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Easiest And Hardest Boss Altar?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by 182 others, Jul 1, 2020.


Easiest Boss Altar

  1. Bovine Barn

    15 vote(s)
  2. Rotten Passage

    5 vote(s)
  3. Sunrise Canyon

    5 vote(s)
  4. Prison of Souls

    2 vote(s)
  5. Plague Labaratory

    1 vote(s)
  6. Tribal Sanctuary

    36 vote(s)
  7. Challenge of the Blades

    13 vote(s)
  8. Altar of Sanctification

    8 vote(s)
  9. Arena of the Legends

    5 vote(s)
  10. Geyser Pit (Couldn't fit the other 2)

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    It still is a heal that the other classes don't have. Shaman also has a damage buff, and Totem blocks projectiles.
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  2. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Shamans totem has a totem that does 1 fraction of your damage a second (I think) and the totem gives Strength effect to you, though idk how that works (From my assumption it boosts your dmg by 15-30%) so the shaman heal is a small add on that makes totem better than Mages Heal. Maybe the 2nd spell of Shaman can be aweful to Mages TP as haul is kinda unpredictable where you land and Mage you’ll probably know where u land. And I’m pretty sure Mage TP can counter ranged mobs as you instantly move instead of like a leap.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  3. Hypochloride

    Hypochloride Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    sunrise canyon and tribal sanctuary was hard asf, but thats probably because of my crappy gear
  4. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Reviewing every Boss Altar individually (th: theoretical review, or limited experience):
    • Bovine Barn (th): Hardest altar at level, due to main damaging spell (3rd spell) not being available until Level 21. Otherwise, fairly easy.
    • Rotten Passage (th): Doesn't look that difficult. Focus Haros, and kill the supporting minions (especially the Router - slowness can kill you).
    • Sunrise Canyon: Rymek Luke's attacks hit like a truck, but they're slow. If you have a good feel to it and can catch a good rhythm, you can avoid the "bullets" Luke fires. Gives a Fabled for your troubles.
    • Prison of Souls (th): First of two "dual boss" Altars. Can be pretty annoying at level, but it is fairly doable as long as you keep away from both of them and watch the spells.
    • Plague Laboratory: Fairly straightforward. Focus the Doctor, ignore everything else (except two particular locusts). Has a Fabled reward.
    • Tribal Sanctuary: Being an introductory altar, it is fairly easy, with no gimmicks to speak of. Clean up every mob in the altar before focusing on the boss.
    • Challenge of the Blades (th): The boss mob splits, so kill them one by one to avoid getting overwhelmed. Should be pretty doable at level.
    • Altar of Sanctification: Requires Skien's Island puzzle being solved. It is a somewhat straightforward fight with lots of phases.
    • Arena of the Legends: Requires ToL. Bring multi-elemental gear, keep your distance, and this shouldn't be much of an issue.
    • Geyser Pit: Hardest altar in the game due to a bug. Geyser Pit was apparently reworked in 1.19[citation needed], making the fight harder than usual. Keep your distance, watch your feet, and you should have this if you don't get blown up to smithereens by a stray explodobot.
      • NOTE: These spawns of satan (read: Bore Mechs) can actually escape their confines and go after you, with their suicides one-tapping you BECAUSE THEY F***ING CAN.
    • Orange Wybel: This... is actually the easiest of the three highest level altars. Just keep kiting Orange Wybel, watch where he's going to charge, stay away from Disintegrator Cores and you should have this in the bag.
    • Aerie of the Recluse: Second hardest boss altar in the game (bar Bovine Barn at level). Bringing Earth weapons here (exceptions apply) is a potentially fatal mistake, as Urdar is completely immune to Earth, and will actually make the fight even harder since you will have to deal with him every time he pops out of that egg. Adamastor is resistant to Air, but vulnerable to Earth.
    Keep in mind that Boss Altars are designed for multiple people, even though soloing them is more than possible.

    EDIT: I've read Shots' review on the altars so I may as well change them up a bit:

    Current Hardest: Geyser Pit
    • This shouldn't come as a surprise due to a bizarre bug that allows Bore Mechs to pop out of the ground. STAY IN THE BLOODY GROUND YOU WANKERS.
    • TERA has a Suicide Phase, a la Orange Wybel, further extending the fight.
    Current Easiest: Tribal Sanctuary
    • No comments for this one.
    Honorable Mention: Aerie of the Recluse
    • Turns out, Urdar can be cheesed.
    • Adamastor is still a PITA to deal with if you're too distracted by Urdar, so you're most likely going to either take him out of the picture (read: back into his egg) or face-tank his shenanigans while avoiding Addy's meteors.
    How the Turn Tables Award: Orange Wybel
    • This murderous fuzzball has somehow less damage output than a mining mech of all things. Disintegrator Core nerf has hit this fight hard.
    • Lower is a good relik. Change my mind.
    • Rowdy Wybels can be used for their en masse spawns, because lifesteal and manasteal exists (unless you're an Archer, even though it can now hit multiple targets with a single right click).
    • It is no longer in the hardest three - that spot has been taken over by Bovine Barn (at level).
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    My first post was kind of eh so this is an actual rating:

    12. Tribal Sanctuary
    Really easy boss altar, though it does of ten give trouble to newer players. In my opinion, this is learning-wise the most important battle in the game to solo. Whatever you do, don't ask for help and don't use skill pots. This battle is a "tutorial to being good in combat", and it's something everyone should do.

