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Town Of Salem ( Mafia Game - Altered Ranked Rolelist ) [ Lobby: 11/15 ]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Arch, Jan 25, 2020.

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  1. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    So Hi! And Welcome to the Town of Salem!

    This is basically a Mafia game . . . I would link you all to the site of the actual game but I lack the 10 messages required to do so. Anyway, let me explain the rules of this game.

    There are different factions.

    Lynch all evildoers in the town.

    Kill everyone who won't submit to the Mafia.

    Kill everyone who opposes the Coven.

    Basically, achieve the personal goals of your role and you win (some neutral roles can win alongside the town or mafia/coven factions).

    Each of the roles in this game also have "role allignments". Here's the list of roles and their role allignments.

    (Some of the spoilers may be bugged so please pardon some of the errors)

    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to investigate at night. Doing so will get you several results on what their role could be.

    All Possible Investigative Results:
    (C)=Coven DLC Role

    Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, Pirate(C), Ambusher(C)
    Medium, Janitor, Retributionist, Necromancer(C), Trapper(C)
    Survivor, Vampire Hunter, Amnesiac, Medusa(C), Psychic(C)
    Spy, Blackmailer, Jailor, Guardian Angel(C)
    Sheriff, Executioner, Werewolf, Poisoner(C)
    Framer, Vampire, Jester, Hex Master(C)
    Lookout, Forger, Coven Leader(C)
    Escort, Transporter, Consort, Hypnotist(C)
    Doctor, Disguiser, Serial Killer, Potion Master(C)
    Investigator, Consigliere, Mayor, Tracker(C), Plaguebearer(C)
    Bodyguard, Godfather, Arsonist, Crusader(C)
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to visit at night. You will see everyone who visits that person on that night.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to interrogate at night. You will see whether they are
    "Innocent" or "Suspicious."
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to "bug" at night. You see whatever actions happen to them (ie. Your target was roleblocked last night!). You also get to see who the
    Mafia and Coven visit every night.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to "track" each night. You will see who that person visits.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    At the end of the night, on non-full moon nights, you will recieve three names to where at least one name is evil.
    full moon nights (even numbered nights), you will receive two names to where at least one name is good.
    Attack: Unstoppable
    Defense: None
    Day Ability:
    You may select a person you will haul to jail at night. Jailed victims will be "roleblocked" and cannot perform their role. Jailed victims will also be granted a "powerful" defense.
    Night Ability:
    You will anonymously talk to the person you jailed at night. You may execute the person you jailed. If you execute a
    Town member, your ability to execute will be taken away. You have three executes.
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You have 3 "alerts". When you go on alert, you will deliver a "Powerful" attack to anyone who visits you and will have "Basic" defense for the night.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You have 3 "bullets". You may select someone and deliver to them a "Basic" attack. However, if you are to shoot a
    Town member, you will lose all your bullets and suicide the next night. You may not shoot the first night.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone each night to check if they are a
    If you visit a
    Vampire, you will deal a basic attack to them.
    If a
    Vampire visits you, you will deal a basic attack to them.
    You will be able to hear the
    Vampire Night Chat.
    When all the
    Vampires have been killed, you will turn into a Vigilante with one bullet.
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone to protect for the night. You may stop one attack delivered to your target and deliver a "Powerful" attack to one attacker of your target. The attacker will however attack you instead of your target. You also have one bullet proof vest which you can use on yourself to grant yourself "Basic Defense" for that one night.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone to heal per night granting them "Powerful" defense for that night. You also have one self-heal which can grant yourself "Powerful" defense for that night.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone to protect granting them "Powerful" defense. You will attack one person who visits your target at night delivering them a basic attack.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone to place a trap down at night. You can only place one trap down at a time. It takes one full night to build a trap. You may choose to take down your trap whenever you want. The trap will activate by any role visiting your target. If your target is attacked, the trap will attack the attacker. You will know the role of anyone who visits your target and activate your trap.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to "roleblock" for the night preventing them from using their ability.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability:
    You may publicly reveal yourself as the mayor. Your votes will now count as 3. You can no longer be healed by the
    Doctor however nor receive "whispers" (PMs) from other people.
    Night Ability: N/A
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability (When you are dead):
    You may select one player that you can speak with at night. You only have one of these.
    Night Ability:
    You may speak with the dead.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may revive a dead town member. You have one resurrection.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may swap two players at night making all people who visit one player visit the other and vise versa. You may transport yourself.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person you choose to kill. Your decision will override the
    Mafioso's decision and you will send the Mafioso to kill your target. If the Mafioso is dead or roleblocked, you will visit the target yourself. You will appear as "Innocent" to Sheriffs.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person you vote to kill. The
    Godfather's decision will override your decision and you will be sent to kill the target. If you are however roleblocked or dead, the Godfather will visit the target himself. If the Godfather dies, you will be promoted to the Godfather.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person you target. You will kill one of your target's visitors. Everyone who visits your target will be notified of your name. If all other
    Mafia Killing are dead, you will be promoted to Mafioso.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to disguise as their role at night.
    Investigators who investigate you will fine the results as the person you disguised as. If you die, you will appear as the role of the person you have disguised as. You will be promoted to a Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may change the will of a player at night. The forge will only succeed if they die the same night. You have three forgeries. You will be promoted to a
    Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to frame at night. They will appear as
    "Suspicious" to Sheriffs who investigate them that night. They will appear as "Framer, Vampire, Jester, Hex Master" to Investigators who investigate them that night. You will be promoted to a Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to "clean" at night. You have 3 cleans. They will only be cleaned if they die the same night. Cleaning a player will prevent other people from seeing their role and last will when they die. They will appear as "Cleaned" in the graveyard. You will know their role and last will. You will be promoted to a
    Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to send one of these messages to:

