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Community Event The Wynnic Olympics [ended]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jul 6, 2020.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Welcome to the Wynnic Olympics. I, WithTheFish, will be your host for this unofficial event. Are you bored waiting for the next update? Are you seeking the allure of competition? Are you looking to make new friends? Or do you just want to earn some prize money? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you're in luck.

    Basic Info:

    The Wynnic Olympics is a series of tasks (or sub-events) taking place over a 3-week timespan, starting on July 13th. Each task can be "won", either by one person, or a group working together. There's a large range of events for a community with a range of interests.

    The Wynnic Olympics will be hosted entirely on a private discord server (more on this at later), and upon joining the event as a participant, you will be put in one of the following teams:
    • Team Ragni
    • Team Selchar
    • Team Corkus
    • Team Detlas
    • Team Llevigar
    • Team Troms
    • Team Pirate Cove
    • Team Aldorei
    More teams may be added if the event becomes popular enough. Each team can only hold up to 10 participants.

    The tasks in this event often simply require you to post an image or video verifying that you completed them, before a deadline ends. Almost all of the tasks with prizes WILL NOT require you to be on Wynncraft at a specific time, and will instead require you to submit something at any point during a large timeframe. This is my main goal with this event: to provide flexibility in the schedules of all participants, and to give everyone in different timezones a fair shot.

    Upon joining, you are in no way obligated to participate in every single task, but if you just sit there and do nothing at all you won't be eligible for earning any team prizes.

    There's yet another twist for these events: some of them, such as the task where you're hunting for specific locations, require group participation. A team that wins a group task will have LE given to ALL active members in that team when the event ends.

    In total, around
    12 STACKS of LE will be distributed among winning participants.

    As teams and their members complete events, they will earn Olympic Points. The team with the most points at the end will have a prize given to every member.

    How to join:

    Message WithTheFish#3763 on discord for an invite to the event's private discord server, as I cannot post discord links here. If you have the link you can send it to other people too I guess.

    Upon joining, you will be asked to answer out the following questions:

    - What is your username?
    - Are you currently capable to record videos of you playing Wynncraft? (you are NOT required to have recording capabilities to join, but one specific task will require you to record things to earn prizes)
    - What available team would you prefer to be on?

    (Some teams will not be eligible to be picked, as they have too many members in comparison to other teams)

    A discord channel will show which other participants are in what team, in case you wish to see where your friends are.

    You can join up to two weeks after the event starts, but that will lead to you potentially earning less prizes. If you just want to join the event as a spectator, that's fine, just message me.


    Below are all the tasks that will take place during the Olympics:

    Location Hunt (Team Event) - 5 Screenshots will be posted. Each team must try to find out where all screenshots are ingame. The first six teams to find all locations will earn Scavenger Points (not to be confused with olympic points), and the first three teams to find all locations will earn Olympic Points.
    The 3 teams with the most Scavenger Points will get prizes.
    1st place: 14LE for each member.
    2nd place: 9LE for each member.
    3rd place: 4LE for each member.

    Hide and Seek (Solo Event) - I will hide somewhere in a city on my alt account: WishThe5th, and you’ll have to find him. Teamwork is highly encouraged for this event, since finding Wish multiple times gives you a greater chance at earning the grand prize!
    4LE for each person who finds WishThe5th, and 1 Olympic point to their team. Winning a round can be done indefinitely.

    Boat Race (Solo Event) - Race from Nemract to Jofash Docks on a boat! Changed from a horse race based on feedback I received. It will occur twice since it occurs on a specific date and time.
    10LE to each winner, and 2 Olympic Points for their team.

    Dungeon Speedrun (Solo Event) - Each week, I will list a dungeon, and you must record yourself speedrunning them. The 3 players with the best time in that dungeon will win a prize.
    1st place: 12LE, and 4 Olympic Points for their team.
    2nd place: 9LE, and 3 Olympic Points for their team.
    3rd place: 6LE, and 2 Olympic Points for their team.
    4th place: 3LE, and 1 Olympic Point for their team IF the person in 4th place isn’t on the same team as the all the people in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
    5th place: 3LE, and 1 Olympic Point for their team IF the person in 5th place isn’t on the same team as the all the people in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

    Wynncraft Kahoot (Solo Event) - That’s right. Wynncraft-themed Kahoot games. I will randomly select a member from each team, and you’ll have a chance to participate in a Kahoot game. The top three players in each game will win a prize. Don’t know what Kahoot is? Check here: https://kahoot.com/what-is-kahoot/
    1st place: 4 Olympic Points for their team.
    2nd place: 3 Olympic Points for their team.
    3rd place: 2 Olympic Point for their team.

