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Ideas For New Areas?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Je Hooft, Jul 27, 2020.


New Areas after Fruma & Dern?

  1. No, MC/Wynncraft will die before then

    3 vote(s)
  2. No, there will only be revamps

    4 vote(s)
  3. Probably, but only small areas

    8 vote(s)
  4. Yes, next area will be ocean expansion!

    23 vote(s)
  5. Yes, next area will be a new province!

    2 vote(s)
  6. Yes, Bloomi/Morgor

    5 vote(s)
  7. Yes, but I have my own ideas... (post them)

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    We already know about Dern, the realm of darkness, and Fruma, the province of the Humans. We're likely to expect these areas in the coming major updates after 1.20 and I'm hyped for it already.
    That's why I've started to wonder: what will happen after these areas are released? There's of course the off chance that Minecraft (or Wynncraft) dies off again or that devs will stick to revamping existing areas forever. But pretend for a second that there will be areas after Dern and Fruma. What do you think these places would contain?

    I'll start with my idea that is an expansion to the ocean. Just a bunch of sea to the west of Corkus, making the island seem more isolated than it is now. Add to that some more level 80-130 islands each with their own features and you get an entirely unique area ripe for exploration. I'll list some examples of what the sea could include:

    - A More Interesting Ocean: Since this update would take place so far in the future, it might be good to consider the possibility of the lowest playable version being 1.13 or higher. This would make swimming and its accompanying mechanics way more fun to play with for both devs and players, but it would have its drawbacks of course. Many current underwater quests do not take into account 1.13 swimming and would have to be revamped. Same with spells; most of them don't work underwater, so their effects would need to be altered when cast underwater.
    After all this is taken care of however, this update could add underwater dungeons, enemies and take underwater exploration much further than Seavale Reefs. It'd be a cool concept.

    - The West Corkus Islands: A couple of islands off the coast near Corkus, settled by the Corkians not too long ago. Realizing how disastrous robots were to the main island, the West Corkians banned robots from their islands and returned to an industrious yet non-autonomous lifestyle.
    This place would serve as a lore addition to Corkus and would only have some quests, goody caves and a town with merchants.

    - The Tropical Coast: Since an ocean west of Corkus would have a southern shore with Fruma, why not make a transistion area there? My idea is that Northern Fruma has a warm climate, and the sea would be tropical. However, this coast not as picturesque as you might think: the coast is heavily guarded by the Fruman navy, preventing anyone from escaping into the northern islands. However, the navy of the northern coastline would better fit the name of coast guard, as the ships rarely venture into the open ocean. This is because there is a large formation of sharp rocks between the coastal waters and the ocean, capsizing most large ships that try to explore it. And if any do manage to leave unharmed, these rocks make sure they never come back.

    - Dike Island: This post is getting too long so this is my last example: Basically there's this large island near the edge of the map at a particularly harsh part of the ocean, called Dike Island. Most of the western ocean already experienced reduced effects of the mages that calmed the waves between Gavel and Wynn, but beyond this island you will see what the sea used to be like. To prevent constant flooding, the people of Dike Island built terps. Just kidding they built dikes of course. This is the highest level island, with a large city and a dungeon as well.

    Ok Those are my ideas what do you guys have?
    Ghostie, SmileyAlec, starx280 and 2 others like this.
  2. RDM

    RDM Hi, I'm RDM

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    I would love to see an ocean expansion, bigger and more interesting islands. The islands we have rn kind of just feel like one and done island quests (I haven't gotten through all the islands yet though :D). I would be very excited if we had an ocean expansion that included big ass islands with tons of quests.
    Je Hooft likes this.
  3. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Quite frankly i want the ocean mountain borders to be removed and replaced with barriers so that the ocean isn't just a big lake
    TotemOfUndying, Dr Zed, tig and 7 others like this.
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    No, it wouldn't be. 1.13 and higher have terrible server performace. Imagine playing at half of the performace you have now
    (Ok, I am maybe exaggerating but not much)
    Dr Zed likes this.
  5. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Actually 1.16 operates better in some cases, because they fixed a lot of performance issues, especially lighting and redstone causing too many updates. 1.16 isn't much worse than 1.12, but its still bad because they haven't added multithreading yet, at least not completely. They have made world loading multithreaded, along with some rendering related things.

    Once they do fully incorporate multithreading, server performance will increase drastically, potentially allowing servers with more players.

    Finally, if I'm not mistaken the real reason why they aren't updating is because it would take a lot of time to not only update the plugins, but also update commands (1.13 was the largest command update seen in a while). Considering this, its not worth updating yet because why spend so much effort on updating to a version that doesn't add too much that the ct can use, but also reduces performance.
    Dr Zed and TrapinchO like this.
  6. RDM

    RDM Hi, I'm RDM

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    I think Wynn would definitely update to a more recent version if it had the chance. New blocks, new features, and lots of potential. Wynn won't ever update to an unstable version though. I am seeing a lot of performance improvements in the most recent versions of Minecraft; maybe Wynn in 1.17 or 1.18 could be a reality? :)
    TrapinchO likes this.
  7. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    underwater dungeons sound exciting, and i don't even play anymore...
    nakkisaurus likes this.
  8. Beastzoll

    Beastzoll Well-Known Adventurer

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    I like the idea of more ocean, but I would really like if the realm of light got updated. It could be really cool if it got an update at the same time as when Dern gets added, because based off what we know they seem to be the opposite of each other and I live for that duality. It would be awesome if some of the quests in Dern were about a rivalry/war between the realm of darkness and realm of light
  9. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    The Nether, and it not being a PvP arena but the actual heart of the Corruption, which might just literally be Hell or perhaps a burning, empty, lifeless version of the overworld
  10. Ghostie

    Ghostie Amateur corner-hugger VIP+

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    I agree with the current poll results (20 votes for ocean expansion) that the ocean area could use some more love now after the major land province updates (Wynn, Corkus, Gavel, Silent Expanse). Right now it feels a bit like a hot pot of different lore ideas; things that are cool on their own but don't quite fit together.

    If I may add my own two cents to this idea, it'd be interesting to see a larger settlement to compete with Corkus but without the whole 'uber-tech' approach. To go along with the lore idea (which sounds really cool) we should assume that weather conditions don't quite make life anywhere as easy as it is on Corkus. Strong winds that not only make it difficult to produce any farmable products or build any long-lasting homes, but also make it difficult to utilize the shores for traveling or living. Lore-wise it could be assumed that the Dike Island population may hold some kind of resentment towards the mages (or magic in general if taken to the extreme) due to the diminished protection they've had to adapt to. This could also inspire the dungeons as well.

    ^Not trying to usurp your idea, just me getting a bit carried away. Is this anywhere in the same direction of thought as you were heading?

    Nevertheless, I'm buying a ticket and boarding the hype submarine for a major ocean revamp.
    Je Hooft likes this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I still don’t understand why they bothered with the Nether when Dern also fits the bill of the source of evil.
  12. epicwynkrafgemr

    epicwynkrafgemr Skilled Adventurer

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    The ocean really needs an update
  13. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    I just want more Corkus content. Every single time I shower, 3 new ideas for possible Corkus quests pop into my head.
    Ghostie, Je Hooft and TrapinchO like this.
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