    11. Challenge of the Blades
    It requires the most grinding of any altar to unlock, and the battle is just a dissapointment. You should try to take out the clones one by one, but even when I didn't do that, they did so little damage it becomes a cakewalk.

    10. Altar of Santification
    I have never fought Skien myself, but the battle seems to be very straightforward. He has a ton of phases, but his ele stats don't change at all. At the later phases, he uses spells nonstop, so he can still kill you. Just don't bring an earth/fire weapon.

    9. Plague Laboratory
    If you don't do enough damage, the boss will swarm you to death. He also has a big wall of HP for the level with high ele defs. Luckily, there is a way to easily counter him: life/mana steal to the dozens of immortal minions.

    8. Rotten Passage
    The HP wall is massive for the level, and the boss can heal itself. While the minions are the main threat, the boss can still throw powerful meteors at you. This is a pretty challenging battle for level 25.

    7. Orange Wybel
    Wybel really isn't that much of a threat anymore. It's a level 100 battle so you have access to everything. Keep Wybel away from the Disintegrators and you should be set. The Rowdy Wybels don't offer much of a threat, and ls/ms builds can benefit from them.

    6. Arena of the Legends
    A key strategy to winning against this boss is to bring multiple element weapons to counter his changing ele defs (pro tip: he is never resistant to air). The Fire phase can be dangerous, but the Earth and final phases are the true threat. The Earth phase's burst fire does a lot of damage at a shorter range, but the final phase is on a whole another level. It has a super-powerful and fast main attack that can take out half of your HP on a single strike, and it has Teleport and resistances to everything but Air.

    5. Sunrise Canyon
    haha get one shotted

    This boss has the highest damaging main attack (relative to level) in the game. Not only that, but if you get too far he Charges right at you. He also has an Arrow Storm that covers a large area with each arrow still doing around 15% of your max HP.

    4. Prison of Souls
    Features two powerful enemies, both with two phases, one focusing on damage and one focusing on support. Kill one first before the other transforms. Overrall very challenging battle.

    3. Bovine Barn
    What can I say. HP, damage, mobility, ranged minions that can heal...

    This boss has no clear weaknesses, and you are supposed to fight him at level 20. Good luck.

    2. Geyser Pit
    Has a very similiar battle to Wybel with an immortal and powerful sub-phase ending with a Suicide Strike and exploding minions that can phase through the ground dealing massive damage. A very difficult encounter to be sure, and ten levels lower than Wybel.

    1. Aerie of Recluse
    The boss is a tanky ranged mob with Heal, and the minon is a constantly respawning melee glass cannon. And their elemental weaknesses are completely opposite! At level 95, this is clearly one of Wynncraft's hardest battles.
  6. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    For AoS, I use a fire weapon (October Fires) but still he was very easy, I could probably even defeat him if his phases had 25k instead of a measly 10k HP, and for Arena of the Legends, I did an easy defeat on Grand Magus, I'd probably just have to take him more seriously if I wasn't a Shaman lol
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Grand Magus could still very well kill a glassy Shaman by teleporting behind them, but doesn't Prison disable movement spells?
  8. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You forgot to mention that totem heals every second, unlike health regen/heal spell. Also, amount of heal can be easily increased with water damage which is commonly used for shaman.
  9. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Isn’t the healing 4% of your max HP? Or does it work differently.
  10. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Water damage% increases the healing powers of Mage and Shaman
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  11. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Each 1% of Water Damage found on items specifically will increase the potency of your heal by .5%, up to a maximum effect of 75% increase at 150% water damage.

    This is relative, so 4*1.75=7 Totem can heal up to 7% of your health per second if you've got 150% water damage across your items. The water damage gained from the Concentration armor powder special and your Intelligence stat do not affect your heals, as they're way too easy to stack.
    182 others likes this.
  12. I_cecubePY

    I_cecubePY Skilled Adventurer

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    The Tribal Sanctuary. If you know how to control your character, you win.

