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What Quest Do You Hate The Most?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by StormKing3, Jun 3, 2020.

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  1. EnderFlame1311

    EnderFlame1311 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. Realm of Light (whole series) cuz it does NOTHING about the actual forest decay and also it gives another quest helmet.
    2. Jungle fever. Literally impossible for a non-assasin.
  2. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Not really, Archer can speed through with a shield, Mage can freeze everyone and heal itself, Warrior can just head on tank and Shaman has Aura.
    MajorMiner likes this.
  3. EnderFlame1311

    EnderFlame1311 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Uhhh... well.... warrior definetly can't tank. those golems 2 4 hit warrior. Shaman can't kill them, they are invincible. Ice snake doesn't work in a tightly packed area with lots of turns and corners, and shield will push people, yea, but as i said, its a tight area. the enemies will fly like 2 blocks, hit a wall and be 2 blocks next to you and just kill you.
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    It was really easy with Mage. They never even hit me when I froze them and teleported past.

    Archer can still speed through and jump over, the shield is to block damage, not to push, but that works too.

    Aura traps enemies towards the Totem.

    It shouldn't still be too hard as warrior, throw the golems away and charge through with the defense buff, and if they 4 hit warrior, that means it can tank well.
    MajorMiner likes this.
  5. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    I'm honestly sad that Point of No Return is even brought up here, it's got such a cool sinister vibe and the lore implications behind it are dark and twisted as everything should be in a literal realm of madness.

    I've gotta hop on the bandwagon and say Realm of Light: on top of requiring a dumb helmet for no reason there is absolutely nothing inside the realm. Imagine if there was like a city and grinding spots and loot runs and stuff inside the realm and how awesome it would be to have an entire dedicated 75-85 area with its own unique quests and a dungeon and everything. It deserves way more than it got, the build is honestly amazing but it's just so underutilized. On top of the actual quest being kind of a let-down - it builds up to something cool and it isn't an inherently bad quest (don't think any are after they purged all the bad ones a few updates ago imo) but it's definitely the worst of the quests.
  6. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I managed to get through using a mage at lvl 52 or 53, I suppose assassin is the easiest because of vanish though
    QUOTE="TrueThaumaturge, post: 3246866, member: 2262"]
    I've gotta hop on the bandwagon and say Realm of Light: on top of requiring a dumb helmet for no reason there is absolutely nothing inside the realm. Imagine if there was like a city and grinding spots and loot runs and stuff inside the realm and how awesome it would be to have an entire dedicated 75-85 area with its own unique quests and a dungeon and everything. It deserves way more than it got, the build is honestly amazing but it's just so underutilized. On top of the actual quest being kind of a let-down - it builds up to something cool and it isn't an inherently bad quest (don't think any are after they purged all the bad ones a few updates ago imo) but it's definitely the worst of the quests.[/QUOTE]
    Just played the quest on my mage, have to agree here
    smugleafthesmug and MajorMiner like this.
  7. AzBestMythic

    AzBestMythic e VIP

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    ToL bc its like the biggest fetch quest in the game.
  8. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Bob's lost soul is still worse imo. I've already stated why I like ToL.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  9. Hypochloride

    Hypochloride Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    every gavel quest before 1.18, they have no story line except taproot and the mansion, the lore of gavel is so out of order, oh look heres decay a crucial part of gavel BUT OMG WE WONT FOCUS ON THAT, here have some gert, BUT THEYRE GONNA BE IRRELEVANT ANYWAYS, so have a questline that totally sucks aka the aldorei one and the realm of light saga.. YOU HIT LEVEL 80, CONGRATS THE LORE OF GAVEL WILL NOW BE IRRELEVANT SO here have some dwarven war and sky islands

    gavels main plot which is decay couldve been, spread through quests instead of leaving it at 50-75, i hope theres gonna be an update that focuses on gavel since that place is a mess
    Dr Zed and MajorMiner like this.
  10. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    the realm of light cuz quest helmet is shit the lore is shit the gameplay is shit and basically everything about it is shit
    Dr Zed and MajorMiner like this.
  11. Zyrbaiakor

    Zyrbaiakor From the Shadows VIP+

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    The Realm of Light: so glad many other people said this one.

    These are my thoughts about the quest. I mean no offense towards the quest's creator(s). Note that I don't really care about the lore since we the players can't succeed in any shape or form, whether it's stopping the corruption, or stopping the decay, or destroying the Fallen Factory (infinite backups... really?), or infiltrating Dern to fight the "real" enemy. But we're just soldiers so those things are not in our contract, I guess. Of course, all of the aforementioned tasks can be made possible in the future, but I won't bother with the lore until then.

    My perception, due to ignorance, of the lore established in this quest is contorted. If someone were to reply, please explain brusquely what I'm missing.

