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Guide A Comprehensive Guide To Durability Degration

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by creature, May 14, 2020.

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  1. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    For the armor I mainly used the following pieces:


    The following experiments had no walk speed or sprint regeneration.

    First I walked one minute in Cinfras.
    The helmet had lost '1' durability and the boots had lost '2' durability.

    Than I ran until my sprint meter was empty. Stood still to refill it and ran again until it was empty. And again. Both the helmet and the boots lost '3' durability.

    I repeated this for sprint jumping. After three times, they both lost '3' durability again.

    I then rode on my 35/35 chestnut for a minute. They both lost '1' durability.
    Realizing that this is +- the same as it is for walking, I tried holding the sprint key whilst on the horse for the same time I sprinted. It lost '3' durability again.

    Than I tried standing still for 4 minutes. Nothing happened.

    I repeated the walking and the sprint jumping with only the helmet equipped. It lost the same amount of durability.

    I then equipped the boots again and used charge 30 times. They both lost 1 durability.

    At this point I started thinking it might not be based on speed, but on blocks travelled. So I walked the middle of cinfras, 213 blocks, and checked every block to see if my bootslost durability. I took off the helmet. After doing that both ways three times, I found something strange. The durability didn't go down. But when I walked less distance without stopping to check the durability, the durability would go down. Appearantly stopping when walking resets some sort of timer before durability can go down.

    After trying to walk it a bit and seeing where durability would go down, it would go down after about 360 blocks. This was consistent and was the same for sprint-jumping.

    Than I tried just jumping. After doing so for 3 minutes, no durability wore off.

    I first went to the bridge between cinfras and the forgery, where there are bandits.
    I mainly tested on this bandit knife juggler.
    Every time I got hit by him, my durability degraded. Visually this only showed up a bit after I got hit and it only goes down one at a time (meaning that after the arrow storm-esque spell this bandit put out, I took cover and whilst I was under cover, 1 by 1 the hits I took from the arrow storm still took away the durability. I assume that that's only visual and that in-game the durability immediately goes away.

    I know that there are some people who might think that the amount of damage you take can make it cost more scrap, so to research that I went to Detlas and tested this out on a zombie. The same applied there.

    I used this necklace
    and this ring
    The same as armor.

    Not the same as armor, but also not nothing. I lost one durability every 9 hits on both the ring and the necklace. Because that was the same, I didn't test a bracelet.


    No effect.

    Hitting the air with a melee attack takes away durability.
    normal attack speed lvl 73 spear:
    1 durability = +- 20 melee attacks or 12 uppercuts or 12 bashes or charges or 12 war screams.

    fast attack speed lvl 79 wand:
    1 durability = +- 25 melee attacks or 15 meteors or 15 heals or 15 ice snakes or 15 teleports

    slow attack speed wand lvl 70 wand:
    1 durability = +- 15 melee attacks or 9 meteors or 9 heals 9 ice snakes or 9 teleports

    Usability on the armor:
    After the tests above, I let my boots go down to 0 durability.
    They started at +34% loot bonus and +40% xp bonus and 94/94 durability.

    The first time I saw them start degrading was at 38/94 durability (although I hadn't seen 39-42) with 32/34 LB and 38/40 XP.

    It started falling down quickly after 21 durability:
    21 dura - 25 LB, 29 XP
    19 dura - 24 LB, 28 XP
    13 dura - 19 LB, 22 XP
    8 dura - 14 LB, 17 XP
    6 dura - 12 LB, 14 XP
    5 dura - 10 LB, 11 XP
    3 dura - 8 LB, 10 XP
    1 dura - 6 LB, 7 XP
    0 dura - 5 LB, 6 XP
    0 dura - 4 LB, 4 XP

    The two different 0 duras are from when it just hit 0 dura and from when it was 0 dura a while. I assume this means that it was actually like 0.8 durability for the 5 LB and 6 XP but actually 0 durability for the 4 LB and 4 XP.

    The spear had 257 dura.
    It hit 99% at 128 dura.
    98% at 123 dura
    97% 118 dura
    96% 113 dura
    95% 107 dura
    94% 102 dura
    93% 99 dura
    92% 97 dura
    91% 95 dura
    90% 92 dura
    89% 90 dura
    88% 87 dura
    87% 84 dura
    86% 82 dura
    85% 79 dura
    83% 77 dura
    82% 74 dura
    80% 71 dura
    79% 69 dura
    77% 66 dura
    76% 64 dura
    74% 61 dura
    73% 59 dura
    71% 56 dura
    70% 53 dura
    67% 51 dura
    65% 48 dura
    62% 46 dura
    60% 43 dura
    57% 40 dura
    55% 38 dura
    52% 35 dura
    50% 33 dura
    47% 30 dura
    45% 27 dura
    41% 25 dura
    38% 23 dura
    34% 20 dura
    31% 17 dura
    27% 15 dura
    24% 12 dura
    20% 9 dura
    17% 7 dura
    13% 4 dura
    10% 2 dura

    and that's where it stopped.
    The boots also stopped at 10%.

