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Wynncraft Classic

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TVTspielt, Mar 9, 2020.

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  1. TVTspielt

    TVTspielt Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So recently the idea of "Wynncraft Classic Mode" came into my head, with which I basically mean that you could play Wynncraft in it's classic style, without the resource pack, with the old map and the simpler mechanics, old quests, etc.
    Which I thought would be good for people who
    1. are on a nostalgia trip
    2. have a weaker computer but still want to play Wynncraft
    3. want to know how Wynncraft was before they started playing

    I wanted to find out if anyone else had this idea, went to the forums and saw a few posts about if this is possible.
    But there was always the reply that no backups of the old map and old systems are made.

    But then I thought it wouldn't be too hard to recreate all of it using old youtube videos and screenshots of Wynncraft 1.12 or 1.13. I looked at my old screenshots and discovered that pracitally all of them are useless because they are mostly of pre-Mob-Update Wynncraft or don't have the coordinates on screen.

    And now I post this because I
    a) wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in "Wynncraft Classic"
    b) if you have any old screenshots of Wynncraft from between the 1st of August 2014 and the 20th of December 2015, preferably with coordinates on screen.
    c) if anyone has any interest in helping with building the old map
    d) if this is even allowed because I know downloading the map is now allowed, but I thought it would be because the reason for that was to not discover yet unknown secret
    MightyHead, Cloud__, Dercky and 5 others like this.
  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Thing is, these changes would only apply to Wynn, as Corkus and Gavel were added after the texture pack addition. A lot of locations, quests, and other things would be completely missing, and I doubt anyone would play it in favor of the new Wynn
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    This has been suggested a lot before, also just to mention it this should be in the Suggestions section, but there are a few issues concerning this:
    1. This could cause a divide between those who want to play the main game or classic edition, which could potentially split the playerbase.
    2. Not sure if the server can handle both versions
    3. Some Minecraft versions could change the overall nostalgic feel due to different mechanics
    4. Nostalgia can be flawed, sometimes an older version is flawed and has more problems and probably needs balancing and fixing
    One solution would be to make a seperate single-player map that can be downloaded and played like a old version of Wynncraft.
    Take, TwageTomato, Arkade and 6 others like this.
  4. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Basically yeah. I think a map would be a cool thing to explore for a couple hours but in terms of the server, there isn't any good reason. Unlike Runescape and WOW the new version of Wynn is objectively better than it was at launch. There's no reason to actually play the old version.
  5. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    What about a special "Wynncraft Classic Mode" only as an event for two or three weeks a year? It could make Wynncraft more interesting and it would be something different. The Wynn Team certainly has saves of the old world so they would just have to release it for this event thing.
  6. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Agreed. While I do enjoy the old Wynncraft pre-gavel--when times were simpler and there was a BiS set of equipment--I'm not sure if I would like to revert back so eagerly. Sure I'd play for a couple of hours but I'd probably get bored afterwards.
    Pre-gavel Wynncraft, if some of the new players don't know, was essentially a grindfest, especially around the 60's. It was somewhat painful to grind 24/7 everyday in Herb Cave for 1 or 2 levels every 30 minutes or even every hour or so.
    I'd only play pre-gavel maybe until I had to start massively grinding, then I'd stop. I like the current Wynncraft of today as it's much more new-player friendly, as I'm sure a lot of new players of today post-Gavel would not appreciate the grind. And plus, it's not like you're missing anything absolutely spectacular in the old days.
    Take, Gogeta, coolname2034 and 2 others like this.
  7. TVTspielt

    TVTspielt Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I don't remember it being so much of a grind, but your memory is probably more trustworthy with that.
    I guess I just wanted it for my own nostaliga which is definitely flawed. I'm just gonna go back to playing post-Gavel Wynncraft, which I do also enjoy, and forget the idea as I have it for now.
  8. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    I'd love to but it's quite a bit more work than it may seem. I also don't think we have every assets from that time (especially the map). One day maybe but don't hold your breath
  9. PurifyX

