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Community Event Weeb Divzer Giveaway (ended! Check Results)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by afterburner0128, Mar 24, 2020.

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  1. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    Nico Yazawa.

    Most see her as the "cringy, annoying girl with the high pitched voice". However, behind her cheerful idol persona is the girl I truly fell in love with. Let us delve into her two differing personalities and discover why Nico is best girl.

    Chapter 1: Super Idol Nico-Nii!
    what better way to study for my physics test tomorrow besides writing about my waifu

    We are properly introduced to the cheerful third-year in Season 1, Episode 5: Nico Attacks [1]. Here, Nico is shown as a stubborn idol fan, who implores µ's to break up, citing that they are inexperienced. Looking simply at this description, Nico seems to be an annoying hurdle for µ's to overcome. However, we recieve some of her background later on, revealing Nico's true goals. Around minute 16, Nozomi tells the second years of Nico's experience with becoming an idol. Nico was originally an idol herself, being leader of Otonikizaka's Idol Group in her first year. However, after her fellow idols quit, she realised that becoming an idol was too tough, and would only end in disappointment. This is why, when she meets Honoka, she recognises her confidence and hope as what led Nico to failure. Nico sees herself in Honoka, and realises that, if she doesn't discourage them, they'll only be setting themselves up for failure.

    Nico only appears abrasive and blunt, with the greater goal of preventing µ's from going through what Nico did two years earlier. However, despite her initial unwillingness to join, Nico takes a chance on µ's and their determination to save their school. By joining, Nico starts to open up to other people, and she takes the first step into becoming the idol that I know and love.

    Chapter 2: An Idol's Responsibilities
    brb failing a physics test

    Throughout the majority of Season 1, and the beginning of Season 2, the private life of Nico Yazawa was rarely defined. However, this changed in Episode 4 of Season 2: No. 1 Idol in the Universe [2]. In this episode, we discover her main motivations for becoming an idol. Around 10 minutes in, we are introduced to Cocoro Yazawa, one of Nico's three younger siblings. Here, it's explained that Nico has to look after her three siblings, after her mother leaves on a business trip. In addition, it's revealed that, since her idol debut in her first year, her siblings have seen and praised her as a full-fledged idol. From the start, Nico has always wanted to be a role model for her siblings, being afraid to led them down when she stopped being an idol. Instead of telling them the truth and possibly hurting them in the process, she keeps up the lie to protect them, to the point of pretending that she's the centre of µ's, with the other members being backup dancers.

    By the end of the episode, however, she understands what she has to do in order to keep moving forwards. In the end, µ's helps her throw a solo live for her siblings, where she proclaims that she'll stand as one with µ's, retiring her super idol persona (at least in front of them). Even after this episode, her family appear more often throughout the rest of the season. Nico's realistic qualities and emotions are another aspect that I love about her, and her ever cheerful smile and personality that persists throughout her troubles always find a way to cheer me up.

    Chapter 3: Nico-nico-nii!!
    actually nvm i probably got a B- or something

    Finally, in Nico's School Idol Diary [3], we are fully introduced to who Nico is as a person.

    "My catchphrase as Nico-nii, the best idol in the world. But, I’ve actually sung it ever since I was a kid. It’s Nico’s private theme song. Ehehe♡" - Nico Yazawa

    Just being a simple melody, Nico smiles everywhere she goes as she sings, making everyone smile with her. However, in this chapter, it's revealed that she didn't come up with the song, but rather her late father. From the moment she was born, she was named Nico, because Nico in Japanese was actually onomatopoeia for smiling, wanting her to always have a smile on her face. As she grew up, her father would go "nico-nico-nii" whenever he called for Nico, making them both smile together. Her bond with her father was very strong, with Nico looking back on their memories together with fondness. Even when her father passed, Nico kept his legacy alive through her smile.

    Afterwards, Nico notes that she feels like she's "loosening up", with her peers telling her that she looks like she's having fun. Some times she keeps up her idol persona, but other times she confides in other people, namely Maki in Season 2, Episode 2 [4]. At the campfire, Nico gives some critical advice to Maki, building up their relationship. Throughout the series, though she may have lost her father, she has built up a new family in µ's.


    holy frick i've fallen a long way into idol hell

    Nico Yazawa is widely misunderstood as a character. To many, she is the "Hit or Miss" girl, the epitome of degeneracy. However, as depicted in the paragraphs above, she is much more than what people think. Nico is both the Universe's Number 1 Idol, and a loving girl who truly cares for her friends and family. Of course, the majority of people who read this won't be convinced. However, as long as I have Nico, I will be happy.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    Tsukiji, afterburner0128 and Take like this.
  2. AntiBajanCandian

    AntiBajanCandian possibly jesus

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    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    i eat bees, Arkade and Take like this.
  3. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    o it fixed itself but ok ._.
    probs because im on mobile rn /shrug
  4. K6

    K6 Skilled Adventurer

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    Neptune from the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise.

