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Media My Wynncraft Magnum Opus: My Way Too Early Birthday Present To You

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shots, May 24, 2020.

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  1. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I mean,
    technically you weren't wrong if we multiply it by 4.

    But the big question that none of you have is, why? Why on earth did I come back so early, even though I thought that I wouldn't?

    Well, the answer is because of a very special game. It's name is Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. You want to know what this game made me realize? There were so many things in a game that I thought I hated, but I actually loved. This game taught me that I set my standards too high because of other games I liked. This game on its own made me want to play Wynncraft again. The funny thing is, they have almost nothing alike, yet both it and Minecraft are my two favorite games now of all time (A Hat in Time competing with them for top three).

    In any case, that's when I had an idea. I wanted to make a very special video that would be a compilation, if you will, of an entire playthrough. But this video would be particularly special for me because I originally planned for it to be released on my birthday (July 13th). That of course, didn't happen, but you'll see why shortly.

    Of course, if I just came back outright, people would know I was up to something. I had to go undercover. With my brother's permission, I was allowed to use the old account I had before buying my own since we had originally shared one single account (SWATAssassin). After that, I began planning for what I wanted to do with this video, as well as informing the staff that this was in fact my "alt" in case any issues arose with me being an idiot (thank you @Basteyal for dealing with my shenanigans).

    But after many, many, MANY redos of the first 1-20 ish levels, I realized something. I work best when I just wing it to ever after. From that point forward, I just crammed every idea that came into my head into the video, and thus, I began my descent into total memery and insanity.

    I had, however, established ground rules for myself. I limited myself only to what was available to me via what I got myself, along with a single bank page just in case my brother happened to come back. With that in mind, I had no access to many legendaries like I previously had, nor did I have the money to just effortlessly spend it on random stuff (until later levels). To be honest, it was more fun that way.

    So now we get to where we are now. May 14th was when I finally began gathering and editing footage. What I didn't expect, however, was my own ability to fly through the majority of the game in less than a week simply due to my own knowledge, despite the restrictions I had in place. The only true walls I ever hit were grinding for boss altar gear.

    Everything was looking fine and well though, and I just thought I would be able to keep this video finished and hidden away until my birthday. That's when disaster struck.
    This is when I threw the only remote plan I had left out the window, said fuck it, and totally lost my mind. I bought shout bombs and just started trolling everyone and everything I could think of. Tbh, I should've bought these earlier, they're very nice for making people either A. roll their eyes or B. have an aneurysm.
    And so I began the ultra, adrenaline rush, please god don't let all this work disappear in front of my eyes editing. In case you're wondering why the last section of the video happened to be pretty much rapid fire, that would be why.

    Without further ado, may I present to you my proudest video yet (even topping the 4 hour ish long video of all of Death Wish mode in A Hat in Time). I hope you enjoy!

    Quests in the early game, and arguably across all of Wynn, are largely inoffensive. They serve as a means to teach the player something new, like Elemental Exercise, or they serve simply as an alternative to grinding. Generally, they don’t invoke any emotion other than that of accomplishment when you complete them. They exist, and that’s about it. This developed into my theory that no early game quest could truly be outstanding. Some may be good, like Macabre Masquerade, but that would be about it.

    But then came along 1.19, and with it, came new quests. One such quest went by the name of “Misadventures on the Sea”, created by a CT member and friend named Jbip. This quest was intended to replace another inoffensive quest known as “Sister City”, which quite literally only served the purpose of introducing you to Selchar. There was brief footage of this quest in the 1.19 trailer as well, which sprouted many memes about the colossal rat being similar to the giant rat from Poisoning the Pest prior to its remake.

    Of course, although this is just my assumption, this quest went largely unnoticed when announced, compared to how hyped up the main focus of the update, Road to Dern, was if you ignore the colossal rat memes. Personally, I saw this as just another revamp to make older, early game quests like Infested Plants more relevant. At least I can gladly say that I could not have been more wrong.