    Just kidding, orange Wybel is the easiest.
  13. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Hardest: Tribal Sanctuary

    Easiest: Bovine Barn
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    you people are forgetting the orange wybel

    (you know, that one boss that was once considered the hardest or at least one of the hardest in the entire game by many)
  15. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    Eh... I also think u missed the nerfs
    Now it's way less likely that Wybel charge spam. Sometimes I don't even see charge spam during a fight. I must say that Aerie of the Recluse is harder since the 2 bosses there both hit hard instead of swarms of low level mobs. The main boss also have charge spam which uses it more likely than wybel
  16. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    The Wybel didn't get nerfs, the Disintegrators did, so as to make the fight less luck-based. The Wybel can still do chargestacking, and in fact a number of its spell combos is specifically dedicated to doing that. Not sure why you reference Adamastor as having a super-often Chargestack- she only uses it in her ult, which uses normal charge ten times to fly up into the air, then heal, then five heavy charges totalling up to the same damage as one of her Meteors, before pushing you away and lobbing five Meteors.
  17. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    wait nani the fuck? it's actually the meteor that's one shotting me? I thought it's just charge spam and landing on me
    also no idea why, but the charge spam rate on adamaster is like 2x that of wybel in all my runs

    EDIT: I'm using thunder weapon for both bosses, same build same weapon
    I don't really understand since wybel should have more thunder defense than adamaster but adamaster uses more ult than wybel's charge spam
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
  18. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    The following is judged collectively across all classes, as obviously certain classes will struggle more than others depending on the boss. It is also if you were to do them at level or lower, and for reference, boss altars minimum and recommended levels will be listed in my descriptions. You can technically enter a boss altar at any time unless a quest is required to get into the area where they reside ("Grave Digger" for Rotten Passage, "Canyon Condor" for Sunrise Canyon, and "Temple of Legends" for Arena of the Legends), but there is a minimum level to get the discovery of an altar.
    Minimum Level: 66
    Recommended Level: 70

    At first, the fight seems pretty intimidating, having a total of 11 phases with each phase featuring a variety of combos using charge, heavy charge, multi-hit, vanish, and arrow storm. However, the boss is a glass cannon in all of its phases aside from the second to last phase, with each phase having 14k hp or less. That's pretty low for this level, but it is made hysterically low considering the boss's gimmick: he is supposed to be a dps test.

    The reason for this is because he practically full heals, or at the very least regains two-thirds, of his hp after 10 seconds thanks to his hpr. His entire gimmick is to see if you can outdamage that hpr or not. It WANTS you to use op gear in order to shred the boss before it can do anything, excluding the second to last phase since that has a respectable 37.5k hp (although it still has roughly 6k hpr). Since the boss also has weakness to water/thunder/air (gaining water weakness in phase 2, water/thunder in phase 3, and water/thunder/air in every phase after that), it makes it even easier due to being able to abuse elements with the majority of the level 70 legendaries.

    Since you kill it faster than anything it could do, the boss is a walking joke, as its hpr walls you off entirely from bringing weapons that may make it take long enough to warrant being a threat in most situations. The only time I ever struggle with this boss whatsoever is when I use extreme hybrid (i.e the Scythe you are seeing me use in the image), as then I still have enough damage to get through his hpr quickly but still need to be careful with mana consumption to do so.

    It's sad to see an interesting background character lore wise become a complete meme mechanics wise in their altar, and honestly the actual Skiens boss on Skiens Island is better, but I digress. This boss is easily the easiest boss altar in the game no matter what class you are.
    Minimum Level: 57
    Recommended Level: 57

    Understandably, the tutorial for boss altars is going to pale in comparison to the other boss altars. Mechanically, this is the simplest boss altar. The boss only has multi-hit and heavy charge, making it fairly easy to avoid. The healers are the most dangerous part of this fight, as they can, well, heal the boss. Taking care of them is the top priority. The other minions are pretty much irrelevant since they walk slowly towards you.

    However, this is a great learning point for new players. While I consider Hashr, Theorick, and Slykaar (even on my first playthrough, excluding Slykaar because he wasn't buffed yet of course) to be more difficult, the boss has some pretty ridiculous damage if you do manage to get hit by him. It's often a oneshot if you're a Shaman/Archer (ignoring investment relatively high investment in defense), but aura prison destroys him at a distance and Archer still has bomb arrow. Warrior is actually pretty easy to do because you can tank quite a few of his multi-hits thanks to your defense, but overall, this teaches the player to pay more attention to boss combos if the previous three dungeon bosses didn't.

    All that said, that doesn't change that the boss is fairly easy and straightforward, but plenty of new players still struggle with this boss to this day.
    Minimum Level: 65
    Recommended Level: 70

    This boss is actually quite difficult solely if you look at the actual mechanics of the fight. The boss starts off as one, splitting into two of itself when you kill it. These two then split into another two when you kill them, and eventually, there will be dozens of them on the field at once. The boss has tp, vanish, and multi-hit, meaning it is easy to get comboed over and over again with no reprieve due to all the chaos that is going on around you. This is not mentioning that each minion individually has around 20k+ hp as the fight goes on, as the boss's hp increases with each split.

