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Lore/Story The Recruit - Wynn

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Caldie, Apr 26, 2020.

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  1. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    I'm in isolation and I'm bored, so I guess I'm writing a story.
    This is a retelling of the basic plot of Wynncraft, with a lot of creative license. I'm kind of picking and choosing plot points and connecting them in an over-arching story, it's very hard to adapt a game like this with random and loosely connected plotlines, but I'm going to try my best I guess.

    Chapter 1
    Rocky Beginnings

    The cart bounced along the path. Peering out into the valley Lodan could tell they were nearing Wynn, the mountains were growing taller and the land was growing greener. They had been travelling for days and Lodan was desperate for the journey to end, the seats were anything but comfortable. He was travelling with a company of twenty men, sent from Fruma to reinforce Ragni's forces. They didn't look like much but they could hold their own; Onar lead them, he was a large burly man who demanded respect. Currently, he sat at the head of the carriage staring off into space, Lodan wondered what he was thinking.
    All of a sudden there was a sharp jolt.
    Curses from the driver followed, "Bugger, I always hit this damned rock!" Onar sighed and lead the company off the cart. Lodan's legs felt like lead from the long journey, but he managed to jump from the cart and make his way around to the side. By the looks of it, one of the cart's wheels had been knocked clean off. "I'm afraid you'll have to walk the rest of the way lads." Said the driver, "The gate isn't far now." Grumbling with disapproval the company left the man to fix his cart.

    By the time they reached the gate, Lodan had gotten some feeling back into his legs. It was large, nestled between the walls of the valley. The structure was made of dark wood and had a network of intricate engravings, as first impressions go Wynn didn't seem half bad. "So this is it then." He said. Onar nodded in approval as he strode toward the gate. A voice rang out from the ramparts, "Who are you?"
    "We're the Fruman recruits," replied Onar.
    "Very well. Open the gates!" Slowly the two great doors opened up to reveal the province of Wynn. The company walked through and were quickly greeted by a soldier. "You're late, recruits. We expected you days ago."
    "Not under our control," replied Onar, shrugging.
    "Very well, we are in urgent need of your assistance." The soldier was in his mid-thirties and was well-armed. He wore full chainmail with a steel chest plate, the Ragni insignia was displayed in bright reds and yellows on standards at his waste. "What's the problem?" Inquired Onar. The rest of the company looked on expectantly. "It's a long story, but in short the undead have taken the underpass." Replied the soldier. He seemed worried, there was sweat dripping down his forehead. "So we can't get to Ragni?" pushed Onar.
    "I'm afraid not, and if the undead aren't pushed out of the underpass I doubt Ragni will last very long."
    "Okay, so what's the plan?" Asked Lodan, he could sense the rest of the group were getting nervous. Nobody expected to get thrown in this deep this quickly. "Well, the undead come from the old sewers, there's a route from the underpass which connects, but it was blocked off long ago. Somehow the undead have broken through. The goal is to push them back and close the passage off for good."
    "And how have you fared so far?" asked Damion from the back.
    "Not well, they're too numerous. With your help though, we might stand a chance" Lodan looked out into the valley, a scattering of Ragni soldiers populated the fields. They didn't look good, some distant cries of pain could be heard from the medical tents. "How many undead are we talking about?" Asked Lodan.
    "At least three-hundred, we can't be sure though" Replied the soldier.
    "And how many of us are there?" Pushed Lodan.
    "With you, one-hundred and six." The company began mumbling to each-other fearfully. The odds weren't good, but they had no choice. Going back wasn't an option.
    "So when do we fight?" Asked Onar, seeming to emanate confidence.
    "First light tomorrow"

    Chapter 2
    First Light
    The river roared far below as the army marched over the bridge. The sun rose a deep orange over the mountains and tinted the steel armour a subtle gold. And so they marched toward the underpass. In the shadowed gloom of the cave, Lodan could make out movement. His heart began to pump harder, pounding in his ears. This was it. When they were within a hundred yards of the entrance a hoard of undead suddenly charged out at them. Etherial cries and heavy footsteps flooded over the beat of Lodan's heart. "FORM RANKS!" The command came from somewhere indiscernible. The soldiers reorganised with disciplined efficiency, while the Fruman's were left standing awkwardly. Lodan saw Onar draw his greatsword from his back scabbard and followed suit, drawing his sword from its sheath. "CHARGE!" Then with a roar, everyone rushed toward the incoming tide. Beneath the flaming light of the morning sun, the fires of battle came to life. Spears and swords lashed out at the pressing attack, arrows flew overhead whistling like birds. It began well, Lodan sliced his way through an onslaught of rotting corpses. They were clumsy but surprisingly strong, Lodan had trained for this. He parried and sliced, cleaving a zombie clean in two. More followed as he pushed forward in a battle frenzy. Ahead he saw great balls of blue energy falling to explode upon the hoard, and great crashes as Ragni soldiers slammed their spears down into the ground, arrows erupting into balls of flame. The thought of what the hell is going on lingered in Lodan's head for a brief second but was quickly extinguished as another undead launched itself at him. Lodan was thrown backwards, but he quickly recovered. He slashed back at the zombie but it just ignored the attack and swung at him anyway. As it's left arm fell to the floor the zombie sliced through Lodan's leather armour leaving a gash in his side. A sudden fear came over Lodan and he hacked and hacked and hacked at the creature's neck until it fell truly lifeless at his feet. He could feel warm blood pooling at his side, he looked around desperately, he couldn't even find the strength to call for help. Was this the end? His vision began to grown dark. All of a sudden a wave of blue energy flooded over the army and his wound burned with sharp but brief pain, then the flow of blood stopped. What the hell? Suddenly the soldiers pushed forward into the undead and sent them scurrying back into the underpass.

