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Community Event Summer Tournaments - Ffa Tournament June 27th

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by IceResistance, May 30, 2020.

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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    About Titans Valor
    Founded July 2nd of 2017, Titans Valor is a prominent war and community guild in Wynncraft that aims at bringing the community closer together.

    We wish to achieve this by sharing events with the Wynncraft community: such as this one. We are proud to extend to you an invitation to our Summer Tournament Event.

    For more information about the Titans Valor guild, review our guild thread.

    Event Details
    We want to kick of summer right with some classic PvP tournaments! This event will feature class vs class and ffa tournaments, and even team battles. The class v class tournaments took place on June 13th. The ffa tournament and other activities have been moved to Saturday, June 20th.

    Want to participate? For information, join our discord.

    The event will take place on June 13th on the Wynncon server. We will announce when tournaments/activities are occurring so you can log in and queue up.

    The event location has been moved to the Wynncon server, thus everything will already be balanced. Players will be able to use their builds while maintaining the integrity of the tournament.

    A list of all balances on the server for the event can be found here or below.
    Core Changes
    • All Damage taken is reduced by 76% (Final damage is reduced, not base. Includes Poison, Thorns, and Reflection)

    • Walk Speed is capped at 100%

    • Jump Height has been capped at 4

    • Poison is capped at 9,000/3s

    • Thorns and Reflection are capped at 40%, but its damage is increased by 25% (AFTER damage reduction). It is also no longer reduced by 50% initially.
      Example: Take a 2,000 damage hit (After DR). Multiply it by 25%. That’s the Thorns/Reflection damage.

    • Health regenerates every 10 seconds instead of every 4 seconds

    • TOTAL Health Regen has been soft capped at 2,500 health/10s. Everything beyond that is reduced by 85%. (Brought up to me by @JaydonTheWarrior)

    • Health Potion Healing is reduced by 25% (There's only 1 healing potion, and that's +4500 HP. It's amount is reduced to +3375 HP)
    These are the core and most important changes that we've made. Most of the changes after this would not matter or work well without them.

    Damage Taken is reduced to prevent one-shot PvP. I.e. 1-hit Uppercuts, Bomb Arrows, Meteors, Spin Attacks, Auras...

    Jump Height builds allowed for players to jump over entire spells and hippity hop around to kill everyone from above. This was mostly effective on caster classes like Shaman and Mage. To prevent this, it has been capped.

    Poison was capped to prevent poison builds from being so rampant, such as Toxoplasmosis builds.

    Thorns and Reflection were capped in terms of chance and damage to prevent cactus builds from being to damaging.

    Walk Speed was capped to prevent super-fast builds dodging everything and weaving in and out of combat like a roadrunner. Especially paired with an Agi build, they were always extremely deadly, annoying, and one-sided.

    Extreme Health Regen builds are nearly invincible combined with loads of Agi and Defense, especially with the recent buff to HPR that reduced its rate to /4s. However, we do know that it's very much possible that they cannot damage as well. So, instead of a hard cap, a soft cap has been introduced. This is so that high HPR builds are at least somewhat killable with enough dedication.

    Health Potions were nerfed because pot spamming in PvP was busted with the reduction to damage taken. This makes it much more of a "breather" potion and not a mid-combat "pop-it-in" potion.

    Skill Points

    - All skill point "functionality" caps have been lowered to 120 points. You can still get the additional elemental damage from going to 147 points, but the functionality/bonus of that Skill Point is limited to 120 points, resulting in slower growth!

    - Strength's damage bonus is capped at 60%
    - Dexterity's Crit/Double Damage Chance is capped at 35%
    - Intelligence's Spell Cost Reduction is capped at 60%
    - Defense's Damage Reduction is capped at 40%
    - Agility's Dodge Rate is capped at 37.5%

    These are probably going to be the most controversial.

    In testing, fights were extremely one sided and supported high Intelligence, Agility, Defense, or Dexterity, and this is after the Damage Reduction change is applied. If you don't know, Skill Point percentages in Wynncraft are capped at 80%, which is quite a lot. The reason the skill point growth is capped at 120 instead of just having a solid hard cap at that specific percentage is because rainbow builds would be empowered, and the playing field would not be as leveled. So, growth will be reduced, but you will still get the additional damage from that element as a Skill Point above the "functionality cap".

    Dexterity was capped because double damage was quite absurd, and serves as an indirect nerf to thunder Mythics. Even with a 76% reduction in damage, they hit like a truck.

    Intelligence is to prevent major spell spam, however this was also indirectly nerfed with the changes to the other Skill Points.

