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Wynncraft Should Be A Full Game

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spaetzluh, Jan 7, 2020.


Do you agree?

Poll closed Feb 7, 2020.
  1. Yes! It should be a full game.

  2. No. It should stay in Minecraft.

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  1. Spaetzluh

    Spaetzluh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    This idea has been in my head for a while now, and I think it's time to really bring attention to it.

    Wynncraft started as a project between the owners of the server: Salted and Grian. They wanted to make a fun MMORPG server in Minecraft because of the lack of servers like that in the game. It started as a small idea, but my, oh my, has it become so much more. Most people probably don't see Wynncraft as a Minecraft server anymore, they see it as an additional gamemode to Minecraft, itself. And with good reason: it's absolutely mind-blowing how big in scope it's become! That's why I think it's time to talk about something important.

    Do you guys remember Hytale? Remember how absolutely huge that trailer was for the first few months? While it's still being worked on, and likely will for months and months, that game began with a Minecraft server. Hypixel was the driving force behind the creation of that game, and I can honestly see something similar happening with Wynncraft.

    I know this whole topic is controversial to some people. A lot of people think it'd be insane to take all that work they put into the server and wash it away just to make something new that could possibly be worse. But there's an unreal amount of potential seen here. And a lot of the potential's already been realized... but Minecraft has limitations. The engine Wynncraft is working with has major limitations. And the more updates the content team adds to this server, the more apparent those limitations become.

    So now that I've discussed why Wynncraft should become a full-on MMORPG game, let's go through what it might end up as:

    Part 1: Legal Issues

    Obviously, the entirety of Wynncraft can't just be copy+pasted out of Minecraft and widely sold. That'd be illegal, and immoral. So instead, they could take inspiration from Hytale. It could be voxel-based, but work completely differently to how Minecraft works. Since there's already a resource pack for Wynncraft, a lot of art could be brought over from that. Basically, there's a lot the team could make to the core engine to avoid legal problems. Wynncraft doesn't have similar gameplay to normal Minecraft, so the core game could be easily changed to work better.

    Part 2: The Gameplay

    This part could probably be fairly similar to the server. There could be more utilities added that could improve the overall experience, along with GUI improvements. This would probably be effected the most positively if they were to actually make this game a real thing.

    Part 3: The Story

    This honestly depends on the team's vision for the game. It could have a similar story to the server, or be it's completely own thing. This part is really dependant on their decisions.

    Part 4: Continuity

    This section confuses me. Should the overall game be similar to Wynncraft? Should the separate game literally be titled "Wynncraft"? Maybe it could be in a separate universe to Wynncraft, and be it's own game.

    This server has already been a massive commitment from everybody participating in the project. I don't want all of their pure dedication and hard work to go to waste. If a separate game does end up being a real thing, I hope it doesn't mean the death of the Wynncraft server.

    The reason I made this post in the first place is to talk about wasted potential. Of course, the potential wasn't wasted in the end, because we got an incredible Minecraft server full of memorable moments and fun times. But the limitations of Minecraft just leave me with an unsettling feeling that the content team is capable of more. Much more. And I want to see their vision to the absolute fullest. That's why I want Wynncraft to be a full game.
  2. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    I doubt they could make such a financial risk , building a new game requires time and investments .
    Alltho if the wynncraft team could get a sponsor who sees how well made the wynncraft server is and thinks it has potential it could be possible , otherwise it will most likely remain a wet dream for us all.
  3. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    I'd prefer a fully orchestrated soundtrack over a standalone game to be honest.
  4. _TheRealJesus

    _TheRealJesus ._. HERO

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    it took them 6 years to get to this point, i dont think they would want to risk throwing this away to try and make a standalone game. would be sick and probably invite more people as its seen less as a minecraft server and more as a game but tbh its a massive risk and investment.
  5. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    Not all of the current Wynncraft players would continue playing Wynncraft if it was moved out of Minecraft. I don't consider Wynncraft complete yet, even, judging by the lore. The Silent Expanse took a while, so who knows how long a whole game would take?
    rainbow_elite_7 and Coffee KQ like this.
  6. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I think it's best for it to stay on minecraft. The point of the server is that it's ON MINECRAFT. It blows me away that they did this on minecraft, a game where u build stuff. This is the only MMORPG I play out of all mmorpgs because the others don't interest me as much as wynncraft, and most of it is because of minecraft itself. And I feel like making a separate game out of it would just be a huge middle finger to the guiness world record they have right now.
  7. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    I don't know if it would be as successful as it is if it wasn't made in minecraft. The fact that it's a whole different game inside of a game is what makes it so unique.
    Creating wynncraft outside of minecraft would remove all the barriers and possibly allow CT to make even more and more crazy stuff, but then it just becomes like any other MMORPG out there.

    It would be cool to do it just to se how it evolves, but I don't think it will make it much more successful/better.
  8. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    While I am 50/50 on wanting separate game, I think the charm of wynncraft is that it is based on .. well sandblock game called Minecraft, which was the whole point I’m even still here tbh, having to download separate game, etc. etc. would kill that vibe.
    Iboju likes this.
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    You're saying it "should" be a full game. Where's the money going to come from?
    burble likes this.
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    It's not going to happen, but we can dream. My vision of a standalone Wynncraft game is something similar to Trove or old Cubeworld, possibly minus the building. It would be in third person, all spells have player animations, and the world would be properly big. Also housing and backpacks and Necromancer
  11. MigatteNoGokuii

    MigatteNoGokuii Bruh Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    The technology of developing games is growing and evolving every year, so the year that wynncraft got released, wynncraft didnt have that much of a team to create its own game, so for now it would be too late, since the CT have worked for 6 years and more for this server. speaking of Wynncraft's CT, two thirds of them are volunteers, volunteers that know how to work with minecraft shit, redstones commanblock etc... but for wynncraft to become just like hytale, Hypixel (from what i read) has became a company that got many game developers that help create Hytale, So i dont think wynncraft can make their own game since the CT volunteered to help grow wynnccraft in minecraft ONLY but not create a new whole game! We may be relying on grian's youtube channel to help keep the server alive, but he also got bills on his own and family you know!
    Imagine this happening if they were to take ur idea :)

    Hypixel: Get me a lawyer to sue the wynncraft team for copying me! totally not after i copied them!
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    Jirayut likes this.
  12. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Please no
    Iboju likes this.
  13. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Not financially possible, not logistically possible, too high-risk, and goes against the original ideology to which the server is founded upon. That adds up to Wynncraft as a full game being impossible.

    Where are you going to find experienced developers? How would you convince investors to invest in your game out of the other candidates? Can you form a team that is committed enough to realise your vision? How do you plan to remain relevant in the MMO games field, amongst cutthroat competition from rookie companies to established household names?

    Even before considering how to tackle such herculean hurdles, take a step back and think of the concept upon which Wynncraft was founded.

    "The 100% mod-free MMORPG server in Minecraft".

    It should only simply stay that way.
    aFireBlaze, burble, Jbip and 4 others like this.
  14. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    it would 100% be better if it was its own game, as it would no longer be restricted by minecraft limitations

    but of course making a game is even far more taxing than the current restrictions the team faces...

    wynncraft as a whole already just seems like a passion project for the creators, and i doubt theyd be willing to invest any further
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