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"what Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?" - Remastered

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the argument against mythics. The issue isn't with high value rare items existing, the issue is with the lack of marginal scaling of their power. For well designed MMO's, you get decreasing returns when farming/grinding, so for the first hour you put in, you can see major improvements, and the next hour you get less and so on. Wynn has that nailed with the leveling system, in fact, I think it's probably too easy to level (not a complaint), but the gear system is a problem since it's all luck based. Without mythics in the mix, the system can possibly work because the marginal climb still exists in trying to optimize ID's, but again because of how drops work that system would be workable at best.

    Anyways, going back to what I said about the marginal climb, mythics would be fine if they were a marginal improvement over existing items, where they only offered a small improvement (something like 500+ dps more at most or maybe 1/4MR more) to their legendary counterpart, but they aren't. Mythics are broken out of existence, they do stuff which no other items can and they have builds specific to them where only they can be used, all of which are features which shouldn't exist in the rarest, least obtainable items in the game.

    If I were to fix the system, here's how I would do it;

    First, each grind-able monster type should have a specific drop table with two or three specific legendary items on it, that way you can farm a certain item (ie, if I want Aquarius, I can grind ice things in frozen heights to only get Aquarius).

    Next, there needs to be an item improvement system, where you can combine two of the same item to have a chance to improve the ID's on the better one, maybe even the ability to unlock a major ID or go past the normal ID range. Basically, a way to make a perfect item if you were willing to farm out and recycle dozens or even hundreds of the same item.

    Next, and probably the most controversial idea (good for the thread I guess), mythics should have always been limited to dungeon and quest rewards. With the scraping system I mentioned above, you would get the first mythic through doing a dungeon quest, from there you improve it by running the dungeon to get more to recycle.

    Finally, dungeon quests would need to be made to be much, much harder and much, much longer. I think the EO questline and the FF questline could stay the same, but I also think that they would need to be on the shorter end. Corrupt dungeons would also each need their own hellish questline (which I think should happen regardless).

    TL;DR: Myhtics might have been a good idea, but the execution is the most braindead and least creative system known to mankind. Getting the best ID's can and should be luck based, but best gear should not be.
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  2. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    But that's also exaggeration. Some mythics (Freedom is the worst offender) are disgusting overpowered stat sticks. However, others can be weak and even underused in builds (Dawnbreak omegalul).
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think the problem with the mythics which don't get used stems more from the fact that the builds they're made around don't work, rather than the mythics themselves being weak. As for freedom, I 100% agree, but there are other really dumb mythics too.

    Also, I don't mean to argue your point, mostly because I agree with you, but my concern at this point is less with the mythics themselves and more with the fact that the item gameplay loop is fundamentally broken and unrewarding. With the exception of LI and the Qira hive, good/meta items almost exclusively come from luck based systems and without a consistent way to make improvements to your existing gear, mythics are the only way to have a strong build.

    Basically, I think the whole current system needs to be scraped and replaced with something better. I might take some time to think about it some more and write up a long suggestion about it to go alongside/add to my dungeon revamp and gathering powder threads, but it'll take some time so idk.
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Thing is, that's just completely wrong. There are plenty, and I mean A TON of builds that don't use mythics and are pretty amazing. And adding to that, mythics are COMPLETELY UNEEDED for any content whatsoever, they are usually either gimmick items (see: warp, discoverer, etc.) or just really good weapons for pretty specific playstyles. If you need a mythic to be doing endgame content, it sounds like you need a much better build or something.
    Also, LI and Hive shouldn't be exceptions, because most builds use at least one or two items from either (Don't forget about other quest rewards like order of the grook, dungeon items, merchant items and also discovery items too). Also, you can buy better items on the trade market, and finding most items generally isn't that hard at all from mobs or loot chests.
    Saya and MegidoGamerGod like this.
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    At no point did I remotely suggest that mythics are needed for anything? I also never denied that there are aren't any good builds that don't use mythics, because obviously there are, hell, I made it through all the endgame content with a morph archer. Next, the reason why I call hive and LI exceptions is because you can't use just those two to make a build. LI only has accessories and you can only use one hive item (plus weapons) at a time.

    I think the misunderstanding comes from what I call a luck based system. I think you're assuming I'm only talking about mythics when I'm talking about all item drops from mobs and loot chests, mythic or otherwise. If you read my first post which what you replied to was referencing, you would know that my point isn't that mythics are too powerful/essential for gameplay, in fact, I almost said the opposite. The guy who I was responding to mentioned that a lot of mythics were weak and I agreed.

    My entire point is that getting mythics, or powerful gear in general isn't rewarding in the right way. Instead of working towards a clear goal to get good loot like in games like Destiny, WOW, and literally any other functional MMO, you're forced to run circles around an area to get the chance to get something good. I think most people can agree that doing challenging content should reward good loot, so it's really dumb that the best gear in the game (not only mythics to be crystal clear) comes from the easiest, least risky, least challenging content in the game. This is where we may disagree, but I think there's a problem when the majority of the player base considers the trivial task of loot running to be the end game.
    Countermelody likes this.
  6. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Tbf, wynncraft doesn't have challenging content at the moment. The problem isn't lootruns, it's the lack of endgame as a whole.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I do somewhat agree, but EO and the corrupt dungeons, along with LI (maybe) are clearly supposed to be the endgame. The only reason why they're so easy is because the endgame gear is way too powerful. Everything level 80+ needs a hard nerf, yet for some reason every item keeps getting buffed.

