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Seear's Dance Rp [5/5]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tisaun, Aug 2, 2019.

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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    13 days, lucky~
    Bump onto front. e.e
  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    If this is still active and still accepts applications, Ill join.

    Name: Skylaar Nightwind
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Skylaar almost never removes the cloak of the assassin guild he is a part of. His face, despite looking young, always has a serious and grim expression. His hair is a dirty blonde color, and it covers his right eye.
    Backstory: From a young age, Skylaar had been taught the ways of an assassin. Beginning at the first time Skylaar could hold a dagger, he was learning how to weild it. After years of training, he had become a very powerful assassin. Early one day, he was given the task of assassinating a potential threat to his master. Skylaar, armed with his daggers, a rapier, and a clever disguise, set off on his journey.
    Dark Assassin Dagger x2
    Dark Assassin Rapier
    Dark Assassin Light Armor
    Dark Assassin Cloak
    Magic: Very basic air magic
    Particularity: Darkness
    Skylaar has improved camouflauge anywhere he goes, and he can wrap nearby shadows around himself to completely hide him.

    This is my edit, hope it is better.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  3. Free Fall

    Free Fall Your average non.

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    Elsa is kind of overpowered especially with Frozen 2 coming out and further showing the extent of her powers.
    Then again, I haven’t bothered to read this roleplay yet so I don’t know the power-scaling.
  4. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    It was the first thing I thought up, as I wanted to ttry something new( I am an archer in Skyrim, Wynncraft, D&D, basically anything woth a class system)
  5. Free Fall

    Free Fall Your average non.

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    Hopefully the GM is still active for your sake and the same of the other’s involved.
  6. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Yeah lol, everuthing elsse is full
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    He's semi active. Last I knew, his computer was having issues with replies though. :/ Give him a bit of time, and I'm sure eh'll be back. ^-^
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Forgive me once again everyone, just came back from a trip to the middle of nowhere and got on the computer again to write the replies. I will try not to leave suddenly again, so I might as well say now that on the 10th I will be travelling again, although hopefully the place where I'll stay will allow me to write my responses. Thank you all for staying patient, it's very kind.

    You can pick an event you want to know more about, by the way!

    With a smile, the host pointed his finger towards Fraise and shook it as he leaned back on his chair. The man stared longingly at an unusual piece of furniture before releasing a sharp laugh; An altar, standard for believers of the Last God, had been altered to hold a large book instead of an image of the deity. A statue of a preaching woman on her knees, barely four inches tall, stood in front of a book, with thick leather cover and old-looking pages. The Aatsuran notices that the old tome was thicker than any book had seen in libraries of his home nation. Squinting at the pages that the book was open on, the man managed to read the bold letters of the title;

    'Truth, Tale of Ikar, Hyara. Tale 98'

    The host did not seem to care for the book as much as Fraise though, instead directing his laughter towards some unseen point on the altar. "Hah! I told you the blondie would get it!" He spoke, looking upside down at the altar before straightening in his chair and clearing his throat, the smile still on his face as he looked at the blonde-haired man. "Sorry for that, I meant to say Fraise. Oh, and dear Deton." He turned to the angrily frowning man with a kind, playful smile.
    "What?" The Herilian asked bluntly. "I hope you understand that I wouldn't dream of making you angry." His smile widened a little, making the Herilian scoff.

    Prying his eyes away from the peculiar man, the Aatsuran looked at the two other people on the table, who watched silently the situation unfold. Tinuo appeared scared at the sudden burst of laughter from the man who hosted them. He tried to no avail catch the attention of Saraha, who maintained an indecipherable expression on her face, methodically sipping her tea. Her gaze was fixated on the host, following his every move.

    With a turn of his head, Fraise's stare met that of the host. He looked attentively at the man, his former smile mostly gone. "I am glad that you think of me so kindly, by the way." He spoke up, his over joyous voice not matching his serious expression. "Means a lot to me." The man took a deep breath and cleared his throat. His eyes' now stern tone met that of Fraise, reminding him of the last day he looked at his mirror before starting his journey.

    "Now, on more pressing subjects, I have no intention of hindering you on your journey. It's a tradition of mine to oversee all endeavours that I deem..." He moved his hand around a second, searching for a word. "...Important."
    Deton puffed at the host's small speech. "And what makes you think our voyage is important for you?" The host turned to the Herilian, still holding his serious demeanour. "The upcoming events presented to me." His abstract answer was empty of explanations, but the man didn't seem inclined to give any more details.