    > You were transported to another location.
    > Someone occupied your night. You were role blocked!
    > You were attacked but someone fought off your attacker!
    > You were attacked but someone nursed you back to health!
    > You feel a mystical power dominating you. You were controlled by a Witch!
    > You were poisoned. You will die tomorrow!
    > You were attacked but someone protected you!
    > You were poisoned but someone nursed you back to health!
    > Someone tried to poison you but someone fought off your attacker!
    > You triggered a trap!
    > You were attacked but a trap saved you!
    > A trap attacked you but someone nursed you back to health!

    If all the Mafia Killing are dead, you will be promoted to Mafioso.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability:
    Can see all whispers (PMs) sent from player to player.
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to "blackmail". They will not be able to speak the next day. However, they will still be able to vote and if they are put on the stand, they can only say "I am blackmailed." You will be promoted to a
    Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to find out their exact role at night. You will be promoted to a
    Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to "roleblock" for the night preventing them from using their ability. You will be promoted to a
    Mafioso if all Mafia Killing roles have died.
    Attack: None (Basic with Necronomicon)
    Defense: None (Basic with Necronomicon)
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to control and who they visit at night. You will find out your target's role.

    With the Necronomicon, you will "drain" (deal a basic attack) to whoever you are controlling.
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You have three stone gazes. You may select when you want to stone gaze. Stone Gazing delivers a powerful attack to whoever visits you and people killed by you will be seen as "Stoned" in the graveyard. Their role and will won't be seen.

    With the Necronomicon, you may choose who to Stone Gaze (attack) at night.
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: None (Basic with Necronomicon)
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may choose to to "Hex" at night.

    When an Investigator investigates a Hexed person, they will get the results "Framer, Vampire, Jester, Hex Master".

    When a Sheriff investigates a Hexed person, they will see them as "Suspicious."

    When everyone alive (except for Coven) is hexed, you will deliver an Unstoppable attack to everyone.

    With the Necronomicon, you deliver a Basic Attack to everyone you Hex and your visits become "Astral" (you won't be seen by a Lookout or Tracker when you visit someone).
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone to poison at night. They will die the next night to poison unless they are healed by a

    With the Necronomicon, your Poison is no longer curable by Doctor.
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: None (Basic with Necronomicon)
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select someone from the graveyard to use their ability on another player at night. You may only use a corpse once before it "rots"

    With the Necronomicon, you may summon a ghoul to deliver a Basic Attack to anyone you choose. When you attack with a ghoul, your visit becomes "Astral" (you won't be seen by a Lookout or Tracker when you visit someone).
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select between three potions, a
    Healing Potion, a Reveal Potion, or an Attack Potion.

