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Good Strats For Assasin?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by AlwaysHungry18, Apr 27, 2020.

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  1. AlwaysHungry18

    AlwaysHungry18 Travelled Adventurer

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    Hi random people over the internet,
    Im relatively new to this game, and i decided to use Assasin. Is there any specific strategies with either weapons, spells, combat, etc?
    Thanks for any help,
    Another random person over the internet
  2. Kimbap

    Kimbap Travelled Adventurer

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    I saw somewhere that you can double multi hit the same enemy twice in a row, but you're gonna have to youtube that since i havent figured it out yet.

    I didn't have many issues with assassin during the early game till around level 80 where I had to start using potions.

    Your gear in early game isn't gonna matter that much, start looking at builds once you're around level 90+ but until then pretty much anything will go for assassin.

    Your first ability provides a small stun so use that to recover/deal damage/ run away, when you get vanish later you can use it to climb walls and travel faster.
  3. AlwaysHungry18

    AlwaysHungry18 Travelled Adventurer

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    thank you!
  4. Kimbap

    Kimbap Travelled Adventurer

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    I recommend getting Draoi Fair from the Grookswart quest, also im assuming this is your first playthrough so make sure to do all the quests. It provides alot of xp and emeralds.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    when you use a powder special vanish first to maximize your damage. You can use spin attacks stun to keep enemies trapped in your smoke bomb.
  6. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    To maximize your damage, make sure to cast vanish every few seconds for the massive damage boost that lasts for 5 seconds after vanish is ended. It is good to set up combos such as Vanish + Smokebomb + Spin/Multihit to maximize the damage you can do especially if you have high int and mana regen. Try and sneak every time you multihit an enemy so it doesn't fly up in the air, thus letting you combo the mobs while also being affected by multihit.
  7. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Right. Here’s some tips for using each spell in an assassin’s arsenal.

    -Spin attack: This is the ‘main’ spell of an assassin. You use this for damage, crowd control, boss stuns, whatever. It’s a very good all-around spell (no pun intended)

    At level 16, it stuns enemies for a short time. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HOW GOOD THIS IS. Seriously, the ability to make everything in a 4-5 block radius not attack you or move is insanely powerful. It also partially or completely shuts down a laundry list of mob spells, but there’s a better option to deal with those that I’ll go into later.

    At level 36, it steals buffs from enemies and clears debuffs from you. This is handy as hell when going up against mobs with slowness or weakness spells. If you get hit with either of those debuffs, just spin to make them go away.

    -Vanish: and here is where we get into the bread and butter of an assassin. Even though it does no damage, this is still hands down the most powerful part of an assassin’s kit.

    The first thing you need to learn about vanish is how to master its movement. Upon casting vanish, it will launch you in the direction you’re looking at, with an increasing amount of force and distance depending on how high up you look; looking level to or slightly below the horizon will barely push you, while looking straight up will rocket you into the air. Jumping before casting spells also increases the force it launches you at. For traversing the map before level 46, the best way is to look up at a 30-45 degree angle from the horizon and cast the spell while jumping. Then, punch to unvanish immediately after casting, so you don’t drain any mana. You’ll be launched in the direction you’re facing much faster than walking or running normally. Vanish also negates fall damage while invisible, so use it when jumping off cliffs.

    The second thing to know about vanish is that it’s one of the best defensive tools in the game. If a mob is about to cast a ton of spells, vanish and back up. If you’re getting mobbed by a horde of zombies, vanish. Trapped in cobwebs with a boss staring you down? Vanish. Certain mob spells, like Aura (a spell that sends out a damaging blue wave with knockback), can be dodged by looking straight up and vanishing into the air.

    At level 26, Vanish gives a strength boost while in vanish and for two seconds after. USE IT. USE IT OFTEN AND ALWAYS. It’s an 80% boost to everything, for two whole seconds. Just to give you some perspective, a combo of vanish-spin attack-spin attack does more damage than three spin attacks, for almost a third less mana. It also powers up melee attacks.

    At level 46, vanish gives a speed 5 boost while in it. It stacks multiplicatively with the walk speed ID. It’s great for dodging spells, closing the gap on opponents, and parkour.

    -Multihit: this spell is used largely for burst damage, and is usually comboed with spin and vanish. It’s a lot more useful in the endgame, where certain mobs you’ll use it on don’t get thown skywards.

    At level 36, multihit gains a final hit that does increased damage and knockback. Be wary of that knockback effect, and know that crouching while casting multihit cancels it.

    At level 56, multihit lets you pick up mobs and move them to wherever you look. It’s fun and decently useful for kiting mobs and shoving them into corners.

    -Smoke bomb: this spell is used for three things: area denial, ad clearing and extra damage in comboes. The main thing about using this is learning how to keep mobs inside it. Generally, you want to aim the bomb just in front of the mob or horde’s feet, so they have to walk through it to get you. In addition, learn how to kite mobs (IE. Walking in a circle around the mob so they stay in the smoke bomb).

    At level 46, smoke bomb slows mobs inside of it. This is great for keeping mobs inside it for longer.

    At level 66, you throw three smoke bombs in an arc. Get used to throwing these in order to maximize the area of the smoke bomb.

    Now that we’ve covered each spell individually, let’s talk combos. We’re going to cover the low-mid level ones first.

    Vanish-smoke-melee attacks: this is probably going to be your main ad clearing combo for most of the game. Find a horde, vanish, throw a smoke bomb at their feet, and then punch them to death. Simple, but effective.

    Vanish-spin-multihit-vanish: this is the boss killer combo for lower levels. It deals massive burst damage, but drains a lot of your mana. Use the second vanish to back up and let your mana regen.

    Now the high level ones. These usually require a lot of intelligence (the magic number for intelligence is 68) or -spell costs, so be sure to invest in those.

    Vanish-spin-multihit-spin-vanish: this is my bread-and-butter combo. It gives HUGE amounts of burst damage, and basically murders anything that isn’t a boss instantly. If you’re up against a boss, throw a smoke bomb at them before using this combo.

    Vanish-smoke-spin-spin-vanish: ad clearing combo. Use it against a large horde of mobs.

    Vanish-powder special-spin: remember, vanish boosts ALL types of damage, and that includes powder specials. This combo works best for wind prison and quake; other specials are generally better off used at the beginning of a different combo (curse and courage) or at the end of a combo to regenerate mana (chain lightning).

    Assassin excels at a hit-and-run playstyle, especially against bosses. Don’t worry about keeping on a boss all the time; focus on getting in, using a combo or two, then vanishing out to regenerate mana and health on bosses. Also, get used to the amount of damage you do; if you need an extra spin attack to kill ads, or if you’re already killing mobs halfway through a combo, don’t be afraid to change your combo to incorporate that. My combos are based on my personal build, so don’t be afraid to make your own. Just be aware that if you cast the same spell in rapid succession, it increases the cost of that spell as well as all of your others, so be sure to mix them up to get the most out of them.

    Probably the most important thing to get used to as assassin is getting good at clicking as fast as you can. Since vanish only gives you a two second window of strength, you should practice trying to cast these combos as fast as possible to get the most out of that window.

    As a final note, keep track of your mana. Mana tends to regenerate all at once every 4-5 seconds because of how mana regen works, so keep track of when it will regenerate because if you’re in vanish when it happens, you will lose out on mana. Try to wait for it to regenerate before starting up another combo.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
    btdmaster, NITEHAWKX, euouae and 4 others like this.
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