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Why I Think Mage Is Both The Worst Class And Extremely Op

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Torpid, Jan 13, 2020.

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  1. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    I think that almost every class is very nicely balanced, none of them are too extreme in one sense and they are all generally well made. But.. Mage... I think Mage is both the worst class, and also extremely OP.

    Disclaimer: This is purely my opinion, if you like Mage, that's fine, i mean no insult or hate toward the people who design classes or people who play/enjoy Mage.

    Okay, so what exactly do i mean by the worst, and most op at the same time?

    I mean that at lower levels, Mage is very weak, and to put it simply, pathetic. I mean, the first spell you get literally cant even do damage, the very first spell you unlock purely exists to heal damage you take. Then the next spell you get is your movement spell. So that means that you dont even get a spell that does damage until level 21, which i just have to say is a bit ridiculous. I understand that Mage is meant to be a good class for starters, like Warrior, but the fact that the first spell you get basically acts as a crutch, is too much. There is a fine line between "Being good for starters" and "your spells are going to hold your hand through the entire game".

    Now how is it OP?

    Because Mage has extreme advantages over all of the other classes in many ways. Warrior has an advantage in defense, but you can still die. And defense is basically the one thing that Warrior can do much better than other classes. Mage however has outright overpowered abilities over all of the other classes.
    For a parkour, a warrior cant just charge over the entire parkour if it's going upwards, because charge doesn't give you much height.
    And Archer cant just use escape spell to skip a parkour because escape is too difficult to control, and if the platforms are only 1 block, instead of 3x3 or 4x4, Archer is difficult to actually land on the platforms.
    Mage can just spam rightclick and skip the entire parkour, it's also extremely easy to control, just right click on the next platform, hell, you dont even need to do the parkour at all. You can skip the entire thing by just flying over it. Archer cant do that, warrior cant do that, no class can so easily skip literally any parkour like Mage can.

    Another thing about mage is that it can end up saving a lot of money on heal pots, obviously spamming heal wont completely replace potions, but if you are only slightly hurt, you can just use heal, and save a use of a potion. Saving that use of a potion can amount to several LE saved that you would've spent on potions if you were any other class, which is a bit unfair. This is OP in the sense that the game just slaps a discount on potions for all Mages, because whenever you're hurt as any other class, you need to use a potion, but Mages basically just get free potions.

    There's also the fact that Mages dont need to switch off their weapon to heal, just a quick heal spell in the middle of a fight is very easy, something that any other class has to switch to a potion to use. As an Archer this means deactivating your Arrow Shield, as an Assassin this means deactivating Vanish, as other classes, switching off your weapon during a fight can put you in danger, especially if your weapon gives you extra health or health regen when held.

    Personally, i just think that early game Mage is too weak, and at more advanced levels, Mage becomes OP very quickly.

    How would i fix these issues?
    Make the first spell you get Ice Snake, Warrior has Bash, Archer has Arrow Storm, and Assassin has Spin Attack, it's a bit odd that Mage just deviates from all other classes in this way. Heal spell should be unlocked at level 21, and meteor at 31.
    Then i would suggest that Heal Spell should have a short cooldown, around 4-5 seconds. So that mages cant just spam heal spell in the middle of a fight to heal, potions would become much more of a necessity to them.
    Kraby likes this.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    FUCK I was planning on doing a write up about mage’s current place in the endgame

