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Least Favorite Dungeon?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by 182 others, Apr 18, 2020.

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  1. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Not sure if this is the right place, but as someone who's Near lvl 60 with all legendary armor and a dagger, I would say my least favorite dungeon is Undergrowth Ruins. Like besides the boss, the only thing that's hard in this dungeon is the parkour. I did it on my 2nd attempt (1st time I forgot to pack some potions and only used like 5 lvl 50 pots anyway and lagged heavily in the 1st stage). But the dungeon is quite easy in combat, like the keystone guardian is easy to defend, and getting past the 4 blue tokens isn't that hard, it's just 16 tokens overall with some mobs that don't have much health (2k isn't a lot, especially when u do like 300+ dmg), and the 24 Lilla slimes killed is quite easy too, at least easier compared to the other dungeons, and Jattelik slimes aren't very hard to kill. At the boss, slykaar isn't that hard you just need to evade and strafe and kill the slimes and deal with Slykaar, and is easy when compared to theorick from Ice Barrows, who has specters that can easily kill you. Oh and also despite being the easiest dungeon relative to the level (Behind Decrepit Sewers), the parkour is annoying, like once I was trying to help ppl do Undergrowth and one guy took nearly 30 minutes to do the parkour and the wait was pretty annoying.

    Basically its just a low skill combatting the first time, some crappy parkour, an easy 16 token grab, some even more crappy parkour, some easy slime kills, and then Slykaar, who annoyingly tps away from you and blinds you when you hit him and takes your time away, and range spams.

    If I did a top 3 so far here's what it'd be:
    1. Undergrowth Ruins (Annoying parkour plus very easy at its level, and seems to be the main cause for my lag issues lol)
    2. Edit of 4/21/20 (Originally SST): Lost Sanctuary, very repetitive, and it goes on for like 3/4 of the dungeon, just repeating, and it takes a long wait to get the 9 creepers.
    3. Ice Barrows (Extremely hard at its level and only beat it to legendary armor and dagger, and 20 lvl 40 pots as a lvl 43 as is quite challenging and unbalanced compared to other dungeons)

    Well anyway what's your least favorite dungeon.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    luckeyLuuk, starx280 and ExertKarma like this.
  2. mArauder

    mArauder Friendly Neighborhood Guy

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    Normal Decrepit Sewers... I get that it's the first dungeon and all, but it feels really boring... just kill mobs followed by parkour followed by kill mobs and then boss. I dunno, maybe it's just me.
    luckeyLuuk, Take, Emogla3 and 2 others like this.
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Galleon's Graveyard sucks
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  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    SST is easy at-level? uh
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  5. SoulBurned

    SoulBurned eee HERO

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    My HHIC disagrees with you
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  6. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Lol what does HHIC mean, and it is quite easy, only reason I ever died was bc of that thing with token where I had to click e and the next sec I am in the sand swept tomb, and the parkour is bs
    ExertKarma likes this.
  7. SoulBurned

    SoulBurned eee HERO

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    HHIC means ‘hunted hardcore ironman craftsman’, the four challenges that you can make a class have.
    The reason I died is my armor essentially broke after I got multihit and my health was essentially halved, nothing I could do from there because I did way less damage too (The damage ids on my Armor)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  8. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    It is, I only died bc I had to click e for the tokens to get in (eventually learned I had to drop a useless item and pick it back up lol), otherwise it's easy
    ExertKarma and BqwaOLD like this.
  9. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Corrupted decrepit sewers is my least favorite because maybe if it wasn't just a re skin then the other corrupted dungeons would be better. That's the only dungeon I truly dislike but I have never done Galleons so I can't say anything about that.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  10. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    I don't really like Lost Sanctuary, it's basically doing the same thing three times over. And the boss, while its concept is interesting, takes too long to defeat because of having to wait for the creepers to spawn.
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  11. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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  12. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    I was able to solo the dungeon by the time I was a Lvl 40 I think (Couldn't do it at Lvl 34 as my build sucked and had level-outdated armor) and I could 1 hit kill the basilisks' and the creepers, and I would try to kill the boss (Which I did) but as a Lvl 27 I would agree the creepers take too long to spawn so it's usually just time-consuming, and back then killing the boss would take longer (Back then I thought to kill a 25k health boss was insane)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  13. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    You're right. It is easy, as an assassin who knows what they are doing. I didn't and died twice to the boss before I figured maybe I should use my pots smart, and then it was ez. As for the UR, I'd say the parkour is actually easy, once you get the hang of it. It's all about looking where you are supposed to go, then cheesing it using assassins vanish boost. There are a few barrier walls to look out for, but otherwise ur good.

