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Guide [outdated 7/26/2020] Mythics Price Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by xSuper_Jx, Dec 17, 2019.

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  1. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    Collapse is not a spell mythic
    It’s main id is melee% not sure what about that makes you think it’s a spell mythic
    You can run it as hybrid I guess
    Lexwomy and Lego_DW like this.
  2. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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  3. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    your "melee build" isnt really melee and it more just raw melee stack which can be put on any weapon, it doesnt really make hero a specifically good weapon in terms of melee, theres no real reason to use hero in raw melee stack builds over something like zephra besides marginally better damage and more walk speed.

    collapse can be a spell based mythic, yes i agree. but im sure literally everyone that has ever played this game can also agree that spell warrior is the worst playstyle in the game. collapse is far better as a melee spear

    minor edit on the end here but this is a price thread not a weapon discussion thread, lets stop arguing about something unrelated to the purpose of this thread
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
    xSkiing, xSuper_Jx, Asthae and 4 others like this.
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    At any rate collapse isn't worth 7 stacks max, I sold a 93% wynntils roll melee dmg and 5/4 ms for 5 stax, and the guy who bought it from me bought one a bit before then that was better than mine for 5. I think max is like 6, maybe 6.5. This was like a few months ago and I don't think there's been any demand increase because it hasn't received any changes.
    Asthae likes this.
  5. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    I wanted to discuss the price but then it turned kinda into which spear is more usable. :pensive:

    But yea Collapses don't sell for 7stx... Just no...
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I would caution that a lack of item changes does not equate to no change in price - often it takes time for people to discover an item's usefuless (case in point everyone laughed at Slayer early on but now...).
    Iboju likes this.
  7. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    yes but no

    The problem is that they just bought 1 collapse for a way too high amount (compared to other collapsed on market) and I don't think that should be enough proof for such a drastic price change.

    please revert the changes this is quite unprofessional :/
  8. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Actually, correction to what i said above:
    COLLAPSE (sold).png
    this was the collapse i sold, it actually has 124%melee (94% wynntils roll not 93) and anyway this is what sold for 5 so take a look
    xSuper_Jx likes this.
  9. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    To you this was a fair trade? To many it seems as if you were either scammed or overpayed, if you could comment about the trade that would be great.
    This is a more outdated trade, so I am going to wait for @Roton 's response in the meanwhile -- thank you for providing this trade
    Sorry for the inconvenience on the usage of such mythic price thread. We are currently looking into the details of said trade, and will hopefully come to a conclusion soon about the price of collapse. We shall revise our price changing plan and not simply listen to community members and their trades, which is exactly what our now old goal was. We are again sorry for the wait and unprofessional behavior. I will make sure to personally scrutinize trades and the market for over 5 hours and ask all 50 of my trusted advisors before deciding on a price change.
    - xSuper_Jx

    Ok, but seriously, I have commented on this multiple times and its starting to get annoying. Its the community's job to upkeep the thread as well as mine (meaning that I just make changes when community members provide changes to (hopefully) help the thread) - I ask from now and anytime in the future if you do not think a trade is fair or have any issues (and I didn't already) simply post a reply to them and ask them about it as I just did above on the thread here, I would read through it as much as I am now. This goes for everyone-- Thanks.
    Druser, Asthae and Sebiee like this.
  10. Roton

    Roton Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    To be honest I don't feel like I was scammed but I would understand if other people felt this way due to the fact that warrior has been the worst class for a long time.
    xSuper_Jx likes this.
  11. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    ok wheres the problem
  12. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    Thanks for the reply - I am going to bring collapse's max a bit down but still have your trade effect it as it seems like the community isn't confident that are there are others willing to buy collapse at that price.
    That gma can easily count as an outlier, so I am gonna simply make the max go down to 5.5 as an outlier shouldn't be at the top of the range

    Re-Updated: Collapse
    Updated: Grandmother
    Updated: Weathered
  13. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    okie i kinda think a lot of stuff on here is inaccurate, and that's obviously not your fault because what ppl pay is inconsistent to say the least. i just think it's kinda annoying that people use it to price their stuff because of it. i guess that's just the disadvantage of any attempt at documenting mythic trading when it's fundamentally an impossible task

    anyway from what i saw with sources

    pure should be 1.5-6
    (was 6 stacks on market) and i don't think i've seen a single one under 1.5 stacks for a long time

    thrunda should be 2.5-6.5


    a lot more is inaccurate as well but i can't necessarily cite sources

    i'll just say that grim should be 4.5-9
    ignis should be like 9-15 (i have never seen one go for 6 or anywhere near it)
    sunstar, olympic and toxo should be higher. current max poison toxo is going for 60 stacks (whereas the first sold for 50) so do whatever with that
    the #1 sunstar or something went for 26 stacks and may have been bought for 29 at the time this post is being written

    edit: resurgence completely wrong too, a fairly mediocre one in auction currently has 16 stacks on it and i'm pretty sure it's gone for higher
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
    Jirayut, Iboju, NITEHAWKX and 3 others like this.
  14. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I agree with everything Latios just mentioned above.

