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Info The Dungeon Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Jul 7, 2020.

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  1. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    One thing I dislike with dungeons is that high and low walk speed alike are very hard to get through parkours, oh and some classes can just completely skip parkours with their mobility spells while the others are disavantaged from it because they have to do the parkour slowly
  2. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Favorite dungeon: If I had to choose between EO and new CSST, it would be EO, for several reasons.
    • EO is a proper raid dungeon. It has a very strong endgame boss with 3.5M HP (no HP scaling, unfortunately), who is no pushover due to his spellcasting rate, the sheer number of gazers, and insane lag that comes with said gazers (just ask the folks in the 50 man EO raid). Lag is an issue with all games, though, so that one is forgivable.
      • The parkour segment in EO is not hard at all - it is a good "introductory" to invisible block parkours, found in several secrets (discoveries and non-discoveries).
      • My only gripe would be the sandstone bridge. It is either too hard or too easy, due to lots of mobs having depositioning spells (Pull being one of them) and Horses being a thing (you take no knockback on a horse).
    • CSST is a close second due to randomized layouts every run. This makes the runs feel more fresh every time you play it, quite unlike the old CSST where it was basically kill X mobs to proceed. I kind of miss some of the dialogue from Hashr, though.
      • Compared to old CSST, it was a drastic rework that made one of the most straightforward and boring dungeons into one of the most interesting and branched dungeons in the game.

    Least favorite dungeon: I'll be honest, the current state of CIB and CLS are pretty sad (I'm not touching CUC due to bugs).
    • CIB is long and tedious. Not to mention the obvious elemental advantage that is forced onto the player.
      • Many "guard" mobs in this dungeon have very high HP (and that's without including Theorick's Shade with its absurd HP) and severe weakness to Earth, forcing you to either bring Earth or Neutral weapons (elemental conversion) just to deal with them. This is "Elemental Exercise" levels of "forcing a player to bring a weapon with an element that is obviously superior to everything else here". Gimping the HP of the mobs with said issue down to 10-12k (Theorick's Shade, being a miniboss, could still have more HP than the rest) and buffing their elemental defenses to not be super glassy to Earth would work.
      • The invisible block "parkour", if it can be called that. It is a bottleneck that slows players down significantly. Which is immediately followed by another party bottleneck in the "Run!" sequence.
      • Theorick boss fight. We already saw what Theorick was capable of in A Hunter's Calling, so adding a weaker version of that fight would be a good intro to bosses with field spells such as Slykaar in CUR, The Eye in EO, Theorick/Maxie/Tasim in AHC and... well, nothing else that I can think of.
    • CLS is even worse in that regard. It is arguably the most boring dungeon in the game due to how repetitive it is. Kill X mobs, progress to next area, rinse and repeat. This is, in my opinion, one of the dungeons that need a total rework.
      • Garoth fight is just the tip of the iceberg that is the issues with this dungeon. With mob spawn rates the way they are, and Garoth occasionally glitching out of the arena, this fight needs a rework as well. Although I admit plunging the "Bane of Gaia" into lava is a cool looking death.

    Opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them: This is basically what Wynncraft is on levels 65-106 and is a major distraction from Quests and exploration. Should the XP gain be nerfed? Not to the ground, but definitely to the point it is not a huge XP/hour gain, to encourage people to explore and do more Quests.

    Making dungeons feel more replayable and interactive: I'm quoting one particular reply here:
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  3. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Good dungeon: Underworld Crypt

    Aside from the bug, this dungeon was awesome for me! The survival stages and boat thing are really unique, and the boss fight just gives a feeling of striking the demon down with the help of ur comrades. That’s epic.

    Bad dungeon: ELDRITCH OUTLOOK

    there is only ONE HORRIBLE REASON why I don’t like this dungeon.






    B R U H

    Annnyway the dungeon party things:

    Honestly I like it where it is right now. It’s a pretty nice challenge to solo some dungeons, and an absolute blast to raid it with like 30+ people :D

    Dungeon replay-ability:

    Honestly it’s natural to get bored of something after doing it multiple times, it’s just the way of the world.