    Completely forgot about the least fav dungeon. My least favorite of all of them is galleon's graveyard, as it's just boring. In your level I'd say lost sanctuary.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  14. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    all of them in rank for me (i have some unpopular opinions in here, beware).
    note: ct, you've done a great job, don't think you're shit because of my post.

    1. Eldritch Outlook - ok, at the start of the dungeon, it seems pretty bland and easy, so you have low expectations. Then, you reach the boss room, and then.... HOLY SHIT SJSJHSHKJSJSKIEIUDHDKSJS; the boss catches you so off-guard, and not just that, but the boss is actually FUN. It's definitely something that I would call fun.
    2. Fallen Factory (unpopular opinion) - wtf stop shitting on fallen factory, it was actually really fun for me, even though I ran it a few times for megabyte and to help my friend. antikythera actually feels somewhat like a boss and somewhat threatening, unlike most other bosses. the combat is a little bland, but I actually enjoy FF parkour (yes, even the conveyer belt.)
    3. Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins - its made better, although the best thing about this dungeon is bouncing around satisfyingly.
    4. Undergrowth Ruins - same as above.
    5. Ice Barrows - the dungeon itself maybe isnt the best, but one reason i like it is because its challenging. theorick is also a really well developed character.
    6. Galleon's Graveyard - wtf stop shitting on this dungeon too. Theres nothing to shit on about- well, except the annoying af cutscenes, the cannons, the WHIRLPOOL PARKOUR..... the only reason this isnt lower is that idk what it is, but I like the vibe of the dungeon (the Ahoy, matey, im going to make ya walk tha plank! feeling.)
    7. Sand Swept Tomb - In my opinion, this dungeon's been drastically improved when it was revamped. I love the concept of having split paths, it makes the dungeon a lot more fun to run more than once. However, still normal mechanics.
    8. Underworld Crypt - I don't like survival stages. at all. It's literally just waiting. The only reason this doesn't take a lower spot is because the dungeon itself is designed alright (except for uh... never mind.) I like how the CT took a different approach to the boss, instead of just the whack and win kind.
    9. Infested Pit - It's a little better than the dungeons mentioned below, I guess, but it's still a normal combat > parkour > combat >parkour > boss thing that really doesn't have quirks.
    10. Decrepit Sewers - as the first dungeon, is guess it's excusable, but it's NOT. this dungeon is normal as fuck. This would be fine if it wasn't the literal first dungeon. If I was a new player, this wouldn't leave the best impression on me about dungeons.
    11. Lost Sanctuary - it's... not good. The entire dungeon is just parkour > combat > parkour (and the phases aren't even that interesting). Then, you're already at the boss. At the boss, instead of something somewhat hard, you get... a waiting game. That's it. you just wait until enough creepers spawn and you can open the pit at the middle. It's not fun at all for me. This is even worse in the corrupted version, where I had to run it SIX TIMES for a freaking pair of leggings. Least favorite dungeon, period.
    Least Favorite

    i excluded corrupted dungeons other than cur because theyre just red variants of the normal dungeon.