    Misadventures on the Sea is a quest based off of a short film created by CraftedMovie, a relatively large channel that used to make animated minecraft short films before deciding to die in 2015. I’d assume this is because Salted, who was a part of CraftedMovie, turned his focus towards Wynncraft. I had never watched the short film, nor had I ever heard of CraftedMovie, until this quest was implemented in 1.19, but I tend to be skeptical of work that is based off of something else. This is largely because it can easily lead to effectively copying the original while adding nothing new of your own. Due to its age as well, this could simply be nostalgia bait in an attempt to win over your bias of the quest.

    Luckily, Jbip, and anyone else who may have helped them with the quest, are not ones to get baited by the nostalgia trap. There are elements taken from the short movie, like this line about watching from the crows nest being boring, or Snoo pushing Pep, a.k.a Wolfie, into the water, but other than that, Jbip only took inspiration of the insanity from the short film rather than downright copying it word for word. Especially considering this happens in the original.

    With that in mind, we have a quest that already has satisfying fan service to those who have been fans for years. But for someone like me, would the quest still be good despite this fan service?

    Well, I can tell you with 100% honesty that yes, it is. But I’m not just saying that. I’m telling you that this quest not only proved my theory wrong that no early game quest could be outstanding, but it is my label for the best quest in the entire game. And if you know anything about me, I do not use the term best lightly when I am being genuine.

    Let’s start at the beginning. In this one single scene alone, we already are presented with a number of things that the quest does right straight off the bat, but you probably didn’t notice on your first playthrough like me. If you pay attention to the dialogue, you’ll notice that Honip, a seemingly friendly but competitive sailor based on the way he talks about the Seaskipper, specifically references a quest you’ve previously done. As far as I’ve tested, this can either be no quest at all, Cluck Cluck, or Dwelling Walls. That on its own, establishes a sense of immersion and payoff for doing a quest, rather than just the monetary gains from it.

    Furthermore, you can drink from the bottle that Honip buys for you, and even with such a simple inclusion like that, the quest almost instantly makes you feel like you are truly a part of Wynn’s world. And I want you to remember that word specifically, “simple”. We will get back to it many times.

    Lastly, for those who played prior to 1.19, it is possible that you remember the last time you got drunk and backstabbed shortly thereafter. Of course, I don’t know if Jbip specifically intended for this to be similar, but suggesting the starts of Mixed Feelings and this quest are largely similar in execution, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. This creates a sense of distrust towards Honip, or at least develops it further, but even as you make it to his boat, he is still acting the same way as established.

    You already have this sense of distrust present, but it is all the more satisfying when he gets to his second to last piece of dialogue and you fully realize what’s going on. By the time it has hit you though, well, it unfortunately didn’t hit as hard as Honip.

    You then wake up in your cell, and the quest truly begins. You’re greeted by the true Honip in the form of a joke, and he gives you the task of cleaning bodies around the ship. Now, you can just go clean the bodies if you wish, progress the quest, keep doing what your quest book wants you to do, yada yada yada, but that is where the genius of Jbip’s design of this quest lies. You have the choice to decide the length of the quest.

    If you explore the rest of the ship, you will find various, and quite humorous, NPCs and areas that truly feel alive. There is not a single character in this quest that feels like just a cardboard cutout character or robotic in nature. They seem like genuine people by the way they talk about the ship or other such things on the ship. But it doesn’t stop there.

    By interacting with objects and/or pets on the ship, various events will occur, leading to what is essentially an entire treasure hunt sidequest. There’s also the gag with what builds up to be a kraken before turning out to be some random midget fish. Now, if you were doing what your quest book told you, the game would require you to spam spells to get the fish off the boat. But if you took the time to befriend Snoo with seeds you can find down by the furnace, an entire new sequence happens where Snoo takes care of the problem himself, changing everyone’s dialogue in the process.

    And that, my friends, is payoff. It’s one thing to have an area to explore and be done with it, but it’s an entire other thing to have an area you can explore and be rewarded for it. Of course, this all isn’t mentioning Jbip’s further mastery of immersion.

