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Community Event Weeb Divzer Giveaway (ended! Check Results)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by afterburner0128, Mar 24, 2020.

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  1. Wiihacker0

    Wiihacker0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I don't have one, but I want a divzer pls
  2. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Waifuless scum
    Take likes this.
  3. Wiihacker0

    Wiihacker0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Fine, your my waifu
  4. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    None but Kyara may have me
  5. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Yahya (ヤヤ) is truly the top tier waifu.

    To start off, you might be thinking "Yahya is 3D! That isn't valid!", and to that I will respond that Yahya's texture map within Wynncraft is 2D, thus making the character himself 2D as an extension. Evidence follows:

    This is a standard Villager texture from vanilla Minecraft. As you can see, it is a two-dimensional image, sprawling across the x and y axis without a third dimension. Minecraft then interprets the character's appearance and models it to the villager shape we all know and love. As a result, Yahya is technically a 2D character, thus fitting the requirements of the contest.

    Now onto the main thesis: Yahya is one of anime's greatest waifus due to his compelling characterization and dashing personality. My eyes were set on him the moment I saw him in Nilva Forest, which leads to my first point: a great first impression. In the quest Mushroom Man we are introduced to the character as a bumbling fool asking for a simple mushroom.(1) This depicts Yahya as an assertive individual who isn't afraid to say what is needed. Bold and brash, he can demand the player as he pleases and they have no choice but to listen to his supreme authority, leaving Yahya as the dominant of the situation. While he depicts himself as a bumbling buffoon with an addiction to hard mushrooms, I can assure you that this is all part of his master plan, which is evident through the third stage of the quest, in which he demands the player grab him a spoon. In fact, he already has the spoons: this is merely an act of dominance, an act to prove that he is the one in control.

    "Yes, Yahya sure is dominant, but is he waifu material?" you may be thinking. In order to prove that Yahya is a waifu, we must first analyse the definition of waifu. As stated by Your Dictionary (2), a waifu is a factional character from non-live-action visual media that one is attracted to. The definition of attraction is subjective, and as such may be influenced by personal preferences. In this case, I am aroused at the sight of Yahya, thus making him my waifu.

    What makes Yahya the best of the best? I truly believe that the cock and ball torture scene as seen in S8E6 "One Tough Mushroom" (3) depicts his sensual side at its finest. We truly get a glimpse into the inner mind of Yahya, the complexities that riddle his intricate thoughts. We understand that his attraction towards the Wynn soldier is more than just physical: he wants to truly bond on a spiritual level. This is seen metaphorically through the use of the Corkus Ball Buster. He wants to break, or should I say, bust any barriers that exist between the two so that they can truly be the perfect couple. This was the moment I fell in love with Yahya: everything has led up to this climatic scene, a true payoff to those who devote themselves to Yahya.

    In conclusion, Yahya is one of anime's greatest waifus due to his dominant characterization and loving personality. Behind the facade of a fool lies an intricate man full of passion and desire, one that I wish to share my love with. In my opinion, a waifu is truly defined past the physical attraction: judging their mere appearance or their large assets objectifies these stunning characters in a way that takes away from their complexities as a potential mate. I hope you choose to share your affection for Yahya with me.

    (1) "Mushroom Man"
    Wynncraft Wiki - https://wynncraft.gamepedia.com/Mushroom_Man

    (2) "Waifu Definition"
    Your Dictionary - https://www.yourdictionary.com/waifu

    (3) "One Tough Mushroom"
    Wynncraft: The Anime - Season 8 Episode 6, CraftedStudios

    Beat that, guys. ELA30 finally paid off.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    Prie, Druser, Asthae and 3 others like this.
  6. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    by far the best post in this thread
  7. Redcowboycraft

    Redcowboycraft Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    hayasaka > shinomiya

    by just a little bit tho, hayasaka doesnt get enough credit
  8. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    My pick of top Waifu goes to Yuno. Although she's probably purely psychopathic, it doesn't matter because shes a yandere and will give you all the constant attention you need. Now onto my first point, Yuno has a certain sense of ferocity, something that makes her stand out from other anime girls. If someone tries to hurt you, Yuno will be quick to hurt them first before they hurt you. Yuno is loyal. She will stick with you through time, she will never betray you.

