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Draft Idea - Wynncraft Market Discord

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by __Excel, Jun 24, 2020.


Is this something you would use?

  1. Yes, whenever I would want to buy an item

    7 vote(s)
  2. No, the current tools provided are enough for me

    4 vote(s)
  3. Occasionally, when I can find my items anywhere else

    7 vote(s)
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  1. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    When trying to buy an item in-game, it can be really difficult to find the item you want.
    Trade market slots are quite limited, meaning that the sellers can't put all their items on the in game market.
    And for those who want to buy, they must look through countless threads in the trade market forums section to find something that matches their needs.
    You could use places like the Mythic Emporium discord, #trade-market in wynncraft discord, or just shout in game to sell your items, but it will still be hard for your potentially buyers to find what you are selling without a lot of searching effort.

    My idea is a discord server specifically designed for buying and selling items, with something special to help search through items being sold - a custom discord bot.
    This discord bot would do a few things:
    • If you want to sell an item, you would use some command, then the bot would open up a private channel with you and the bot in it. You type in the name of the item you are selling (and it will look it up with the wynncraft items API), then it will ask you to enter all the different values of the identifications, plus rerolls and powders. You can also add a price, or you can ask the buyer to give their price.
    • If you want to buy an item, you would use some command, then the bot would open up a private channel with you and the bot in it. Now, you can search item by name, (and possibly other things like stats, but this isn't very necessary because wynndata exists). After searching for the item, you can also search by different stat - say I want high mana regen on an aquarius, you can have the bot search by mana-regen. You would also be able to add multiple queries, plus other queries like price.
      Once you find the item you want, the bot will give you information on the person selling the item so that you can get in contact.
    The only issue I can see is that people would put up items for sale on the discord, then sell them and forget to remove it from the bot's database. I think this could be easily fixed by having a warning system where if you leave an item being sold in discord which you no longer have, you get a warning, and like X warnings = ban. We can also add an additional expiration timer, where your item will be removed from the database automatically after a certain amount of time, say 14 days.

    Now I'm still not sure if this is something people would use enough for it to be effective, or if something close enough to this already exists, so let me know what you think and if you would use it.

    Also, if we do end up trying to create this, let me know if you have any experience developing bots in either nodeJS or python, and if you are interested. I have a good amount of experience with bots in nodeJS, so I could contribute if this ends up being created.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Seems great!

    How about making a section on the main server instead of making its own? It would be propably locked by a role. (just idea)
    99loulou999 and __Excel like this.
  3. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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  4. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Asking the user to enter exact identifications of an item is tedious, but it is effective. Though a better method would be to ask for the pictures of the images and describing the item as concisely as possible. This though raises a few issues:
    • Descriptions could be literal guild advertisements, and the ads in the in-game TM are already on thin ice(?). Rules could be specified to keep the item descriptions to be as concise as possible while avoiding guild/service/etc. advertisements.
    • Pictures need to be cropped. No "selling this, buying that" pictures that people create on MSPaint (or various image manipulation programs). AI autocropping might be implemented to help alleviate this issue, allowing the bot to scan for the actual item and crop out unnecessary bits.
    • Search functionality. The bot might want to search for keywords on either the item name or the description (can be specified) rather than literal stats if it's picture based.
    Images need to be uploaded either through an image host (like Imgur) or be a snapshot on web (Lightshot, Gyazo). Client uploads to Discord can also work, but it needs to be impossible to abuse.

    Also regarding the "forgot to mark as sold" thing, the listing timer could be set to the same as the in-game one (14 days), and if the user forgets that it's sold or is not aware of it, it will auto-expire, and the user will be notified that their listing has expired.
    Qzphs likes this.
  5. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I don't think making pictures is going to be an option - one of the main reasons for a bot like this is so that you can search by identification or whatnot. If we accepted pictures, then we would need some kind of scanner to find the numbers... which I am definitely not going to deal with.
    I think that it won't be too tedious if we make it so that after you enter the item name, the bot just asks you "Please enter the amount of Thunder Damage%" for example and you just go back and forth until all the identifications are done.
    Yeah I actually thought about doing that, but forgot to add it to the thread. Adding now.
    Also- I have added a poll, please answer!
    crap i made a typo in the poll, i meant to say
    "Occasionally, when I can't find my items anywhere else"
    it wont let me edit it
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  6. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    Great idea! This would be very helpful with a few tweaks.


