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Mythic Tier List

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GreenTheMeme, Jun 22, 2020.

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  1. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    you are falsified

    @williamszr98 y is ArchangeL F doe?
  2. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    both basically have the same speed but slider do more damage

    noticed how there's nothing in S tier, so technically everything is 1 tier higher
  3. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    ArchangeL is not to be used for damage ;))))) its a tank weapon for lower leveled players who need to run around the map and try not to get 1 shot

    its also fast stick for endgame
  4. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    Cataclysm is easily the best mythic in wynn history. Unlike abso and freedom, which depend on survivability, Cata users run straight into combat and fuck bosses therefore putting it above both those mythics. While freedom users need to stand back and shoot like betas, cata users use their immense steroid fueled (but still have a large penis) bodies to propel forward with their mountain sized calves and deal 80k spins with their colossal biceps.
    Take, cloud yeehaw, Arkade and 3 others like this.
  5. Spenchilada

    Spenchilada Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    - Fanta is underrated
    - Weath is definitely at least A tier
    - Freedom and Absolution are definitely completely broken, if nothing else
    - Stratiformis barely hits C, more of a D imo
    - Slayer is definitely not D, considering how useful it is in TFA
    - personal bias but grandmother >>>>> collapse tf
    Saya, GreenTheMeme and Triactic like this.
  6. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    you have to realize cata virgins can't run faster into battle than a ArchangeL omega chad, while the cata childrens are afraid of damage, the ArchangeL big brother just tank any damage they take and brush it off like its bob the zombie stalking lvl 106 ArchangeL chads. Yes maybe cata has "good spin damage" but nobody care when you can Revenant your way into 1 mana cost smonk bombs that deal more damage than stoopid cata spin, Air ZOOOOOMING speardagger > thunder pistol made of paper
    Take, Arkade and GreenTheMeme like this.
  7. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    Take, Altakar, 99loulou999 and 2 others like this.
  8. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    agree with most of this but slayer is mostly eta ???? or even etfa ???
    but yea gma hella lit
    Saya likes this.
  9. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    "Running away from combat." Only fake cata players do that shit. Real alpha males blindly run into everything and rip shit to shreds in a single spin. I think you're hanging out with virgins and beta cucks. Also imagine needing to go fast xd. Going fast is for beta retards who need to run away like a bitch lmfao.
    Bosses get so scared when they see an alpha omegachad cata user that they just fold and let the cata user slap tf outta them like they their wife.
    Take and 99loulou999 like this.
  10. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    i've used every mythic bow (except az) so here's my opinion
    Freedom S+ tier, no other bow have come close to this bow on being broken af, with effective 2(rarely 3) freemana regen, health, walk speed, raw spell damage on rainbow bow and 50 AGILITY after rainbow sanctuary have been added this bow can melt everyboss while being super safe
    Ignis: S tier, solid fire bow, it have no real downside that makes it hard to use and with tanky stat it is easy to face roll every challenges the game have to offer rn + endurance stacking without much problem as an archer make the bow deal nice damage while being super safe espescially in water fire build, the major id is a topping on the cake for the bow since it's free party heal every 4second
    Divzer: A tier, very high dps spell spamming bow with hybrid option the only thing that is holding it back from s tier is the fact that this bow is spell steal on archer, have negative defenses and negative fire&water % making you unable to utilize courage/curse which is bread n butter for damaging bow
    Gma: A tier, same thing as divzer

    Stratiformis: B tier, it's air archer, everyone know that it's kinda same thing as gale but with more speed, fun bow overall and pretty defensive due to high agility and kiting potential this bow needs a buff either to health or damage .... you should already know why
    Spring: C+ tier, Stronger number than legendary, comes with -bomb cost and more damage than other water bow ... i guess? basically freedom but balanced with lower number
    why did i forget to post reply aaaaaaaaa
  11. Neptune

    Neptune Self-proclaimed Az Cult Leader CHAMPION

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    COMBAT RANKING: (based on usefulness, damage, its capability(able to tank, is a glass cannon, etc. basically good at what its doing))

    S: Divzer (more like A+), Absolution, Weathered, Grandmother

    A: Cataclysm, Ignis, Grimtrap, Sunstar, Fatal, Freedom (this thing is busted), Thrundacrack, Idol, Hero, Lament, Singularity, Inferno, Nirvana, Nullification.

    B: Fantasia, Spring, Guardian, Toxoplasmosis, Az, Olympic, Monster, Hadal.

    C: Collapse, Apocalypse, Warp, Pure, Alkatraz, Gaia (overwhelmed by cancelstacks).

    D: Stratiformis (more like "please delete this" tier), Archangel, Aftershock.


    starting with S tier:

    Divzer is good at dealing massive damage.
    Absolution is absolutely busted. High MR, Cryoseism's damage, bit of HP, high heals. does it all.
    Weathered's no cost vanish is extremely useful, enabling hyper-offensive playstyle with defensive mechanism.
    Grandmother after Global HPR buff, is incredibly easy to utilize its 70 agility without HPR drawbacks.

