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SPOILER My Theory About Dern, The Ancients, And The Eye, With A Timeline

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by qraq, Jun 3, 2020.

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  1. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    Okay! Here we go. First of all, here are the signs in the basement of somewhere in Wynn (I think some removed place in WynnExcavation site D? I'm not sure. Credit goes to Harknot: https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...-and-the-eye-in-wynnexcavation-site-d.112303/

    We have made it from the dark lands. We have settled in this jungle but we know we do not belong. Our knowledge of magic is far beyond this province.

    The magic we harnessed to escape... I do not think it was wise to tamper with it. It has driven many of us insane..

    I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I might be crazy.

    **will ki** all **tthem!

    He commands us to bring it back to him. We must obey..

    I curse them! They forced me. They created me. They fear me...

    We may never know what watches from the dark land.

    He sees all from the shadow. The eye is more than a symbol.

    It's not darkness... It's ****.

    They took //
    my child // I am consumption.

    I can't let them find out. They can't face the reality. This secret must go to the grave far from here. If they found out, they would end everything. They can't..

    I CAN'T S/ /
    MY EY/ /
    TH/ /
    / /

    I don't want to return. I can't return.

    All is lost.

    The power.... I need more power!

    We cannot escape the eye... I doubt we are safe even here...
    Always watching.

    I want to diiieee---

    We must seal away the power. Hide it across the globe. It should never be used. We should have never used it. If only we had more time.

    Alright. Those are the signs. And from that, I raise you...

    Here's what happened.

    1st. Before the Villagers came to Gavel, and before or during when the corruption portal was opened. The Realm of Dern, inhabited by the Ancients/the Olm (they're the same people), controlled by a very powerful being, the Eye. It's a scary place. The Ancients/the Olm wanted to escape. So what did they do? They harnessed extremely powerful magic, and opened a portal from Dern into Wynn.

    Proof: The signs, and the Portal to Darkness in the Silent Expanse. Also the lore saying the Silent Expanse used to belong to Wynn. edit: the silent expanse might have been lush wynn territory at some point, but when the eye came, it turned into dark dernic territory

    2nd. They inhabited the Silent Expanse. Some of them went to the Jungle. Some made their way to Time Valley, where they created the Door of Time and altered the passage of time.

    Proof: Time Valley's lore references the Olm. The jungle is called the Dernel Jungle, and the signs say they inhabited the jungle.

    3rd. Their extremely powerful magic might have even belonged to the Eye. It was so powerful, it made a lot of them go insane. What did they do with it? They "hid it across the globe" in the form of Crystals.

    Proof: A sign, as well as WynnExcavation uncovering ancient Crystals, presumably belonging to the Olm.

    4th. (Deleted because disproven) (I thought Bob happened here but this whole timeline happened long before the Corruption)

    5th. Okay, here's where it gets interesting, and somewhat incorrect. The Eye? It wanted to get revenge on the Olm for escaping. Naturally, what did it do? It recruited Bak'al to start destroying everything(?) It also mind controlled a bunch of Villagers to join a cult where they worship him and try to re-attain the Crystals, hence WynnExcavation.

    Proof: WynnExcavation obviously worships the Eye. Bak'al also works for someone. But you know what else is possible? Maybe the Eye got rid of all of the Olm, and the Bak'al and WynnExcavation factors are simply the Eye attempting to take over all of Wynncraft. Just continue reading onto 6th-2. This one doesn't make much sense, anyway.

    6th. And now my theory kind of falls apart. There's multiple ways this can go:

    6th-1. The Eye is now trying to get into the Silent Expanse from Dern, which explains why WynnExcavation is looking for the crystals in 1000 AD.

    Questions this brings up: What happened to the Olm, then? And what do you fight in the Eldritch Outlook? The answer to these could be that the Eye got rid of the Olm while still trapped in Dern, and still has power over the Villagers from Dern. But what do you fight in the Eldritch Outlook?

    6th-2: The Eye got into the Silent Expanse, and got rid of the Olm. It now inhabits the Eldritch Outlook.

