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Green's Wynn Combat Guide Part 1

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GreenTheMeme, May 26, 2020.


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  1. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    I'm gonna do a combat guide since I didn't know that people needed or wanted one. I love Wynn's combat and I've found some pretty nifty exploits that are pretty damn useful. Part 1 will focus on just general rules and tips on how to survive. The next parts will become more specific, from class how-to's and builds, to how to do LI and EO.

    Chapter 1: The Strafe
    Only putting it out here for people who DON'T know this, since pretty much everyone does and it's invaluable in your experience. Basically, Wynncraft's AI does not know how to predict your movements. However, it does react fast enough so that it targets you where you were about one second ago. If you're moving in a straight line, there's not much the boss needs to aim. So never move in a pattern where you were a second ago. That's always been a golden rule of mine. This knowledge inevitably leads you to circle strafing, where you constantly move in a circle around a boss. This skill can carry you throughout the game, from beginning killing high level zombies to fighting an elemental goddess. I can't stress enough how important circle strafing is. Boss encounters can go from intense life or death fights to how to jog in a circle while tapping your mouse 101. If you don't have room to circle strafe, do half-circle strafes, like The Eye. Move back in forth, but remember not to be where you were one second ago. Actually, circle strafing in general is just a good skill to have in Minecraft. So pick it up in Wynn and cheese every facet of the game both inside, and out.

    Chapter 2: Spells and when to use them
    There exists a mechanic in this game called Spell Cycles. Basically, the more you use one spell, the more mana that one spell costs. The costs increase exponentially, however, so it's more forgiving in the beginning, but can become way out of hand. My golden rule is only use one spell 3 to 4 times. Then, cast your cheapest spell, or if the spell you were spamming is the cheapest, cast the next cheapest spell. Movement spells aren't just useful for getting around. Spells like Haul or teleport, if you have the reaction time, can get you out of a dangerous situation instantly. Charge, Escape, and Vanish require a little more skill to use. For charge, quickly look to the right or left while casting. Escape can get you out of a pickle by looking down and using it. However, make sure not to be in the air for too long , since projectile mobs can hit you. For vanish, you can basically look wherever and you will be out of a dangerous situation. The most useful direction is up, which will allow you to basically do an Archer escape but invisible. Assassin can basically leap wherever in a short burst, use that information as you wish. Keep in mind that the assassin leap doesn't stack like warrior's charge, it has a 2 second cooldown. Some classes have one super useful spell that can shred bosses. Arrow storm, for example, is the most damaging spell in the game. One little tip for arrow storm is that you can cast other spells while the arrows shoot. This will also cancel the spell costs. So, for an instant DPS deluxe, Cast arrow storm, cast it again, and then arrow bomb. You can also melee during arrow storm if you have mana steal. If your class has a stun or CC, use it. Use it whenever you can, because one second of the boss not doing anything means one second of free hits and one second of not dying instantly. Remember to not waste mana. In bossfights, you will need every ounce, every Liter of mana you have stored up in that bar of yours.

    Chapter 3: The White Ring of Death
    You might notice that bosses before triggering a spell, have white particle effects that appear in a ring around them. If ANY mob does that, Run. Run as fast as you can, hightail it out of there, head for the hills, pump the gas. Why? Because when mobs do that, they either teleport, charge, multihit, heal, vanish, or multiple of those options in a short burst, and when they do that, they have a 50% chance of killing you instantly. Do not try to get cheese hits off, it's better off not risking it. Also remember the one second rule mentioned in Chapter 1, because charge will follow you everywhere you go. Unless you have a tank build or have agility, don't try tanking a multihit. Bosses like Death or Cybel will absolutely decimate your hearts and you will cry. Cry because you lost 12 blocks of emeralds and wasted many minutes of your precious time. A boss's teleport is the most cheese ability. Forget the one second rule if they teleport, instead just jump up into the air. Actually, if a boss demonstrates that it can do movement abilities and kill you easily, then just trigger your own movement ability when they start casting.

    Chapter 4: Engaging and Disengaging
    This part will not teach you how to propose, instead it will teach you how to brutally murder a very powerful opponent. First of all, do not jump into the fray like you're some invincible demigod, most bosses can make quick work of you at level and sometimes even not at level. Instead, proceed with caution and certainly do not run to them. Use your movement spell, it's just a plain safer option. Especially encounters with a projectile boss, they will throw a shard at you and you will die a horribly painful and hilarious death. Always keep in mind your distance to the boss, for when they hit you and they most certainly will, they hit hard. When you're at low HP, remember the golden rule. I will teach it to you now, so pay attention. It's better to run away rather than risk it. Even if the boss is low, your survival is much more important. Remember to chug that red hot healing potion and wait the mandatory few seconds to heal and then jump back into the fray. Remember when you are outclassed. Most people dying in Wynncraft is thinking that "I've got this" when in reality, you don't got this. Don't be careless, don't ever say you've got this. When you get low, run. When you see that you might die because of the white ring of death, run. Be tactical, use your movement spells if you can. Surviving is knowing when and how to engage, and knowing when and how to disengage.