    However, the main thing that makes this fight so much easier is just due to the options the player has when doing the fight, i.e mana/lifesteal or defense orientated builds. The latter dominates the late game (level 68-90 range) when used with spell spam, so, unsurprisingly, you can face tank everything that's going on quite easily. Mana/lifesteal also makes you practically invincible in this fight, especially when paired with defense, because you will be constantly getting procs due to the amount of enemies there are. It will prove to be quite a threat without this though, especially if you have -ms/ls...

    Needless to say, having -ms on my Mage when I most recently did it was a painful experience lol.
    Minimum Level: 95
    Recommended Level: 99

    Oh how the turns have tabled, old friend. Orange Wybel finally isn't bs.

    Generally, you'll want to try and position the disintegrator cores on one side of the arena. While this does theoretically makes it harder to move around the arena due to having less room, it's for the best, since the cores spam flamethrower and explode. Orange Wybel himself has much better telegraphs thanks to the addition of "spell combos". However, the most important nerf was to the cores no longer having pull spell, as that was the main reason you actually died to Wybel and not to the charge stack itself (i.e dying to something completely out of your control). While Wybel still has push (only in his final phase as far as I've noticed), he usually has a brief pause before he goes in to actually hit you with a heavy charge from across the arena, giving you plenty of time to avoid it.

    The minions are either a blessing or curse, as they can heal the boss and swarm you, but also provide easy lifesteal and manasteal. Depending on your build, you'll either want to avoid these at all costs, which can be difficult depending on both your walkspeed and whatever Wybel is doing at the time, or spam them to infinitely survive.

    But truly, the main reason Wybel became easier is actually not because of his nerfs, although it is definitely in part because of that. It's actually due to powercreep. Throughout updates, there's obviously more options given to the player through various changes. Since endgame is often the most "focused", if you will, part of this, it's not surprising that the player just has a lot of access to gear that makes the game much easier. That's not to say I don't enjoy Wybel, in fact I consider it one of Wynn's best bosses, but things have just gotten easier to use in the endgame because of more options (in particular fast/slow sustain hybrid and heavy melee, which are two of Wybel's hardest counters).

    I'm going off on a bit of a tangent now, though. Wybel may prove to an issue to some because of his high damage output, but personally I consider him, and Cybel, to be moderately difficult at most now.
    Minimum Level: 50
    Recommended Level: 55

    The Doc himself has combos with light charge into heavy explode and pull into heavy explode, along with simple projectiles as his melees. His most infamous move involves a variant of arrow storm, where he will push you twice before spewing out potions in a spread out cone that tracks you. These combos are well telegraphed and entirely avoidable by the player when he preps them, as he will still need to use charge/push/pull to set up the damaging attacks.

    The minions cycle into each other with suicide strike, and I believe there are 4 minions in total. These are the Locusts of Transformation, Rejuvenation, Infection, and Consumption. The Locusts of Transformation turn into Locusts of Rejuvenation when they die, the Locusts of Rejuvenation can heal the boss, apply weakness to you, and transform into Locusts of Infection when they die, the Locusts of Infection walk menacingly towards you (although it would make sense if they applied something like slowness/weakness, though I'm not sure) and turn into Locusts of Consumption when they die, and the Locusts of Consumption have multi-hit while recycling back into a Locust of Rejuvenation when they die. Given the amount there is of any variant of these enemies, it can be easy to get swarmed without knowledge of how to deal with it, especially because the boss has a high amount of hp (60k).

    Realistically, you won't be able to force a transformation for the Locusts of Consumption and Infection, as they have 500k hp. Both the Locusts of Transformation and Rejuvenation have little enough hp to be able to force a transformation to another minion, the former have around 3.5k hp and the latter having around 5k hp. This can be useful in general to stop the boss from getting access to healing. However, the minions also take significantly more knockback than that of the boss, so spells like Warscream can be your best friend in this fight due to how much knockback they deal. Depending on build though, you may not want to knock back these enemies, as they will be helpful for activating mana and lifesteal.

    As you can see, the boss gives the player near full control over the fight, making it entirely fair when lag is not a factor. This does make it moderately challenging as a result, not warranting being put higher on this list, but I would be lying if I didn't say that this boss is my favorite in the game as a result of this (and other factors, but that's for another time).
    Minimum Level: 38
    Recommended Level: 40

    Rymek Luke is...odd. He is heavily countered by ranged playstyles, which is ironic, given he's the one with a gun, and his attacks are all easy to maneuver around when you have distance between you and him (even the spread arrow storm in his second phase). Due to how hard he hits with any of his abilities (excluding multi-hit, since that is supposed to knock you away from him rather than do actual damage), you need to try and play patiently to avoid his attacks.