    Questions this brings up: What the heck is WynnExcavation doing right now, then? And how are we able to kill an all-powerful being so easily? It's quite farfetched, but here's what I think:

    6th. The Olm STOLE the Eye's power in the form of its crystals, in the form of some revolution in Dern. Then, after they escaped, the Olm managed to hide away all of the crystals all over Wynn. Keep in mind, the Eye is EXTREMELY powerful. However, the Eye nonetheless managed to get into the Silent Expanse, which is how it killed the Olm, inhabits the Eldritch Outlook, and mind controlled a bunch of villagers into a cult.

    When WynnExcavation uncovers all of the crystals, and does some culty thing, the Eye will regain its past power, and will be able to end Wynn as we know it. Unfortunately, you, a measly adventurer, continue thwarting the Eye's plans.

    Proof: Mostly speculation, but also, somewhere it says the Eye HAS the power to end the world. This led me to believe it might not possess it yet.

    And another thing. In some theories, this sign: "It's not darkness... It's ****." was brought up a lot. They thought that the **** was "time". Obviously this makes like no sense at all. "Darkness" is referring to Dern. The first thing I thought **** was was "evil". Why would Dern be Time? Nonetheless, I don't think this sign even matters.

    Anyway, there you go! There's my 100% accurate theory. Just kidding. I still don't know some stuff.

    What's with the Enderman Island? And what's with the Ancient Geists, and other instances of the Ancients still existing in 1000 AD (removed in more recent updates)? How/why did the Ancients get to the Volcanic Island and place the signs there? Did they used to live there? Are lore hunters supposed to ignore removed content, like the Enderman Island with Dern Emigrants? If there's a staff member reading this please let me know.

    Is there a difference between the Ancients and the Olm? (The Ancients are always portrayed as endermen, and the Olm are portrayed as an ancient civilization of another race that possesses very powerful magic, but are now extinct.) Possibly the Olm turned into the Ancients? We have seen many Ancients, but haven't seen any Olm. If we answer this one, it would also answer my first set of questions.

    When did the Olm go insane (when did they write the signs)? Was it when they harnessed the Eye's power to escape, or when the Eye entered the Silent Expanse to get rid of all of them? Edit: I just realized, it's answered by the second sign. "The power we harnessed to escape...has driven many of us insane".

    Is the Eye even an Eye? In the Silent Expanse's Secret, it might be such that the Eye is actually just the Eye of a huge evil black monster. This would explain why the Eye in the Eldritch Outlook is beatable. Also, the signs refer to the evil people as "they". Are there multiple Eyes? This wouldn't make sense, though, because the evil monster keeps referencing his gaze and his watch, which wouldn't make sense if he wasn't just an eye. And it can't be multiple, because, uhh...that would make everything way too complicated. Let's be real here.

    And lastly, did the Humans ever have contact with the Olm? This is a rhetorical question. Why didn't they? According to the Silent Expanse's secret, the Portal to Darkness was made during or after the Corruption started. 0 AP. This provides lots and lots of inconsistencies. Maybe the timeline still works, but the phrase "The Silent Expanse has acted as the portal to dern since the outbreak of the Corruption War" provides the question. Maybe it was the Eye that created the Portal to Darkness, to speak with Bak'al? How, then, did the Olm escape into Wynn? If not through the Silent Expanse's Portal to Darkness, then where? This would make this a 7th part of the timeline, and possibly remove the 5th part:

    7th. (0 AD) The Eye creates the Portal to Darkness and inhabits the Silent Expanse. It mind controls villagers and recruits Bak'al to destroy and eventually take control of the Wynn province.

    Well, that was really long. As you can probably tell, I had more questions than I had timeline. I feel like a crazy conspiracy theorist. A lot of this is insanely farfetched, but to me, it makes sense. It might also be completely incomprehensible, but whatever.

    Also I'm level 56 so if there's any inconsistencies then let me know. Most of this is from what I gathered from other threads/the wiki/the lore on the wiki. I'm going to try to powerlevel so I can get to the Silent Expanse and find the secret discoveries, so I can "Expanse" this thread. Bad pun, sorry.

    If you read this whole thing, you're the GOAT. And whoever wrote the lore for Wynncraft? You guys are absolutely fucking fantastic and I love you.

