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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (after a month hiatus because school was a huge rocky start, everything's back to smooth sailing :). thank you for being patient, really appreciate it, I'll be sure to keep everything more updated since I don't wanna make excuses for dropping off the grid for a while. let's get back to the fun! assuming everyone will be at full HP/MP.)
    Stealth: 1-49 = Fail / 50-100 = Success ||||||||| Result = 28

    Dashing over to the door, Kollin wasn't expecting it to be swung open with a brute force! The door smashed into him and he stumbled back as the sound of weapons being drawn filled his ears. As Kollin drew his own, a woman ran out and spun towards Kollin, her armor eerily pitch black and swirling with a light mist,

    "It's him! Get him!!"

    The sounds of footsteps thumping across the floorboards filled Kollin's ears as he noticed two other figures shifting behind the woman. Both of them wore similar armor to the woman, but didn't show any mist whirling around. The misty rogue had a staff in her hands, one of the henchman holding a short-sword, and the other a pair of daggers. They were all most likely rogues, a thought that rushed into Kollin as he felt adrenaline rushing through him. They slowly began a march towards him!!

    Combat Start!

    [Lv. 2] Kollin ~ [12/12 HP] [11/11 MP]

    [Lv. 2] Mystic Rogue [6/6 HP] [8/8 MP]
    [Lv. 1] Short-sword Rogue [9/9 HP] [2/2 MP]
    [Lv. 1] Dual Dagger Rogue [7/7 HP] [5/5 MP]

    Trap: 1-29 = Fail / 30-100 = Success ||||||||| Result = 60

    Using a nearby fallen tapestry, Kylian tossed it out at the rabbit. The animal softly squeaked as it struggled to clamber out, but Kylian rushed over and scooped the rabbit up in his arms. Surprisingly enough, the animal didn't seem to scramble around anymore in his arms. A moment later, the carriage Kylian heard must've stopped in front of the smithy as he couldn't hear it anymore. Double checking his belongings once more, Kylian made his way out of the smithy and towards the carriage. Jumping inside, his grandfather spoke to him as he faced the cobbled road, rain pelting against the carriage,

    "What's that? I didn't mention anything about bringing pets with us. Eh, we'll deal with that later, where to-"

    The sound of thunder cracking in the air sent a wave of icy chills down Kylian's back. The rabbit dug itself more into his lap and his grandfather was softly muttering to himself as he drove the carriage. Eventually, they stumbled across a familiar house of a client they had recently helped,

    "I'll head inside, don't move. Keep that pet of yours inside too."

    With a simple nod from Dalinsci, Silva began making his way through the forest and back to the shack. Usually on nights like these, he's able to feel the sleeping spirits of the forest. Tonight, however, was eerily quiet. As he moved through the trees, a twig snapped behind him! Turning around, he saw a figure standing around forty feet away from him, purple smoke floating around them. The figure spoke out to Silva as they approached him, the voice light yet with a hint of sorrow,

    "A shame you have to be out on a night like this. I'd rather take you at your cabin. Oh well, this shall do."

    With that, the smoke turned into an orb into her hands, its dull glow barely illuminating the corner of her face. From what Silva could see, there were several scar lines that must go down her face. A small chuckle escaped the woman's lips as she sent a blast of energy at Silva!
    Combat Start!

    [Lv. 2] Silva ~ [13/13 HP] [12/12 MP]

    [Lv. 2] Mysterious Woman ~ [?/? HP] [?/? MP]
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Nervously nod my head.
    "Yep, okay, will do!"
    I'll wait a bit until after he leaves tp uncover the rabbit and take a closer look.
  3. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva slams his staff on the ground, attempting to place a rune of magic deflection on him.
    "May I be so humble as to request for your name, stranger?" he asks.
  4. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'm going to take my daggers and take a defensive stance then say "What do you want with me?"
  5. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae gave Rez a thumbs up, amazed at the type of platform he had managed to create. The woman then knelt down and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she rested her palms against the ground. Trying to feel the energy of the earth, Tae focused herself on bringing up a simple stone pillar under Rez, and only if she succeeded in that would she try and carve it out with a few runes to make the drawings glow.
  6. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Magic Deflection Rune: 1-39 = Fail / 40-79 = Success / 80-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 74

    Silva slammed his staff down and a whirl of light blue wisps of magic flew around him. The strings rose up and blocked the blast of energy, however, Silva wasn't expecting the blast to have such a powerful force behind it. He stumbled back a bit as the shadowed woman could be heard from above him, blending in with the shadows of the trees, [-2 MP]

    "That is something of a secret, druid. Allow me to to spare you of such questions."