    Secret Tasks (2x Team Event) - They’re a secret! I won’t reveal what these tasks are yet, but they will take place over a long time period. They’ll require teamwork if your team is to win, and players of ALL levels will be on equal strength here.
    Join the event and check discord for more info!

    The event will officially start on July 13th, a week after this thread was posted.

    Below is a timeline for what tasks will start and end at what times:
    Jul 13:
    11:00 CST / 16:00 GMT - Opening ceremony - stop by ingame for party bombs and drop parties!
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 1 open

    Jul 14:
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 1 open
    16:00 CST / 21:00 GMT - Hide and Seek Event 1 - the city it takes place in will be announced on the 27th.

    Jul 15:
    10:00 CST / 15:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 1 close
    13:00 CST / 18:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 2 open

    Jul 16:
    13:00 CST / 18:00 GMT - Kahoot Game 1 takes place

    Jul 17:
    10:00 CST / 15:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 2 close
    21:00 CST / 2:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 3 open

    Jul 18:
    10:30 CST / 15:30 GMT - Secret Event 1 starts
    13:00 CST / 18:00 GMT - Boat Race from Nemract to Jofash takes place

    Jul 19:
    18:00 CST / 23:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 3 close

    Jul 20:
    9:00 CST / 14:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 4 open
    11:00 CST / 16:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 1 close
    14:00 CST / 19:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 2 open

    Jul. 21:
    11:00 CST / 16:00 GMT - Hide and Seek Event 3 - the city it takes place in will be announced on the 27th.
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Secret Event 2 starts

    Jul 22:
    10:00 CST / 15:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 4 close
    11:00 CST / 16:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 5 open

    Jul 24:
    9:00 CST / 14:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 5 close
    15:00 CST / 20:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 6 open

    Jul 25:
    18:30 CST / 23:30 GMT - Kahoot Game 2 takes place

    Jul 26:
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 6 close
    14:00 CST / 19:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 2 close
    23:00 CST / 4:00 GMT - 2nd Boat Race from Nemract to Jofash will take place

    Jul 27:
    13:00 CST / 18:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 7 open
    14:00 CST / 19:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 3 open

    Jul 28:
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Secret Event 1 "Ends"
    22:30 CST / 3:30 GMT - Hide and Seek Event 3 - the city it takes place in will be announced on the 27th.

    Jul 29:
    10:00 CST / 15:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 7 close
    21:00 CST / 2:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 8 open

    Jul 31:
    18:00 CST / 23:00 GMT - Submissions for Location Hunt 8 close

    Aug 1:
    14:00 CST / 19:00 GMT - Submissions for Dungeon Speedrun 3 close

    Aug 3:
    12:00 CST / 17:00 GMT - Secret Event 2 "Ends"

    Times are subject to change, as my IRL schedule isn't set in stone.

    List of Participants:

    Team Ragni: 1AmStuff, Andyroo_88, Asthae, Bartsimpsons1909, BlueTheSquid, KingChampion_, KirbyPlayzMC, Saraldar, Thomasz111

    Team Selchar: _Eth3real, AlphaCloud, Calluum, CreamyTwinky, Emolga3, Fireball_98, Nimbuh, NotableOsprey92, therealgman, Trigonometri

    Team Detlas: athenakids, Blockfox_XV, FireHeartsBaxdee, Frogi, KapnKronch, Qalculate, ShadowVYX, SkyIsAYASUOMAIN, SoulBurned, Tawnny

    Team Corkus: btdmaster, catking00, digfliper, FrostyWings, glial, SayaDuck, StormDragon4, ThugFree, yuuenchi2, 99loulou999

    Team Llevigar: _Every, _StriKeOut_, Advent_Nanau, RawGamingYT, Shutler, Topper29, vibin5202_789, VroumVroumLauto, xSayuri