    The weird factor that is present in his fight is him having 1k hpr in his second phase. That actively goes against Rymek Luke's actual design in favor of you playing aggressively against him. While this isn't much of a problem for ranged and even hit and run playstyles, as both can achieve mostly a constant damage up time, it is a problem for more up close and personal builds (i.e melee Warrior, sometimes melee Shaman, etc.). You have to trade damage with him in order to outdamage his hpr, and we all know how trading damage with a literal bullet when you poke them with a stick is going to go. I actually had to end up swapping to Karma later because I couldn't out heal and out damage Luke's hpr at the same time, and since uppercut's range is enough to be a comfortable distance away from Luke I actually did it while only getting hit once.

    But overall, he's still only moderately difficult. Punishes you severely for bad positioning and/or just poorly timed dodges in general, but shouldn't be much of a hassle with ranged setups and is pretty easy to strafe. One thing I forgot to mention is he has reverse kb, so try to avoid using attacks that have lots of kb normally unless it's to reposition him (ex. using Warscream if he's camping a wall to make it easier to strafe around him, as this will make him fly behind you).
    Minimum Level: 20
    Recommended Level: 25

    The thing about Rotten Passage that makes it incredibly difficult to rank based on an overall ranking is that it heavily favors Archer/Shaman due to bomb arrow/aura, but the other classes I have found struggle to a relatively high degree. Assassin can prove to be a challenge but can be nullified to a degree thanks to vanish breaking aggro, but Mage/Warrior I've found consistently struggle with it unless you go all out spell on Warrior (as Uppercut/Charge do ludicrous amount of damage). Mage's meteor is really hard to work with here because it travels so slow (keep in mind that you don't get fast falling meteor till level 36), and I actually really only use it to nuke the archers in the background.

    But that aside, you'll want to kill the majority of the minions near Haros before going for him. The main reason for this is because Haros can pull you towards him, and if there is a swarm around him when he does this, prepare for a world of hurt. The archers also are an issue, because you'll either have to spend a lot of time dispatching them or just deal with it. Haros also has explode and meteor, which do quite a large chunk of damage and can be a oneshot for some classes. He also has tp, which he usually uses to setup his pull spell, so you can prepare to be pulled into the horde as a result of that.

    However, the most important thing to note is Haros has a healbot ai (along with heal), meaning he will follow his minions around while also having a decently fast attack rate of a fireball projectile. This means you'll actually want to keep at least a couple of Haros's minions alive, as then his projectile will be inaccurate in terms of tracking you since he's following around the minion instead. It's actually possible to make Haros be irrelevant for a decent portion of the fight depending on which minion he follows, as he will just camp next to an archer if he targets them or run away with a shanker (thunder minions that run away when hit) to the other side of the map momentarily.

    Once you get past the initial rushes of his army though, the spawnrates will significantly decrease as the fight continues. Overall, it's more just a matter of how quickly you can get through these rushes, which Archer/Shaman can with ease, or how well you can use Haros's healbot ai to your advantage with the other classes that don't do so well against these rushes.
    Minimum Level: 68
    Recommended Level: 70

    I wasn't anticipating Arena of the Legends being this high on the list, but after my most recent playthroughs and considering the other altars below it, really the only one I could see ranking higher than this is Rotten Passage. Without bringing a multi-element weapon or secondary, there's a pretty good chance that one of his four "single" element phases will completely wall you off from killing him thanks to how little damage you do combined with his hpr+heal spell. Even with these multi-elemental weapons or secondaries, some phases may just take a while as a result of not being able to abuse elemental weaknesses properly.

    Overall though, these first four phases are pretty straightforward and basic, with the boss simply having spells like heal, teleport, etc. and no real "combos". The most dangerous phase prior to the last phase is the one right before it, where the boss has burst fire, like that of the first phase, and does high amounts of damage due to being earth based, not mentioning that it has meteor as well.

    The last phase takes all the elements and aspects of the phases prior into one, final all out phase (hence why he doesn't have air damage/defense in this phase, as there is never a phase where he is air based). The most interesting aspect of this is that the boss actually gets faster as the fight goes on, which at first confused me as to why he was going absolutely haywire in his final phase when I was fighting him on my Mage until I had asked how this phase worked in terms of spell combos. With that in mind, the boss wants you to play hyper aggressive against it to avoid this happening. All your mana has to go into chasing the boss down as much as possible when it goes to tp around everywhere, although it also still has meteor and you need to be careful of that.