    Stage 1
    Unskippable dialogue. I'm fine with waiting but in a small stone dome? I am 90% sure the dialogue could have been compressed from 8 lines to 4.
    Stage 2
    Not 10 blocks down the road and there is a cave. I wanted to see more of the light realm on the surface! This cave making me feel like I'm back at WynnExcavation site C.
    Stage 3
    Blindness? Light dog? What light dog? The second time I ran the quest I waited here for it to spawn. It took 5 minutes. Imagine normally getting attacked by nothing.
    Stage 4
    More unskippable dialogue and in an even smaller space. Regulux's dialogue could have been cut to just the last 2 lines and he wouldn't be any less informative. Why is the Heliolux village given entering and leaving messages when you cannot even respawn in it?
    Stage 5
    At this point I finally saw the sky of the Light Realm and wanted to explore. However I had to wait through another read-aloud essay by this Heliorion guy.
    Stage 6 & 7
    Bruh. The enemies do ridiculous amounts of damage for the level and drop a bunch of unwanted gear. The drop rates for light residue and glowing powder are particularly low as well. I spent 20 minutes on this part just running around looking for the right mobs and discarding unidentified uniques every other kill. And don't you just hate it when you have 9 glowing powder and the next silverfish you kill manages to drop 6?

    Not sure if other people had this problem, but my inventory was constantly full. With stacks of emeralds, the Clearsight Spectacles, quest items (was planning on running Aldorei I right after), teleport scrolls, and potions, it was not fun arranging my inventory when anything could swoop in to deal thousands of damage. Completely killed the mood to explore, even on subsequent playthroughs.
    Stage 8
    Putting on a helmet with no ID's. Great. Following the long and mob-cluttered road until the path split, I chose to go in the spider cave first (never bothered to differentiate). The seed was just lying at the end, waiting to be destroyed. But in the temple area, the seed turned into a Wither. Personally, I despise the Wither's face because it looks so smug and annoying. And I had to spam spells for the next 10 minutes to deal with its hundreds of thousands of health. And dying here spawns you in some faraway Wynn or Gavel town. Infuriating last boss. Also...

    - Heliorion:
    You... you've done it? I don't believe it! To be honest, I was sure I had sent you to your death.

    This, more than anything else, made me loathe the quest. Why help these light creatures with no faith in the player and no weapons against the decay other than blindly asking us to fight their deity?
    Stage 9
    An unwarranted road trip lasting some 2000 blocks to end the quest in the middle of nowhere. I was too angry to go off track for sightseeing. In what way does fighting this Orphion solve anything outside of the Light Realm? Or does it? If this is meant to be the finale of the Taproot quest chain, it is... different. Not only in aesthetic, but in quality. I realize the previous quests Taproot and Finding the Light barely had any combat, so no one could have guessed the amount of fighting in this.

    I shouldn't need to point out the elephant in the room by saying the Orphion fight is not, and may not ever be released, just like the Grootslang cave...
    [Quest Completed]
    In retrospect, this quest actually gave far more experience than others of its level. As someone who regularly quests to level up, this may have returned to me a few threads of sanity. The chestplate is decent, but gets outclassed quickly. And now there are two useless helmets to collect dust in the bank with, perhaps forever.

    Wow this was a rant. I will leave one last tl;dr here: I didn't like the quest with all it put me through, ending with no visible closure nor satisfaction. There are surely places where it can be improved. Also, the Light Realm itself still has potential. Why not add a few quests and perhaps another town (but please make towns in the Light Realm functional as spawnpoints)?

    P.S. I wish there was a segment in A Hunter's Calling where we could ruin everything about this area. Would have felt no remorse at all.
  12. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Not always, after defeating Amadel (a godlike creature that had control over probably half of Wynn) the king of Ragni states the player as Wynn's protector. The player also stops other powerful creatures like Naragath, Garaheth and The Eye.

    Also the player is more powerful than Bob
  13. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Y’know, I just realized how weird it is that we get taken out by a literal glowing guard dog when at that point we have saved the Province of Wynn from wynnex, one of the most powerful organizations ever to exist, and slain a literal demon god. If that dog has that kind of firepower maybe we should be sending it to save the world.
  14. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    You do realize that Uproot doesn't work on him, right?
    MajorMiner likes this.
  15. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    yeah I am kinda surprised that they didn't include the realm of light in
  16. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    Jungle fever is SOOO hard.
    Seriously though, the golems are just way too OP.
  17. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Why does everyone say this? Just stun them with something and dash through with movement spells.
    MajorMiner and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  18. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    I'm an archer. Its the only class I enjoy (I'm just so bad with the others)
  19. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Just keep an arrow shield and speed up at all times, if they come too close, jump over them or push away with Arrow Storm.
    MajorMiner and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  20. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    I guess. Maybe I'm just bad xD
    MajorMiner likes this.
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