    Secondly, Yuno is cold and ruthless - a waifu needs those qualities to ensure you and her survival. She isn't scared of using the most cruel and violent ways to get what she wants, and that's what makes her truly spectacular.

    Thirdly, Yuno is just a badass. The cool factor is wayyy up there. She can use axes, guns, katanas, knives you name it. Not only is she ruthless, she has the skill the back it up.

    In conclusion, is Yuno is mentally insane and completely unhinged? Without a doubt. But come on, whats a waifu without a little fun? She will manipulate and kill everyone for you and there's nothing sweeter than that.

    Yuno Gasai. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://futurediary.fandom.com/wiki/Yuno_Gasai
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    J_Lo777 and MikAsk123 like this.
  9. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    @Yuno F Gasai
  10. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Why are you summoning the ancient forum god
    Take likes this.
  11. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    uh ohhhhhhhhhh
  12. CT

    CT Blue sponge CHAMPION

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    Stickman tripod legs
  13. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    bro wdym my entry isnt valid..? scam!
    @Yugito win this for me
  14. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You can still edit/remake your entry before the deadline^^ (just don't have 2+ entries)
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Thanks fam
    It's fine, I'm bored as heck
    J_Lo777 and Take like this.
  16. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  17. Loonitick

    Loonitick afk Media CHAMPION

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    that's a picture of Nao Tomori from the anime Charlotte
    but maybe it was a mistake so I decided to do some research on whoever this character you claim as your waifu, and uh

    who is Kyara Kuuta-- I actually couldn't find anyone with this name
    what show is On'nanoko no Monogatari-- are you talking about the live-action movie..?
    i have come up with nothing and i feel lost. please tell me im just wrong
  18. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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  19. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    My entry is: Chihiro Fujisaki from the Danganronpa game/anime series


    WARNING: Heavy Danganronpa spoilers below!

    Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer, is one of the 15 high school students trapped inside the killing game of Hope's Peak Academy that takes place in Dangaronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. The objective of the game is simple: kill one of your classmates, and you have a chance to escape the school and go back to the outside world. The students of Hope's Peak are not regular high school students, however. Each one of them has a special, "Ultimate" talent, something that they excel at over anyone else, and Chihiro is no exception. As the Ultimate Programmer, her computer skills are world-renowned, and she even has a group of dedicated fans who adore her.

    Since I am a programmer myself, I instantly gravitated towards Chihiro and her nerdy, reserved attitude. When you first start talking to her, she is hesitant to open up about her passions, but given a bit of time she happily explains how she was inspired to become a programmer by her father, and excitedly goes into detail about her revolutionary work in artificial intelligence. Such wholesome interactions instantly warmed my heart and made me love Chihiro even more.

    Being one of the weaker (and physically smaller) students in the killing game, Chihiro is understandably timid and fearful of the situation she and the others have suddenly been thrust into. Her classmates comfort her the best they can, but Chihiro comes to the realization that she must become stronger on her own to deal with the circumstances. The willingness to show and come to terms with her weaknesses, and attempting to work through them instead of giving up is, to me, extremely admirable and heartwarming.

    As the killing game continues, the mastermind of the game, Monokuma, introduces an incentive to make more killing occur: if no one commits murder, everyone's deepest secrets will be revealed to their classmates. Chihiro's secret, however, provides a unique problem: the secret is that Chihiro is actually not a girl, but a boy. Throughout his life, Chihiro was always physically weaker and more reserved than he thought a boy "should be", and to deal with his self-confidence issues and feel more accepted by his peers, he decided to present as a girl instead. Facing the imminent possibility of his secret being revealed to everyone, Chihiro is initially hesitant. However, he comes to a decision: he will face his worst fear head-on, and dedicates himself to becoming stronger and more masculine, as he had always wanted to do. This development in his character, and his ability to accept himself and strive to grow as a person, gives me immense respect for Chihiro as a whole, and serves to make him even more likable.