    A Healing Potion grants the person you are healing "Powerful Defense."

    A Reveal Potion tells you the person you are investigating's role.

    An Attack Potion allows you to deliver a "Basic Attack" to anyone you choose.

    Your Potions have a 3 day cooldown before they are usable again.

    With the Necronomicon, your potions no longer have cooldowns.
    Kill everyone opposing the Coven.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select one person to attack each night.
    Kill everyone.
    Attack: Unstoppable
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a person to douse at night. You may also select to ignite all doused targets delivering them an Unstoppable attack.
    Investigators who investigate doused targets will find them as "Bodyguard, Godfather, Arsonist, Crusader."
    Kill everyone.
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    On every
    full moon night (even numbered days), you may select someone to attack. You will kill everyone who visits your target as well as the target themselves. You only appear "Suspicious" to Sheriffs on full moon nights.
    Kill everyone.
    Attack: None
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability: N/A
    Get your target lynched (your target will be given by @Arch). Your target is a member of the
    Town. Your target cannot be the Jailor or the Mayor. You will become a Jester if your target dies at night.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability: N/A
    Get yourself lynched. If you successfully get yourself lynched, you may launch an unstoppable attack at one of your
    guilty or abstaining voters.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You have 4 Bullet Proof Vests. Using a Bullet Proof Vest grants you "Basic Defense" for the night.
    Survive to the end of the game.
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You may select a role from the graveyard to "remember" (you become that role). You cannot remember "Cleaned" or "Stoned" roles. The town will be notified of the role you chose to remember.
    Fulfill the goal of the role that you choose to become.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: None
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    You are given a target to protect and keep alive. You have two protects which grant your target "Powerful Defense". The town will be notified whenever you defend your target and the town cannot lynch your target the next time if you Protect them.

    If your target dies, you become a Survivor with no vests.
    Protect your target and keep them alive for the whole game.
    Attack: Basic
    Defense: None
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    Every other night, you may choose someone to convert into a Vampire. The youngest/newest Vampire will always be the one to visit.

    If you visit an evil role, you will instead deliver a "Basic Attack" to them. You will be able to bite the next night.

    If conversion is unsuccessful, you may bite the next night.
    Win with only Vampires and unopposing roles alive.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: None
    Day Ability:
    You may select someone to plunder at night.
    Night Ability:
    You may choose from three different options to attack your victim with. Your victim will be roleblocked.

    Scimitar, Rapier, Pistol

    The victim will also have three different choices to defend with.

    Sidestep, Chainmail, Backpedal

    Scimitar beats Sidestep, Rapier beats Chainmail, Pistol beats Backpedal.

    Anything else and the defender wins.

    If the pirate wins, you will deliver a "Powerful Attack" to your victim and successfully "plunder" them.

    If the victim wins, nothing happens.
    Successfully plunder two people.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: None
    Defense: Basic
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    Every night, you may choose someone to infect with the plague.

    People who visit you will be infected.

    People who visit or are visited by infected people will be infected.
    Infect the whole town with the Plague and become Pestilence.
    Coven DLC
    Attack: Powerful
    Defense: Invincible
    Day Ability: N/A
    Night Ability:
    Every night, you may choose someone to rampage (you will attack them and all other visitors to their house) at their house.

    You will attack anyone who visits you.

    You are roleblock and control immune.

    You can only die to lynching.
    Kill everyone who opposes you.

    Now here is the Role List (Subject to change. May currently be unbalanced.):

    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Mafia
    Random Mafia
    Random Mafia
    Random Neutral
    These are other suggested rolelists. You may suggest a rolelist. I will be using the rolelist that most people want to see.
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Random Town
    Coven Leader
    Potion Master
    Hex Master


    Neutral Killing
    Potion Master
    Coven Leader
    Town Investigative
    Town Support
    Random Town
    Random Town

    Random Mafia
    Random Mafia
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Chaos
    Neutral Killing
    Each of you also have a "Last Will" which can be seen when you die. You can type whatever you want on your last will (You'll just keep your last will PMed with me) but it is recommended to type the information that you collect from your role in your last will. If you're evil, typing a fake will is recommended as well so that you can "prove your innocence" to the town.


