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Community Event Mythic Giveaway #2, Lament [concluded]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Shattered minds, you get force fed acid. What could possibly be better
  2. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    This one is a really hard one for me actually, i can't really decide on my favourite since i like a lot of quests equally but i'll choose the one i like the most.

    Royal Trials.
    Despite it not being a good thing, i kinda like it when you're allowed to/you are doing evil deeds in a quest, and this one is a perfect one. Before you go and mention iron hart part II, that one was way too immoral and the good path had the better reward anyways.
    Anyways, I liked tricking the female pirates to think i'm one of them and then participating in dangerous, fun and weird challenges such as airship flight which was also the first and only time we've ever done it, stealing from the super rich, a small short battle, etc.
    It was a fun quest overall, the reward was quite nice as well.

    And if you allow me to put in my other top favourites as honorable mentions:

    A Journey Further, Because i get to kill Aledar who is the reason for me glitching and dying a lot for literally no reason, oh and also hes so annoying.

    Recipe for Disaster, I really liked seeing the cook from the old lvl 4 quest Cook's Assistant.

    Wynnexcavation questline, it built up quite nicely and Site D ended the questline perfectly, especially with the Ragni King coming up again.

    Enter the Dojo, Idk i really liked the east asian feel to it, it was nice for a change and there aren't that much puzzles like that in the game.

    Beyond The Grave, The death experience in it was quite amazing and how death told us we die all the time and come back to life. Also death is a great character.

    Recover The Past, It gave us a new look and information about Fruma, and a slight hint to our backstory and past.

    That's it have a nice day!
    Castti likes this.
  3. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    A Hunter’s Calling
    References to past quests are great
  4. FrozenGalaxy

    FrozenGalaxy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Redbeard's Booty - I like the concept, traveling to islands, exploring, etc. It gives me a treasure hunting vibe
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Point of no Return. Good concept, great execution, fun puzzles, all with very little actual dialogue
  6. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    My favourite is most probably "???"
    I liked it so much actually that several times, I genuinely just wanted to repeat it, so when I saw a group of people that needed help with the quest, I would volunteer to help.
    I really love all the puzzles in the quest, I think the quest is well made and even though when I originally did the quest I looked up a guide for where to go, I don't think I would now. I think I wouldn't because in several recent quests such as "Misadventures on the sea", there is a hidden treasure you can find if you complete several tasks, the treasure is completely optional as you can finish the quest without getting it and not get the bonus rewards or you can find it and get some extra loot :D . I really enjoyed figuring out what to do from all the hints in "Misadventures on the sea" and ??? is all about that. So if I was to do ??? now for the first time I would probably not look up any guides at all. Even through when I originally completed "???" I looked up a guide, I only used the guide to figure out where to go, I didn't use it to solve the amazing mini puzzle games? if that's what I could call them xD, I'm referring to those games like the one where you have to beat the computer, the one where you have to fill in the whole space with green and the memory one. I did all those puzzles on my first play through of ??? as I had to help all my friends get into their meteors so that was a lot of fun :D. Getting items to drop into the hopper at yahya's house was actually a lot of fun, especially since I got to revisit old locations and be surprised how the items I needed for this quest were just hidden in older quests. Well inside the lab at yahya's house I remember I did the mushroom puzzle the one where you have to invert the floor really quickly and I recall it being a lot of fun, the QR code puzzle was solved by someone else that was with me. Once we were in the next part the one that needed 4 players to stand on separate pressure plates, I remember being excited and enthusiastic as one person was giving orders to our group on where to go what to stand on so we could open the final door, I remember wanting to do the same as that person, so the next time I did the quest I made sure I was. I found a group of people that were just as happy as I was to figure out the solution to that puzzle on our own. So after much trial and error we did and moved onto the next room. In the next room was that wool circle thing on the floor that we had to walk and reach our pressure plate. On my first attempt I just followed the guide but still liked it, on my second attempt with that other group though, I managed to do it without looking it up. The entire quest as a whole was jsut so much fun for me, I haven't done in at least a year by now though, but I started a shaman play through so I'll get to do it once more very soon :D
    Castti likes this.
  7. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Finding The Light was nice. First quest that takes place in cinfras and we all know cinfras is epic gamer city. Also there's some type of satisfaction you get while doing the quest.
    Also A Hunter's Calling was great.
  8. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    Enter the dojo - I like the Chinese/Japanese theme and the fact that I can get to chose whether I want to feed Salted, Technoblade or PinkSheep..... It's a peaceful quest. Though, I'd rather eat the animals than feed them but eh, Salted would ban me :(
  9. M4x1mum