    I am not sure if this is the right place to put this thread. I would have put it under General Suggestions.
  7. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    mY thoughts exactly
  8. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I didn't want to put it in suggestions, because
    a) I am not suggesting something that they wynncraft team would have to do, but rather a community project
    b) The purpose of this thread is to ask for opinions on whether or not this is something that people want, and how we could improve the idea. This isn't really a suggestion.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  9. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    Ah ok! Makes sense
  10. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    could save people's time by only prompting for key stats (eg. don't prompt for negative earth damage on medeis).
    would probably be harder to code cos you can't just slap the api onto it but would save a lot of time on users' end.
  11. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Exact stats are somewhat of a pain. I'd suggest maybe 0-3 stars like in game, or perhaps certain ranges (eg 10-15) that they can check. Problem is for people like me who have a lot of items, it would be painstakingly slow to enter every single I'd on every single item.
  12. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    You guys seem to have similar opinions, so I'll respond to both.
    I just want to lay out the options that I see, and what the potential problems with them are:
    1. Only check key stats (like what Qzphs said) - this would work, but
      a) there are many items with a lot of stats that people care about, like up to 5 (which is still very slow)
      b) Seeing how many items are in game, it would take a very long time to do this for every single one.
    2. Make some sort of an image scanner (or use an existing tool for doing so) - I am going to disqualify this for 2 reasons:
      a) I think it would still take people with a lot of items to sell a painfully long amount of time to screenshot and upload all of these to discord. In addition, say you took a bad screenshot, the discord bot wouldn't be able to scan it and you would have to go back and do it again.
      b) It would be a huge pain to figure out how to get a scanner like that to work, and a lot of time and effort, so I wouldn't be pursuing that myself, but who knows, maybe there is someone else here who might (but i dont think so)
    3. Just go with entering it one by one. This can be not too painful if you are able to just look on one screen with the items, and just keep your focus on that while entering in the numbers one-by-one (it would make it the order from top-to-bottom). This isn't so great though because, as you guys said, it would still take a long time.
      One small way to improve this a little would be to make it so that if your item expires, you don't have to manually redo all the stats, the bot saves them but removes them from the market. All you have to do is like type a command to "restore" your old item.
    4. This idea is an interesting one - a minecraft forge mod. What it would do is make it so that when you have an item in game, you can like click on it or something and it would just access a database (we could make it with MongoDB) and enter it there, making you not need to enter stats at all.
      Only issue is that I haven't made forge mods for about 4 years, but I know this is possibly and wouldn't be very hard to do.
    Let me know what you think and if there are any other options.
    Qzphs likes this.
  13. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    move this to general suggestions
  14. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Hmmmmmm i just realized that if we made this a forge mod it would be totally possible to just ditch the discord idea and make it just a mod. Then you could have some sort of overlay with all the items and make it search-able, essentially replacing the in game market for a version without the slot limit, and without the tax. You could search through the items, and you could hook up your forums account, discord, and then it would also give you info on the seller. I mean, it is doable, but I would definitely need some help because that seems like a lot of forge coding.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  15. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i mean it still is a suggestion but i guess that makes sense
  16. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    The general suggestions section is for suggestions that people want the wynncraft team to implement. I'm not asking anyone, especially not the wynncraft team to add this, but I am thinking about doing it myself, and am asking if there are people that would use it (so I know if it is worth my time).
  17. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    woah there sounds a bit too glorified

    the drawback to the mod idea (assuming it works as you've described) is that you can't automatically conduct transactions. ingame market is still the only way to immediately source readily used items (repair scrap, as well as cheap gear if it's urgent). it's also the only way to organise mass-purchases from many sellers (ingredients for profession levelling).

    imo these two purposes are the most prominent on the ingame market, which means you're barely replacing the ingame market at all. i'd argue that the mod actually adds something new since its sorting features allow for better organisation of mid-range equipment transactions, which is something the ingame market kind of sucks at catering for.
  18. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Yeah, I kinda exaggerated :p
    But it would be very good for selling armor, weapons and accessories.

    The issue is that we would need a lot of people to start using it for it to be effective, so it would need some publicity on release for it to work.
  19. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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  20. NoobPixel

    NoobPixel Well-Known Adventurer

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    pretty sweet idea
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