    "REGROUP!" rang out over the field as cheers began to rise. Lodan found Onar with a growing group of Frumans. "Did you guys see what I just saw?" Ask Onar, as Lodan approached. The man was dripping with sweat and had blood seeping from a cut on his bald head.
    "If by that you mean crazy explosion stuff, then yeah," responded Lodan.
    "Okay, that's something we'll question later I guess. How many of us are there left?" He looked around, "One, two... eleven. Is that Damion walking over? So twelve. Not good" Everyone was too shaken to contemplate the gravity of the situation, they just needed to push through and survive. Damion joined the group and the soldier from earlier followed shortly after. "What the hell was that?" Asked Onar as the man was about to speak.
    "What was what?"
    "Those explosions and blue energy." Continued Lodan.
    "Oh right, you're Frumans. It's called magic, we were taught by Villagers that came here from Gavel. You'll learn in time, but we have more pressing issues right now. We won this first battle but we still need to drive them out. I fear they have someone coordinating them, this could be tough."
    "How many of us are left?" Asked Onar.
    "Not sure right now, but our best guess is about sixty. We wiped out at least a hundred of them though."
    "More than that I reckon." Scoffed someone from the back.
    "Maybe, but we can't be sure, a lot of them were vaporized by magic," responded the soldier.
    "Right, of course...
    magic," mumbled another voice.
    "I guess that's our cue" Grumbled the giant that was Onar. And on they marched into the darkness of the underpass.

    Chapter 3
    The Underpass

    Passing through the underpass they passed all manner of horrors. Severed limbs scattered the floors, and rotting corpses lied awkward and mangled. Soon the soft scraping sound of the undead's footsteps began to echo throughout the cave, and the smell of rotting flesh became overwhelming. The walls and ceiling were hidden behind a curtain of darkness, the only light emanating from the few torches the soldiers had brought with them. The sound of ragged breathing was deafening in the penetrating silence of the cave. Shadows began to move just beyond the reach of the torchlight. "The passage is in the next cavern," whispered the Sergeant. "Head forward slowly and quietly, and be ready for a fight." We pushed forward. The distant echos of footsteps grew louder and closer. The darkness seemed to push in around us, choke us.

    Suddenly a zombie was caught in the torchlight. It looked at us in surprise, then let out a brittle cry before it was struck down by arrows. "CHARGE!" We rushed forward. Rotting bodies came and went with slashes of Lodan's sword as he ran, he scanned with frantic eyes for any movement in the darkness. If he saw something he attacked it with fearful ferocity. Cries of pain echoed off of the walls in a symphony of horror. A flash of blue light and Lodan felt his strength return. They pushed forward until the passage came into sight. In the meagre light, Lodan could make out the circular tunnel leading off into pure black. The metal bars that must have closed it off in the past had been bent backwards to open the passage, what on earth could have done that? The undead stood at the entrance, snarling and hissing, waiting for us. As the soldiers neared arrows suddenly flew out of the darkness, sending men all around Lodan sprawling. They actually are coordinated. The men ran straight into the hoard slashing and bashing and mashing until the undead were left fleeing. "BLOW THE ENTRANCE, CLOSE IT UP!" Suddenly a succession of explosions rang out, and the tunnel collapsed with a loud crash.

    "Lodan." The voice came from somewhere to his right, it was croaky and weak. Lodan moved toward it, and before him materialised the figure of Onar. The large man was sprawled on the floor, an arrow protruding from his chest. There was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "Lodan," he coughed, "they're all dead... you're the only one left."
    "What? What do you mean? MEDIC! HELP!"
    "It's no use... it pierced my heart"
    "No, no no no no. We can get through this together, you just have to pull through."
    "It's no use... just... do something for me... Lodan... Avenge u-" The man let out a last breath and fell limp onto the stone floor. Lodan shook his head disbelieving. The only one left? Why him? How is he supposed to avenge them, he's out of his league in Wynn, with their magic and their resources.
    A cloaked man with a staff appeared beside him out of nowhere, "Is he erm... gone?" Lodan just nodded in response. The man helped him up. "I'm Ralon, a mage"
    "A what?" responded Lodan half-heartedly.
    "Right, sorry, we're kind of the masters of magic, as much as a human can be at least. Healing, teleportation, fireballs. You get the gist"
    "Yeah, right... magic." Why was Wynn so different from Fruma? Although, when he thought about it, Lodan was having a hard time remembering anything about Fruma at all. Wait, what the hell? He contemplated it being another magical ability from Wynn, but somehow he doubted it. "Ralon, I... this might sound crazy but... I can't remember anything." The mage looked at him knowingly. "It's the same for every Fruman recruit, nobody has anything but theories on the matter. A mystery for another day perhaps, currently the war is the more demanding problem."
    "Yeah, of course. So what now?" He had to keep going, for Onar.
    "You, recruit, are going to meet the King"
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Aemor, Cloud__, _Tiger and 4 others like this.
  2. BerriiBunnii

    BerriiBunnii Sleepy Cat Kid VIP

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    Woah, this is pretty cool! I like your writing style, pretty lighthearted. I agree about how hard it is to make a story that's so loose with the source material, but you seem to have it pretty well down. I was also,, kinda thinking of writing a wynncraft themed story- so I think its really rad that other people are getting writing inspo from it too. Really cool writing dude.
  3. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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