    M4x1mum Antisocial CHAMPION

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    Memory Paranoia
    switch between past and presence was alot of entertainment, besides this amazing story
  10. ShadeBlack_

    ShadeBlack_ Skilled Adventurer

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    Dwarves and Doguns, best quest history!
  11. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    A hunters calling
    the first time I did the quest it was just like what the npc said about me as a player. that he knew he needed to show me more to convince me. I just love how it foreshadows what you can do as a player and how much power you posses in the game.
  12. T0mm123

    T0mm123 I like money VIP+

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    Cowfusion, I dunno why. It was just so much fun for me. I had much fun while exploring the world as a cow. The puzzles weren't evem hard.
  13. TitanZERØ

    TitanZERØ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i would say the envoy storyline
    it introduces you to a brand new province while also using new quest mechanics like moving npc's and such(new at the time)
    it also ends with the best dungeon in the game imo
  14. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    best quest:
    the quest where you need to open bobs tomb


  15. xKar

    xKar hello wants up CHAMPION

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    A Fantastic Voyage
    Everytime I do this quest I get nostalgic vibes from it, because of the simplicity of it. Not only that, it's the first quest (iirc) that showcases how dern looks like and how it can be accessed. Plus it cleared some of the fog of mysteriousness that was surrounding the abandoned mines.
  16. BeastyMs

    BeastyMs Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Quest ??? when it came out.
    It is the only Community event quest where people came together to search for clues and share ideas how to solve it. I would check forums every day just to see the progress and to see what new things have been discovered. I personaly tryed searching and suggested few ideas (sadly I found nothing and suggestion were incorect). It is the only quest that requires teamwork to finish. This is the most unique and intresting quest and Im glad I played at the time this was being solved to be part of it.

    They sould make more comunity quest events like this where whole server comes together to try and solve it.
    Castti likes this.
  17. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    My favorite quest is Cowfusion.

    Its just super random and totally wtf, and yet, has a cool bossfight at the end. I love it.
  18. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    IGN: ZockerCam
    Its really hard to choose some Quests because I love a lot (Dwarfes and Doguns, Infested Plants, Deja Vu, a sandy scandal, the heard of llevigar, an Iron heart...) but these are my favourite three ones:

    *point of no return, because it is very special and the end sequence is really nice ... and this story with your soul...it is just amazing I think. The special mechanic with the "body swiching" in that Quest makes it really unique. This quest also explains somehow why there is an eyeball-forest. Your soul also says to you that you can hurt or heal it and this is something real. The Quest really wants you to think about your decisions, the things that are important to you and the right things. Its just one of the best Quests in the game I think. Its not a "classic" Quest and that is what makes it so amazing.

    *beyond the grave, because you can enter deaths realm and this Quest explains the respawning after you die which explains an important part of the game. The Quest has also a jumpscare (I think its also something that could be used more often) This Quest has everything in my opinion: A good Story, a nice dialoge (with death, for real death is so funny), lore, a little fight... everything.

    *memory paranoia is also one of my favourite Quests because of the good story and the fact that it fits that "bigger" story of the decay. It leads you into the story of a cursed generous family. The "time travel" idea they implemented into the Quest (you always jump from the memory/the past into the presence) makes it special and interesting. It is the best Quest in the Dark/Light forest I think.

    thx for making a giveaway, would be really nice to win so I could fulfill my dream of getting a warp :D
    I didnt want to write to much because you wouldnt enjoy some headache ... I hope thats ok...
    Have a nice day!
    sry for my bad english btw.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
  19. Glitched Pixels

    Glitched Pixels Silent Constructor VIP+ GM CHAMPION

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    Favourite quest: The Order of the Grook,
    So the reasoning:
    The quest has insane replay value compared to a lot of quests, the diffrent classes show diffrent characters for the teacher presenting you with game knowledge and lore in an interesting way through the little minigames. I got to say, the minigames are all fun except fire >:C and the general atmosphere of the magical school just feels good. The quest also excites me everytime I do it because of the lovely rewards if i don't accidentally take the useless wands.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  20. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I like the new quest in silent expanse, Point of No Return. I thought it had really good writing and it uses a fresh, unique concept to develop interesting gameplay ideas.

    ign Theeef
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