    You can spice things up overtime though.. like adding a variety of dialogue/cutscene/parkour/grindroom options to a dungeon so it will be kind of mix and match on what set of cutscenes or parkour or dialogue you can get :)

    It might take a hell of a lot of work though...
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
    Nukewarmachine and Druser like this.
  4. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?
    CUR would absolutely be my favorite dungeon, for its unique mechanics. While I have issues with the general dungeon design in wynn (that ill cover later), the wall jumping is just fun to do, and CUR adding the right click mechanism adds a new dimension to it.

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you?

    DS would have to be my least favorite. Every dungeon has some unique mechanics that set them apart, and help alleviate the dungeon gameplay loop some, but decrepit sewers is a dungeon in raw form. I personally really dislike grinding, and DS has the most basic grind portions out of any dungeon, without anything else really.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?

    I personally don't pay them too much mind. players can gain large amounts of experience from them, but with the preparation and effort that goes in to them it doesn't feel very unfair. I recognize that these generally do require someone to pay for bombs, but I don't really mind as one person can still pay for very large groups, and it supports the server either way.

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?

    One of my biggest issues with the dungeon design in wynn is how you're essentially required to farm dungeons to get worthy rewards from them. I actually feel that one of the ways they could be made more replayable, is by making them be played less. If you don't have to do dungeons so much, every time you come back to it, be it on a new playthrough of the game, the experience doesn't wear out as fast as it does when you have to constantly replay them for rewards.

    To make dungeons more replayable and interactive in wynn, I feel some changes I would make would be to reduce the grinding in and out of the dungeon, emphasize exploration and non linear design over a gauntlet of challenges, and make them much more lengthy. The best dungeons I've played in games that I absolutely love to replay are ones where you have to explore, and unwrap an overarching gimmick. Progressing through, unlocking shortcuts, solving puzzles, finding cool items, and reaching the end of a long and hard challenge are some of the most satisfying things I've had with dungeons in games, and it makes them my favorite type of gameplay in games that do them right.

    To sum it up, in my opinion dungeons would be more replayable if they focused less on being replayed and more just on being a fun experience. Knowing the secrets and tricks to a dungeon on subsequent runs is not a necessarily bad thing, and doesn't always need to be mitigated by making dungeons more focused on being short and gauntlet-y. Make them a fun experience to do once, and when you come back to it later it'll be fun to do again; wynns focus on having dungeons be something you grind out once you reach its level threshold really holds back how great the design could be.
  5. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?
    Eldritch outlook - The unique abilities of the boss as well as the uniqueness of the rooms. For example instead of a normal grinding room it is mirror room (though it is very annoying), and then theres the invisible parkour and the avoid getting hit.
    Sand-swept tomb - The randomness in the rooms makes it non-repetitive as well as the boss not being too hard and the rooms being quite fun in general.

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you?

    Definitely ice burrows. The first part is already super annoying, with you having to gather 10 tokens while there are so many mobs that shoot Ranged attack but doesn't drop tokens. And then theres the dumb room where you get swarmed by weak mobs. This is just spamming explosive spells to get tokens, and then theres the delay where you have to click the door and the door registers your tokens. And then you have to kill three minibosses, with the theorick's shade being the hardest. IT IS SO ANNOYING! Without a mage you are stuck with slowness, and if you don't wait out the duration you will have to fight the boss with it. Not to mention that it has so much health, almost the same as the boss. Against the final boss (Theorick), his teleport spells are super annoying and then he has two dumb spectres surrounding him.
    The parkour and the "invisible" bridge is probably the best part of the boss.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?

    I think that dungeon parties are rather balanced at the moment, and the big XP gain shouldn't be changed.
    What I think should be changed would be the boss and the token rooms. I think that the rate at which the boss cast his spells should be increased accordingly to the number of players, like the eye in EO. This would make dungeon parties slightly harder.

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?