    That's a really good point though, I'll make sure to address it when I make my thread on a solution at some point next week :D
  8. Glial

    Glial Is it Gleal or Gleyeal? VIP+

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    1. Boss Alters are actually a neat concept, we just need more, or they need to be looked over a bit
    2.Warrior is actually extremely fun
    3. Warrior mythics are the most fun to play with except apoc
    4. Archangel is a neat mythic and should be talked about more (this isn't biased)
    5. Melee mage, archer and shaman all have potential
    6. Corkus fucking sucks dick
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I liked the old mansion quest in Nemract despite nobody liking it
    I can't remember the name of both now though
    But I still prefer the old one over the new one

    Despite everyone hating the ToL quest (from what I remember, I have been super disconnected from whatever has been happening over here for the past like, 2 years perhaps?), I gotta say I like it a lot, also Reincarnation
    It might have to do with nostalgia, but I like both and I feel like they are both absolute musts in my runs
    IceBear likes this.
  10. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Lunar Spine would be an indefinitely better item if it were on a class that wasn’t mage, because of how Meteor limits spell spam

    Or if it had Entropy
  11. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Item team sucks.
    CountBurn and Major_Lue like this.
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Screw it, time for the ultimate unpopular opinion:

    I do not understand why people complain about getting a "bad" mythic initially (if it gets a terrible roll that's a whole different story, since it is really hard to sell, probably very tough to use, and you lost a ton of money). But assuming you do get a decent roll on [whatever the worst mythics are] that's either a viable item for a build or at minimum 32LE or something. Sure it isn't a discoverer you found, but you got an item most people would only dream of finding. If I find a 20 dollar bill I'm not gonna complain that it wasn't a 100 dollar bill.

    (Archangel is maybe the exception to this, since it doesn't look that great for endgame IMO)
  13. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    Yay for my build plaza
    TS_potato and WithTheFish like this.
  14. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Over the year they keep adding levels, even after 100.. and after 101. . and so forth.
    It just feels like they just want to add more content for the people who have already grinded a ton of classes to the max level.
    Most of that leveling content at that level though is so bland and just pure grindy and to make more "content."
    Druser likes this.
  15. minjae

    minjae Az Extremist #AppreciateAz

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    Az is the best mythic
    Wait this is a completely true and popular opinion
    GreenTheMeme likes this.
  16. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    in the case of the most recent level cap increase, how exactly is that grindy or just for the purpose to make more content? it was increased to make room for the much anticipated silent expanse that added a better endgame to wynn, I wouldn't call that just making more "content," it added a legitimate better experience to the game . it being grindy doesn't make sense either, I had not needed to grind once in my shaman run through of the silent expanse, due to exp from quests and discoveries giving enough to boost me to 103. I also disagree that it's for the people who already grinded their way up, firstly the grinding needed to finish hunters calling and be over with the game is very minimal now, and secondly it's content for everyone, it adds to the game for those who are new and those who are old.

    I can kind of see a point with level cap increases going past the limit of content, but I've just always seen those as something very dedicated players strive for so they can actually put exp to use while playing as they wish.
    That_Chudley likes this.
  17. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    - Wynncraft's Combat is Repetitive and Boring. You either choose whether or not you feel like hitting things with melee moves, spamming spells, using melee moves in between spells that you spam, etc. Like yes there's potential builds for some more interesting combat (Especially if you play around with powder specials). However in order to access the more interesting builds/playstyles you need to be at a very high level and even from there it isn't too interesting. Wynncraft likely needs a combat rework and a lot of new players I feel like get turned off by Wynncraft when they reach a certain point due to this.

    - I'm not a fan of having to have late-game mostly be dungeon runs with dungeon bombs and dxp after you reach level 65. Obviously it isn't the only way to grind and there's other ways to gain those levels efficiently. However over-doing dungeons over and over again and trying to do them quickly while being slow enough to not be put behind in groups is uninteresting.

    - Dungeons should be greatly lengthened in exchange for giving MORE xp and requiring less runs to get certain dungeon rewards. A lot of Dungeons feel a little too short and speed-runny and it creates a lot of dungeon parties. Dungeons should feel a bit more special when going into them, there's a LOT of good concepts for dungeons and I don't think they need to be completely reworked (EO imo is the only dungeon that doesn't need to be changed at all, it's great the way it is).

    - I think how the endgame gear balance is being handled is fine. A lot of people are complaining about overpowered endgame builds that can potentially solo-things but I think having strong builds (especially non-Mythic ones) makes Wynncraft at least interesting to try to optimize. With a better combat system (maybe even having branching spell upgrades so you can choose different spell variants for more unique builds?) it could give Wynncraft a bit more of an interesting endgame. Though quite a few lategame bosses need a buff.

    - I personally don't like how Archer's escape works/feels. The move isn't under or over-powered it's just that how it feels is really clunky for me. Maybe it was just meant to be that way and the free Speed 3 is REALLY nice but i'll probably never actually like how that spell moves unless it gets overhauled.
    MegidoGamerGod likes this.
  18. syrun97

    syrun97 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. buff meteor
    2. buff melee mage
    3. make EWF/TWF raw melee item so make timewarp melee viable
    4. corkus is province
    5. make skyblock themed dungeon so hypickle can use for its dungeon.
    6. nerf ice snake
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  19. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    1. Corkus is a boring af province
    2. The Eye's 4th phase should be deleted, it's a shitty end to a good boss battle
    3. The Eye's magma laser only exists to make the fight more hectic for no reason, even though it's extremely easy to dodge
    4. Mage can be a fun class with the right build
  20. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    My incredibly in-depth unpopular opinion:

    The new quests have overlong and clunky cutscenes, glitchy and buggy new gameplay elements and worse lore.

    Gavel had the best quests along with the fantastic texture pack back in December 2015
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