    A tier:
    Cataclysm enables mass damage output, but one mistake and you perish.
    Ignis is incredibly tanky with party support that works very well.
    Grimtrap has high flexibility, ranging from Heavy melees to Spell spams.
    Sunstar... is a hybrid... has useful life steals.
    Fatal is RNG but its avg is incredibly high, enables mass damage output while having teleport utility.
    Freedom is busted, inheriting air trait with incredible damage and +3mr.
    Thrundacrack, if not for Warrior's nonexistent defensive mechanism of face tanking, has incredible damage.
    Idol ^ but incredible spell spam ability.
    Hero is very flexible, able to range from melees to spellspams while having useful walk speed. Major ID is a waste.
    Lament... is able to tank very hecking well. High healing powers, good meteor damages and incredible mana steal.
    Singularity is a rainbow weapon with thunder trait, this means its glassy. Can deliver a more stable damage compared to Fatal. And negative walk speed is just a part of attempting to make it glassier.
    Inferno is able to tank, has the same base damage as Weathered as well as some walk speeds and able to utilize Melee or Spell playstyles.
    Nirvana's Major ID is useful, enabling incredibly high capability for spell spamming, it also has mediocre high damage.
    Nullification is a rainbow with fire trait, inheriting its high tankiness of fire element. The damage it deals is mediocre high with useful mana steal and life steals.

    B tier:
    Fantasia, with its high damage output and rainbow water trait of spellspamming, falls short to its dependency of IDs, otherwise It deserves a spot up A tier.
    Springsprong has high spell spamming capability (as always, with water mythics) but has mediocre damage and loses access to TWA/TWF due to negative Dexterity.
    Guardian on solo contents, tanks extremely well. But for a party, the damage received by its Major ID usually outright kills the user.
    Toxoplasmosis is dependent on Courage, else it has a very mediocre damage. Also extremely reliant on its Poison roll.
    Az is interesting (please please please don't kill me for this) with its access to +15 int and +15 def and neg 1st cost%, able to fit extremely well into eTFA/TFA and TWF, TWA. only drawback is its damage fell a bit short compared to Cluster.
    Olympic... jump height is very, very annoying in combat, and it is just outright annoying to me (preferences, i know). If i were to buy one i would take the lowest possible jump height Olympic for its usefulness in walk speed and damage.
    Monster is able to deal mediocre damage with above-average tankability.
    Hadal uhh because Fantasia already a spellspammer, Hadal deal mediocre damage with increased aura and uproot cost. \_(ツ)_/

    C tier:
    Collapse, intended as a hybrid as it inherits earth trait, falls short due to not able to really tank hits and get near enemies to actually... do its job. also rainbow is limited.
    Apocalypse falls short in damage compared to Ignition.
    Warp with its negative hpr is just... straight up annoying. The damage it deals is LOWER than singularity and WITH negative HPR for you to keep track to not die.
    Pure uhh
    Pure is good on paper but either your mouse and finger breaks or you use some sort of macro. At its highest potential it can dish out 25-45k DPS but you would be inputting 1 click per .11s not counting server latency (which definitely does not exist) so equal to roughly 9 clicks per sec kinda ish and your meteor cost would go record high if you spam meteor alone so lets say meteor snake cycle to keep up with .33s meteor you would be clicking around .055s per click and ~18 clicks per sec which wynn limits to 16 clicks per sec. your mana usage would clock at 18 / 3 = 6 mana per sec and 6 x 4 = 24 mana per 4 sec which your bar support only 20 more realistically with server latency you would use ~18 probably so either 20/4mr or you cannot utilize pure to its fullest potential (basing cost calculation on 1 mana meteor and 1 mana snake). not to mention you have to keep it up for the entire duration of whatever content or lets say The Eye you would be clicking at incredible speed for a duration of ~8 minutes so good luck.
    using https://wynndata.tk/s/zbuayx (stolen from https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/269404/ thank saya)
    if a player were to able to reach 9 cps this would mean 9 / 3 = 3 * 9918 rounded up to 10000 = ~30000 dps (3 consecutive meteor) and 2 * 10000 + snake damage = ~21000 dps (meteor snake meteor, why not meteor meteor snake you ask cause meteor snake meteor use 1 mana less and its not important until you realize it adds up) lets say a chain of meteor snake meteor snake meteor snake with 9 cps mean all this will cast in 2 secs and 3 * 10000 + 3 * 1200 = ~33600 damage per 2s = ~16800 dps.
    this does not mean pure is bad, its just hard to use.
    Alkatraz kills your tankability, and coupled with Warrior "supposed" defensive mechanism of face tanking, it does not go really well... deals ~35-40k dps compared to a more tankier Skien Dawnbreak cancelstack with 30k DPS and a bunch of ls with higher defensive SPs
    Gaia... falls short to cancelstacking which is a less expensive option... Ice snake utility is cool.