    "I don't hold a name of my own, however, you are free to call me Etrat. It's a common name around here." The man then got up, a sign that the driver promptly took to finally speak up.
    "I, uhm, we thank you for your hospitality, sir, but it's late in the night and we must find a place to sleep, so if you'd excuse us..." Pushing his chair away, the driver stood up alongside Saraha, but the host raised a hand in a silent request for them to wait.
    Pointing to a door by the side of the altar, the man spoke in a calm tone. "I have rooms to spare, enough for all of you. I know this area, and as such, I can say there are no establishments in reach before night falls." Tinuo bit his lip and leaned in to speak to Saraha, quietly saying. "He might be right. This part of Colden is very empty." The woman nodded at the information, still looking at Etrat. "Your offer is kind, but I will sleep on the carriage to guard it. The others may take up your offer." Without further dialogue, the woman walked out the door, almost mechanically.

    Tinuo stood still for almost half a minute, looking back and forth between the host and the carriage through the window before moving towards the door. "I'll check on her." As the elder passed Fraise and Deton, he gently tipped his hat. "Gentlemen."

    After the door closed weakly behind him, Etrat clapped his hands together. The Aatsuran turned to look at him, only to find that Deton was already up and that the host had his cheerful demeanour back. "So! Which do you choose?"

    Wren looked down at the buildings below, like islands emerging from the sea of Mist. With a renewed vigour, the man began his search for a way down the mountain. Trees were right below him, indicating that the forest around the edges of the city extended up until the entrance of the cave. As he turned the other way, Wren saw the wolf, holding clothes in its mouth, and leading the way through a small path through the forest, coming out of the cave. Following the animal, the man began his long walk through the forest of pine trees.

    The wolf led the way slowly through the treeline, occasionally straying from the path to cross a river or avoid other animals. Meanwhile, the cloaked boy wondered about the nature of the wolf, who seemed to hold human-like memory. Wren could barely see the animal up ahead of him, who waited for him at the edge of the fog that engulfed the town. Hesitant to step into the thick Mist, the man waited for the animal to take the first step. Seemingly understanding the gestures of the cloaked boy, the wolf slowly entered the fog, the earrings on its ear glowing faintly as a circle cleared out the fog around it.

    Following the wolf's steps, Wren walked inside the Mist, warmth emanating from the amulet in his neck as he did so. Soon, the same aura that protected the lupine from the effects of the fog surrounded the man, allowing him to walk without further problems. Once with the bearings of his surroundings, Wren began heading towards the wooden manor, whose tallest point peaked above the mist and could be easily seen from the ground.

    After a while of walking, the pair arrives at the closed gates of the manor. Light comes from windows on the second and first floor, one just by the door. As Wren looked around for another entrance, he noticed that the wolf had gone away.

    I am yes still taking applications, but this one needs quite a bit of adjusting, one of the main problems being that it is indeed extremely overpowered. Perhaps if we were near endgame, but certainly not now. Feel free to message me on private if you want to work on this so we can fit your character into the roleplay.

    As active as I can be, given I'm being flung around with trips to places with no computer to write, plus the problems I already have on mine.
    andydreww and Free Fall like this.
  9. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Tensions rise between Opladyl and Colden after the death of the first's King, bordering a war.
  10. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "I'll sleep outside" I start walking to the door and to the carrige
  11. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (I'd love to hear more about how the Aatsura pioneers colonized Lesdahran!)
    Fraise mentally noted the familiar title, a surprising sense of adrenaline rushing through him. He felt like Etrat might know something behind the context and ideas behind the Ikar volumes, a chance to maybe find out if these stories lead to realities. At the very least, the chance to make a potentially useful ally. Politely fixing his circlet, Fraise sipped the last of his tea before speaking,

    "You are quite the host for traveling parties, Etrat, given that most of the group have decided to depart back to the caravan. However, that's besides the point. You motioned and commented on the inscription the altar had. I suppose you realize that I have done a little bit of reading. With that, I have questions that I hope to find answers for. "

    Pulling out The Ikar: Volume 2/3 from his satchel, Fraise placed them in front of him, his eyes still on Etrat as a chuckle escaped his lips,