    1. nepu~
    (yes this is indeed the base image for my in-game cape)
    2. my thesis
    (qr code provided, sry this is my first post and i cant post links) frame.png
    Tsukiji, Take and afterburner0128 like this.
  5. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    you can post a qr code like how K6 did
  6. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Aghh... I can't believe that I'm doing this for a giveaway...
    She has a friendly personality, is really strong and she has emotions which are more realistic than those from other anime characters. Her background story is really sad, nevertheless she keeps coing forward. And lets just be real... she looks good.
    She is a amine character with a great personality.
  7. bananajesus69

    bananajesus69 Newbie Adventurer

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    Finally figured out how to post, ty
    Take likes this.
  8. BisexualDog

    BisexualDog Boogie Boy CHAMPION

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    Thanks afterburner, this makes finding people to block easier.
    Loonitick and afterburner0128 like this.
  9. XeraAndromeda

    XeraAndromeda Empress of Nemract, Queen of Aphelion CHAMPION

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    Hatori Chise(羽鳥智世)
    from Mahoutsukai no Yome((魔法使いの嫁)
    She has also been my profile picture on my discord and wynn forums accounts many many times.

    Hatori Chise from Mahoutsukai no Yome so lets start from her life Chise and her parents have the ability to "see" spirits. For the most part of her early life her father kept them away until one night he ran away with her younger brother and never returned. Chise being a "Surei Bega" attracted all kinds of spirits to her, her mother became constantly stressed with the horrors that were everywhere and having to raise and protect her child alone, eventually she tries to kill Chise by stangling her before realising and stopping herself she then proceded to kill herself by jumping off the balcony This left the young Chise traumatized she was passed from relative to relative none of which wanted her, having to deal with this and the horrors she could see everywhere ended up with her trying to kill herself by jumping off a bridge. However instead of jumping a man convinced her to just sell herself into slavery to someone who would care for her. She was sold to Elias Ainsworth and would be his wife and apprentice, with his guidance she develops her talents in magic and slowly begins to recover from her trauma. This greatly shaped her personality as at the start of the story she didn't care about her life too much nor what would happen to her, caring more about the well being of others over herself over exhausting herself and many times leaving her at near death. Being severely depressed she was also quite pessimistic regarding herself and her abilities but as the story goes on she eventually becomes more and mroe optimistic but still caring a lot about the well being of people around her. She's intelligent but naive which results in a few incidents of her nearly being kidnapped or stolen by various creatures.

    Now on the Anime and Manga this series is as of the current time and date my favourite Anime/Manga series(I've also went out and bought the entire thing) and well I find it wholesome and well I can't speak for everyone but it's that one series I re-read when I'm feeling a bit depressed. Tis a bit long and still ongoing with more recent volumes having a lot more of other people who aren't Chise nearly dying. The world of Mahoutsukai no Yome is well interesting on it's own as someone who likes a good bit of world building, the spirits and creatures adapted from many myths, folktales and some original are quite interesting on their own. The viewers/readers experience this world as Chise learns more about and experiences this world. the journey of her life and how she learns and develops as a character not only learning more about some of the things she once feared but also how she helps Elias learn more about humanity, emotions and parts of common sense that eludes him. If I were to summarize the story it would be two people learn more about each other's worlds as well as their own, one magical and one human.

    The story of the life and the character of Hatori Chise restored my faith in life and humanity as such I would place Chise as my favourite anime character and best Waifu(who also happens to be married but lets ignore that).

    Mahoutsukai no Yome(Anime) Episodes 1-24
    Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito: Zenpen Episodes 1-3

    Mahoutsukai no Yome(Manga) Volumes 1-12, (Chapters 1-60):
    ISBN 978-1-626921-87-0
    ISBN 978-1-626921-92-4
    ISBN 978-1-626922-24-2
    ISBN 978-1-626922-84-6
    ISBN 978-1-626922-55-6
    ISBN 978-1-626923-50-8
    ISBN 978-1-626924-99-4
    ISBN 978-1-626925-97-7
    ISBN 978-1-626928-01-5
    ISBN 978-1-626929-90-6
    ISBN 978-1-642751-01-7
    ISBN 978-1-64505-201-2
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    Vibin5202_789, Ryuutin and Take like this.
  10. Toxoplasmosis