    thanks for coming to my ted talk
    FAZu, MrYoghurt2004, Take and 8 others like this.
  15. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Finally someone else! Fallen Factory is my Favorite dungeon but I see most people hate it.
  16. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Ice Barrows is weirdly difficult compared to the others - not that it's a bad thing. but it seems out of place.
  17. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Lost sanctuary is basically made entirely of the grind sections of other dungeons, except the tokens actively run from you
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Repost of my response on this because I'm still bored and yes I know it says least favorite but we don't talk about it.
    Lost Sanctuary is my least favorite dungeon in the game. The bridge section often lags out so you'll be stuck there for an eternity, the token collecting rooms are literally the same room copy pasted three times with a nuisance added to each room, and the boss itself is a glorified grinding room. This is also the buggiest dungeon in the game aside from the next one on this list. The token collectors often decide to just not work meaning you'll have to swap worlds just to maybe get them working again (or sit there spamming for 5 minutes and then it magically works again for some reason). God forbid you have it bug out in the boss room to, because it can. The only cool part about the dungeon is Garoth's backstory but that gets overshadowed as soon as he entered the nether portal and became generic villain #2788.
    The only dungeon more buggy than Lost Sanctuary is GG. Be it the cannonballs disappearing into the floor, token collectors bugging out, the ship section straight up deleting itself, so on and so forth. When the dungeon does decide to work it's not that bad but by god if you get bad luck on the whirlpool parkour as something like Warrior good luck. Oh yeah, Redbeard, one of the worst bosses in the entire game. The gimmick of using the cannonballs on Redbeard to kill him is cool in concept, but my man spams heavy pull into a shotgun blast so much to the point where he makes pre-nerf Wybel/Cybel check under their bed for him every night. You have nothing you can do about it unless you're an Archer and Assassin on some occasions other than pray to god he doesn't pull you off the pressure plate which takes 6 seconds to charge up.
    Like you said, nearly every Corrupted Dungeon is basically the same as their counterparts, except for a few slight changes to the boss like in CUR. That is not true with Corrupted Underworld Crypt. They took problems which will be discussed later, because the original Underworld Crypt is much better than the Corrupted imo, and amplified them. The survive section lasts over a minute and is boring as hell, the ship section has an increase in archers because why not, and they made the boss a glorified grinding room. The only real reason this even got higher than the other two entries is because at least it doesn't bug out nearly as much, but Charon can still get stuck in a wall or Graken can straight up despawn if he goes out of your range.
    There's nothing particularly wrong about the dungeon, it's just that it's only difficulty comes from Wynncraft's usual mentality of "melt or be melted". This is most notable in the first room, where you either face the swarm or camp up at the token collector. I will give it praise for the egg mechanic and sealing the spawn portals in the boss room, but the latter doesn't come into play that much since the spawn rate for them is rather low relatively speaking.
    I'm genuinely surprised by how highly you think of Decrepit Sewers. Imo, it's the exact definition of an average dungeon. Nothing is particularly bad about it (aside from how stupidly strong the skeletal guardians become in the Corrupted version), but nothing's outstanding about it either (aside from the lore behind Witherhead, which is pretty good). The mechanic of spawning walls to block the arrow storm is neat but there's usually no need to use it since circle strafing keeps you safe anyways. It's short and gets to the point. That's about it, really.
    I said a while ago that Antikythera is the only reason I ever liked this dungeon, and that, to an extent, is true. The dungeon is needlessly long since there are effectively 4 grinding rooms, the conveyor belt is cool on the first run but becomes tedious on subsequent runs, and the boss, being the effective 4th grinding room, has a chance to just lag out or bug out and force you to do the entire dungeon again just to get to that point. The parkour is one of the most enjoyable in the game for me though and, as said before, Antikythera's dialogue with their character makes up for it to a degree, placing it slightly above the average.
    Basically take what I said about Fallen Factory, apply it on a slightly higher scale, and you have Ice Barrows. Mechanically, the dungeon is lackluster with the grinding rooms either being needlessly long or "melt or be melted", the run section is "where's my horse", and the first parkour is so easy I often forget it's even there. The invisible parkour is neat though and the boss is quite the challenge on lower levels for first time players when alone, arguably being the hardest dungeon boss in the game at level aside from the number 1 entry on this list ofc. With that being said, Theorick is one of the most well written characters in Wynncraft. Without making this entire thread into an essay about him though, let's just say its fitting to put him out of his misery.
    Prior to 1.19, Underworld Crypt was my favorite dungeon in the game (aside from the next entry on our list). Charon, while I will admit is a generic villain, is an excellent reference to Greek mythology (albeit Charon probably shouldn't have been the boss for obvious reasons, but if the boss was named "Hades" it would be so blatantly obvious that even my dog could understand the reference). The main issue is the survive section, which, while not much of a problem on your first run, becomes tedious on later runs (but hey, at least it's not a minute and a half...).