    "Allow me to ask firstly, if I may, your affiliation with Saraha? I reckon she wouldn't simply stop at a wooden cabin in the middle of Colden for no reason at all. Next, and this shall be my main point, where may I find this 'Truth' tale in these second and third volumes. Clearly, they must be significant. I don't mind spending time talking, granted a safe place to rest is provided."
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Yelling probably wouldn't be the best here. And its not like the people inside cam see what I do out here through the mist...
    Walk around for another enterance, and if there is none, vault the gates
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    The title says [4/5], can i still join?
    (it would be my first time so i have no idea what to do)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  14. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Im kinda next In the queue sorry
  15. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Just a reminder that I'll be leaving tomorrow/today for another trip, in which I will most probably not have a computer to write on. I'll try to write on my phone a reply, but it isn't guaranteed we will get long replies if I do so (which is currently needed to explain the backstory). I'm sorry, everyone.

    I am currently working with another person on their character, but feel free to message me your application so we can see how it applies to the world. There is a chance of me expanding it to 6 players, if both of you fit nicely into the plot.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  16. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Bump, two days before I can write the reply and update the world.
    andydreww, Tsukiji, H0Y and 1 other person like this.
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Thank you all for waiting so patiently. It really means a lot. While I wait for the answers to this reply/next reply, I'll be working on finishing the new maps and implementing the new geography, as well as improving history and making the world culturally richer ( hopefully ).

    And with that, the roleplay is back on track, just in time for my school's first day. Replies may be slower, but there won't be a hiatus of twenty days again. For the new players, I always add new characters to the plot once a day is over and another begins, so you don't have to start playing just so your action is to go to sleep.

    During the beginning of the decade of 1680, the combination of cold winters in the mainland and humid ocean winds instigated an abnormal growth of the Mist, covering large sections of well-populated Coldenic coastal towns. At the time, Colden still maintained contact with the Republics of Hymnuria, with one of the main hubs of trade being the city of Alsgar. However, with the unprecedented growth of the Mist, the coastal town was overtaken and Coldenic citizens were forced to retreat.

    This spawned a deep feeling of resentment within the government and population, which only grew as the decade went on. The Mist stopped its advances once it met the Howling Mountains in 1685, which the Coldenic government took as an opportunity to attempt to seize Alsgar and the surrounding areas. The endeavour paid off, as the onslaught of Fire and Runic magic managed to not only further halt but dissipate the dense Fog in small cities on the western side of the Mountains, although Alsgar remained taken by the Mist. This attack was not without consequences, as the trespassing and taking of territory under the influence of the Mist was a violation of a peace treaty established at the end of the last Coldenic-Opladylian War.

    As a result of such, the Opladylian royalty released a small military squadron with the purpose of retaliating for the invasion, killing the invading Coldenic citizens, military and civils alike. This made the tensions between the two governments rise throughout the next couple of years until in 1688 a proposition of peace from King Lynel II of Opladyl began the long process of healing from the conflicts. In one of his many voyages to discuss the treaty at The Capital in Colden, King Lynel was executed by a member of a rebel group, who did not believe that peace was just when Coldenic lives had been taken. The meeting was called off, and so the rebel was executed in a public square, set as an example to the other members of the rebel group.

    In the following months, Opladyl royalty proceeded to crown king the heir to the throne, Prince Naero I and resumed its activities inside its borders. Colden, in fear of another all-out war, went through a change in government, as well as signing a treaty that held interactions between Colden and Opladyl to a minimum. On the following years, the Mist retroceded into its original territory, giving Alsgar back to Colden. The city was of use no more though, as both had its infrastructure crumbled at the lack of denizens living in it and the trades with Hymnuria had ceased, given it was an ally of the foggy nation, due to it being the biggest exporter of wheat to the North.

    Colden went through an economic recession through the beginning of the 1700s, only recovering once Heril had established itself as a powerful trade hub for the Northern hemisphere, in 1723.

    ( Geographical context while the map is not updated: Lesdahran and Aatsura are now conjoined, forming a single continent. )

    Around four hundred and fifty to five hundred years before the Fall of Akh-Harad, an early Aatsuran civilization formed on the jungle near the Hullie River started advancing their techniques on boat travelling. Food on the jungle was becoming sparse as the early day cities grew, and most of the fertile land lied up the river, towards the mountains. For the next decades, the early Aatsurans who called themselves Dahrans improved their boats and began sailing up the river, collecting vast sums of fish and creating settlements on the riversides.