    Throughout the boat, Jbip included many, minute details, that make the quest still feel like it is taking place in real time. For example, going up to the crow’s nest allows you to collect these seagull feathers, and furthermore, you can see rats occasionally scurrying around the ship. These two incredibly simple details increase the atmosphere of the quest exponentially.

    Then, we get to the rat problem, which has been built up since Honip even mentioned the issue. You enter the room and there are, of course, rats, but something is wrong. The music has gone deathly silent as you exterminate them. Then, the two giant rats appear, which die almost as fast as the former, but you still know you’re not done.

    And that’s when this happens.

    None other than the Colossal Rat himself comes to fight you! I’m not even joking when I say that this is one of if not the best build up to a boss in the entire game. They somehow managed to make a meme into something intimidating as hell simply through atmospheric buildup. Oddly enough, the Colossal Rat isn’t even a particularly easy boss compared to the giant rat from the original, which, memes aside, was only difficult as an archer because you couldn’t hit the damn thing. It’s quite tanky and does provide a decent challenge when doing it at level.

    Of course, we’re still not done. You can grab the rat hair in the hold along with a key that unlocks the other thing that has been built up for the whole quest, the treasure behind the secret door. 3eb on its own is more than enough to ensure you are rewarded for your efforts, but Jbip knew that he could just add that tiny bit more to make it seem like these pirates just liked to collect various sorts of items by adding more ingredients into the chest.

    Then we get to the escape scene, and even in the final moments of the quest, Jbip ensured that his simple features to make the quest better than it already is stayed there. All it took was the two of the pirates talking with each other about the “Colossal Rat” you slayed and Snoo getting prepared to push Pep into the water as you blast yourself out of a gosh darn cannon. If that isn’t a beautiful method of escape to accompany the absurdity of everything else in the quest, I don’t know what is.

    As WithTheFish had said once in the past on a feedback thread I can no longer find, I couldn’t help but smile as I flew over Selchar.

    And you want to know the only problem I have with this quest, aside from the occasional bug here and there? The seagull minigame doesn’t really need to be there. That. Is. It.

    Upon landing on the island, the humor continues by just stating the obvious when you go to investigate your surroundings, most notably when you go to dig up sand and it just tells you that there’s more sand.

    Shortly thereafter, you are rescued by none other than the Seaskipper himself, the best NPC in the entire game because of how humble and sincere he is due to the whole situation. And to conclude this outstanding quest, there is one final piece of the quest missing; the introduction to Selchar. The quest simply ends here, allowing the player to freely explore if they wish rather than being forced to.

    Almost every single thing in this entire quest is near perfection. Nothing is perfect obviously, and I already stated my only problem with the quest, but I would be lying to you and myself if I didn’t say that this quest is a masterpiece.

    This quest is what I view as the magnum opus of Wynn’s side content. Not everything has to be some big “the world is going to end” story, and, arguably, it’s better when it's not. This is one of the few quests I look forward to on every single playthrough I do of Wynn, not because of monetary gains, but because it is just that enjoyable. I wanted to stay with Honip’s crew rather than leave them because I love them that much.

    So in conclusion, yes, this quest is what I consider to be the best quest in the game. It’s immersive, it has enjoyable dialogue and characters, replayability, entertaining gameplay, and satisfying fan service.

    All I can say is thank you Jbip, and I look forward to your work and anyone else who helped you develop this quest in the future, friend.

    The reason this was cut from the video is because I felt it sounded disingenuous when I spoke it out loud. Then again, that’s usually the case when I compare something I’ve written to something I’ve spoken, because I believe I write better than I sing and sing better than I talk (not in the sense that I am a good singer, mind you, but because I believe I portray many more emotions when I sing than when I talk, but not as much as when I write). I still wanted to at least say it in some form or another, though, so here we are. Thank you Jbip, very cool!

    Psychomancer is one of if not my favorite boss in the game (competing with Qira, Wybel/Cybel, The Eye, Aleadr/Tasim, and the Plague Doctor). So what better way to do him justice than attempt to do an entire voice acting session and then attempt to edit him in a way that made him seem like the end of the world itself?

