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Favorite/least Favorite Quest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Caulan, Jun 26, 2020.

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  1. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Poor CT members. Not only that they're locked in a dark basement living on orange juice, but their feet also must be so cold if they put their soles in the quests.
    Caulan and StormKing3 like this.
  2. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    The bar quest was called Mixed Feelings.

    My favorite quest line is the Alodrei’s Secret Questline. I love the whole principle of an underground society testing the players morals. In the same way that An Iron Heart gives you a choice, so does Aldorei’s Secret. I also love the buildings and look for Alodrei Town and everything in it!

    My least favorite quest is ToL for obvious reasons.
    Caulan, Greedus and Corruptplex like this.
  3. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    My most favorite would probably be Beneath the Depths as it was kinda fun with the cannon stuff and some reason I just like going into small spaces leading into interesting stuff.

    My least favorite would probably be Shadow of the Beast and ToL, as SotB is boring and too l0ng, and ToL is longer, and the rewards are not that good and I had to waste so much emeralds on TP scrolls to save time.
  4. See

    See Have a nice day :) VIP+

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    I honestly forgot which quest was my favourite because I haven't done most quests for more than a year, so I'm just gonna say Shattered Minds is kinda fun with a good amount of Nemract Whiskey (fix Dogun Ale please), also it features the only T6 chest in all of Wynncraft that is entirely lootable without the use of glitches (used to be pre 1.18 at least, haven't done that quest since then either).
    My least favourite quest is Canyon Guides because it always took me like 10 attempts to kite that villager (who loved to just walk anywhere instead of following me, especially on the bridges) to Bantisu Air Temple because I would either time out or a csst key guardian would spawn literally inside the idiot and obliterate him within a millisecond when we were already where the safe path that leads up to the temple begins, I really lost my mind every time I did that quest. *deep breath*
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  5. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    wait, we get orange juice?
    finally... first bit of sustenance ive gotten in years...
    Caulan likes this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Best: None stand out to me yet. I did like Recipe for Disaster though. The branching quest thing was fun. I also like major story quests.
    Worst: Eye of the storm. I have no problems with the boss because being a ranged class allows me to shoot Naragath from the top of the arena. That's not my problem with this quest. My problem with this quest is that it's incredibly boring. The light realm would be in this spot if it weren't for the fact that I kinda liked the quest and that the CT might revamp it someday.
  7. TrashPandaZhao

    TrashPandaZhao Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    idk what its caled but that one quest where u have to guide water through a thing for a really small reward. took me like 30 min
  8. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    That's probably the Waters of the Past discovery
  9. EnderFlame1311

    EnderFlame1311 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Best: The dungeon one with general graken, DnD series, Corkus quest part 1 and 2, and the void exploring one in ahmsord
    Worst: the cooking one in ahmsord, dodegars ultimate weapon, and the annoying one in gavel where you look for plants, and the entire realm of loght series
  10. Ignys

    Ignys hyper's boyfriend HERO

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    Best: Enzan's Brother
    I personally don't quest for the enjoyment, just for the rewards, but probably Enzan's Brother because it's the only quest that hasn't been touched since the beginning. (Until they add cutscenes to this one too)

    Worst: A Hunter's Calling
    Not to trash on it or anything, but this quest literally forces you to look up a video because the wiki isn't even enough to show you where to go. Don't get me wrong, its a decent quest, and since it's the last one you have before you're off to slowly decay grinding to lvl 106, but seriously, I understand that I'm bad at the game, but wasting over 10 soul points flying around the world of wynn, along with dying from the last bosses nukes is kinda insane. Took me over 2 hours to complete, which was mostly me suffering and looking for my next quest update. (Which usually resulted in another riddle) Another thing i personally despise is cutscenes, considering I'm a fast paced guy, but this quest is full of them. I understand people enjoy story, but there's atleast 30 minutes of cutscenes, especially on the last boss, if you die, you have to suffer through the entire cutscene again, almost telling you to bring buff pots for the fight or use endgame builds. The last thing I personally dislike, like I mentioned before, the rewards aren't particularly worth it. I half expected to have it give a simple 3 LE or something along with xp, but it just throws xp and a fragment for underused armor. This is only my personal opinion, but i just can't have respect for A Hunter's Calling. (Also Order of the Grook's fire trial is also terrible)
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    The point of Enzan's Brother was competely changed in 1.18. It used to be about powders, now it's about ingredients.
  12. Ackro

    Ackro The true Elite Quadbrid! HERO

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    Therck has been used and abused for 7 years by his brother Enzan for our privileged gain. It needs to stop.
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  13. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Oh boy, here we go again.