    That said, I have different issues with mage than you do so maybe I’ll still do it
    Also, I partially agree; mage is the worst class to level by fair because its damage is just ridiculously low until level 21. IMO They should buff the damage of all mage weapons between 1 and 15, and add a tapering buff to all mage weapons between 15 and 25. But I’m not too big a fan of the heal changes because it’s pretty much necessary for group play in dungeons like EO. I’d rather they reduce the self heal on it
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
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  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Idk if it’s just me, but I’ve almost never buy health potions anymore. They’re just way too common from mobs and loot chests. Maybe it’s because I mostly play in the early to mid game?
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    It kind of depends; I still buy inventories full of them to prepare to solo something like the Hive or EO, but otherwise I kind of don’t need to
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I remember that when Gavel was released health potions didn’t drop from mobs or chests anymore. Though idk why they reverted it because I got 2 classes to level 80 and 90 just fine and people always complain that the game is too easy anyway.
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  6. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    Mage is literally wynncraft easy mode and perfect for beginners. Since the game doesn't have a competitive pvp mode, i don't think it is a rlly big of a problem.
    IMO, after u beat the game at least once, mage is extremely boring because, as you said, you can just spam heal and skip parkours, but keep in mind that there is always going to be a class considered rlly good and fun, like archer and shaman rn, and one considered trash, like pre-wynnter assassin, and i think having to use ice snake until lvl 31+ (cuz meteor is trash without the fast landing upgrade) would be rlly garbage since u can't rlly spam heal on low lvl anyways, which means u would have trash damage and rlly ok survivability on the class.
  7. HoboMaggot

    HoboMaggot . ę̸͚̳̙̳̠͖̳̓̇̄̓͂̂̆ VIP+

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    Pretty sure mage was originally created to be the support character
  8. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear thinks mage is just okay especially for pvp. Ice Bear says those meteors are way to slow for anything other than mobs.
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  9. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Considering mage has long range AoE melee and it takes like 2 ninutes to level to 21 I really dont think this matters.

    This is pretty accurate.

    I find it easiest to skip Parkour with Archer because you fall slowly so you have time to adjust before you let go of your bow. Whereas mage gives you 0 times to react to where youre going so if you run out of mana youre fucked.

    Potions are basically free.

    True, but there really isn't a way to fix this since it's a spell.

    If youre weapon gives HPR it probs doesnt matter if you switch off or not, considering it takes 10 secs to proc missing that proc would be quite unlucky. And as for the HP boost, it probs doesn't matter since if you need to drink pots that health would be gone anyway.

    Mage is a support class, which is why heal is the lv 1 spell, as for snake at level 1 and meteor at 31. Why? What? Ice snake does barely any damage, which means youd be waiting untill level 31 instead of 21 to get a spell that actually does damage, also ice snake would be fairly useless early game.

    Pulse is supposed to deal with this, since you would get rid of all of your mana just to heal up, and making players wait 4-5 seconds to use their spells is a huge kick to the balls.
  10. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'm going to have to disagree with this.

    First off your title can be reworded to "Why mage is the most balanced class in the game." You basically pointed out mage's draw backs and also provided some good things about that class. But it does seem like you're leaning more towards the "OP' side.

    Mage is fine the way it is. And to be honest it's a very unique way it's set up throughout the game compared to the other classes. For example, Warrior relies on it being tanky, Archer relies on pure damage output, Assassin relies on its stealth, Shaman relies on its crowd control, and finally Mage more of depends on one spell which is heal, without it, it would not be a good class, more of a meh class. Kind of like how warrior is a meh class late game in my opinion. What I'm trying to get to here is that if you put the unlock of heal at a higher level, it would be even worse in the beginning of the game because ice snake is really only meant for de buffs not a dmg output. It would definitely give a buff to it's damage output but it just wouldn't be enough.

    I'd also like to say that not every class needs a damage output at the beginning of the game, thats what makes mage unique. Let me list off all the classes and how good they are at the start of the game. Mainly level's 1-20

    Archer- It's very meh at the start of the game, it doesn't quite have enough damage output to help counter it's bad defense.

    Assassin-Probably most balanced class at start game, has average defense and a good damage output.

    Warrior-One of the best start game classes, it's very tanky and has a good damage output.

    Shaman-I haven't played enough of it but I feel like its above average. Not much defense but your totem is your main damage output meaning you can stand as far away as you want, avoiding damage. Not to mention it's long ranged melee.