    Dark Pulse: 1-49 = Fail / 50-89 = Success / 90-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 91

    A blast of energy washed over Silva, the force so great that he knelt on the ground as the shock-wave roared over him. The sound of birds cawing and trees being ripped up from the ground were barely heard as a dark cackling echoed in the night. Trees were ripped to pieces around him and to his dismay, several animals laid still on the grass before him. As Silva slowly rose up, he faced a duo of skeletons, one with heavy armor and a long sword and the other with a bow. The woman's voice grew heavier as she spoke, still above Silva's head,

    "Take him. The last thing we need is another one on our trail."

    The skeletons readied their weapons and charged at Silva, the sky above him a dark red, as if he had entered another dimension. The air around him also felt heavy and humid, as if he were in the middle of a summer day. Whatever sorcery's work at work here, it's not something Silva has ever seen or experienced before.

    [Lv. 2] Silva ~ [13/13 HP] [10/12 MP]

    [Lv. 2] Mysterious Woman ~ [?/? HP] [?/? MP]
    [Lv. 2] Heavy Armored Skeleton ~ [12/12 HP]
    [Lv. 2] Skeleton Archer ~ [8/8 HP]

    The Mystic Rogue chuckled as an orb of fire appeared before her, the flame growing larger in her hands as she spoke,

    "We must take care of some pests bothering us. Surrender, and we'll-"

    The Short-Sword Rogue suddenly lunged forward at an attempt to attack Kollin!!

    Lunge: 1-89 = Fail / 90-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 74

    Kollin's daggers flew up and parried the sword, noting that with a sloppy swing like that, these people might not be as well as trained as he was. He saw a moment to take a riposte at the man, but that was up to him if he'd want to take it. The Mystic woman held her staff out in front of her as the Dual Dagger rogue rushed forward, sheathing her weapons. The act was barely noticed by Kollin, but noted nonetheless,

    "Hurt him and I'll make sure you'll pay!!"

    Simple Pillar: 1-29 = Fail / 30-100 = Success ||||||||| Result = 32

    The pillar took more effort out of Tae than she expected, having to put extreme focus in the task compared to her other peers. However, a simple stone pillar rose up underneath Rez, the man shifting his footwork to balance himself. While the pillar itself looked to be a simple, it wasn't hard to discern that it looked rather asymmetric and rough. Cracks could be seen on the pillar compared to Tae's smoothed and cleaned pillar and even chunks of plaza rock fell from the pillar as it grew. Rez looked a bit confused as he saw Tae still in a focused position.

    Glowing Rune Carvings: 1-59 = Fail / 60-89 = Success / 90-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 94

    Suddenly, Tae felt a bizarre rush of energy fill her. Perhaps it was from the confidence of creating the pillar or it was a sense to prove her worth from an almost catastrophic failure. Still, Tae's focus warped her surroundings into a dull state as she saw the pillar in her mind. She felt herself carve the runes onto the pillar, as if she was using her chisel to dig into the rock. The runes slowly lined the pillar, Rez peering over to stare at the drawings with awe. Several students looked over and were muttering to themselves and not a moment later, gasped in shock as a flash of bright orange light erupted from the pillar. As Tae opened her eyes to see her work, Rez had a shocked yet impressed smile on his face,

    "Amazing! Where did you learn to do that? What kind of runes did you draw?"
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Keeping my defensive stance i say
    "Look, I don't really want to fight and it doesn't look like you're here for me. So let's not waste eachothers time, everyone else already left to look for people. There is no one here but me."
  8. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva takes a step back, and attempts to siphon the magic sustaining the skeletons into mana for him.
    (basically convert the hp of the skeletons into mp for silva. or just interpret it however you want, but that's the intent)

    "You refuse to give me your name, magic-user. Perhaps you would be willing to indulge me then in your reasons for kidnapping an old man like me?"
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Smiling and getting up, Tae swept the sweat off her brow and turned to look at Rez. "It's awesome, right? I barely had enough to get the pillar up, so I thought I'd try to do something I'm more familiar with!" The woman looked at the pillar she had created with as much disbelief as the other students, smiling dumbly.
    "Wow, I really outdid myself!" She said quietly, to herself.

    Struck by the realization she hadn't answered Rez's question, Tae turned to the man, clasping her hands together. "I use some simple runes, ones that serve only for illumination."
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