    This was amplified by the fact that I decided to fight him at level and without pots on Assassin (where the only other class that struggles more against Psychomancer is Warrior, along with maybe Shaman if you get unlucky). I had way too much fun doing Psychomancer's voice and I hope people do enjoy it, because it's something I want to try in the future.

    I did the voice thingy with Qira as well, but I knew I couldn't make my voice sound like how I thought Qira would sound in my head, so instead, I talked to her (taking pieces of the dialogue, like referring to our fight as a "dance").

    I have NO idea why this was such a joy to edit, but it was. It may have had something do with the fact that most of the things in that portion weren't even planned, they just sort of happened (for example, the golden avia bird I was actually just grinding for robot antenna's for Geyser Pit). Also @Saya I'm down for a staring contest rematch by the way.

    I genuinely hope this gets memed into the fucking void.

    In the section with the Dwarves and Doguns questline, you probably did notice that I accidentally threw my spare EB into the hopper for the mini boss portion in part 1. I was so tempted to edit something in like "oh we won't talk about this" or "all planned", but the more I rewatch it the more I think it's the most hilarious thing in the video since I don't say anything and just continue onwards.

    Also, I'm genuinely surprised that there have been only two copyright claims thus far. It doesn't matter because I have yet to set up my google ad sense account anyways because I'm legally not allowed to without an adult, but I was expecting at least 5. Also sorry the video's an hour long I really had to reach that 10 minute mark.


    I still have yet to figure out the random crackling occasionally. Seems to be an issue when I export a video with my editor because it sounds fine raw and in my editor but then gets cucked when I export it. It's very noticeable at the start of the 100% Not Accurate Review of CUR and some of the rest of it, but otherwise it's pretty unnoticeable, so I hope it's not much of an issue.
  2. minibuilder789

    minibuilder789 Skilled Adventurer

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    Great video so far :D and welcome back!
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Shots likes this.
  3. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Beyblade beyblade let it rip!
    (But if it'snot the originalmetal fusion series you are dead to me)

    Glad to see you back
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    CoolVictor2002 and Shots like this.
  4. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    oh no not a staring contest

    i already forgot

    Edit: Saya gets featured by doing absolutely nothing!!!! pog fish poggers fish!

    Edit 2: absolutely true, please nerf hashr claw thx
    upload_2020-5-24_8-33-51.png 1:30 ish mark or smth

    edit 3: not a single touhou song I'm shaking and crying rn send help

    edit 4: bring back monster girls to CotL pls thx

    edit 5:
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Bart (MC) and Shots like this.
  5. LiteralSatan

    LiteralSatan The Disco Charity accepts all contributions CHAMPION

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    I swear to god, I was just minding my own business yesterday, and then I saw the shouts and did a mental spit-take of "WAIT WTF-". But seriously, I am glad you have given me more content to feed my massive addiction.
    Shots likes this.
  6. Ten

    Ten Still Poor. HERO

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    pretty epic video
    Shots likes this.
  7. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    Welcome back! I didn't think anything when I saw the shout ingame so the disguise worked
    Shots likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    damn it time to run away again
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    you are part of 13k club now there is no running away from 13k
  10. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    I'm terrible at managing my time but this hour definitely hasn't gone to waste
    Glad to see you back, hopefully it's not going to be the only video in the near future
    Shots likes this.
  11. 1647

    1647 1647

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    c h a m p i o n s e t
    Shots likes this.
  12. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Good disguise, never would have guessed that was you when you were shouting. Hope you keep making more wynncraft content.
    Shots likes this.
  13. DQTR

    DQTR IGN mediumEd

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    a true master of disguise
    Shots likes this.
  14. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Happy Souls and ZeroLenny voice? You really have been playing a lot of Dark Souls. The video was awesome. This has to be the best Wynncraft experience video made.
    Also hydrangea is pronounced hi-dran-juh or hi-drain-juh depending on where you're from.