    Mage- This may be surprising but Mage is probably the best start of game class aside from Warrior. Yes it does have like no damage output but that's not everything. It's survivability is insane. You technically only have to worry about one spell in combat being heal, and teleport is a "safe" way out of sticky situations. It's melee is ranged AOE so that's pretty cool. And it has average defense so you do have time to react to using heal. The average player should not die at all with it.

    Jumping to my next point, Mage is supposed to be like this. It's supposed to be a beginners class. Heal is a handicap for the newer players. And I feel like the owners did a good job with this part. They want it to be a beginners class to help newer players. It's survivability is meant to prevent the new player from dying over and over again and then resulting in them rage quitting and never have them play it again. Probably one of the reasons Wynncraft has a solid player base. The owners are basically saying "Here! Use this class so you don't quit the game!" or "Here! Use this class to help you understand the game easier!"

    The game needs a beginner class and mage is basically a perfect execution of it. A lot of games player bases's suffer from this because they make the game difficult for beginners.

    In the end, mage should stay the way it is. A good beginners class, but still a very viable class late game.

    (Sorry if I'm avoiding the other points like parkour and potions, it's not that important.)
    Valbahutog and Torpid like this.
  11. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Torpid thinks that roleplaying is cringe
  12. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I play mage more than any other class, so I can't claim to be unbiased, but the placement of mage right now seems pretty fair. It's natural spells will be a big part of your playstyle, since you are a mage. Heal is also pretty underwhelming right now honestly; shaman has a far better claim to both team support and survivability in my experience (I've only gotten it to level 70 though, so I'm not an expert on endgame.). Most parkour is skippable as every class, though it tends to be easier as mage and assassin, but that's all based on the type of parkour. Health potions are pretty common in loot chests, and I generally end up throwing out the majority of the ones I find on all of my classes. If I need them I can usually get a half dozen or so in a few minutes so if you're buying them often, you're wasting money. While a damage spell earlier would be nice, all classes get their main damage spell (what's supposed to be their main damage spell) at level 21, so I fail to see why mage shouldn't, especially when it has arguably the best melee in the game. Is mage powerful, largely owing to heal? Absolutely. Is it better then the other classes? Not really. Warrior can shrug off damage like it's nothing with warscream and stacking defense, archer can kill from a distance without even drawing agro, assassin can do an insane combo and vanish, and shaman is just generally unkillable when it's near its totem.
    Iboju likes this.
  13. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    I think people who complain about things being weak and/or op should take the time to learn how to class build, know how to level quickly, and put some thought into the issue. It's not that hard to be informed.

    At least do that before making vague and/or wrong statements. Definitely do that before suggesting ridiculous changes. And don't call out people for doing what makes them happy, that just makes you look immature.
  14. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    If you think that Mage mobility is OP, do NOT look at Assassin since the vanish buff, theres nothing to look there not like any height is now easily reachable... not at all
    NITEHAWKX, Melkor and Iboju like this.
  15. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Archer was already like that as well :(
  16. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    Pure gang
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  17. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Did you just ignore the fact that lootchests and mobs drop potions...
    That's not how the leveling system works, first spell is "Light Damage" while second is "Movement", third is "Heavy Damage" and fourth is "Utility"
    Uhh, are you talking about the basic left click? In that case, no, Shaman has nearly about the range of Mage's hit and forks into 3 lines
    A demand a Charge buff, it just isn't that useful and it doesn't feel like as much of a maneuver like Shaman's Haul
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  18. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    laughs in Assassin and Warrior
    Turbostratus, General Skien and Iboju like this.
  19. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Uhh, yes I did? I don't know wtf shamans melee has to do with this but what i said about mage having a fairly long range AoE attack is entirely true?
    Saya likes this.
  20. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Um, what attack exactly? The basic click is a straight line, not sure how that's AoE, unless I'm retarded and don't understand
    Assassin: Spin, Vanish (technically movement), Multihit, Smoke Bomb
    Warrior: Bash, Charge, Uppercut, War Scream
    I don't get the joke tho
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