    The spear, which had skill points, % main attack damage and negative walk speed lost its percentual main attack damage but not its skill points or its negative stats. I had heard a rumor that negative stats and skill points didn't go away and it didn't.

    I haven't noticed a de- or increase in durability loss/second in my items in my playtime so I assume there isn't one. The 1 durability I took away from lvl 17 pants did take the full 360 blocks.

    After playing with a 1 durability staff, that also degraded in stats over time. The same amount of time it would take to get through 1 durability, despite it saying 0/0 durability after the first attack.

    I also tested fire, lava and fall damage on the armor and the accessories. None of it took away durability.

    I've seen no differences in durability degration for different tiers of ingredients I used.

    At the end of all things, the repair costs were the following:
    boots: 0/94, 18 scrap
    Wand 1: 443/445 14 scrap
    Wand 2: 416/424 12 scrap
    helmet: 15/95, 17 scrap
    chestplate: 59/102, 14 scrap
    Wand 3: 0/1, 13 scrap
    Necklace: 77/243, 24 scrap
    Ring 1: 105/241, 22 scrap
    Ring 2: 98/238, 22 scrap
    spear 1: 420/432, 13 scrap
    spear 2: 0/257, 56 scrap

    leggings: 224/225, 3 scrap. <-- this one is lvl 17 rather than 60-80 like the others.

    How you lose durability:
    There are three different items which each lose durability in a different way. Armor, accessories and weapons.

    There are two ways to lose durability for armor:
    1. Every ~360 blocks you travel horizontally take 1 durability.
    Wether you sprint-jump, sprint, walk, or sit on a horse does not matter. Jumping does not take away durability. Neither does falling.
    2. Every time you take damage from mobs, your armor loses 1 durability.
    The amount of damage you take does not matter. Environmental damage such as fire, lava, or fall damage do not take away durability.

    These same two ways apply for accessories, but damage works differently.
    1. Every ~360 blocks you travel horizontally take 1 durability.
    Wether you sprint-jump, sprint, walk, or sit on a horse does not matter. Jumping does not take away durability. Neither does falling.
    2. Every 9 times you take damage from mobs, your accessories lose 1 durability.
    The amount of damage you take does not matter. Environmental damage such as fire, lava, or fall damage do not take away durability.

    For weapons, there are two ways to lose durability. Melee and spells. They both take away durability even if they don't hit. The amount of attacks per durability depend on the attack speed of the weapon.

    - fast attack speed:
    1 durability = 25 melee attacks or 15 spells.

    - normal attack speed:
    1 durability = 20 melee attacks or 12 spells.

    - slow attack speed:
    1 durability = 15 melee attacks or 9 spells.

    When repairing matters.
    Durability:item effectiveness

    At about 45-50% durability remaining, your item will start to degrade a bit.
    At about 10% durability remaining you'll have 50% 'item effectiveness' remaining and the degrading starts going a lot faster. At 0 durability your item will have 10% 'item effectiveness' left.

    'item effectiveness' doesn't apply to skill points. It does apply to negative ids even though it doesn't show it does.
    'item effectiveness' does apply to the health armor gives and the damage weapons deal. Although this does not visually show.
    The boots I'm wearing have 10% 'item effectiveness', give +1856 health but I only have 660 max health.

    This spear also only dealt ~20 damage and shows that skill points and walk speed stay the same despite the 10% item effectiveness.

    Repair costs:
    Items' repair cost is the 'base' repair cost + the 'used' repair cost.
    The 'base' repair cost is what you need to pay to repair even if the item has only lost 1 durability.
    The 'used' repair cost is what you need to pay for the amount of durability you've used.

    These costs change per level but in all levels it appears that the 'base' repair cost is very high. Making it inadvisable to repair before you're down a big chunk of durability.

    Since these costs change per level (or material, I'm not sure). As my current crafting level for all crafting proficiencies is level 70-80, I can't test what these costs are and the difference doesn't appear to be linear. If someone could test this for lvl 103-105 and comment on here or give me a crafted weapon (dagger or wand), an armor piece and a ring for lvl 100-103 (I didn't train to 105 yet ok) so I can figure it out myself, that would be appreciated.