    Toxoplasmosis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Rin from Fate Series is perfect, she has a tsundere personality yet still somehow manages to be cute, Rin as a kid was always gifted and talented having a great amount of magical capabilities in Fate Zero while her dad Tokiomi got destroyed in the Holy grail war,
    Shes also very emotionally strong, able to accept the fact that shes practically alone and abandoned at this point, able to keep a straight face when facing her long lost sister Sakura who doesnt know about such, Rin is simply the best and sadly needs more screentime in Heaven's feel

    She plays an important role in the fate stay night routes, acting as a contender to being the best possible mage for the current holy grail war and even though shes technically not the main character (because of shirou=archer bs)
    She still somehow stands out from Shirou because in reality Rin is way cooler than Shirou, simply of her way higher capability and skill that is showcased in the anime and how her backstory is more interesting if you fully understand it.
    Rin also is surprisingly really fun to be with as seen in the fillers, shes also very independent meaning she'll be able to take care of herself
    and even you if you're that useless in life.

    In short Rin is the perfect waifu since she has the looks, the great personality that only someone
    she trusts knows about, and she has the independence to take care of herself if you're a useless person and cant even protect yourself from big ol daddy gil

    Reasons for more Waifu Points
    -She can cook
    -C u r v e s
    -T h i g h s
    -Rich af
    -Smart af




    Dear God save my reputation

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  11. Nynnf

    Nynnf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  12. xKhip

    xKhip Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Raphtalia from The Rising of the shield Hero

    When she was young, her village got attacked by the wave resulting to her parents' death, and then not long after, she was enslaved. She always wanted people to smile. After being sold to the Shield Hero, she thought that she was going to get tortured but she was wrong, MASTER Naofumi taught her how to live and now Raphtalia wants to help those in need and be the sword of Naofumi. In one episode we see her finally getting revenge on the person who first enslaved her but she didn't kill him.. Why you ask? It's because she knows that if she did she would be just like that person. She also reunited with one of her friends that got enslaved with her but also saw the skeleton of her best friend. She was sad but she wanted to move on so she buried her in her village and moved on. We also see that she is willing to get hurt to protect others like when Naofumi was using the curse shield she went to him and make him come back at her senses but this resulted to her having a curse. She is also very protective and doesn't want people insulting her master. Even when her slave seal got broken, she wanted it back because it shows how much Naofumi trusts in Raphtalia. In conclusion Raphtalia is very nice and protective of her friends and the best waifu in my opinion.
  13. Orginality

    Orginality Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Misaka Mikoto AKA Tokiwadai’s Railgun. She is a really powerful supernatural powers user (Esters). She specializes in electricity and her signature move , which is a super electromagnetic cannon, is called Railgun. She has been voted the most popular In light novel female character rankings for 5 consecutive years.
  14. _Leg

    _Leg join hax CHAMPION

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  15. Redcowboycraft

    Redcowboycraft Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I am happy to present to you Sakurajima Mai, the best girl of Bunny Girl Senpai. She tops all the other waifus by so much with her looks and wits. You may ask how is this character with pretty basic design best girl. That statement goes away the second you notice those THICC thighs and that wonderful smile that deserves protection. In addition, Mai in her bunny girl suit is a whole other level, but I do not want to get banned by papa Salted so will not bless your eyes with that sight on the forums. Furthermore (ah yes big iq essay words), she is extremely caring as shown throughout the anime and is always thinking about others. Her personality is a breath of fresh air as her witty remarks will never cease to make me laugh. In conclusion, Mai is the best girl, flat is justice. Thank you for attending my TED talk.

    *if you havent watched the anime yet go watch it its really fucking good*
  16. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    So she was sold to my classmate? (Like seriously one of my classmate is named Elias)
  17. MikAsk123

    MikAsk123 Buff Warrior

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    Okay straight to the point: she’s cute, she’s adorable, I know those two are the same but this is kaguya we’re talking about, she can have all the cute synonyms in the world. We all know she is cute, BUT she can also buy your entire life cuz her family is so rich that it is very possible for them to employ a fucking family and its descendants. Next up is bust size, nothing much to say here but of course flat is justice. Okay not convinced? Let me tell you something, she’s smarter than you, she’s more cunning than you, she’s better in every way than you! Oh wait you have inferiority complex? FUCK YOU, the shinomiya family doesnt take a bunch of wimps to marry their daughter.

    And for those who wants to say bUT cHiKa iS cUteRsihfuejsjsjs, FUCK YOU, I shit on your existence.

    In conclusion, Shinomiya Kaguya is better than everything you could imagine.

    Proof to all of my Statements:
    1. Watch the anime and you will see the proof.
    2. If you havent seen it, look at my pfp. Yes that is a gun

    You can also see that Gru is pointing a gun at Kaguya and she’s aroused which means you can do kinky stuff with her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
    Tsukiji, afterburner0128 and Take like this.
  18. Panderift

    Panderift Masochistic Adventurer HERO

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    Definitely the classic Naruto. It may seem simple and unoriginal but it’s so easy to find others to talk to about because he is so well known. It’s really easy to have a genuine conversation with friends about him as there is so much to like and discuss which makes it a better show to watch in general.