    This is pretty much the master of the "moderately difficult" altars. It mostly relies on you abusing elemental weaknesses to get through the first four phases, but the fifth phase on its own is enough of a threat to warrant being at least #6 on this spot (although I bumped it above Rotten Passage as a result of relying on so many other factors in terms of build rather than class).

    Oh, I forgot to mention the minions.
    They exist.
    Minimum Level: 90
    Recommended Level: 95

    (That's a playerghost to the left btw, as this was the best SS I could find that has both Urdar and Adamastor in it)

    Let's start by talking about Adamastor. Boasting a whopping 400k hp with decent resistance to thunder/air, not to mention having access to heal spell, she is quite tanky for level 95. She also will constantly use meteor, which deals hefty amounts of damage. While meteor is relatively easy to avoid, you need to constantly be ready to dodge it when up close to her as a result of her spamming it. Her most infamous move is her ult, where she flies up into the air with heavy charge before eventually landing somewhere else, pushing you away from her, and then using a barrage of meteors. Overall, her moves aren't the hardest thing in the world to avoid, unless you understandably lag real bad when she uses her ult due to the particles, but Adamastor alone would be worthy of being at this spot.

    But then Urdar enters the picture. Before emerging from his egg, he will always spam pull you towards it prior to exploding. Once emerged, you have two options: kill Urdar or tank through his onslaught. You often will do the former if you are not using an earth weapon, as Urdar is completely immune to earth damage, and will do the latter if you are using a earth weapon or if you just don't have that high dps (as Urdar has 75k hp). While active, Urdar will use charge, pull, and multi-hit constantly, more as a means of pestering you than anything else. Eventually, he will go back into his egg whether you kill him or not, and he will emerge once again after roughly 15 seconds.

    Sounds like a lot to handle, right? Well yeah, it is. You'll want to keep Urdar away from Adamastor to avoid being pulled into a meteor when he is active, but this also gives Adamastor ample time to heal. However, there are ways to counter Urdar almost entirely.

    For starters, Assassin hard counters Urdar, as vanish (maybe spin's blind to, but I haven't tested it enough) resets, or at least prolongs, Urdar's suicide strike timer. Now that raises the obvious point of "well, not everyone is an Assassin", and that's fair. However, there is a hard counter to Urdar that all classes have access to: Urdar's aggro range is not high enough to reach across the whole arena.

    When Urdar first emerges from his egg, you'll want to lead him as far away from Adamastor as you can before killing him. You'd naturally do this anyways to separate them, as I had said earlier, but it matters more here. Once Urdar dies, his egg will preferably be in a far off corner of the arena (preferably near the entrance, since Adamastor rarely goes over there on her own even with her ult due to the roof). If Adamastor is far enough away when you do this, Urdar will never emerge from his egg for the rest of the fight. Due to his low aggro range, there is no way for him to pull you towards him and activate his suicide strike.

    As a result, there is a way to completely remove Urdar for the picture after he first emerges, making the fight go back to a one on one with you and Adamastor. Of course, you could consider this cheese, which generally I try to avoid when judging a boss, but even without the cheese I wouldn't rank Urdar and Adamastor higher than this because everything in the fight is manageable.

    And that's saying a hell of a lot about the 3 altars above this one.

    P.S I'd like to acknowledge that Achilles was the most optimal choice of boots for when I went to fight them with my Warrior.
    Just wanted to point that out, because calling Achilles optimal is probably the most cursed thing I've ever said.
    Minimum Level: 40
    Recommended Level: 45

    Let's begin with The Beast. He has burst fire melees with a moderately slow cooldown. As a result, it is entirely possible to circle strafe around The Beast, as that is the best way to counter burst fire with enough walkspeed. However, The Beast also has teleport and meteor as a means of forcing you off him when needed.

    When killed, The Beast turns into "The Unfettered". Now, he has the traditional melee AI, but retains his meteor and teleport. However, in relation to the idea of "burst fire" that he had in his first phase, The Unfettered will almost always use spells in rapid bursts rather than one offs, making them exponentially lethal if you let yourself get hit by them (as he will lob many meteors your way when using these spells, often being a oneshot because of the hitstun applied when hit by these meteors).

    Now, let's turn to The Enslaved. They have a healbot ai (running towards other enemies), along with heal and pull. They also have a projectile they fire at a fast rate.

    When killed, it turns into "The Unbound". Now, it utilizes a "linear" mob ai (running straight towards you before turning around after doing a pass by). While it keeps its pull spell, it now gains charge and vanish instead. As a result of its own movement speed, which is quite fast, and vanish, it is hard to keep track of The Unbound as a result, along with being difficult to main a constant damage up time with something like melee Warrior due to the linear mob ai.