    I have some in my yard, so I'm like an expert.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Shots likes this.
  15. chryssie

    chryssie ultimate cur hater CHAMPION

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    Are you gonna write a review on the Bob fight anytime soon? I need more wynncraft reading material :eyes:
    Shots likes this.
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    thepicferret and chryssie like this.
  17. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    what about

    R O P E C L A S S
    Shots likes this.
  18. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    you couldve made me cry man thank you so much! I really love adding details like that, and most importantly, replayability. It's always cool and surprising to see things change, even if it's dialogue, it makes the player feel like the world changes around them with their actions.

    I really don't know how to answer that kind of stuff, it makes me tremendously happy, but i have some small pictures of when I was making the quest. I feel like some of you might like these, even though it's really not much

    Lucky you, I found this paper 2 days ago. The original plan was slightly different from what we have today. You originally had to "stay" on the boat for 3 days, where you'd do one task, go to sleep, then another... (see Flight in Distress). You had to collect fuse, gunpowder, and matches/something to light the cannon. The latter was scrapped (and if you pay attention, below the human cannon, there is actually a small torch!) when the design changed.

    If you're wondering about the "rock paper scissors guy", it was a little joke event supposed to happen on the boat. You had to find scissors to cut some net and use it as fuse, and the way to obtain these was playing rock paper scissors with an npc. I scrapped that, because I was new and not really familiar with our systems, and also because in the end it was a convoluted way of doing all of this. I chose a much simpler approach to the quest, and planned the side treasure hunt alongside. The chest itself doesn't give unique ingredients because I didn't want it to be too important, but nice enough to feel rewarding! It was quite cryptic at first, but I managed to cram in enough hints, and I was glad to give Pep an use.

    To get to the hold, you had to find a lantern first too, because it was "too dark". This, too, was scrapped.
    The rats were actually planned from the start, I told Grian I wanted to add back the dear giant rat. And then I saw big. Too big. Bigger than anything else ever before. I wanted it to feel grandiose. And so I did make it way too extravagant, and I love the buildup. Originally, the rats were gonna throw around boxes during the fight! I'd have loved that, but that didn't happen. I think it's also one of the only boss with dynamic music, where the buildup, the first phase, the second one, and the end all have different themes. Though, it's only a remix of Energetic Encounter and not truly its own theme! I think it does its job well.

    This is also the first time we added what I called "action dialogue" where NPCs have some "unimportant" dialogue above their head to not clutter the chat. This isn't really used much right now, but you might see it more in later updates (don't quote me on that)! Speaking of songs, Skippin' Service has a few notes that are from the original skit. I don't think I've seen anyone mention that, they are pretty hidden!

    And while we're speaking of songs, I really wanted that buildup. It's inspired from Splatoon's boss buildup theme:
    And now...


    It's been mentioned a few times by others CTs, but Raxodia was the codename for the Colossal Rat, and still is to this day. You see, milieus is our skin artist, and an amazing one at that. She's the one who designed most of the skins you saw in newer quests, she's responsible for Aledar and Tasim (one of the firsts she made for the server!). You know why I'm mentioning her. She made Raxodia. She changed everything! If you know Minecraft, then you might know that Raxodia's model consists of multiple heads. She started sending me multiple skins for me to assemble it all... And it really, really felt like I was summoning a demon. Exodia the forbidden one.


    And here is the first time I saw Raxodia, ever.

    Corpe, the great 1.19 composer, had mixed feelings about all of this.
    well, you get the idea.

    I had a lot of screenshots of CTs discovering it for the first time (including grian), but unfortunately I couldn't find these in time. I might do another post one day if I get my hands on these, but in the meantime you have this:

    All in all, Raxodia was the greatest disaster to happen to me. And now, I'm known as the rats guy. This is great.

    (this meme is courtesy of leo, very good gm)

    Well, thanks for all that. You know, I can't really describe how happy it makes me to know that I've made a difference in this game. Entertaining people that way is quite the passion to me.
    I hope you guys enjoy your future playthroughs of the quest! Who knows, maybe you'll find something new?
    wader_, milieus, SoulBurned and 18 others like this.
  19. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    I am still unsure if shots is either 16 or 25
  20. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    He reminds me of a wynncraft Technoblade
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