    Add more randomness to the rooms. A good example would be sand-swept tomb, where the parkour and the mob fights are randomized.
    Not only will this make dungeons more replayable and non-repetitive, it would also encourage communication using the party chat, since some people might do a room faster than the others.
    Also make it so that in token rooms such as the slime room in CUR, if there is a dungeon party then each player will have to at least contribute one token to pass through the door (additionally on top of the 24 token count). This way it will prevent some players just afking through the whole run and waiting for their party to do all the work.
  6. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    All of this basically. The type of dungeons that I think would be great are ones that have a lot of non-linear places with mini-bosses scattered throughout [killing them could give you a bigger overall reward, or you could speedrun a dungeon and go straight for the boss].
  7. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    Pretty sure warrior does worse than mage in dmg matter.

    Propably gonna get hated but lunar is absolutely trash. Like literally I would choose phoenix wing over this weapon.

    Ye it is one of hardest mage weapons to use but it is still bad.

    Not sure if I am right but I believe it is 7 seconds. Me with mage build that isn't based around dmg can easily do it. Even my class that can't kill wretch in time can just face tank the dmg (warrior) and lifesteal to full health quickly. I don't see a problem with wretches really. It is about finding a way around them.
    (btw in HERO beta wretches were unkillable and it was still doable. )
    Dwicey likes this.
  8. I_cecubePY

    I_cecubePY Skilled Adventurer

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    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?
    UC, because of the boss battle. The boss battle is so interesting, that you have to spawn a few minions to help you. It is important to choose to spawn which minion as everyone of them have different specialises.

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you?
    UR, because of the parkour part. It is very difficult for me to jump between bouncy platforms. I always get lost of the grinding team.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?
    Dungeon parties promote the interaction between players. Otherwise, the game would be quite bored as there are few moments that players have to finish a quest together. However, some participants are free-riders. They can receive the reward just from walking through the whole dungeon.
    Gaining XP mainly by dungeons makes them dull and boring, as it promotes repetitively doing the same thing again and again.

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?
    The dungeon's design and mechanism should be different depending on the number of players. However, this should be based on the prerequisite that players can form dungeon teams and each dungeon team has a unique server for themselves. If there is only a player, the dungeon would be quite short and easy. (almost as the current in terms of difficulty, but the size should be half of this) There are only one or two special rooms (which I will mention later)

    If the player are in groups, the dungeon would be larger in size and more difficult. There would be many special rooms, and some are essential or useful for the boss fight. Players receive fewer yet more unique rewards (exclusive gears, buffs). Also, they would gain 'friendship' among each other. 'Friendship' is a value that buffs player's stat.

    As a result, player would have different experiences while playing along, playing with a few friends or in a huge party.
  9. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    mage has .6 dmg warrior has .8 iirc

    but meteor 500% is nice and warrior is... warrior
  10. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?
    It’s probably Fallen Factory. Before I took a break from playing Wynn this was the most recent (non-corrupted) dungeon so I might be a little blinded by nostalgia. Still, all of the rooms are at least quite enjoyable to me.

    The parkour sections (conveyor belt and clock tower) both have unique gameplay and the clock tower allows you to take many different routes which not only makes it a bit more replayable if you are trying to find the quickest route, it’s also very satisfying to find the route that suits you and breeze through it.

    The token rooms are also good (although the third has way too low respawn rates), especially how you use scrap and cores to progress, something that makes you feel even more like you’re really in an actual place. The rare enemies (Malfunctioning debug unit and, in the boss fight, the Siege engine) provide a fun distraction when you encounter one.

    To top it all off Antikytheria Super Computer has some of the best dialogue in the game with no unnecessary edginess and it’s also the only boss who makes sense that they’re talking to the player (other than Redbeard when you meet him).

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you?
    My least favourite dungeon is the Galleon’s Graveyard. First I’ll say what it does well. The first room is pretty decent (only decent) since you can get all the tokens before you reach the door if you just stop to kill enemies, the treasure rooms are good but have only 1-2 actual hard parts if you follow the carpets, and the ship battle is also a fun, albeit easy, part. (But it seems to have basically cleared this dungeon of all issues in the eyes of many.)