    ...And you have to fight both of these at once, with each retaining ~12k hp in their first forms and ~24k in their second forms. That's more than Rymek Luke and Theorick combined, hell that's an even higher collective health bar than The Plague Doctor, who is 10 levels higher than them! And since it's at such a low level to, its not like you can really abuse their elemental defenses that much, since really their weaknesses aren't that high in my experience. Since you have to fight both at once, they also have incredible synergy with one another, and your strategy for which to kill first varies heavily depending on the build in question.

    One general rule applies no matter what class you fight them with though, and that is to always kill The Enslaved first. Excluding the fact that it can straight up heal The Beast, it also can pull you into a shotgun blast from The Beast. While The Unbound also has pull, its unlikely that it will be close enough to The Beast to pull you into a shotgun blast when separated properly, as it no longer has its healbot ai.

    But with that aside, as said earlier, it is heavily dependent on the build you are running. Sometimes it may be too taxing on your mana to deal with both of their aggros at once in their second phases, as was the case with my Warrior and Mage, other times you may want to focus both, as is usually the case with Archer thanks to bomb arrow. Out of any class, Assassin actually has the easiest time with this boss. This is because vanish+spin makes it easy to juggle and control aggro, making the fight only moderately difficult on Assassin at most depending on your mana usage/sustain. All other classes I have consistently struggled with finding the best strategy for whatever build I'm using.
    Minimum Level: 15
    Recommended Level: 20

    The Durum Protector's entire purpose is too play off your one greatest weakness at lower levels: a lack of options. Considering that this is level 20, you don't even have access to your third spell yet, meaning you are limited to your t2 first spell and your t1 second spell.

    The Durum Protector has 3.7k hp (along with roughly 200 hpr, which is obnoxious, but it is what it is until mob hpr hopefully gets nuked). He also has what I call "linear" mob ai, where he runs straight towards you before turning around to face you once again once he does a pass by. While this does make his movement predictable, it makes it difficult to maintain a constant damage up time with up close and personal builds, which both Assassin and Warrior will probably need to be using. These melees also hit like a truck, nearly doing a third of your health or more depending on class.

    He only has three spells total: charge, heavy charge, and push. He will use push as a one off spell more than anything else, usually to push you towards the Scarecrows (which we'll get back to later). His heavy charge will often oneshot you unless you're a Warrior/Assassin due to class base defense, and even with Warrior/Assassin it can at least halve your health. However, for all intents and purposes, heavy charge is easily predictable when poison is not in question. It has a linear path way where it starts and ends, and only becomes unpredictable when used in quick succession, which the Durum Protector does not do.

    In theory, the boss wouldn't be that difficult if it were to be alone. That's why the Scarecrows exist.

    The Scarecrows have 400 hp, which is a ludicrous amount of hp for a minion at this level. They also are spaced out in a manner where the only class that can deal with all of them effectively is Archer, as Archer has its concentrated arrow storm to hit them at range. Any other class would have to not only strafe around the Scarecrows, but also strafe around the Durum Protector at the same time if they were to fight them. This is not mentioning that they have heal spell, so if the Durum Protector goes near them, there is a chance he'll get free healing as well.

    As a result, the only true good way to go about dealing with them is by only killing one Scarecrow to fight the Durum Protector, now with only 1/4th of the arena to work with. I forgot to mention that they also shoot projectiles at a fast rate, meaning they will be constantly chipping your hp regardless of what you do, and at worse hitstun you enough to the point where the Durum Protector will land a devastating blow on you. You may think that you could just spend the first portion of the fight killing all the Scarecrows in the room, but that is not viable, as they can respawn. Unless you got lucky, killing all of them aside from Archer is not an option.

    And remember how I said heavy charge is easily predictable? Well, that's true, but that doesn't make it easy to dodge when you have such an enclosed area to work with.

    Like I've implied, this is easiest with Archer. Archer still has its concentrated arrow storm at this level, meaning it can kill the Scarecrows with relative ease and keep its distance from the boss. Still, one slip up in your dodges can spell death due to your base defense, especially if you let yourself get hit by a heavy charge.

    Warrior actually does the best here aside from Archer. The reason for this is because 1. charge's damage and 2. charge's hitbox. Due to both these factors, you can actually do what I call "charge exchanging" (i.e you charge towards the enemy at the same time as they are charging) to both deal damage to the boss and halt it from charging any farther. You can also use bash to interrupt a charge if neccessary, but usually that costs too much mana to be worth it. Charge also helps kill the Scarecrow of your choice, and you can tank through the Scarecrows thanks to your base defense (and even tank a hit or two from the Durum Protector). The only reason this isn't as good as Archer is because Archer simply does more damage and can end the fight faster, which means less Scarecrow spawnrate RNG to deal with. However, these are both relatively the same in terms of difficulty.

