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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    In-Game Username: Nitrogen2Oxygen
    Country and Time-Zone: United States, EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Almost everyday, weekdays are more inconsisten but i clock in anywhere from 10-40 hours per week
    What's your main class and its level?: I have like 6 war ready classes (level 100+) of all classes, and working on a skyseer (level 80) right now
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Warring, that's literally all I do
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I used to be here and it was some of the best 3 months of my life. I made the mistake of leaving, and I don't want that to happen again
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Continuing off of my last app, I destroyed DDT in order to make it 100% sure I didn't go back to it like last time.
    Do you have Discord?: Nitrogen2Oxygen#3206
    Who invited you? (Optional): I wanted to join, Goden said perhaps, that's all i needed
    Additional Notes (Optional): Rip DDT, but I'm so glad to finally be free
    Luky0 likes this.
  2. SadNova

    SadNova Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: SadNova

    Country and Time-Zone: Singapore, GMT + 8 (OCE region)

    Gender: Male

    Age (Optional): 16

    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I try my best to play everyday for at least 2 hours each day.

    What's your main class and its level?: Archer and mage, both 104. My archer is unable to war sadly as my build is slightly outdated, so my main class would be mage.

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy warring with others and also enjoy being part of an active community and I also enjoy helping out newer players of Wynn.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Fox wars a lot and I can contribute to the warring community of wars as I have a decent amount of experience with warring and can try my best to war as much as possible for Fox. This means that I can help captains and above to war with them, effectively speeding up the wars. Also I know that Fox is a big guild with many terrs and I can help with reclaiming any of those if needed.

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I was a captain in DDT for a very long time and nitro disbanded the guild. I am in no way against Fox or any other guild in general and would just like to be part of a community. I also apologise on behalf of DDT for all the wars that we've waged against Fox.

    Do you have Discord?: Yes, my discord tag is sadnova#0615

    Who invited you? (Optional): none

    Additional Notes (Optional): I am very active most of the times and since I am part of the Oceania region and that there is usually a lack of active warrers during this time, I can help war during this time as its most of the time I am online. I also can contribute lots of guild experience, maybe about 5 mil everyday that I am not warring or when there is a CUR party. I would also like to add on that I would like to contribute many emeralds to the guild as well but I am running short of them right now and when I get more of my classes to 100, I can contribute well over a stack. I also like helping other people with quests and dungeons and bosses like LI and EO and even Hive as I can solo all those with my mage and would do so at no cost. Lastly, although I do know that the guild is currently full, I still hope to join one day to help the community. Finally, I would like to apologise once again about warring against Fox and other Valk guilds while I was still in DDT but I am not against Valk or Fox and through this application, I am trying to convey that I would like to be a part of the community.

    P.S: Sorry for the huge wall of text
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    Luky0 likes this.
  3. Spases

    Spases Count of the Foxes CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Luky0 likes this.
  4. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    Bruuuuh..... Well GG i guess ._.
    Luky0 likes this.
  5. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    bump bump, we got a tiny but of space perhaps
    Luky0 likes this.
  6. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    bump, join
    Luky0 likes this.
  7. MadMatty9999

    MadMatty9999 whoooooooooooo

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    In-Game Username: MadMatty9999
    Country and Time-Zone: UK, GMT
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 14
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Dropped it for a while, but came back to it and stuck with it.
    What's your main class and its level?: Mage, Combat Level 80
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Quests and Fighting.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: It seems like it has an active playerbase, unlike most guilds I've joined in other games previously.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: N/A
    Do you have Discord?: I do, but would rather not use my mic.
    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A
    Additional Notes (Optional): Also, my account is new, but mainly because I made a forums account recently and lurked.
    Luky0 likes this.
  8. Vortixc

    Vortixc Full Time Homo VIP

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    In-Game Username: God_Has_Left
    Country and Time-Zone: USA, EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: About once every day, maybe every two days, honestly depends upon scheduling. usually for about 2+ hours or more
    What's your main class and its level?: 51 Assassin
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy questing and talking, as well as loot running
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I heavily feel as though this community is preferable to others, and have heard amazing things, as well as the fact that the guild is quite keen to my aesthetic.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: N/A
    Do you have Discord?: Yes
    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A
    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
    Luky0 likes this.
  9. Mapleric