    TL;DR - Things likely to be new to some people.
    Fast attack speed weapons are durability wise way better if you craft a spell weapon. (And they were already prefered because they have better DPS after powders.)
    Health and damage from crafted stuff also depletes.
    How fast you move doesn't influence how much durability you lose.
    After ~47% durability loss your item starts degrading but it only starts doing so badly at ~10%. I advise to repair at ~30% durability remaining. At that point the item is still >70% effective but you take good advantage of the 'lower' repair cost if you let your item degrade.

    info taken from the durability degration thread.

    - fast attack speed:
    1 durability = 25 melee attacks or 15 spells.

    - normal attack speed:
    1 durability = 20 melee attacks or 12 spells.

    - slow attack speed:
    1 durability = 15 melee attacks or 9 spells.

    attacks per second:
    Fast: 2.5 Normal: 2.0 Slow: 1.5

    How long to degrade if melee non-stop
    25/2.5 = 10
    20/2 = 10
    15/1.5 = 10

    How many spells for 1 durability

    How much dura for ten minutes of actively using your weapon with non-stop melee and one spell per second.
    Slow: (600/10) + (600/9) = 60 + 67 = 127 dura
    Normal: " + (600/12) = 60 + 50 = 110 dura
    Fast: " + (600/15) = 100 dura

    Each durability takes 10 seconds to degrade if you melee non-stop.
    How fast it degrades from spells depends on the attack speed. Assuming one spell per second (you can probably do more, but in many fights I also like to back up a bit and not cast any spells for a while and you won't be attacking with melee at full efficiency anyways.), you'll lose an additional durability after 9 seconds for slow attack speed, 12 seconds for normal attack speed and 15 seconds for fast attack speed.

    So for every ten minutes of actively using your weapon on each attack speed, assuming you use melee and spell:
    Slow: 127 dura
    Normal: 110 dura
    Fast: 100 dura

    assuming only melee, if you attack 100% of the time:
    Slow: 60 dura
    Normal: 60 dura
    Fast: 60 dura

    assuming only spells, multiply this number by the number of spells you cast per second.
    Slow: 67 dura
    Normal: 50 dura
    Fast: 40 dura

    Please keep in mind that after your weapon gets below 50% dura, it'll start degrading.
    Upon crafting this spear, using 4 TIII earth powders with 25% conversion rate each.
    I got this weapon.

    Due to this weapon being lvl 88 and minimum/maximum damage possible being different within each level (as-in not each lvl 88 crafted spear with normal attack speed has the same base damage), I can't be 100% certain. But it is most likely adding the conversion rates independently to the remaining neutral damage.
    As used in the muddy claymore of the brutalist from the picture above, the weapon with attack speed bonus had the same amount of hits as the weapon without attack speed bonus before durability degraded. The same amount of spells, too.
    From what I saw when testing with 40% dodge change, sometimes I got hit but it didn't seem to take away any health. I assume that ment that my agility procced.

    When this happened, durability still went down. So agility is no good way to further precent armor degration.
    I tested this with Charge, but __Excel tested the following:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
    pao, csapka, Nynnf and 68 others like this.
  2. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Was wondering when someone would do this, thanks a lot! I wanted to test but never could bring myself to bother lol
    Really helpful and interesting, especially the part about attack speeds on weapons- I always wondered about whether slower weapons were better for melee, since less hits=less dura lost, but apparently not.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
    Dream likes this.
  3. Son_Omega_Dan

    Son_Omega_Dan Meow HERO

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    wow you actually went ahead and tested how durability works for your feedback thread
  4. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    This thread makes me happy
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  5. Def

    Def uwu CHAMPION

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    Thanks so much! I was wondering how durability worked.. It's rather annoying when loot running, but at least now I know that I can not avoid it.
  6. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    nice thread, I might actually do HICH now
  7. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteÄŹpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    This is one of those threads that should be pinned on the wynncraft discord. Nice thread; I always thought that casting spells/attacking would decrease dura on your accessories/armor but it seems that that's not the case.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Nice to have this info

    (also wow what a shitty durability system)
    Dr Zed, btdmaster and Jirayut like this.
  9. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Someone brought this up over on the prof tryhard discord:

    What happens if the weapon has + tier att speed?