    Then what is so bad about this dungeon?Basically everything else, rooms, enemies, design, quest, lore... The other rooms are not fun. The final parkour is hold W and tap space bar simulator and the first part you don’t even have to do. The whirlpools, while creative, don’t work. You’re constantly pulled in the wrong direction or way too far making this either a very short or very long segment. And oh God the cannons... Both fights with the cannons are very much not fun at all and there’s basically no way to speed them up. The cannonballs will also almost always target the minions or suicide by hugging the boss’ attacks.

    The enemies aren’t very fun either, and they don’t have any fun synergies. There are basically only three variations, melee grunt, ranged fish and shotgun pirate.

    The design of the dungeon is pretty bad as well. For being GALLEON’S Graveyard there aren’t too many ships in it, only two complete and one immediately turns into a series of wooden boxes. Many rooms are also just cubes with some detail in the corners. The dungeon also lacks cohesion. Despite being haunted by dead pirates the first enemy you meet is a shark-man. They are then never seen again. It seems like the CT just made an ocean dungeon and tucked on a story afterwards. Also how did all that stuff get into the cave?

    To fix these issues I would remake the dungeon to be more of a giant cave with parts blocked of by either cliffs or sunken ships. The final parkour would be reworked to be shorter distances between ships but with more advanced layouts. The main issue however is the boss. It should IMO feature the cannon mini-game and not the cannonball gimmick. While you could just make it a rematch with Redbeard I think it would be more interesting if the boss of the Ocean Mini-dungeon, The Kraken, was brought back and you had to fight it with cannons. First there would be a simple fake-out fight with Redbeard, but when you beat him the dungeon doesn’t end. Rather he reveals that his ship was sunk by the Kraken and that it’s the one who brought all the ships there. The Kraken would then appear and you are lead to the cannons. You could then choose if you want to defend yourself from incoming attacks for low damage or target the Kraken’s body for high damage. With this change the armoured pirate room would be scrapped. It also provides a reason for the shark-men and fixes the issue that the first cannon battle is too easy. The main issue however is that the dungeon item is called REDBEARD’S Hair, but maybe it could be renamed to Kraken’s Tooth while still keeping the string item. (Would spoil the reveal though.)

    TL;DR The cannon mini-game is good and should be the focus of the boss. The dungeon should also be a giant cave filled with ships and not a tunnel with cube rooms.

    Also it sucks how 66% of LS is the same thing.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?
    I feel like the fact that you can easily skip large amounts of the late game on your first play through since you’ll definitely come into contact with them is a bit concerning. However it is a great source of income for the server that can’t be overlooked.

    Maybe if they where more useful for grinding items so people would still buy bombs but less useful for XP so new players wouldn’t get stuck in the dungeon loop and do quests instead. An alternative solution would be buffing dungeons (would devastate DS though) if many people are running them or increasing the XP payout for FF and EO, dungeons that may actually be a threat in parties if you are ill equipped.

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?
    One thing could be to introduce a greater variety of dungeons for each level so you don’t do the same thing all the time (admittedly this is just moving the problem). One could be that EO (or a potential Dern dungeon) is the same level as Orphion’s Tomb but they are similar in challenge and reward so you can switch between them. (Not one being obviously better like how CUR produces XP easier than EO.)

    One thing I feel like I have to mention is how many dungeon quests seemingly contradict what’s written on the website or said in the dungeon. A good example is UR. It is stated on the site how it’s the result of Troms’ attempts at biological weapons when Slykaar developed them after his exile. Slykaar also doesn’t remember you despite you two meeting in the quest.

    The ones that could use updated descriptions are LS, IB and UR.
    Dwicey likes this.
  11. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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  12. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    This isn't feedback about specific dungeons but I think that outside of XP parties there isn't really a reason to party up in dungeons as all of them are fairly simple to solo at the recommended level (aside from EO but with a good build and maybe consumables it's definitely possible). Corrupted dungeons are nothing more than a level boost and in my opinion should be reworked to be raid variants that REQUIRE multiple people to beat, maybe with a few reworked/tweaked rooms to compensate for the numbers. Corrupt dungeons as is are kind of just XP boosters and I think that's kind of lame - maybe make them scale with the # of people in the dungeon?