    Assassin/Shaman are also on the same ish level here. Assassin's vanish actually makes the charge unpredictable when timed incorrectly, as it may cause the boss to charge in a random direction suddenly. You only want to use vanish when the charge is already in effect. Spin attack's most useful purpose here is of course its blind, which can help deal with the respective Scarecrow when it respawns (using vanish+spin to take care of every Scarecrow is often too taxing on your mana and just straight up not worth it). The main problem for an Assassin is just that you will get hitstunned constantly by the Scarecrows, which is detrimental for using vanish properly. Luckily, Assassin's base defense allows you to tank at least a couple hits.

    On the other hand, Shaman will be oneshot by the Durum Protector due to its base defense. While Shaman's damage is high enough to kill the Scarecrows at point blank range, it will cause you to not have enough mana to haul when needed if your in a poor position to manually dodge a charge. Your totem position is the most important factor here, as there is no way too reset the totem without placing another. While your totem can block the Scarecrow's projectiles, good luck using it to do that while strafing the Durum Protector at the same time.


    But Helter Skelter being absolutely busted aside, Shaman is on par with Assassin's difficulty in my eyes because of totem's healing being very nice for tanking through the Scarecrow's chip damage, although it's going to do jack in terms of being hit by the boss.

    Mage by far has the hardest time with Bovine Barn. Your heal is practically nothing at this point in the game, teleport often causes you to go straight into a scarecrow, and your damage is abysmally low. This is not mentioning that your base defense isn't exactly high (80%), meaning you'll either be one or two shot by the Durum Protector. Even if you don't get oneshot, the Scarecrows will eventually kill you off since almost all your mana has to go to using tp to dodge the boss. The saving grace is that your melees have range, meaning you can interrupt the Durum Protector's charge when timed properly (as enemy charge has a few iFrames when it first activates).

    Of course, I can say all of this and make it seem easy, but in reality it is much harder to pull off than I may make it seem. This is Wynn's hardest boss in the game when done at level (although yesterday I said I considered Prison of Souls more difficult, but I have since changed my mind back to Bovine Barn being slightly harder).

    P.S If you judge this using Therck set then yeah obviously its easy lol.
    Minimum Level: 85
    Recommended Level: 90

    Fighting this boss is the same feeling as the catheter I had being put in me and taken out while I was awake after my pectus surgery. In case you don't know what that feels like, good, because that means you haven't fought this boss yet. Ever wondered what pre-nerf Cybel disintegrator cores felt like? This is them, except now they have the audacity to move.

    You are at the complete mercy of RNG because of the Bore Mechs actively deciding boundaries don't exist. You know what I do every time I fight this boss now? Pump sp into defense out the wazoo, because it's the only way I can guarantee I'm not going to be randomly oneshot by one of these twats when they pop out of the ground. Round and Round the Explodobots go when they'll oneshot you hell if I know. You know it would be pretty cool if you could stay in the area where you belong, actually it would be better if you went so far underground that you suffocated. Of course you can't do that, because you're robots, so how does being crushed under severe pressure sound instead?

    Oh right actual boss mechanics, bring a thunder weapon to shred the boss as fast as possible, because even it doesn't deserve the respect of a fair fight. Fire works to, since in its third phase it has fire weakness. Oh WHOOPS I forgot the boss has a suicide phase better start praying that it doesn't last 10 minutes yes 10 minutes I had to sit in this spamming R-L-R on my Mage had a real nice chat with this boss about how bugs are amazing. Also it has push/pull, which means it can send you flying into one of the oneshot wonders at will. This is balanced by the fact that it makes you realize that the boss isn't worth your time.

    But slamming this boss into a wall aside, it would probably be a good and challenging enough boss fight to be at least in the number 4 spot if you ignored the bug. Too bad mobs glitching through walls is by far most notable here and actively ruins the boss.

    tl;dr (even though it's listed in the spoilers)
    12. Altar of Sanctification
    11. Tribal Sanctuary
    10. Challenge of the Blades
    9. Orange Wybel
    8. Plague Laboratory
    7. Sunrise Canyon
    6. Rotten Passage
    5. Arena of the Legends
    4. Aerie of the Recluse
    3. Prison of Souls
    2. Bovine Barn
    1. Bore Mech TERA-5k
    0. The leaf block.
  19. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    omg what a coincidence... there is a good video for this very question... thy Shots.
  20. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    I've had the Geyser Pit experience first hand, and let me tell you this, IT. WAS. NOT. PRETTY.

    I'm guessing you can trap the Bore Mechs should they pop out of the ground with Shaman's Aura, but if you can't, I'll go fetch the pallbearers. At least they cut an amazing jig, unlike these spawns of the big S that decide arbitrarily when to escape their confines, if one existed to begin with.

    Summa is a decent ring, though.
    Shots likes this.
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