    I'd except the dura rate will still go down based on the number of hits from it's base tier attack speed, which means + tier attack speed is not very good for dura.
    err0r likes this.
  10. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Bump to this awesome guide,
    also can someone confirm if movement spells count as movement and degrade armor durability? Like if I stand still and only use mage teleport, will only the durability on my weapon decrease?
  11. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    With my testing I have confirmed that movement from the warriors charge spell takes durability away from armor.
    But since teleport, if you are shifting, doesn't move the player. It 'teleports' it, I'd assume that teleport (and only teleport) doesn't degrade armor durability. Much like how TP scrolls don't degrade armor durability.
    __Excel likes this.
  12. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I'm assuming that wynncraft doesn't listen to "PlayerMoveEvent" from the bukkit API but rather saves the players location every once in a while and compares it to see when they have moved ~360 blocks, meaning that teleportation would be counted, but they probably made special exceptions for things like dying and teleportation scrolls.
    To confirm this i tested it on my HIC mage, and yes, the teleport spell is counted as movement. I suggest you add that to the guide.
    creature likes this.
  13. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Interesting hypothesis, it'd explain why just jumping up and down doesn't take away durability, since you only travel up to 1 block.

    An argument against this would be how precise the durability wore down when walking. Upon testing, I could point down the block where my durability would go down with ~ a 3 block margin.

    Because of that, to test your hypothesis, I decided to walk back and forward between two blocks for 8 minutes. Starting with a helm at 65 durability left (idk how far it was into 65 durability). It didn't go down any durability.

    This is probably also the reason jumping doesn't degrade your durability. Anyway, it's been added.
    btdmaster and Druser like this.
  14. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    One interesting thing to test (not sure exactly how useful it is though), is seeing how "accurate" they check movement - basically how often they check your location.
    The reason why this matters, is because of something call the "coast paradox" or something like that. the paradox basically says that if you are measuring the length of something that isn't straight, the more "accurate" you measure it, the greater your result will end up being.
    What I mean by accurate, is this:
    Say I am measuring the distance that a player has traveled. Let's say I check their location every 5 blocks they move, and then just "draw" a straight line between those points. The paradox explains that if I check location every X blocks where X<5 (lets say X=1 block), the result you get from that measurement will be higher.
    If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense, because instead of getting a straight line between every 5 blocks travelled, you get a zigzag between every block travelled, thus making the distance you travelled in those 5 blocks greater than if you were to measure with a straight line.

    So the durability degrading will go up with how often wynncraft check's the player's location. The more often, the more your durability degrades.

    EDIT: i found a video that explains the coastline paradox, much better than me:

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
    Dr Zed and Druser like this.
  15. MrH

    MrH Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Just a question: If armor durability goes down by one every time you are hit by a mob, do mobs such as corruptor of worlds which can hit you an extreme amount of times within a short amount of time remove most if all of your durability in a matter of seconds?
  16. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Yes, same for mobs with the multihit spell and a horde of mobs hitting you.
    MrH likes this.
  17. SoulBurned

    SoulBurned eee HERO

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    Which has been the cause of basically all my hhic deaths, imo they should make it you can only lose durability every few seconds, even if you’re being multihit
    Kahsol and Rypreorow like this.
  18. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    It took me a damn while, but I tested it and your hypothesis is correct. Also tested some other stuff I edited in down at the bottom.
    Crokee likes this.
  19. err0r

    err0r wasting my time

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    Oh wow, this durability system has a lot of flaws. Attack speed bonus having no effect on the durabilty loss of weapons just makes no sense, and amor losing durablity for each hit makes agilty superior to defense.

    But now an issue that hasn't been adressed yet (I think): Why does weapon attack speed affect the durabilty loss from casting spells?
    A high attack speed doesn't allow me to cast spells faster, but with fast attack speed I lose one dura for 15 spells while with slow attack speed I lose dura every 9 spells.
    What the fuck?
  20. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    I got a theory on this.

    Basically, every durability point consists of several durability bits.
    They made each melee attack and each spell take away a certain amount of durability bits. Because of the ratio of melee to spells in these durabilities, I think that it is 3 durability bits for melee and 5 for spells.

    Then, later on in development, they made it so that each weapon has a different amount of durability bits per durability point. This would be based on attack speed. Balanced around it taking 10 seconds of melee to go down 1 durability. But this system doesn't adjust for spells and they either forgot them, couldn't come up with a fix for them or they simply hoped we won't notice.

    As such, we basically get extra durability for spells due to more durability bits/durability point at fast attack speeds and less durability for slow attack speed for the same reason. (Assuming it was initially balanced around normal attack speed.)

    Acually, no. With agility you just fully negate the damage, you still "Get hit" for the purpose of armor degration. (I'll add that to the bottom.)
    err0r and Dr Zed like this.
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