    Best Quests:
    • A Journey Beyond: Basically everything that has been leading up to finding an expanse of Wynn, infiltrated by Darkness. When doing it for the first time, it is fairly gripping, aside from the meme rocket fuel that is "Aledar cart".
    • Point of No Return: You don't need dialogues to tell a horror story about emptiness.
    • Order of the Grook: A branching quest that is basically Wynncraft's (bootlegged) version of Hogwarts, and the Harry Potter franchise in general. This is not to say it is bad, it's actually one of the best quests in the game due to how much lore it references in the game.
    • A Hunter's Calling: Wynncraft, except you're on the side of the baddies. It's a grim retelling of many stories in various points of Wynncraft, detailing how and when a certain province will meet its "presumed end" if you were on the other side of the coin. Now tell me, how does it feel to be evil?
    • Beyond the Grave: Mainly due to Death's Mansion bit.
    • The Mercenary: Mostly for its ending. Amerigo gives you a Fabled item for your troubles (also introducing you to the concept of Fabled items), my only wish is that it would actually be troubling for its worth.
    • Corrupted Betrayal: Probably the best out of every Dungeon quest. It fleshes out Slykaar's lore, giving the dark shaman plenty of personality. The accompanying dungeon, post-1.19, is also one of the best dungeons in the game.
    • Lost Soles (1st Playthrough): An interesting puzzler that can (unfortunately) be skipped by reading a walkthrough, hence "1st Playthrough" on this one.
    Worst Quests:
    • Enzan's Brother: Literally one phase. That's it.
    • Green Gloop: As mentioned earlier, a fetch quest chained into another fetch quest.
    • The Ultimate Weapon: A fetch quest that can't even be a "parody" of every other fetch quest in the game. It should be reworked.
    • Temple of Legends: One word - TEDIOUS. It is one of the longest quests in the game, requiring access to two areas locked behind quests (Creeper Infiltration and Ice Nations, respectively). Worse yet, it gives yet another Quest helmet (a decent one at that, fortunately), making it impossible to get rid of once you complete the quest. This is not to say it is all bad, however - ToL is a recap of everything the player has done up until that point, and pits the player against their first superboss (with plenty of build-up).
    • An Iron Heart, both Parts: While it is a shocking reveal that Iron Golems are, in fact, Villagers stuck in a shell of iron against their own will, there are two major issues with the mini-questline:
      • YET ANOTHER QUEST HELMET. Your poor inventory, indeed.
      • Part I is too short, and it is - you guessed it - another fetch quest!
    • Elemental Exercise: Paging @Saya to go on a rant saying how bad this quest is. And he's not wrong either.
      • It is a poor, exaggerated way of describing elemental advantages.
      • It is way too short to properly explore the interactions of elements.
      • It does not mention Powders, Powder Master or Powder Specials.
      • It does not put you to your wits where element choices actually matter, in a non-exaggerated manner.
      • It is not engaging. A good intro quest should be very educative and engaging, this is not that.
    • Bob's Lost Soul: The main gripe is that it is a fetch quest, not an exploration quest. In addition, the tomb requires 3 people to enter at all times, making it annoying when entering the area to do Reincarnation later (though I can see why, since Bob is a group boss, especially after his 1.19 rework).
    • Canyon Guides: May as well put a child in the place of the NPC you're supposed to escort. I suspect he has ADHD.
    • Dwarves and Doguns, Part IV: Gaping plot holes and lack of common sense has put this quest in the "worst quests" list. It is, however, a very good quest otherwise - tarnished only by its plot related problems.
    • Basically any quest that gives/requires a Quest helmet that isn't mentioned in this list: Includes The Hunger of Gerts (Part I, actually a decent quest), Purple & Blue (decent puzzler), Underwater (fetch), Underice (fetch-ish), Creeper Infiltration (Untradeable, not Quest), Ice Nations (more fetchiness), any quest that involves Maro Peaks, period.
    A lot of the quests were made before 1.17-1.19, so obviously there's a lot of outdated (and bad by today's standards) quests.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
    Saya likes this.
  14. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    Best: Fate of the Fallen and all of the Nesaak quests.