    Chapter 5: Practice makes Proficiency, which leads to bright ideas
    Dismiss Wynn as an easy game. Dismiss it as a game that doesn't need practice in order to beat. However, if you want to not die as much and become a pro, you must practice your spells. Practice how to use them in a pinch, practice how to spell cycle. Most importantly, make up your own combos. Test your combat prowess on the various citizens throughout the game, there are no cops with which to arrest you. You might find some cheesy exploit that can breeze you through the game. I can't stress enough, practice your spells. They are much more useful than you think.

    That's it for combat guide #1. If there's enough positive support on this one, I'll follow it up.

  2. BellySurfer

    BellySurfer Skilled Adventurer

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    Thanks for this guide! Very helpful for new players, and actually found multiple things in here that I either didn't know, suspected but wasn't sure of, or knew and often forget in combat. Very good guide, would be interested in a follow-up, perhaps specific classes/weapons next?
  3. nuuurd

    nuuurd theres no "best" class kthxbye VIP

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    For Chapter 2, including spell combos would be nice (like Smoke Bomb + Spin Attack). Otherwise, cool guide! I learned quite a few things in this guide :b
  4. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    The followups will be more specific and I want to cover every part of combat. I'm gonna do class specific combos next since it's a pretty important part of combat. Thanks for the positive feedback!
    BellySurfer likes this.
  5. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Pretty nice beginners guide to combat. Not much that i'd disagree with here, other than the 3-4 uses of the same spell back to back; imo there's basically no reason to constantly spam the same spell, since every single class save for maybe Shaman gets far more damage by comboing. Even mage, who effectively has only 1 damage spell, wants to cast snakes or heals during the fall time of the meteor to get the most effectiveness. I'd say for every class it's 2, maybe 3 identical spells back to back at most; the spell cost increase is pretty noticeable by the time you reach that point.

    If you plan on making more, it could be nice to talk about the interactions between ranged and melee combat, how to cancel knockback using status effects like blinds and freezes, how to "reset" spell combos if you accidentally put in the wrong input (I'm pretty bad at this myself tbh), and an exploration of other playstyles and their upsides and downsides, covering how to play spellsteal, heavy melee, and others.

    Overall pretty cool cool.
    cirogg, btdmaster, Druser and 3 others like this.
  6. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Wynncraft combat guide: When you see the boss cast spells, just movement spell up.


    Okay but in all seriousness, a much better thread than I thought. There's a lot of room for improvement, but it's not flat-out wrong which is pretty amazing given the quality of recent content.
    cirogg, BqwaOLD and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  7. Vyzr

    Vyzr Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    great job! I think most of it i essentially already use just because i’ve been playing for a while, but i can see it being very helpful for people without as much experience. also I think the way you write is quite engaging making it a fun read. i thought it was pretty good and i’m looking forward to the next one!
  8. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Also, for new players: prioritize tankiness. Don't do what I did and try to force a thunder-water glass cannon build to work then complain about how hard the game is. xddd
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  9. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Half-strafe is still dangerous (they can hit you while you're changing direction)

    Get good care of your sprint bar, there's nothing more annoying when it starts draining your mana

    pray to agility god
    BellySurfer and BqwaOLD like this.
  10. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    That was the most beautiful and accurate wall of text I've ever met. Thank you.
    *insert 7k health EW archer*
    Mettymagic likes this.
  11. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    strafing is harder to get right in a duo. circling in the opposite direction to your teammate is more consistent. if you circle in the same direction, one player usually ends up 1 second behind the other, thus taking every single hit. if ur just good at the game then whatever ig
  12. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    As a potato pc gamer representing all those who play with severe lag
    Never strafe. Circle in one direction. Otherwise by some black magic you will get hit by every attack that you thought you had dodged (lol)

    Also, not wasting mana is important but it is just as important to always keep enough mana for a movement spell in case you need it. A lot of new players will forget about skill costs increasing, and end up not having enough mana to cast their movement spell when they really need it. That's something I think would be worth adding to this post

    Otherwise great thread :)
  13. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    is there a difference
  14. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    If you're fighting The Witherhead, LI, just any circular shaped arena then yes

    If you're doing EO then no....
    Saya likes this.
  15. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    oh no trying to strafe the witherhead instead of circling...

    yes i agree with you please circle and not strafe!!
    J_Lo777 likes this.
  16. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    well done green
    very nice
    (Expecting more of these)
    (Maybe class specific guides in the future?)
    BellySurfer likes this.
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