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Archer/Hunter Help Speed With Decent Damage?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Julask, May 29, 2020.

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  1. Julask

    Julask I just play games

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    Hello, I am Julask. I am leveling my Hunter to make us of the speed they have for a lootrun/materials/and ingredients running to save time for crafting. I am currently level24, but as of now I want to know what I need to kind work toward as far as gear, stat points.. etc.
  2. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    Seeing as you are low level there is no way you should be looking towards endgame stuff as you can use none of it. Right now the only gear you should be using is XP gear to level up as fast as possible. With that being said, I would recommend this build:
    Bow- Gale’s Force
    Helm- Nighthawk
    Chest- Ornate Shadow Garb
    Legs- Sagittarius
    Boots- Virtuoso (these are getting nerfed so I would recommend Memento or Steamjet Walkers)
    Ring 1- Moon Pool Circlet
    Ring 2- Yang
    Bracelet- Vortex Bracer
    Necklace- Diamond Hydro
  3. Heysoul

    Heysoul i play wynncraft once every other year HERO

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    https://wynndata.tk/s/wnj75d using the bow “Unhalting Eagle” for more walk speed.
    https://wynndata.tk/s/jbzrn5 using the bow “Silver Bow” for more xp bonus and loot bonus.

    A balance of walk speed, loot bonus, and xp bonus. The minimum level is 37 for this build, otherwise your options are heavily limited at 24. There aren’t many ways to have a high walk speed build with damage at your level range, so instead I chose to give you loot bonus and xp bonus since you are underleveled at the moment anyway.

    Run around while using the first build, open chests/grind using the second build. I recommend agility potions whenever you have the chance to use them, but otherwise they’re not necessary.

    Once you hit around level 50, the build improves further.

    Rarity might be a little tough to obtain at your level, if you can’t get one use Glitz or another Ehwaz
  4. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    I'd advise you to level up alot before considering a walkspeed build but anyway here are some items that you may want to consider:

    Chaser bow gives you 39ws at lv 39 but you're gonna need to level up (from sandswept tomb)

    Uriel rings 16ws at lv 27

    Favian' Wing bracelet 16ws lv 36

    Webbed Glass Charm amulet 10ws lv 32

    Almuj's Walker 33ws lv 25 or Seven-League Boots 35ws lv 44

    Sprint Belt 23ws lv33

    Dead Samurai's Plate 15ws lv27

    Aeolus helmet 22ws lv41

    For leveling up get items with good hp and good damage, dont worry too much about other stats, mana regen and xp bonus are always nice though.

    You can just look up walk speed or any items really by yourself.
    Order by Walk Speed
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
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