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
    Aemor, SoulBurned, BqwaOLD and 12 others like this.
  2. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    rip, Im too low lvl to read it, I would probably spoil a lot to myself
  3. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Interesting. I'm still wondering though. Humans dug up the nether portal which started the corruption right? And Bak'al, who was created by the corruption, is in kahoots with the Eye. So the nether portal has GOT to do something with Dern. But if the eye only recently arrived in the Silent Expanse and has never set foot in mainland Wynn (as far as we know), who put the nether portal there to be dug up in the first place? And how does Dern relate to it? Might it be a remnant of an ancient time when all of Wynn was covered in Darkness and corruption? Just think about that.

    If this is already known and im retarded please tell me though
  4. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    i find this farfetched. if both of them serve the eye, why didn't they work together? why would one attack the province directly while the other one secretly sought the crystals? their actions are so independent that it's hard to believe that they work for the same cause. wynnexcavation, more likely, is comprised of a group of (greedy) villagers who simply wanted power; taking revenge against the olm wasn't part of their objective. bak'al… idk. he's bak'al.
  5. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    Read theory of HelloIAmG, all what you writed here is in theory already.
  6. _Eth3real

    _Eth3real Titans Valor [ANO] CHAMPION

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    This is incredible and insane that you wrote this as a lvl 56.
    This was kinda sorta confirmed in the Ultimate Discovery of the Silent Expanse. I won't go into detail but you should look into that.
    estevao107 likes this.
  7. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    I thought you were going to say something else here. But this is a good point, either the Dernic Beast/the Eye caused this whole corruption & decay business, or the wynn province just got hit with an evil dark monster and the corruption back to back. So either this goes a lot deeper than we thought or the Wynn province is just super fucked.

    Also, I know for a fact that the Dernic Beast/the Eye is in kahoots with Bak'al, because of the Silent Expanse's Ultimate Discovery. Bak'al is shown to be just a peon to this huge evil black monster with really big claws, who is attempting to "exert his will" on the humans, probably just taking them over and doing evil business.

    The main issue with this entire thing, though, is where it puts the Olm entering the Wynn province and when they died.

    The Wynn province was the first province humans settled in, so I doubt the Olm came directly before the humans. If they did, since the Olm already had ruins and a huge door in Time Valley, why did the humans completely ignore that and build forts in Ragni and Troms? It doesn't make sense to me.

    But also, if the Olm came more recently to 0 AP, or possibly even before or after it, why did the humans never have contact?

    The theory that makes the most sense to me, though, is the Olm entered the Wynn Province through the Dernel Jungle, or somewhere else like the Volcanic Islands, and then later on, the Eye entered through the Silent Expanse. EDIT: no the olm definitely came through the silent expanse, that's why there's a ruined Olmic city That could be why the Silent Expanse is so hostile. The Eye killed all the Olm from the Silent Expanse, and took residence in the Eldritch Outlook. And then, 0 AP, the Portal was uncovered, the Eye began its attacks on the humans. I believe the Portal to Darkness goes directly to the Dernic Beast, and Bak'al went through it to communicate with him.

    Though I'm still only level 56, so I don't know where the palace that the Silent Expanse's Secret is set. It could simply be the place IN the Silent Expanse, in which case the Eye entered the Silent Expanse through the Portal to Darkness and then left it there, unused and dormant.

    And then, in this point in the timeline, the adventurers come into the Silent Expanse and start killing the eye over and over for XP. That's probably the part of the story that makes the least sense. If the Eye is this all-powerful being that can kill all the Olm simply from the Silent Expanse, why can we kill it? That's why I think this goes a lot deeper.
    Hm, this is true. My original theory was that the Eye recruited WynnExcavation to regain its lost power, but the timeline goes like this:

    1. the Olm use the Eye's power to leave Dern
    2. the Olm settle in Wynn
    3. the Eye appears, somehow (the Dernic Beast sends its Eye into Wynn?)
    4. the Eye kills all of the Olm
    5. the Eye settles in the Eldritch Outlook
    6. Portal incident happens (This could happen before but it would again make no sense that humans didn't have contact with the Olm at all)
    7. the Eye recruits Bak'al to begin destroying the humans, and recruits WynnExcavation to regain its lost power.