    Now we are going to go over "Whispers"
    You may "Whisper" to someone by PMing them and me your message. They may whisper back using the same PM. However, when you whisper to someone, the whole town will be notified of you whispering to the other person. Please do not metagame by "Whispering" to someone without adding me to the PM.

    If I am not available to notify the town that you have whispered to another person, use this template.
    [ @____ is whispering to @____. ]


    Alright, this is how the phases are going to work.

    Day Discussion / Voting Phase
    The Day Phase / Voting Phase will last from 8:00 PM PST to 8:00 PM PST two days afterwards. During this phase, you will be able to vote for others to be lynched. After a certain amount of votes, a person can be put up for trial where they can defend themselves in one message (such as showing their last will, etc.). Then, once they defend themselves, people may PM me and vote
    guilty or innocent or abstain. Not voting also leads to an abstain. You may have three trials per day but those trials will go away after you lynch someone.

    Template to vote someone to the stand.
    [ @(You) has voted against @____. ]

    Templates for voting innocent, guilty, canceling, or changing.
    [ @(You) has voted. ]
    [ @(You) changed their vote. ]
    [ @(You) canceled their vote. ]

    Night Phase
    After the Voting Phase will be the Night Phase which will be the same as the Day Phase timewise once again. However, talking in the thread during the Night Phase is not allowed.

    On Day 1, There will be no Voting during the Day Phase and you will all go to Night 1 afterward.

    Phases can be extended or shortened if need be.


    To join the game, just simply say [(IGN) has joined the game].


    [Arch has joined the game]



    1. @Tsuyoku
    2. @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y
    3. @HowToZombie
    4. @Void_Sky_Laar
    5. @Free Fall
    6. @Acceleration
    7. @Wommby
    8. @Qzphs
    9. @lego_man724
    10. @Señor TopHat
    11. @Lk2003
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
    H0Y, Skylaar, Tsukiji and 3 others like this.
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    first msg just cuz tradition
    Free Fall and Arch like this.
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    second cayse I'm always slower
    Arch likes this.
  4. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Third cus i am not 2nd or first
    Arch likes this.
  5. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager QA GM CMD CHAMPION

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    /in because of course
    Arch likes this.
  6. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    I'm in.
    [Phantom Skylaar has joined the game]
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  7. Free Fall

    Free Fall Your average non.

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    [Free Fall has joined the game]
  8. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    [Hungurr has joined the game]
  9. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    See u guys in 6 months
    Tsukiji likes this.
  10. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    [Wommby has joined the game]
  11. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    [ @Qzphs has joined the game ]

    I want NB replaced with a town role — I'd say TK but even RT will be alright. 7's not enough for town to have a fair fight in a 'balanced' role list (especially not with the possibility of 2 NK or 5 mafia). Even the official ranked list (9-4-ne-nk) loses to dumb luck alone without absolutely impeccable play from town.
    If this doesn't happen, I'll vote towards the Coven list that @Free Fall suggested. The missing Medusa at least decreases the chance of an early natural minority for town.
  12. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    All factions except for town are capped at 4 members so a fifth mafia member is not a worry. However, the 2 NKs are a good point and so I will give town an 8th member. However, I'm going to also change Neutral Evil to Random Neutral since I've been finding randomness a bit more intriguing to watch. 3 NK would now be possible but I think it would be fine considering Town's win in the Faction War rolelist.
    Qzphs likes this.
  13. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    [lego_man724 has joined the game]
    Really like the look of the psychic mayhem rolelist
  14. Glial

    Glial Is it Gleal or Gleyeal? VIP+

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    We found Australia dead yesterday
    He was killed by an Arsonist
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    @YouWatanabe confirm?
  16. Glial

    Glial Is it Gleal or Gleyeal? VIP+

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  17. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    So we currently have 1 vote for the Psychic Mayhem Rolelist, one vote for the current rolelist (me), and one vote that will go for the altered Coven Rolelist if my Rolelist isn't used.
  18. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    can confirm, am burning corpse
  19. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I support it too.

    Also what happened to waiting another 6 months? We're already 9/15 lmao.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Same with the last one e.e
    It's the last 4 players that always take a while, '^'
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