    Unfortunately, Chihiro's dedication towards becoming stronger leads to his untimely demise. The person he turns to for secret physical training ends up murdering him out of jealousy for his strength in his ability to reveal his secret. This is not, however, the end of Chihiro's story. It is soon discovered that before his death, he programmed his artificial intelligence onto a spare laptop and left a copy of his consciousness behind. Using this AI Chihiro's processing power, the remaining students attempt to hack into the computer system of the killing game to try to defeat the mastermind and escape. In fact, AI Chihiro manages to stop the execution of the main character right before it happens, essentially saving everyone else. Even from beyond the grave, Chihiro becomes one of the most pivotal characters in the game, which, in my opinion, is pretty impressive.

    In conclusion, Chihiro is an adorable, timid boy who struggles with his own self-image but strives to find the inner strength required to meet his own expectations, and as a programmer myself, he becomes even more relatable to me in particular. Finally, how could you say no to this face?
  20. Loonitick

    Loonitick afk Media CHAMPION

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    Sakura Ogami from Danganronpa v1, a title that exists both as an anime and a game! I don't want to make this too long although I do want to make sure it is lengthy enough to prove my dedication. I'll also avoid spoilers because ya.



    In a school filled with Ultimates, not many are as ultimate as Sakura Ogami! The Ultimate Martial Artist is the title she earned through the acknowledgement of her hard-work, accompanied by her innate talent. As the only daughter to be born into the Ogami family in her generation she had much work ahead of her if she wanted to prove herself. What is the Ogami family? A family dedicated to martial arts that has maintained their dojo for over three centuries! She had to prove herself from a young age, and so she did. She trained since she was a child and gained many other titles besides Ultimate Martial Artist, one such title being Strongest Human Alive. Let it be known that, even with all this strength, an in-depth character was not left out of her design! And that... that will be what I get into next.

    Sakura Ogami was not exempt of all the social pressures. She went to school and was sadly an outcast due to having no spare time because of training. Names such as "Ogre" were common. Her fellow classmates feared her. Sakura Ogami never had friends until she later attended Hope's Peak Academy, a school for Ultimates where people could stand on equal ground with her and understand her (she would make very life-changing friends there). For those of her that do learn her true character, they realize that she is loyal, kind, honest, and level-headed. They also get to know that she speaks in a old-fashioned, formal manner and is fond of rabbits. And for those who strive to learn her character, figure out that she is easily embarrassed about her more feminine feelings assuming people would laugh at her due to those types of thoughts contrasting her build; however she grew out of that insecurity after gaining real friends in her highschool.

    I believe a great waifu should have a great character, but we can't ignore the simplicities of degenerate men. Are her looks up to par with her character? While the question remains subjective, I certainly believe she does! Beautiful white hair, i like tall girls, incredibly well-built body, thighs that can literally crush your skull and kill you, her chest size is 130 cm, and that mean look in her eyes (accompanied by a gentle-spirit) that riles me up. While her clothing may not be the best choice, but what can you do about a school uniform? It's mandatory for school, otherwise I'm sure she would look awesome in a traditional hakama or kimono.

    Degeneracy to the side, I believe there's a great deal of realism to having a waifu like Sakura Ogami. Her first love was the Strongest Human Alive (before she took the title). This creates a massive wall between who I am and what I would need to be in order to become worthy of Sakura Ogami. While many don't want to acknowledge this (and this is fine), I believe a waifu should also be capable of changing me. If I was truly to love Sakura Ogami, I wouldn't be able to stay the weak person I currently am. Dedication should exist outside of just words, thoughts, and money, it should exist through action as well. I would need to work hard and train hard in order to make myself into something that proves my love for Sakura. And that... is already something I'm currently working on.

    hope that's enough. tl:dr i like muscles. also since u recommended a picture for the paragraph, here: https://prnt.sc/ro8uul
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
    Latios and afterburner0128 like this.
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