    Defense to prevent invincibility. It seems hard, but keep in mind there is no health cap, so it's quite possible to get a 20k+ tank build.

    The Agility hit may seem hard, but in testing it is still quite useful to still have 50%. And if you want to dodge stuff, just speed around to avoid it.


    - Bash now has a radius of 3 blocks (from 4)
    - Uppercut now deals 300% + 125% + 125% (from 300% + 50% + 50%) damage, now moves slightly faster, has a slightly bigger hitbox, and takes less time to knock down the target by a substantial amount.
    - War Scream now gives 10% Resistance (From 20%)
    - Base Defense reduced to 110% (from 120%)

    Warriors were actually very weak in testing, but also seemingly invincible regardless of build. We gave Uppercut a very nice buff so that way it deals damage and is actually usable, but we also nerfed its overall defense a bit. Even then, Warriors are still very enduring and can take a lot of hits before having to bail out.

    Bash’s radius was reduced somewhat to prevent mass spam


    - Arrow Barrage now deals 22% damage per arrow (from 10%)
    - The Hawkeye Major ID deals 85% damage per arrow (from 100%)
    - Escape now gives Speed II (From Speed III)
    - Bomb Arrow has a radius of 3 blocks (from 5), however now deals 275% damage (from 250%)
    - Arrow Shield's arrow Rain now deals 100% per arrow (from 250%)

    Archer mains, please don't kill me...

    Bomb arrow is an extremely powerful ability due to its low risk, high reward archetype. However, nerfing the damage wouldn't solve this problem and would probably cause more backlash than expected. So instead, the radius of the blast is now smaller to reward accuracy, so you can still get those high-damage bombs off as long as you can hit them. The damage on the Bomb arrow was increased to compensate for the radius decrease and also to counteract some of the PvP Damage Reduction.

    Escape was nerfed in terms of Speed to prevent speed Archers from being rampant.

    Arrow Shield's Arrow Rain was nerfed to prevent mass AoE. Keep in mind that 100 arrows rain down from Arrow Shield and multiple can hit a target, which happens quite often.

    Arrow Barrage was actually really weak in PvP. We decided to buff it so that way up close it's very dangerous and actually serves out damage really hard.

    Hawkeye was nerfed because… Well it’s a busted ID. But not too hard, as the Damage Reduction already nerfs it hard. It can still be used as a handy 5-arrow sniper barrage from across the map however. :)


    - Heal now heals for 9% + 2.5% + 2.5% Health.
    - Teleport now has a range of 10 blocks (from 20)
    - Meteor falls faster, but it's afterburn damage has been reduced to 100% (from 125%) and its radius reduced to 6 blocks (from 10)
    - Ice Snake has a slightly shorter distance

    Heal combined with Teleport is insanely strong. With Teleport being one of the strongest, if not THE strongest movement skill in the game right now, Mages could very easily TP out of mid combat and re-heal themselves back to full health with a few clicks. This is obviously insanely unfair and annoying, as no other class can re-heal themselves this quickly.

    So, both Heal and Teleport were nerfed to prevent this sort of cheesing. However, we did make it so Meteor fell faster to help Mages get some hits in, but had to reduce its afterburn damage.


    - Spin Attack now deals 130% damage, blinds for 1 second, applies Slowness IV for 2 seconds, and has a radius of 4 blocks (from 5)

    - Vanish now gives 65% damage bonus (from 80%)

    Please don't hurt me. Understand that Assassin is my main class too!

    Spin spam is obviously busted, which is why nerfs were in order. These changes were to promote more risky closeup gameplay, as it was fairly easy to just spin from a fairly safe distance and freeze everyone in place. However, Spin Attack is still powerful combined with Vanish, even though it was nerfed, and the Slowness is now 2 seconds instead of 1. Keep in mind Multihit is still extremely useful and wasn't changed at all…

    • Totem healing is capped at +750/s and no longer deals damage over time.

    • Aura's can no longer pull nor imprison players, radius decreased to 12 (from 15), but the growth speed of Aura is faster and its damage has been increased to 225%.
    Yes, Aura pull and prison being yeets is a huge hit, but in testing, Aura’s stunlock capabilities were through the roof, making melees completely obsolete to fight against them, and allowing them to camp inside their totem for hours on end.

    However, we compensate this with a faster growth radius to make hitting Aura much quicker and also deal slightly more damage. While they may not hold up strong in single-target combat, they are excellent in multi-target combat, and they are extremely anti-assassin (Meaning they can wipe them off the globe).

    The idea behind this is to encourage Shamans to use Uproot to pull enemies into their totems in order to Aura them down. Uproot is another strong CC spell, and combined with Aura it can be very powerful.
    Subject to change.


