not to say that I don't like it, though. I don't see the point in parotine (which would probably also lag the server a lot with the color change thing). The xp potions thing is actually quite cool and I like the idea of this weird little parrot island having such a useful resource.
    4: There are a lot of decent places to horse train, such as Detlas, Ahmsord, Lutho, etc. Detlas is more grindy however and the other 2 are too high level. When you get a place that is huge and completely dedicated to it, you get a good method to train your steed. The only issues I have with this island are: Players will have had a horse for like 15 levels now and will have a decent idea of how to control them, and that the training minigame gives you horse leather and horse mane. It's like ''Congratulations on winning this dog grooming tournament, now have some dog meat and fur!''
    5: The quest feels a little short and you have to also remember that during and after the quest, the area is safe. What if you gave the relic to the old man? Wouldn't the tribe hate you? This one is a little interesting though so I'll give it that. Plus the idea of an island where you can grind professions pretty well is a nice concept.
    6: This one is my favourite, because I love lore. It's also a cool idea. Only problem is that it talks about the Eye when you go there at level 55. You aren't supposed to know about the ancient seer of Wynn until you reach his room in the Outlook, and this just tells you about him. Also I have an additional story for it:
    Bandit: Damn, I need this hide so I can go back to wynn and sell it in rymek. Oh, a touroto!
    [insert 10 minutes of bandit stabbing cow here]
    Bandit: Time to head back!
    7: Interesting island. The only major issue I see with it is that there are 1.13+ blocks used in some builds, which the server cannot use. Not much to say about this one. I do like that you built the island though.
    8: Again, not much to say about this one. It doesn't add much and is really just a 1-time story location, like Dead Island. I can tell a lot of love and effort was put into making this one though, especially with the sea serpent image.

    Again, good luck to everybody who put a lot of effort into this.
  3. epicwynkrafgemr

    epicwynkrafgemr Skilled Adventurer

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    1. Dragontooth island
    2. Parrot island
    3. Anolia
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Since voting closed, I guess there's no point in hiding which people made which islands!

    Dragontooth Island - @urbymine / @thepicferret / @FlamingoBike / @Venitryx / @IBunnyMC / @WitherWings / @Vendenar / @HungHung

    The Forgotten Island - @Faysilverwood / @PenLord / @Feast_and_famine / @LuCoolUs / @IsabellaSky / @Koni

    Parrot Island - @Topper29 / @xSayuri / @Shutler / @VroumVroumLauto

    Horse Island - @BlueTheSquid / @Andyroo_88 / @Bill Door / Tawnny / 1AmStuff

    Sacred Tribal Island - @FireHeart27 / @Qalculate / @athenakids / @Kap'n Kronch / @ShadowVYX

    Isle of Visions - @Emogla3

    The Corrupted Isle - @99loulou999 / @StormDragon4 / @btdmaster / @yuuenchi2 / @Saya / @catking00 / @Glial / digfliper / FrostyWings

    Anolia - @Yraw / @MusicalCroissant / @Moshimoo / @MarioYoshiBoo / @Linnyflower / @water_jet / @ccccccccccccccc / @A Human / @Valkorion

    If you enjoyed any of these islands, please be sure to thank all the people who created it, as they all put in an incredible amount of work into their locations!
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
    Glial, Emogla3, 99loulou999 and 3 others like this.
  5. Glial

    Glial Is it Gleal or Gleyeal? VIP+

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    Fyi first place selchar second place troms 3rd corkus
    My man got first place alone in this contest
    Emogla3 likes this.
  6. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    ^ Glial is correct!

    1st Place - Isle of Visions
    2nd Place - Dragontooth Island
    3rd Place - The Corrupted Isle

    Once again, thank you everyone who voted!
    99loulou999 likes this.
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