    Then there's the boss, who I also find to be one of the best bosses in the game. Some hate that you can't fight the boss directly, but I enjoy the mechanic of spawning a variety of soldiers just to see how it will play out. Of course, the boss becomes easy if you just spam Graken (and some Defenders if he decides to spam summon Warlords), but the option to test variety is there if you want instead of just grinding your heart out for an item.
    After debating it in my head, I've come to the conclusion that I enjoy SST more than UC. The gimmick of the randomized rooms makes the replay ability factor of the dungeon skyrocket, something I value in games. None of the rooms are particularly tedious either, aside from the Anubis room because the spawnrate in that room is horrendous. However, this same gimmick works against it. As soon as you've seen the four combat and parkour rooms, it's easy to get in to a mind set of hoping you get the favorable rooms on later runs rather than others. So, if you get something like the Anubis room, you'll naturally be upset that RNG decided to take you there.

    As for the rest of the dungeon, there's not much else to say. The survive part is lackluster but at least you can commit horse time, the bridge requires you to hold the w key, and the boss isn't anything too special but can prove to be a challenge depending on build. Still, the randomized rooms is something I quite enjoy.
    If this was prior to 1.19, I can assure you one thing. Undergrowth. Ruins. Sucked. Ass. The only dungeons that could compete for this position of awfulness were Lost Sanctuary and Galleon's Graveyard prior to the change to the boat section.

    But let's not dwell on the past. The rework of UR fixed almost every problem I had with the dungeon. The mobs in the blue token room accurately represent Slykaar's lore, the token count while high in each room is reasonable considering the spawnrates, the slime parkour gimmick is enjoyable when it's not lagging out, and the boss is an actual challenge now. On top of this, Slykaar is genuinely my favorite villain in the game due to his character and lore.

    That doesn't mean problems are not present, however. While the blue token room does justice to Slykaar's lore, the slime room and the first phase of the boss do not. I really wish they would show us more of Slykaar's experimental ideas and creations rather than just throw in a bunch of ordinary slimes, which if you've been in the jungle for 5 seconds you've already been fed up with them, and have Slykaar himself become just a blob for the fight. There's also the escorting section which, while much better than the original, still becomes tedious on later runs. Still, the changes to it were enough to make it all the way to second place, only losing to the obvious number 1 spot.
    You already knew what was going to be at the top. Let's start out with the problems though. The token sections honestly aren't that enjoyable. The mobs in them are more annoying than anything else, even though the mirror mechanic is decent, and the mini bosses follow the same mentality of the majority of the game, i.e the aforementioned "melt or be melted" (seriously, the last mini boss is a dps/spam that heal pot test).

    That's about where the problems end though. I enjoy parkour unless it involves what I believe are called neos (mainly because I suck at them), so the parkour honestly isn't that bad relatively speaking (I still don't know why people want it to be nerfed after it has already been nerfed twice). And then there's the boss.

    The Eye is arguably the best boss in the game imo (only competing with around half of the boss altars, AHC's Finale, Death Metal, Psychomancer, and Charon as mentioned previously). He has a gargantuan health bar, various phases that all require you to learn and respond to moves effectively, and has incredible lore significance. Its attacks don't come out so fast to the point where it feels like you either melt or be melted, but its attacks also don't come out so slow to the point where it feels like it's a pushover. It feels like a genuine boss battle as a result. Even with the addition of the Wretches, which I think people overstate their true difficulty, are completely fair almost all of the time.

    The only true problem I have with the boss is lag. Sure, lag is present everywhere, but since The Eye lasts so long unless you have a glass cannon time to solo in 3 minutes build it's highly likely that you may get a lag spike and die in the boss as a result. Even then, it's not enough to ruin an otherwise great boss battle.

    tl;dr since reddit keeps breaking when I try to upload an image:

    Epic Sauce: Eldritch Outlook
    Good/Great: Undergrowth, Sand-Swept, Underworld
    Slightly Above Average: Ice Barrows, Fallen Factory
    Average: Decrepit
    Bad-Mediocre: Infested Pit, Galleon's, Corrupted Underworld
    No: Lost Sanctuary
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    Jbip, euouae, Mistrise Mystic and 3 others like this.
  19. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    i hate lost sanctuary
    MrYoghurt2004 and Emogla3 like this.
  20. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion, but Eldritch Outlook. SOLELY because of the "parkour". The rest of the dungeon is great and all but the damn invisible parkour makes me want to die
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