    Also, to address replayability maybe make the post-dungeon drops a bit better - higher legendary items or even a slight mythic chance would be pretty cool for raid dungeons.
    Dwicey likes this.
  13. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    ironically i found EO easier at-level (i could at least beat it solo; i lost twice in a row to SST during my most recent playthrough). do i just suck at the game?
  14. cloud yeehaw

    cloud yeehaw perfectly centered reimu floating midair

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    keep in mind with this that i have not yet done fallen factory or any of the corrupted dungeons, and most low-level dungeons were done heavily overlevelled

    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?: EO is easily one of my favorites - good lore, and gameplay-wise varied and interesting. the mirror room is pretty typical token collecting (but having a specific way to spawn mobs is definitely a plus that makes it have way less waiting time), bridge would be really cool if it wasn't for the fact that you can horse right through it, miniboss maze has a massive bonus in how it can vary between runs and thus is replayable, invisible parkour is a twist on more typical parkour that is actually interesting, and then there's the eye itself. the eye is really how i think more bosses in wynncraft should be done - the 4 phases are very defined, and there's interesting mechanics that make it stand out as a boss rather than just "very powerful enemy". as much as we meme on the wretch it's a cool mechanic that makes sure that you're aware of everything going on, not just whacking the boss with a stick. not to mention the aesthetic i am a massive sucker for terrifying eldritch monstrosities especially when they're eye themed

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you? fucking. lost sanctuary. jesus christ. it's literally just token collection and parkour there is no variety it is all the same. the builds are pretty but that's it. old animal dungeon was very puzzle focused and i think that's something that should've been taken into account while making lost sanctuary, although i don't know how hard it would be to make puzzles that both have replay value (randomization?) and work in both solo and multiplayer runs. not to mention the lore about it is a little all over the place - garoth! scientist corrupted! now he's uh. keeping a sanctuary thing? but lore says that he makes species extinct sometimes because Evil? it doesn't really feel like there was one thing in mind while making it outside of "fire and animals". not to mention that the whole "boss became corrupted by the portal" thing was done better with theorick imo, especially because garoth has no importance outside his dungeon.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?
    haven't done any dungeon parties myself yet but being able to literally skip through half the entire game through them is very concerning, although i don't know how that'd be fixed without either losing donations or making casual playthroughs of dungeons worthless. i'd second the suggestions about having more random drops and making them available through a daily objective-esque "click to open!" thing

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?
    randomization and alternate paths, for sure. puzzles are cool too although once again may be difficult to implement in a combination solo and multiplayer setting. i'd also love more raid-style dungeons like EO, and in my ideal world all dungeon bosses would get signature "big damage with a warning" spells like in AHC to make them stand out more.
    Dwicey likes this.
  15. WoodWarriorJan

    WoodWarriorJan Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Favorite?: EO
    Why?: The boss fight is amazing and i´ve seen people die in a party if they don´t pay attention.
    Least favorite?: Lost Sanctuary. It´s just boring to do the same thing over and over again. The only reason I did corrrupted lost sanctuary a few times was because I wanted the centipede helmet.
    Dungeon parties?: I don´t have a problem with that, people have to buy bombs in order to do that, which helps the server.
    General suggestions: Make mob grinding worth doing. Grinding is even less fun than sweeping through CUR and it gives way less xp for endgame players.
  16. aFireBlaze

    aFireBlaze DM another mod if you have any appeals with me CHAMPION

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    What's your favorite dungeon? What section of its gameplay makes it special for you?
    My favorite dungeon hands down goes to Eldritch Outlook. I have ran this over 200 times across all classes and each one forces me to be cautious on the boss and not to mention that the dungeon is very straightforward and fast in the first 3 parts.
    A close runner up would be Fallen Factory, due to the surrounding aesthetics describing to you of what a 'monument' Fallen Factory is, with the only minor setback being that you have to run 5+ times just to get the rewards you want. And like a lot of people have already said, it's quite long and tedious having to grind for about an hour just to get what you want. Otherwise, running through the massive machinery and climbing up the gears are very enjoyable.

