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Shaman/Skyseer Achilles

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by by2011, Jun 19, 2020.

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  1. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    achilles https://wynndata.tk/s/un4ez7

    edit 2: (wtf ordering)

    ele defs matter mentality - inspiration to make this fun little thing - pretty tanky but dps is low by today's standards
    still very adequate for most circumstances, please do not poo poo pee pee onto low dps just because you kill things slower
    actually disconnected with building on forums nowadays, mostly just basing this tendency off of what i see with some people i know/in some discords
    , it still works completely fine and depending on what you value/the build itself (not this one most likely) could also make things more fun rather than just immediately steamrolling bosses with whatever, god paragraph is even more of a mess than the rest

    point that i'm doing a very poor job of getting across is that there is more to building than optimization - sometimes going for biggest dps and biggest efficiency and meta meta meta isn't the most fun - both for the user and the builder (oftentimes this is true for the latter, and the former depends more on the person though ig) wait now this paragraph turned ugly too uh oh!

    edit 4: i'm not saying that going for optimization/meta is bad either, what i'm trying to get across is more of "hey if you're bored of meta (or maybe even if you aren't lol), whether it be in usage or building, maybe give something else a try for a little while" god this post is more ugly than negative elemental defenses

    is this build optimal at all?
    not really

    but it's fun to look at and that's what matters to me

    recently i've had an obsession with ele def % cancelling out big -ele def raw and it's been really fun to build it when i do occasionally build nowadays

    also would use horizon if you wanted to optimize this build while still keeping its integrity, but horizon is just so gross to use here because it's just barely short of 10k dps, 20k hp, and 1k hpr like pls

    also if you're into QUAD you can do like toy maker + dizzy spell, it's not really better but hey quad :sunglasses: so that's pretty cool
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    YYGAYMER and thepicferret like this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    or you wanted to use Gift of the Magi because cool name

    by2011 likes this.
  3. Highmore

    Highmore Average player VIP

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    how did you find best build so fast
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