    Team Troms: Albb_n, bikesuper, HungHung_, MeowCatPanda, Piscez_, ThEpicFerret, urbymine, Vendenar, Venitryx, WitherWings13

    Team Pirate Cove: ccccccccccccccc, Iboju, linnyflower, MarioYoshiBoo, Moshiboo, MusicalCroissant, Quintessee, rblotsky, water_jet, Yraw

    Team Aldorei: Dracium_Z, Faysilverwood, Feast_and_famine, ILoveBaxdee, IsabellaSky, Koni75, LuCoolUs, Maarcus, PenLord, UltimateBanker

    Q - Is this an official event?
    A - No. I am a moderator, but I am hosting this event alone with my own money.

    Q - Do I need to be a certain level to join?
    A - Of course not! Even if you're level 10 you can participate in the event. Teams will be balanced according to level.

    Q - Can I still join if I'm not online all the time?
    A - Of course! With a few exceptions, most events require you or your team to "submit" something during a certain timeframe.

    Q - Can I unload an unlisted video to Youtube as proof of the event?
    A - Yes, as long as I see it.

    Q - Is crossteaming allowed?
    A - Morally I’d say it’s wrong but I can’t really enforce it, and it only causes you to loose more money.

    Q - What dungeons will we be running?
    A - That won’t be announced until the week of each dungeon run. I will say this though: EO is very likely to be the dungeon of the final week.

    (will add extra answers here when I receive more questions)


    As you can tell, this is an extremely elaborate event. It is by far the largest project I've attempted on this server, and likely one of the biggest events in Wynn's history. If you have any questions please ask me them!

    I have no clue how this event will turn out, or how many people will participate in it, but if it brings the community even a bit closer together, I'll be happy.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
    wxhlf, Jbip, Lotem and 39 others like this.
  2. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    team corkus anyone??
    This looks amazing though, thanks so much fish
    gigi2oo2, starx280, Saya and 3 others like this.
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Looks fun but what if You aren't necessarily available to participate everyday. For example I can't really do most weekends. Does this affect it greatly or would it not be that big of a deal?
    Hyco likes this.
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    If you can't be online most weekends, that's perfectly fine! Just as many events take place over the weekday as they do the weekend. Like I said, very few events require you to participate during a specific time.
  5. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    If only there was a race from Detlas to Ragni... and my computer wasnt kapoot.

    Gl everyone! And have fun!
    WithTheFish likes this.
  6. jroo312188

    jroo312188 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Like the idea! Unfortunately, I cannot participate, but best of luck to everyone that does!
    WithTheFish likes this.
  7. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I love, and will promote this.
    Awesome event for the community.
    starx280 and WithTheFish like this.
  8. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Sounds really fun
    WithTheFish likes this.
  9. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    For the dungeon speedrun part, are consumables and potions allowed? I think it’d be more fun if neither were allowed add i suppose it’d offer a more even playground of everyone.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  10. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes, and also I think horses shouldn't be allowed too
    WithTheFish and Iboju like this.
  11. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Small suggestion, having ds, cds, or cuc as any of the dungeons to speedrun might not be the best idea due to current circumstances

    csst on the other hand could be interesting
    WithTheFish likes this.
  12. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    If you will accept me senpai please
  13. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    Sounds interesting!
    Skylaar and WithTheFish like this.
  14. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I'm not really into competition, nor have discord, but will you publicly announce the winner and results for each task for people to see ?
  15. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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  16. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Yep, I'll announce them here!

    I'll definitely keep this suggestion in mind! (Although to be fair, walkspeed builds will give a pretty big advantage too, and that will be very tough to monitor)
    Greedus, 99loulou999 and Iboju like this.
  17. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    A way to perhaps “discourage” walk speed builds would probably just be to force people to run eo instead of some low level dungeon. Of course forcing people to do eo may be a problem. Perhaps a system where the harder the dungeon the more points you get..?
  18. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    My plan was that on every week, there's a specific dungeon people need to run, so I'll try to stick with dungeons that can discourage abuse of walkspeed.
    Iboju likes this.
  19. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    wc 1 detlas gang moment
  20. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Where is team Troll Tower
    Iboju and WithTheFish like this.
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