    By the year of 250 B.F.A., the Dahrans had managed to create a large empire, colonizing cities outside of the jungle by sailing into the sea to the west, settling into the cultivable lands along the coast and avoiding the desert further inland. The population of the empire now reached approximately two million, spanning from the mountains to the Northern coastline. However, such expansions brought new enemies to the empire, which had its resources spread thin across its provinces. In an attempt to find more peaceful land with more resources, the Dahrans decided to sail North to avoid the land's aggressive volcanoes and difficult to traverse mountains, keeping to the direction of the coastline.

    Avoiding the opposite ocean currents that would sweep them towards home, the sailors went towards the open sea. After months of travelling, the colonizers arrived at the end of the Lesdahr Peninsula, forming a small settlement and reporting back to the capital of the empire. Throughout the next two hundred years, the Dahrans colonized and explored the resources of the minerally rich land, using them to directly aid in their constant wars. However, at around a hundred after the Fall of Akh-Harad, the empire lost its final stretch of land, leaving them to flee towards the Lesdahr Peninsula and settle there indefinitely.

    With that, the Dahran empire ended and was founded what would later evolve to be the Monarchy of Lesdahran. The name of the nation derives from the old tongue spoken by the colonizers, meaning 'Land of the Dahran'.

    Deton shot glances between Fraise and the host, before angrily brushing the side of his head and leaving the house. "Night, Fraise." The Herilian said, closing the door harshly behind him. Outside, Tinuo and Saraha discussed seriously the happenings with Etrat, the driver nervously pointing towards the house several times during their conversation. Looking off to her side, the woman spotted Deton walked towards them both before putting a hand on Tinuo's shoulder and going inside the carriage. Once the man had arrived, only the driver stood by the makeshift campfire.

    "There are two wool cloths you can use to sleep if you feel cold at night. I'll keep watch for tonight, feel free to get some rest." Tinuo said, smiling comfortingly. From the corner of his eyes, Deton saw a small wooden seat and objects for carving.

    "Won't you be tired, old man?" The Herilian asked, looking back at the driver. Tinuo waved his hands dismissively and sat down on the bench, taking a piece of wood and a knife in his hand.
    "My Particularity grants that won't be a problem. Endurance is not an especially common Particularity, but does come in handy more often than not, even more so when you're a caravan driver." Deton cocks his head in agreement, before heading inside the caravan.

    Inside, Saraha lies on the floor with her eyes closed, although she still appears awake. "Feel free to get the cloths." She says dully before pulling one of the wools over her body, seemingly going to sleep.


    Standing up with his hands on his copy of the Ikar, Fraise watched as Deton talked to the driver outside before turning his attention back to Etrat. The host, who had unceremoniously picked his thick version of the entire three parts was flipping through the pages after the end of the tales, finally stopping at a glossary. "Ahah! Found it." He said, pointing with his finger at a large list of resumed versions of the tales, his finger pointing at the one who read 'Truth'. "Not all resumes are good, but this is all the kids read these days." Etrat put the book down on the table for Fraise to read.

    "Truth, Tale of Hyara from chapter Three. Hyara explains about how Laurel had funded research from a well-known spellcaster that had settled in the ruins of Ithur, using his magic to create structures from the ruins to canalize the energy of the ambient for his studies. This spellcaster created a catastrophe, however, when one of his experiments went array and angered the gods, causing them to intervene in the war and strike down all nations. Such was the reason Hyara and Sahk fleeing their respective kingdoms, which caused the two to reflect on the nature of the war itself. Eventually, the gods who sought after them found their enclosure, storming the residence and hunting the pair down. The tale ends as the deities storm the halls on the other side of the wall Hyara and Sahk hid in.

    Important characters: Hyara; Sahk; Fyer Ilak, The Ambassador, -"

    At the moment Fraise's eyes ran through the name of Fyer, the host slung his arm over both of the Aatsuran's shoulders, pulling him uncomfortably close as his finger shot towards the name of the spellcaster. "This dude is important, keep your eyes peeled!" Etrat looks at Fraise's face as he says that, barely an inch away. The blonde pushes the host away, taking the 'dust' off his clothes before regaining his usual smile.
    "So, my other question?" He asked, folding his hands on top of the chair's backrest. Etrat pointed his finger energetically towards Fraise and tapped his fingers on the table.

