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The Insane Speed Of The Wynncraft Main Character

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Flynn Taggart, Jul 25, 2020.

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  1. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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    We all know that the Wynncraft player is clearly not your average human, being able to fight off entire hordes of baddies and survive falls into the void (I may make a thread on that later). The player most likely has a speed that is FAR beyond even superhuman! Let me explain.
    Remember that puzzle in Aldorei's secret part 2 with the light beam?
    Using some video software, I was able to determine that the player perceives the light as going 10 meters in one second.
    Now, you may be asking, "but Flynn, how can you be sure that it is real light?" Well thats a good question, dear reader!
    We know in real life that a beam of light should:

    1. Maintain a consistent speed
    2. Refract or reflect off materials
    3. Have a visible light source
    4. Travel in a straight line unless tampered with
    Funnily enough, this beam meets all the criteria! It has a consistent speed, reflects off of the glass, has a visible light source from a block of glowstone and travels in a straight line when it isn't reflected!
    The only plausible explanation for me is that the player can perceive things really really slow.
    How slow, you may ask?

    Well, a normal human would perceive(if they could) a beam of light at 3*10^8 meters per second (that's 3 followed by 8 zeros)! Using simple division, the Wynncraft player is at least 3*10^7 times faster than your average human :O! Since the average reaction time of a human is 200 milliseconds, that means the player character can react in 6.7 nanoseconds(1 nanosecond=1*10^-9 seconds)! In that time, the bullet from a Barrett M82 would have traveled only 5.7 MICRO meters(1*10^-6 meters)! A lightning bolt would have only traveled .67 meters!
    Thats not all though.
    If the player can really perceive time this slow, that means their speed in real life must be ABSURD! Lets do some more calculations! A sprinting player goes around 5.621 meters per second, so with the multiplier the player could be going AT LEAST 16.9*10^8 m/s, or 56% the speed of light!
    If we apply the max walkspeed of 400% along with the speed 5 from assassin, that means a roving assassin is 5 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT! At that speed you could run to the sun and back in 3 minutes! Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that this assassin would also be 160 MILLION times faster than Usain Bolt! Also, this means ALL endgame bosses should have around this kind of speed, meaning Qira and the Eye can also attack at lightspeeds! No wonder they were so feared...

    Oh yeah, and lets multiply the attack speeds because why not.
    Super Slow: 15,300,000 hits a second
    Very Slow: 24,900,000 hits a second
    Slow: 45,000,000 hits a second
    Normal: 61,500,000 hits a second
    Fast: 75,000,000
    Very Fast: 93,000,000 hits a second
    Super Fast: 129,000,000 hits a second

    tl;dr the player can react in 6.7 nanoseconds, go at least 56% the speed of light and, using the power of Hadal Melee and leopard blood, kill 129,000,000 Frosmoths in a second.
    Also keep in mind the player has a weapon that can either destroy matter directly, destroy your soul or cut through the friggin universe.

    Edit: OK, I forgot about relativity and how light should always be at the same speed in your view, but anything going even remotely close to light, let alone surpassing it, would already break everything, lol
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
  2. anonymousness

    anonymousness Well-Known Adventurer

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    Did you consider special relativity? When you get this close to the speed of light it actually starts to matter, so maybe not everything is moving faster than light.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I once read how warrior’s uppercut spell would generate an explosion the size of Texas for how fast it lifted the mobs in the air.
  4. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    You thought that the player was the fastest being in the universe right?


    You're fucking wrong buddy, meet the old man: upload_2020-7-25_23-1-57.jpeg

    This old man follows you everywhere you go for no reason (I dont have change dumbass) at a speed maybe slower than you because hes old... oh but you know what that means...

    There was a time where the old man was a young man.. and who says young says strong and living in quickness, at that time the old man was the fastest cheeky breeky on earth considering his body wasn't as aching as now... not one person can imagine what ws this man once had.. and if he ever regained it, the universe would be split apart in a flashy line!

    edit: also imagine if you gave the young man an ArchangeL, he'd destroy the world
  5. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Just saying light does bend you can see that happen near us, when there's another star blocking the sun the light coming for the sun magically reaches us but that's because it bends and curves around the star a bit so you can see it another example can be black holes, the light moves in a in a line that can be blended and effected by gravity

    Can you please add "your wynncraft character doesn'tmake any god damn sense" to the end of this epic thread?
    creature likes this.
  6. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    Grumpy Old Man was a bodyguard who could look into its victims souls and make them collapse. He was in prison a large part of his life and when he finnaly was free he was old.
    99loulou999 and thepicferret like this.
  7. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    You’re pretty much on the path to beat both light/darkness incarnate so this doesn’t surprise me much ;P
  8. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    That light doesn't maintain a consistent speed like light does though.

    Time for a little lesson in special relativity.
    Light, as observed in our universe, goes at about 3.0 x 10^8 m/s (noted down as c, the speed of light).
    The funny part is that it goes that fast no matter how fast you go yourself. Making for some absolutely mind-boggling stuff at high speeds.

    Imagine you were in a spaceship that travelled 1/4 of the speed of light that travelled the same direction that the light was travelling.
    You'd expect to measure light going away from you and going in the same direction as you to go at 3/4 of the speed of light. But instead we found that the speed of light stays constant no matter how fast we go. So in a spaceship going at 1/4 of the speed of light, which measures the speed of light, the speed of light would still be measured to be 3.0 x 10^8 m/s.

    Why is this? There are some theories out there but noone knows for certain, it's almost as difficult to figure out as how the crafting system really works in this game.

    Now, why is this important?
    Because when the player moves around that beam of light, it slows down or speeds up relative to the player. Therefore the light beam doesn't maintain a consistent speed like light does.

    Perhaps immense gravitational fields exist around the player as it moves, great enough to influence the way time and light flow through the dimensions. Allowing for things like that to happen if the wynn universe were non-euclidian, that's more likely to be the case in my eyes. Although it does bring some yet to be explained problems.

    Corrupter of worlds go jojo reference
    Violet Knight and SmileyAlec like this.
  9. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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    Assassin with Archangel soloes all of fiction confirmed
    Also, maybe some mobs are passive simply because they can't react to the player's insane speeds
    99loulou999 likes this.
  10. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    As the creator of the puzzle, I can confirm the light beam is an elven magical beam that travels slowly through space.
    It also gets reflected by square mirrors, which makes total sense.

    Also I defiantly thought it through when creating this puzzle 5 years ago.

    All planned.
  11. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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    Wait so the Wynncraft main character isn't actually light speed? Oof, now I can't brag to random strangers that the Wynncraft main character would beat some versions of Superman
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