    What's your least favorite dungeon? What makes it not an enjoyable experience for you?
    Lost Sanctuary, or Corrupted Lost Sanctuary. People have already said it again but the creeper token rooms are super repetitive, and the boss room involves you trying to drag Garoth into the lava pit, which usually takes quite a while as he'll just charge to you ABOVE the hole, walk around it and then the hole gets patched as you have taken too long, forcing you to gather the 9 TNT again just to open it again.
    Ice barrows/Corrupted Ice Barrows is my runnerup: It's long, tedious and punishes players who aren't aware that they need to bring a earth related weapon into the dungeon. I get that most weapons have neutral spell damage that can convert into earth %, but you've already wasted a key and have no opportunity to fix up your build properly before going in. Also any class that's not mage has to deal with the fun potion effect that is slowness.

    What's your opinion on dungeon parties and the big XP gain that comes from them?
    For most new players completely unaware of the high end-game value that other late game players have in experience, I do not mind this as I still see them quite often asking for corrupted broken keys, runes and the lather. Are dungeon parties quite broken? In the hands of experienced players, yes(arguably though, it's a way to support wynn at the same time), but to the majority of the vast public, and especially through my very first playthrough, I saw the shouts of people hosting parties, and didn't really know what people were shouting about, so I kept going about my own business in Wynn.

    What could be done to make dungeons feel more replayable and interactive?
    I'm not the best at coming up with ideas, but a lot of people have already suggested ideas such as dungeon exclusive rewards, bigger XP/emeralds/whatsoever for long/difficult dungeons such as Eldritch Outlook or Fallen Factory, a text chat that allows you to click and receive your rewards instead of having to deal with the item rain, etc.

    Additional Comments:
    - In Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins, I understand that there are barrier blocks to prevent players from bypassing the 4 yellow token to gather 1 diamond token portion, but perhaps removing 1 barrier block where the diamond token is sitting at will make it so it does not float up to eternal void from an unintentional warrior scream, or a player like mage/shaman who throws out spells. This forces everyone to wait a bit longer for the diamond token to respawn. And as oinuk said, ping should NOT be determined on whether a player finishes a dungeon: The parkour while interesting in concept, sucks to those who have bad connection.

    - Corrupted Charon needs to stop getting stuck in the wall in Corrupted Underground Crypt. At this rate I consider the time to finish this dungeon longer than one Fallen Factory run, assuming you leave the boss room and come back to do the dungeon again.

    - There's a cutscene where if all players in Corrupted Infested Pit do not go in at the same time, other players will be softlocked from the dungeon due to the barrier blocks that appear(I actually don't understand why there's barrier blocks to block off people from going back, but alright), until ALL players either leave to unload the chunks or do /class. To a cooperating party, this isn't an issue as people know to /class and then it's no big deal, but when there's some other players who are unfamiliar with how to use commands to exit, or simply may ignore whatsoever the reason is, the dungeon becomes unplayable unless switching to another server. Not a big deal as Charon in underground crypt since doing /class or leaving in any way in the boss room means you're screwed, but it's still an inconvenience otherwise.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    That_Chudley likes this.
  17. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    One small thing that bothers me about dungeons is that they feel leaned towards the purpose of gaining xp, and only xp, and no actual reward.
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  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Eldritch Outlook
    The entire thing, the fact that the entire game builds up to this moment, The Eye, this dungeon is just really cool and it is a great final boss (yeah there is AHC's bosses but The Eye is definitely harder than them and far more climatic, I think it isn't wrong to say the Eye is the actual final boss).
    Also gameplay-wise, everything is perfect too.
    The first room is cool, my only complaint would it be that there is a cooldown between mirror teleports, which makes the section a bit slow.
    The second room (the running hall) is also cool, if anything the only issue is that you can cheese it with a horse or by spamming right clicks.
    The third room (the mini-boss fights) are also all really fun, definitely better than "grind 40 tokens"
    The fourth room (parkour one) can be traumatic if you use either a build with too much speed or too little speed but it is a fun idea regardless.
    And then, the Eye.
    I just love this fight, it is a lot of fun. I have no complaints over it except for the fact the wretches can be troublesome if your kit isn't about DPS, but that's fine because even if the wretches are unkillable for you, I assume that's because you have a survivability build that can handle the damage anyways... And if that's not the case then I got no idea what kind of build you are using.