    So yeah. This could make sense, but it also might not. For example, how did the Eye manage to do 3, 4, and 7 without its lost power (in the form of crystals scattered across Wynn)?

    However, WynnExcavation are NOT just greedy villagers. In one of the signs written by the Olm, it says this: "We must seal away the power. Hide it across the globe. It should never be used. We should have never used it. If only we had more time."

    The power used by the Olm is 100% the Crystals that WynnExcavation is uncovering. Without a doubt. But why is WynnExcavation so culty and Eye-worshipping? Is it possible that maybe the Eye has no contact with them, but they somehow know more than the player in terms of the Olm situation? This could be worth looking into.

    So yeah. Maybe the Eye didn't recruit WynnExcavation to regain its lost power, maybe WynnExcavation somehow knows about all of this and is trying to regain the Eye's power...for themselves. Maybe WynnExcavation is trying to enter Dern. Who knows? All we know is WynnExcavation knows more than us, and they have sinister intent.
    Haha. First of all, I got super mad because I had this entire theory rock-solid (sort of rock-solid (ok not solid at all)) where the Eye is its own entity, but then I watched someone do the Silent Expanse's Secret. First of all, I got sad because it got spoiled for me, but second of all, either the Eye has claws or the Eye is the Eye of a huge evil Dernic Beast.

    If you look at proportions in the discovery, though - Bak'al being two blocks big, the Eye being about 5 blocks big, either the Dernic Beast has a really big eye, or the Eye is its own entity. I don't think there's any rock hard facts saying there is a larger Dernic Beast. If it's the community's consensus, I want to challenge that.

    However, if you read the last paragraph of my first reply to this thread, then it would make sense. If the Eye is its own entity, why is the player able to kill it so easily? It doesn't make sense. All we know is that the Eye in the Eldritch Outlook is not as powerful as it can be. This could be because it's missing the crystals scattered across Wynn that WynnExcavation is trying to uncover, or because... it's just the eye of the huge evil Dernic Beast, that is incomprehensibly powerful, being able to wipe out an entire race. We'll have to see.

    Also, yeah, I'm level 56. I'm trying to do all the quests but I also haven't had much time to actually play Wynncraft. I've read all the lore though, I think I have a good grasp on all of this. I should probably powerlevel though so I can unlock all the discoveries.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
    Aemor likes this.
  8. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    But Bob was born in the sewers of Ragni... he didn’t just come to Ragni from some far away lands as a child.
  9. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yeah I brought that up in the unanswered question section or one of my replies, but I never actually edited the post. I'll go edit it.
    btw, Bob can't be Olmic because the Olm existed many years before the humans did. Wouldn't fit with the timeline. I just thought Bob was Olmic because of the sign "They took // my child //" but I guess it was a different child or something? I dunno.
  10. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Actually- Bob is PART olmic, if i remember correctly. This is proven somewhere, but I forget
  11. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    Don't go around slinging the word "proven" too much, there isn't that much proof to go around. Most of my proof is just speculation, too. Anyway, saying Bob is part Olmic makes no sense. Did some Olmic guy smash some girl in Ragni, and then she evacuated to the sewers, and then gave birth, and then died? According to the timeline, the Olm appeared and disappeared in Wynn long before the Corruption. Bob isn't part Olmic. Even though my original post said so, to me now it seems like a wild theory.

    It would be hella cool if he was though. It just wouldn't fit.
  12. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    Bob had a grayish skin colour, that’s why it’s thought he was part-Olmic
    It’s seriously hinted at that he’s Olmic lol
    Emogla3 likes this.
  13. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    at any rate, he is both very powerful (trained in all weapon types, besides shaman ofc cause that was after his time it seems, goes around defeating the worst monsters around Wynn, locks the eye up using his life force, etc) and his skin is gray, just like the olm were- it's something to consider imo.
  14. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    And also, there is actually at least one Olm still alive so you can’t really say that they’re dead and that’s proof that Bob couldn’t have been part-Olmic.
  15. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    There is? Please elaborate
  16. estevao107

    estevao107 AFK Master

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    First, "The Eye" is just an evolved eye from an evil creature (possibly The Dern Beast). Second, the Dern Beast was the one who f*cked up the Olm city. The last thing is the sign "It isn't darkness... it it time." What you saw in A Hunter's Calling (wich is started in the front of the Portal to Dern) wasn't about darkness, it was about time. There is a discovery in the Time Valley where you find an Olm who says "The Olm can't survive here... it is coming for us." This means one thing:

    The Olm came from the Silent Expanse, when all the humans lived in Fruma. Then, the Dern Beast laid siege against the Olmic City, destroying it almost completely. Then, they went to the Time Valley and built the door of time, possibly to do something with "avoiding all of this", but it was too late, since the Dern Beast sent Bak'al to put the beast's eye in the top of the Eldritch Outlook, so it would turn into an all-seeing creature. Only the Olm who lived in the Olmic City knew about the beast, so all the others thought it was The Eye, not The Beast. The beast knew that the Olm settled in the time valley (since his eye saw it). Then the Olm in the time valley discovery says "It is coming for us", refering to the beast. Then, it tried to attack the Time Valley, but the Olm settled in the Dernel Jungle. Then, something happened. Some years before the corruption broke in, the same miners that would discover the Nether Portal discovered the crystals. The leader of the miners hid it, since he knew about it's powers. Then, some greedy villager ordered a whole excavation to uncover the 4 hidden crystals, since he wanted power. His name was Amadel. The Eye kept seeing everything happening in The Province of Wynn.

    Sources: Wynnexcavation Questline, some discoveries, A Hunter's Calling.
    SoulBurned and JaydonTheWarrior like this.
  17. qraq

    qraq Well-Known Adventurer

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    Okay, that makes sense. But here's the thing, the humans settled in Wynn first, before Fruma. Wynn was the first province the humans settled in. This must have been extremely ancient. Also, what you're saying about the Olm kind of makes sense to me, but I feel like there were different groups of Olm that went to different places. Like, they all didn't migrate together. We do know the three major Olm points are the Jungle, the Time Valley, and the Olmic City in the Silent Expanse, but we don't know the order in which they went there, or if they went there together, or how the Dernic Beast managed to wipe out them all from Dern/the Silent Expanse when they were in the Dernel Jungle or Time Valley.

    Another thing: in my post, I go over the Dernic Beast's power. We know the Olm took/used its power, but it made many of them go insane, and so they scattered it across the land in the form of the crystals. However, does the Dernic Beast still have this power? If it does, why didn't it just go to Wynn itself? And how do you know Bak'al brought its Eye to the Eldritch Outlook? Also, was the Portal to Darkness made by the Dernic Beast/its Eye, to communicate with Bak'al? Or was it made by the Olm when they came to Wynn?

    I still am only a noob, so I don't even have access to most of the sources. I planned to make an updated timeline later on when I have a better grasp on the events of the Olm. What you're saying makes a lot of sense though. Is this your theory, or does the community already have a solid hold on the timeline?

    Also, I messaged a CT member, and we're supposed to ignore removed content [like the Enderman Island and other stuff].
    estevao107 likes this.
  18. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    In the secret discovery in Time Valley.
    estevao107 likes this.
  19. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Well, there's a secret discovery in Time Valley where you encounter a dying Olm, but if you pay attention you realize that the moss in the room disappears and the corpse becomes flesh once more, meaning that that particular Olm died a long time ago. This could be Bob's father by some miracle, but there's also another peculiar entity living in Time Valley, Old Man Martyn. Time Valley references that only one man alive understands the valley, and in the quest Deja Vu you encounter Martyn, who seemingly has a large amount of knowledge of Time Valley. At the end of the quest he even reveals that he can use time magic to an extent, which could mean he either knew the Olm very well or is possibly one of them. Asher also mentions that he had letters in his house and how he might've known Bob, which supports the fact he may be Nilrem, a character mentioned in Bob's Sealed Letters which he wrote specifying the orders of what Nilrem must do to cover up Bob's sacrifice. Martyn/Nilrem being Bob's father isn't the craziest thought but there isn't much evidence either, but we know that a Olmic being(s) still existed in Wynn near Bob's time.
  20. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    You can use wiki, that has almost everything.

    And there is this page for timeline. Make sure to visit the original thread too
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