    "Ah, yes! We served together as private security in Iktar. Not that we were friends, given how Saraha is, but she does know me from work." The host answers, expecting his explanation to be enough for the Aatsuran. "If that is all, I can show you to your room!"

    Wren tested the strength of the gates in front of him before deciding on walking around the walls, in an attempt to find another entrance. About ten feet away from the gates, the metal bars were substituted by bricks, the stone wall still maintaining its height at ten feet. With a sigh and a yawn, the cloaked boy turned his attention away from the gates and turned to the path he had to follow to go around the enclosure. Despite having fallen asleep under the influence of the Mist, Wren still felt tired.

    As Wren kept walking towards the corner of the gate, the fog in front of him began to clear farther than his necklace's normal range. Appearing as she turned the corner of the wall, a middle-aged woman, sporting the same earrings as the wolf, greeted the cloaked boy with a wave of her hand and a smile. Her face had some scars alongside it, and her nose had clearly been broken more than once. She did not have a particularly burly physique, but she surely wasn't frail for her age.
    "I'm sorry I couldn't present myself earlier. I'm Evalyn." The woman says, cleaning some fur off her clothes and offering a handshake. "I rarely need to help strangers in the Mist, but since you were talking to yourself on that tree I thought it was for the best to bring you to my humble abode."

    Confused at what Evalyn was talking about, Wren slowly connected the dots. 'Sure, they exist, but what are the chances of me actually meeting an animagus?' The cloaked boy thought to himself, extending his hand out to accept the handshake. "Are you one of those animagus? I thought they were super rare?" Evalyn gave a small laugh while the two greeted each other formally this time.
    "Consider yourself lucky." She says.

    "Say," Wren started. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a way inside this manor, would you?" With a quirked eyebrow, the woman judged the man silently. "I'm not trying to steal anything, I just need a place to rest and someone to explain why I'm here." He quickly completed. Evalyn nodded her head slowly and led the way, starting a conversation as they went around the walls of the house. "I take it you've met the owner of the house?" She said, looking back at Wren.
    "I think so? The woman seemed pretty annoyed at me spawning in the middle of her living room, but I guess that's fair." The man said, shrugging. With a small chuckle and a silent nod of her head, the two continued.

    Reaching the back wall of the manor's wall, the duo stopped as Evalyn put a finger to her lips. "Here." She whispered, pointing to a trapdoor on the floor by the wall, hidden by bushes and tall grass. The woman opened it with some effort, the rusty hinges creaking and pieces of rusty metal falling off. Inside, a small ladder led straight downwards, in a space barely tall enough to fit a human. Evalyn dropped inside, gesturing for Wren to come after her and close the trapdoor. The man looked to his barren surroundings, judging if he should wander into the Mist instead. Looking down at the hole again, he jumped.


    Inside, a dark and murky corridor ran for a few dozen meters, with about five candles serving as lights for the entire passage. Evalyn gestured for Wren to close the trapdoor, which he did before following the woman through the corridor. The duo walked quietly for a minute or two, before arriving at stairs that led to a door, this time both well kept. The animagus went up the stairs quickly and knocked on the door a few times, to which an old man's voice responded from the other side. "Who's there?"
    "Evalyn, mister. I brought some company, he said he had already met Cerse.
    "Ah yes, she told me about him. Come in." The old man said, unlocking the door.

    Up the stairs, Wren saw the old man had bandages over both of his eyes and wore a robe, not unlike that of pyjamas. He was easily in his mid-eighties, frail and nearly toothless.
    "So tell me, would you two care to join me and Cerse for some tea?" He asked, smiling weakly.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  19. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll go over to the cloths and wrap myself in one then say to Saraha without even looking at her "Who was that, and more importantly how did he know so much about me?"
  20. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (Glad everything's ironing itself out! Welcome back. :) )
    Fraise rolled the small summary in his head, interested by the backstory. He wondered what experiment could cause that much of a stir, but perhaps that's a question for another day. Whoever this Fyer was must be important as some connection to the Tale. With the work affiliation to Saraha, Fraise supposed that was the best answer he'll get for now. Digging further might cross boundaries, Etrat already beneficial to his understanding. Clearing his throat, Fraise motioned for Etrat to lead the way,
    "Please. Again, thank you for the hospitality."
    Tisaun likes this.
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