    Worst: I don't really have one, Realm of light is pretty terrible which is even worse for me because its so important lore-wise.
  15. Autonomorantula

    Autonomorantula Average Wynncraft Player

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    Favorite: WynnExcavation Site D
    Least favorite: T̶e̶m̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶L̶e̶g̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶(̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶C̶o̶r̶r̶u̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶W̶o̶r̶l̶d̶s̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶) The Canyon Guides
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  16. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff warrior. HERO

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    This is what my girlfriend says.
  17. Ackro

    Ackro The true Elite Quadbrid! HERO

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    I wanted to make a reverse joke... but that's a bit too NSFW.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  18. Glial

    Glial Is it Gleal or Gleyeal? VIP+

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    Some cool quests include:
    Fantastic voyage: I’m surprised no one mentioned this that much. Sure there are some fetch elements but most of the fetching feels somewhat funny and exciting. It reveals a good chunk of lore as well as the first time we get to see what dern can actually be. My only complaint is the part where all you do is just swim in the water to get to the island. No mini game, just vanilla swimming.
    The envoy+mixed feelings: These quests in my opinion are pretty damn fun. Some complaints I have are very first world. Unskipable dialogue is super annoying, especially in the envoy I as well as the glitchy airship in mixed feelings. Other than that, these quests are ridiculously fun, binding and great lore wise for corkus (desperate metal is kinda boring and fetchy)
    The headless hunt: This quest is extremely biased towards me for only one reason. While doing this quest, I got my first mythic. That’s it lol. It’s still a pretty good quest all around though and I wish Mr. dullahan had more lore to him or potentially a boss fight.
    Shattered minds: Funny and fun, this quest has way more Easter eggs up the ass than you think and it feels like the CT just went all out doing whatever the hell they wanted for this quest. It’s also the only thing interesting about efilm, so good for shattered minds for making a useless city feel good about itself.
    Beyond the grave: Ok literally everyone here explained this so ima move on
    Misadventures at sea: Ah, so many memes to this. From the chill pirate crew to the colossal rat, this quest felt like it had a ton of effort put in, especially with the secrets and interaction you have.
    For my hot take: Eye of the storm
    Ok, this quest is not bad at all, only the reward lol. This quest feels like it’s straight out of a weird sci-fi movie, and I love weird sci-fi movies. I don’t know why everyone complains about the puzzle, I think it’s fine and fun. The idea of a city that was already struggleing, then instantly taken over by cult members and literally summoning a demon right next to it, sounds kinda cool ngl.

    Some quests I really dislike
    Pre-patch dwarves and doguns, oh god. Now, d and d today is a great storyline. But holy shit on release day was it bad, and only for 1 reason: Assload of glitches. This would be my least favorite by far if it didn’t get fixed
    Some fetch quests out of the way:
    Bobs lost soul
    Temple of legends
    Prepatch frostbitten
    Prepatch ultimate weapon (now ultimate weapon is a lot more tolerable, especially for 7le)
    Recipe for disaster (where is the disaster??? It’s just a small fetch quest and only slightly interesting if you go for the moon route)
    Beneath the depths: I wish sarnfic was way more discussed and maybe will have a secret discovery in the future
    ???: yeah you easily know why this is here, at least payoff is ok
    For my hot take: Order of the grook: I hate it for the following reasons:
    1. Glitches
    2.unskipable dialogue
    3. Some classes are just unskipable dialogue
    4. You can’t buy any of the pets RIP
    5. Don’t remind of Harry Potter and what JK Rowling did to it
  19. Gigitoe

    Gigitoe Travelled Adventurer

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    Shattered Minds is such a fascinating quest that takes you to another world! Also Beyond the Grave and Memory Paranoia rank among the scariest.
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