    Mapleric Well-Known Adventurer

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    long lost bump
    Luky0 likes this.
  10. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    Bump + read the title please, thanks :)
    Luky0 likes this.
  11. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Luky0 likes this.
  12. chairm

    chairm Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: chairm
    Country and Time-Zone: USA PST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 3-12 hours a day
    What's your main class and its level?: assassin lvl104
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Loot running
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: i like what this guild stands for, it seems like you guys hold good morals and i respect that.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Badwolf (don't remember why i left), Hackforums (left to join angelic), angelic (everyone has quit wynncraft)
    Do you have Discord?: yes max.#1427
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): i took a break from wynncraft 1 year ago, i am back and have been active everyday for the last 2 weeks, trying to get back into the community and learn.
    Luky0 likes this.
  13. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    lets put this back to the top again
    Luky0 likes this.
  14. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Luky0 likes this.
  15. Alsike

    Alsike Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Alsike
    Country and Time-Zone: Eastern Daylight Time
    Gender: Female
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: during school weeks around 4 hours and on when I'm off 9+ hours
    What's your main class and its level?: 103 Archer
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): just grinding quests and dungeons and I want to try warring
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I have been told that you guys are good at warring and friendly
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Fox (kicked cuz inactive cuz of school)
    Do you have Discord?: yes Alsike#2110
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): LET ME INNN LETM INNNNN!!
    Luky0 likes this.
  16. Egrilbathwater69

    Egrilbathwater69 Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: EGrilBathWater69
    Country and Time-Zone: America EST
    Gender: Male
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Upwards of 8 hours a day.
    What's your main class and its level?: Assassin lvl 20
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Running around discover new areas.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Because i like the name
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Spectral Cabbage ( they had 2 members online a day)
    Do you have Discord?: Yes Aurum#0796
    Who invited you? (Optional): Noone
    Additional Notes (Optional): I will be Working very hard this month
    Luky0 likes this.
  17. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Luky0 likes this.
  18. TomR24

    TomR24 That one furry from the furry guild CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: TomR24
    Country and Time-Zone: Germany, CET (UTC +1)
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 17
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Been pretty inactive in the last while, but I'm planning on completing my build so i can take part in wars more often. After I've done that, I'm thinking about planning on playing as much as i can, that being at least about an hour a day.
    What's your main class and its level?: Archer, Combat Level 102
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Warring, lootruns, and professions every now and then
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: The (about) one and a half years I spend in Fox was the best thing that happened to me in a good while, and it was the people in Fox that made it feel like my second home. I miss being in Fox already ;w;.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: My own little guild - left due to me being the only one in it, and Fox - kicked due to inactivity (twice. sry frens ;A;)
    Do you have Discord?: Yeet. Nexus#9501
    Who invited you? (Optional): Some peeps in Fox miss me already so here I am again <3
    Additional Notes (Optional): Heil Foxton! o/ Also yall in KoF are cute af ngl
    Luky0 likes this.
  19. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Ichikaaa (Trickster1399 is my previous username)
    Country and Time-Zone: USA, EST/EDT
    Gender: Male asdfghj
    Age (Optional): 20
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I try to get on a couple hours a day, at least. Sometimes if I get too wrapped up in my art stuffs, I may not make it on.
    What's your main class and its level?: Archer (102)
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy loot running and set building quite a lot, especially with crafted items. Though, I really enjoy interacting with other players as well, and helping out whoever needs it :3
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I would really love to be a part of an active guild. I want to play every day, but a lot of days it can be hard to get on without any friends to talk to while I'm grinding away at this or that. I'd love to be more involved with the community as well. I also don't really know much about guild wars, but I'd love to learn more, since it's a completely unexplored area of the game for me. Just having a group of people around, who work with each other, and are all passionate about the game would be really amazing.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Dragon's Arise (DSA). Left due to it being a pretty quiet guild, and I really just want to see what it's like in a more active guild.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes! "Ichika#3412"
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): My name change is recent, and still isn't updated on the Wynncraft stats site, so using my previous username "Trickster1399" should direct you to anything needed, if "Ichikaaa" doesn't work! Thank you for taking the time to read through this!
    (edit: tired and clueless me somehow missed the title until looking at this page again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for putting up with me, lol. If spaces do open at any point, I'd be more than grateful to be considered still!)
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
    Luky0 likes this.
  20. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Ichikaaa and Luky0 like this.
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