    Thanks to @Pally and donators of the treasury for the prizes.
    Thanks to @Novalescent and the Wynncon team
    Thanks to the Titan Spirit Team for planning this event.

    Titan Spirit Team - @aFireBlaze, @Assassin420, @Calluum, @crystalcaves23, @DreamsStealer, @Ely, @_Eth3real, @Fireball_98, @IceResistance, @Inobel, @Lunaa_UwU, @Pally, @Ren_Altair, @Shaggy, @Soyeon

    Hope to see you there!
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
  2. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    Q & A

    How will tournament queues work?
    In our guild discord, we will announce in #summer-tournaments when a specific activity is starting. You may then log into the Wynncon server and join the queue for the tournament and/or activity that is starting. From there, it will automatically match you up.

    How do I acquire my builds?
    Wynncon has an item vendor which you can get any item in Wynncraft from to use. You can acquire any items you will require and also powder items with a powder master.

    Who can participate?
    Because this is taking place on the Wynncon server, your level does not matter. All classes will be level 106. Simply use /choose to select a class, and from there suit up your build/s. Anyone is welcome to participate.

    What events are there?
    There will be class v class tournaments, an ffa tournament as well as team battles. Additionally, there will be an ffa arena in which simulates the old Wynncraft nether. There will be other PvP activities as well, and battlegrounds.

    How do I join the discord?
    You can private message @IceResistance on forums, or contact him through discord: IceResistance#6517 for the discord link.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
    IceResistance likes this.
  3. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    rip toxo users
    IceResistance likes this.
  4. Lunaa_UwU

    Lunaa_UwU Travelled Adventurer

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    Way to start a beautiful summer. Hope to see you all there <3
    IceResistance likes this.
  5. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    we used 0% of our brain to decide weather or not to allow it
    _oroka, cirogg and IceResistance like this.
  6. Trigonometri

    Trigonometri not an egirl CHAMPION

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    looks fun, looking forward to it ❤︎
    IceResistance likes this.
  7. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Same as last time:
    thank you ice, very cool

    haha unintentional pun
    IceResistance likes this.
  8. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Private message me on forums @IceResistance or on discord: IceResistance#6517 if you want our guild discord link in which we will do announcements and updates regarding the event.
  9. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    "buying revenant bad reflection"
    Looks like a fun event, I might sign up if I can get a decent pvp build together. I'm curious if you're maybe planning some kind of mythic ban or regulation, seeing as some mythics are just plain unfair in pvp considering their power, especially compared to items people can actually get fairly easily. Items like Moontower and most mythic weapons would probably dominate.

    Does "pots" include health pots? I think maybe giving people a max (maybe 3) of them would be fair, as mage and shaman have their own quick health regen, while other classes need to wait for life steal/health regen, and I find that the longer duels go on for, the more fun they are.
    IceResistance likes this.
  10. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    While I can't speak for the first half, pots includes banning health, stat and all crafted.
  11. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Was going to get my poison rte build...

    I just got a 100% poison one too...

  12. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    can i participate on a hunted character or is this duels only
    IceResistance likes this.
  13. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    It's a pretty hard ask to ban a spell all-together, misinputs are extremely easy with how Wynn's spell system works and I don't see why it needs a ban anyways.
    Iboju likes this.
  14. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    interested in hearing the reasoning behind crafted item ban, while having mythics allowed
    at any case, cool seeing events like this being held!
    StormKing3 and IceResistance like this.
  15. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I'm in if I can find a way to get my shit together and actually do quests
    IceResistance likes this.
  16. Richboys111

    Richboys111 I waste all my money on bank space VIP

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    I’m in but I don’t have any mythic builds so maybe instead of doing ffa I would suggest two brackets a non mythic and a mythic bracket
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  17. Lubicle

    Lubicle Paragon of ShadowFall CHAMPION

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    sad toxo build noises
    Iboju and IceResistance like this.
  18. PapaCild

    PapaCild Proud Titans Valor Member | Loli

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    So ready for this one :)
    IceResistance likes this.
  19. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Rip no mythic people.
    Good idea.
    IceResistance likes this.
  20. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    We are exploring the option of banning mythics. It is something we were considering when planning this event, and something that will likely happen. We will most definitely let everyone know soon so people can have time to adjust. For anyone who is planning to participate, please be aware the possibility of mythics being banned is likely.

    We invite the community to suggest, or even fight some of the regulations that are currently in place. We want to hear from participants, so we thank y'all for commenting so far.
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
    BqwaOLD and Richboys111 like this.
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