    On top of that, Resurgence prices on this thread are also very outdated and if people come here for advice, they are going to get scammed. There's a 7/4 with -39 spell damage being sold for at least 15 stacks, but currently in auction. I've been offered 25 stacks for my current pair as well. Selling any resurgence for just 9 stacks is a very poor trade, again, unless it's completely useless with terrible rolls. I highly suggest changing this.

    (Edit: his posted was edited as I was posting mine, so sorry for double post. But yes, please change it)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
    xSuper_Jx and Latios like this.
  15. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    I agree a bit with what you are saying - I think it might be worth discussing the ability to chance prices without a trade. It is hard to fully justify it however which is why I hesitate to as I do not want to make a change by mistake that many disagree with.
    But onto your prices changes: Do you have the stats of the pure? If it counts as an outlier I do not want to bring the price of it too high.
    How bad was the tcrack? If it counts as an outlier on the low end 3 would still make sense and the tcrack auction that was sold also counts as an outlier, therefore 5.5 (or 6, but I somewhat recently sold a really nice tcrack just got godly for 5.5) makes sense.
    It is also hard to be accurate with the low of ignis, I have not seen one sell for a long time (the bottom was 6 from a couple months ago). Bad ignises? igni? don't exist much, this would just be something to change on will if you guys let that happen (post in reply).
    Again for all the reliks the #1s count as outliers so I cannot do much with those - I would need to change the top on will (post in reply if I should do that again)
    I just saw this right before I came to reply actually, so I think its fair to say resurgence is at least 2-16 stacks. I do not think I can bring the bottom up as bad resurgences are terrible for prices so not confident to bring that up (and hasn't been a trade).

    Updated: Resurgence
  16. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    the tcrack was good, unrerolled with 88% thunder damage

    my friend sold his 29% overall [4] tcrack for 2.5 stacks too


    i didn't know that you weren't taking #1 potential mythics in consideration with the list and i'm not really sure why you wouldn't but aight

    this was my pure, certainly really good but not #1 material (ignore the thing i was trying to sell it on discord)

    the worst ignis i saw someone had bought, rerolled and sold it for 9 stacks over tm quickly but they usually just get sold for anywhere from 12.5-15 from what i observe
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
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  17. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I still think the top end for resurgence is too low. 8/4mr and 9/4mr aren't completely uncommon. There's at least 7 of them, if not more, and you can consistently get offers of 20 stacks for them. But much better, for sure

    Edit: And as for the low end, wouldn't an absolutely awful mythic also count as an outlier? I just feel like having the absolute low end of items, but not including the high end of items is extremely confusing and inconsistent. I would either bring ranges more towards the average, or add the high ends to all items.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
    xSuper_Jx likes this.
  18. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    You sold a 88% t-damage tcrack for 2.5? And a 29% overall sounds like a low outlier unless its got good thunder damage and anything else. Read the top of the thread where I mention it excludes all outliers on both sides.
    They arn't admitted to this range (think godly warps for 100stx vs the top is really about where it is now). For mythics with lower prices they still count as outliers, but still help in these cases as with the pure (even though it is an outlier in my opinion, barely) it helps increase the price to just under what you sold it for, so:
    Updated: Pure
    For resurgence the one currently bid on for 15 stacks is 0 rerolls so prob nearly as valuable as an 8 with rerolls (which is why I made it 16 and not 15). As the auction price goes up I will bring up the price as well. I havn't seen any 8 mr resurgences.
    For outliers, pertaining to resurgence 9 mr does not count (which is what I currently base an outlier as). You get why there is a high outlier, but I add a small (while it doesn't matter usually for more than 0.5-1 stack) lower outlier for consistency.
    Iboju likes this.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Among rerolls to [3] or less, about 25% of Resurgences will reach 9 mana regen.
    Iboju and Ichikaaa like this.
  20. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    Yeah fair point but I havnt seen a 9/4 sell (@Dondasch ?) and there are still so few in the game that it’s hard to distinguish them
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