    Also Genesis of the End is a bop.
    Lost Sanctuary
    1. It is in a very bad level spot because about 3 levels later you're already doing Underworld Crypt and 3 levels before you were doing Infested Pit, I always end up skipping this dungeon because I just level up too fast in that level range from grinding alone.
    2. There is only one meaningful section and that is the one about walls and creepers, and that is basically the only threatening part of the dungeon really.
    3. Killing creepers is fun but when that is the only thing the dungeon has going for it, it becomes quite forgettable.
    Honestly, they kinda ruin the climatic mood of dungeons, but they save you a lot of grinding so my opinion is...
    I don't like doing them but the reward is too good to ignore it.
    Make dungeon guardians a bit more common or rework the way to obtain keys, honestly I've never liked them because of how rare they can be, specially at mid-game. I never do corrupted dungeons during my runs because I literally never find any corrupted key guardians, I always find quite a few Nii guardians, but I don't think I have found a single CUC key yet, I don't even know where they spawn. And, you know, it is kinda hard to replay dungeons when you can't access it in the first place.
    Ok so here is a few more things:
    -Why are key collectors villagers? Is this implying that villagers are dark creatures that support corruption? Also what is their power level? Why do we need to give them keys? We have weapons, they have a big nose, we can beat them easily, so why do we not do that?

    -Fierce Foe (or whatever boss theme is supposed to play during Arakadicus' fight) doesn't play, at least whenever I did the dungeon, it never played.

    -Where are the troops that enter the Undergrowth Ruins at the end of the quest? Why do they not pay dungeon keys? Also where are they when we get into the dungeon?

    -Gavel dungeons when tho, the Grootslangs and Orphion have been waiting for their dungeon for 5 years already.

    -I'll be honest, I feel like corrupted dungeons are very pointless. There is almost no lore to them. they are just an kirby-like EX version of the normal dungeons with a slightly different kind of boss at the end, just like kirby's soul bosses. They lack that climatic tone the other dungeons have.
    Also why do you need runes from a level 100 altar for a level 96 dungeon?
    I would definitely prefer Gavel dungeons covering level 60-100 dungeons over corrupted ones. I just don't like them at all honestly. I said Lost Sanctuary is my least favourite dungeon because I felt giving the title to the EX versions of Wynn dungeons is not that fair as my issue isn't the actual dungeons but the concept itself. However, corrupted dungeons are definitely the dungeons I like the least, not because of the dungeons themselves but the concept behind them.
  19. inigbamL

    inigbamL Well-Known Adventurer

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    Correction, CUC is not a good dungeon, as aside from the boss being really buggy, it's also basically just a Garoth with a fresh coat of paint.
  20. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Okay so first off, C.U.R is a lvl 94 dungeon but you need to complete a lvl 100 quest to get access to the runes to get keys, meaning that to play it how its indended you have to either buy from the market or buy bombs, there's no way for a lvl 94 player to obtain keys through their own work and effort.

    Secondly, dungeons are fun :)

    Thirdly, C.U.C has a major bug where the boss gets stuck in the wall around half of the time, its a good dungeon, useful for up to lvl 89 since the parkour in C.S.S.T makes it not worth it in the long run, however that bug also ruins it because then its no fault of the player losing by dying or so, but the game makes the effort of obtaining keys or money spent on bombs not worth it.

    idk what else to say yet lol

    Have a nice day :)
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