    PurifyX D1rTe G3nj1 MalN VIP+

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    Although this confirms nothing, but still really appreciate the open mindedness approach.
    Take, coolname2034, Melkor and 3 others like this.
  10. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I don't think this would split the playerbase: most of the people would play for a bit and then get bored and go back to the current version. Remember, this is back when grinding was 90% of the game and pretty much everything had a conclusive end at level 75. I'd love to go on occasionally for a nostalgia trip though; new Wynncraft is better, but I do occasionally miss the simple mechanics of Ye Olde Wynncraft.
  11. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Well, either way integrating a nostalgia version into the main server an not a separate map is not a good idea
  12. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I doubt that would even work. I'm pretty sure the latest version for that would have been like MC 1.7.10 or something. It'd have to be an entirely separate server probably.
  13. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Not a server, a singleplayer world, while plugins don't work in singleplayer, it shouldn't be impossible to replicate with commands
  14. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    It is very impossible to replicate a lot of the things that wynncraft has, even back then.
    NPCs, some spells, and many other things cannot be done using command blocks.
  15. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Um, haven't right-click NPCs been done, like, tons of times in maps? NPCs also can have scripted movement too. Spell system is really the only big obstacle I'm seeing. I can hardly think of any other mechanics that haven't be replicated in maps before.
    Also, are you saying that the world will be in a older version of Minecraft? Well, probably no, since new Minecraft versions provide a lot more mapmaking capability
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  16. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    To keep an old server up 24/7 will only diminish the meaning of it. But to have it as an event, one week a year or something similar would be quite cool.
  17. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Well, first off, using command blocks you cannot detect generic right click events. You can detect right clicks with special items that have right click actions (like carrot on a stick for example, or different tools like shovels), but you cannot detect them with most items.
    In addition, how do you plan on creating the NPCs? Player NPCs can only be created by "faking" packets of a real player and sending it to the client, which isn't something you can do with command blocks. Animal NPCs could potentially be done (by using the NoAI tag), but you still have the issue with the right clicking.
  18. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    There is a scoreboard score for talking to a villager. This means you can make a (/n invisible) villager without any trades and every time you right click it the score goes up. Right-click NPCs and other forms of right-click detection are very much possible.
  19. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Um, I don't, from what I've seen from this video:

    Old Wynn didn't have player NPCs, just villagers, when were player NPCs added anyway?
  20. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    How much money do you think it would take if pre-Gavel was recreated exactly? Because I’m VERY interested in getting this to be a thing. My basic outline for the same idea is (pasting it from another place)...

    So I think there should be a way to play pre-Gavel Wynncraft aka how the server was around prior to the 20th of December 2015.

    The meat of the idea is that this would be a separate world in the game exclusive to players with ranks or hell even just Hero rank.

    It’s as it sounds, pre-Gavel Wynncraft to a tea with removed features such as

    • armor skins (we’ll go with the ones that were around later in 2015), which would be much less taxing due to only players with ranks being able to access this
    • Ability to ride on heads (available to every player since you need a rank to access this)
    • Old item system, map, etc

    Now there’s some things that need to be sorted out cosmetic/bomb wise. An here are my recommendations...

    • vanities (transformations, pets, effects, etc): all vanities a player has that existed prior to the Gavel update will be able to be used on both worlds
    • bombs: a feature in the main servers will be added allowing players to transfer any sort of bomb that existed in pre-Gavel to be transferred to that server (so say you had 4 combat EXP bombs and then transferred 3 to the pre-Gavel server, you’d now have 1 combat EXP Bomb on the main server and 3 EXP bombs on the pre-Gavel server)
    • Coins: any lingering coins a player had from when they were purchasable will be capable of being transferred to the pre-Gavel server, and since the coin shop is built into the pre-Gavel compass there’s no issues

    Only a few worlds would be needed for this of course since it would be limited to hero/ranks, and I think it’s a way to allow people to experience the roots of Wynncraft if they want to pay for it


    • allowing bank space to be expanded to multiple pages, I forget exactly up to what level the pre-Gavel bank capped, but after that cap I recommended allowing players to purchase a new page in the bank every 5 levels or so (up to 70) for similar prices as is currently built into the main server bank expansion
    On the way back machine you can also few the pre-Gavel map from a certain zoom (if you zoom in too far it displays the current map), but videos and such can fill in the blanks. When trying to few this map it gives me an error, however if I wait for the map to start loading and then disconnect my wifi, move around a bit, then reconnect it stops the error from occurring. It may take a couple tries. We can also few the pre-gavel website itself for all the weapon/armor info. As for armor skins screenshots or videos will do.

    I'd also recommend if this ever takes place, that you allow version 1.8 of Minecraft to join the server, but they can't join the main worlds on that version. They can of course join the pre-Gavel server. I think this would be an amazing gift for let's say the 10th Anniversary of the server.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
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