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  19. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Ok, let's start talking... so basically i chosed kiyo for my waifu and haven't change to other waifu in fgo since i started and the reason that my salty ...butt can't get any cool ssr *female* like other ppl with something like uh.. Sabers, Jean, Shiki, Bryn etc etc. and i'm kinda feeling i wanna quit. but thanks to her my salty rngesus generated gacha rolls she appears and kinda saved my feeling
    (oh yeah and a lotta male ssr appeard so i grailed her ofc (@Take should know what grail is doe and how little grail there is and what's it's used for) also yea i didn't bother getting other than her for non challenge purposed and i chosed to stick to her for waveclear anyway...
    Thanks for being there when the gacha is bad and black keys are everywhere in the Gacha pickup -Jira
    tl;dr i chosed kiyo for my waifu because her rarity and being a pretty unlucky man i chosed 3star (Rare) instead of most SSR and ofc she's great at wave clear 3Kaliedo meme somehow
    uhm what should i use for these... oh i know

    ok this is just funny so i think i should add it ok i didn't do this but she's in backline when i do goetia bc bond damage boost..
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    bloww, afterburner0128 and Take like this.
  20. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    God dang, I've been aching to tell you all about my new waifu, and now there's a giveaway about it too? Heck yeah I'll participate!
    Everyone, please meet...
    Kyara Kutaa-chan (キャラ・クタアちゃん) from On'nanoko no Monogatari
    Pictured above is Kyara, or as I like to call her, Kyaa~! with her signature catch phrase (I'm sure you already know what it is!). Even after having watched a great deal of very many anime series, my heart still goes out only to her. So come join me under the sakura blossom trees and I'll explain why!

    Her looks
    What would an anime character be without good looks, am I right? On this thread I've seen a lot of good looking maidens, and while I must say they are fair contenders, they have no chance of winning from Kyara. Do they have flowing silver hair? Do they have big, happy, blue eyes? Do they wear a sailor's outfit? Psh, come on now. I could recognise my girl from a mile away even if she were hiding in a bush in a forest in the middle of Times Square during a New Year's Eve cosplayer gathering where people are protesting with smoke bombs. Get with it folks. Y'ain't got competish. Y'got traaaash.

    Her tragic backstory
    I mean, come on, what's the point of loving someone who prior to the first episode has been living a happy life? I can't fill her heart and soul and whatnot with joy if she doesn't have a tragic backstory. So here goes (episode 5-16 spoilers!):
    Kyara lived alone in a deserted house in the outskirts of Tokyo. Her mother died in a truck accident at age 27, and her father went away to travel. She was heartbroken. Later she went to Gakkoo High School, where she made a friend from Ireland, Tom O'Dachi. Unfortunately, as his name suggests, he was a tomboy and also a tsundere and a member of the rival tennis team, and he betrayed her for another transfer student. She was once again heartbroken. She went home to try bring back her mom, but it didn't work, and she lost a limb or an eye or something. After her house burned down due to the school's Fire Club attacking, everything changed. She found an apartment where she discovered her passion of astronomy, and thankfully, she now lives with her boyfriend whom I shall not name but I respect his choice of being with her and I respect her choice of going with him instead of the other options. Good for them!

    Her personality
    As with all waifus, she's got a personality. Dang, I just gotta say, her personality is fantastic. So good, so big. It's such a warm and cozy personality. I find it hard to describe, very, very hard. Well, it's a very soft personality. You could just go up to her and, well, talk to her about it. I don't think she'd judge you. It's her personality after all. I mean, it's like mathematics, isn't it? Perfection can be found in perfect numbers, perfect shapes. I don't know. It's impressive she has such a comforting personality at such a young age.

    So why is Kyaa~! the best waifu? Well, part of me says she isn't. She's not the best waifu. Yours is probably better. You should stick to your own waifus, the ones you already have. It's probably a normie or otaku thing to switch waifus. But I don't think I need to explain why Kyara Kutaa is the best waifu objectively. She's great. You're a baka if you think otherwise, to be honest. Your Rem, from Rezero? Pfft, Ryuk was better. Irisviel? That name is just stupid. That Hinata girl? She looks blind, how could she even look at you? And what kind of boring design is that? Oh, she has long hair? And long boots? And clothes? Ugh. I'd puke, but that could cause damage to my shrine.

    Anywho, I'm gonna jack it to some fanart of her now. Cheers!
    Tsukiji, bloww and afterburner0128 like this.
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