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Mage/Dark Wizard Lunar Spine Till Victory [ Attempts : 4 ]

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by YYGAYMER, Jan 6, 2020.

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  1. i1i1wow

    i1i1wow 5th ID of Altum Spatium was good CHAMPION

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    Maybe this build would work: https://wynndata.tk/s/iypl27
    I tried to maximize the potential for being able to get meteors onto the ground while keeping the build tanky and damaging. Hopefully it's what you're looking for.
  2. JujuDeLaVallée

    JujuDeLaVallée To what end ? VIP

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    I fear that 11 000 hp are not enough. That say, damages and defenses are good, so maybe, with some luck
  3. i1i1wow

    i1i1wow 5th ID of Altum Spatium was good CHAMPION

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    The thing is, to increase health, you have to either do something like wear Statue, which hurts attack damage and eradicates all mobility, or get rid of Blue Mask, which leaves you less tanky overall as a result & cripples skill point requirements. I tried replacing Blue Mask with The Modulator, but the health from The Modulator was not enough to make it worth the lost defense & agility SP from not using Blue Mask. I suppose you could substitute the Prism rings for Facile, but the health difference is not that significant there either and you lose a bit of elemental defense and that 5 SP gets lost from each ring, although you do get that small damage boost & health regen % boost.

    I don't think you could really beef the build up any more without sacrificing meteor potential. You could get rid of Time Rift (which already has decent health), but then sorcery is lost. You get big problems if you try to replace Vaward with something more tanky, and the only boots with more health than Ornate Shadow Cloud besides Statue are mythic boots that have SP requirements incompatible with the build and hive boots that have negative SP that would make wearing Diamond Fusion Necklace and Prism/Facile very, very hard (not worth it), not to mention only having vague SP requirement compatibility.

    If you really want more health with that build, substitute Ornate Shadow Cloud with Statue. (Or you could try Galloping Spurs for the mobility... :smiley:)
    YYGAYMER likes this.
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