    D tier am tired:
    Stratiformis... why. its damage is 5% higher than gale's force, has negative HP for... WALK SPEED??? why. just... why. its speedy, yes. but the damage on it is just... sad, to exchange for walk speed... you don't need more than 150%, seriously.
    Archangel has miniscule damage exchanging for being tanky and fast.
    Aftershock... we all know shaman's tankability is literally non existent. with Shaman's current melee, you have to be incredibly near something to deal its full potential. and uhh getting near something with non existent tankiness...? well uhh that doesn't sound so good.
  12. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    I would definitely put cataclysm over weathered. It has a lot more combat potential than weathered since it benefits a lot more from crafted gear than other mythics. Also large lapis acc + Cata is insanely broken. Once you get a crafted slap cata it basically outclasses every other mythic, but yeah with a regular build weath is probably stronger.
  13. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    All of these are ranked in terms of PVE
    A+ is just A tier since those are very slightly stronger than the rest of the A tier and totally isn't because I love thunder weapons with the exception of freedom

    Fatal > Warp because warp have -mr and -hpr which makes it hard to build for
    Fatal > Pure because if you don't have mana, you can't use Pure to melee kill mobs
    Sunstar >> Toxo/Abso because what's better than either having high damage but low survivability or low damage but high survivability? high damage and high survivability
    Fantasia is underrated
    Spring and Strati are highly overrated
    Archangel is power crept by Slider
    Az is power crept by cluster
    Warchief is on par with Virgo at most
  14. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    Do you have the link to the tierlist maker thingy?
  15. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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  16. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    I feel like you're giving collapse, toxo and nulli too much credit. None of them are particularly worthy of being in A tier (if we're basing on PVE). Also you're not giving Singu, warp, and moontower enough credit. Singu is broken paired with a tierstack build. Warp and moontower are essential for the perfect lring build, which can get you every other mythic on the list. Obviously an item that gets you every other item on the list is a high tier item. Other than that good list :) glad that you put cata in S+.
  17. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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  18. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    thats why ArchangeL is D tier lUl okay, because its the best at whats its set to (twice)
    less than ArchangeL smh
    if 13% ws is fast then im selling my 12% ws ArchangeL for 150 stx bcs its fast
    are you saying the size of the spear doesn't matter?
    yeah and at lvl 69 id say its a pretty good tradeoff, not die in exchange of a slightly less amount of damage, still useable at lvl 105
    I assume its 150% ws... and you always need the highest waLk speed possible, thats why sLidurRrR is also bad

    no its not, in pve not only damage matters, unlike in pvp where apparently only dmg matter (poison damage ofc because any other damage is useless) this means that sLidurrRrR no tanking ability doesn't make it better for pve, just apparently better for damage
  19. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    Freedom is completely broken.
  20. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    S Tier: Archangel
    No questions asked. It's a SCYTHE with an ASSASSIN TOOLKIT. There is no weapon in this game that can compete with such fashion!
    Also says you have gamer respect.

    A Tier: Hero/Nirvana/Alkatraz/Weathered/Cataclysm/Grimtrap/Monster/Thrundacrack/Idol/Grandmother
    Pretty much any of the Assassin/Warrior skins are stylish af aside from the fire ones and the neutral/rainbow ones (excluding Neutral Tier 2 for Warrior, because it's the closest warrior weapon we have to GUNDYR). It may be confusing as to why Monster is here, but it's because of the lore
    and therefore it's the thought that counts.

    Grandmother's here because it's a crossbow and those look cool.

    B Tier: All the archer mythics aside from Grandmother
    Most of the archer skins look good, just not as good as A tier does. Aside from the bow string usually clipping through you, they have a respectable amount of fashion.

    C Tier: Collapse/Sunstar
    These are both pretty ok for fashion. The thunder relik skin looks the coolest of the relik skins imo (aside from the one where you hold a cross) and the rainbow spears at least look better than just toothpicks. They're basically here just because they look better than D Tier.

    D Tier: Any Shaman mythic aside from Sunstar/Any Mage mythic aside from Monster/Apocaplyse/Guardian/Inferno/Nullification
    Actual garbage weapon skins. Reliks and wands often look like you're just holding a brick or deformed popsicle stick in your hand, the fire spear skin is basically same, inferno is a lightsaber which ok that would be cool if it wasn't for the existence of the Darksaber, and Nullification is a basic bitch looking dagger.

    F Tier: Any mythic boots+Discoverer
    Lmfao imagine using diamond armor. Leather armor dyed or not dyed or just being naked beats it every time.
    Feast_and_famine and Saya like this.
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