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Wynncraft's Geographical Impracticalities

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Benjin, Jan 2, 2020.

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  1. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Yeah that river kinda just appears out of NOWHERE
    MajorMiner likes this.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Personal headcannon is that the border mountains don’t exist in the oceans, and that eveything is scaled down for gameplay reasons. Gavel is actually about the size and latitude of the northeastern US from New York to somewhere like Illinois, Corkus is basically California, and Wynn starts on the Tropic of Capricorn and goes to the Equator.

    The sky islands are actually disconnected from the world entirely too
    Dr Zed, MajorMiner and Iboju like this.
  3. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    rivers litteraly float up in wynn lol
  4. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    reminds me of Fortnite................
  5. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    it kinda works with galleons graveyard considering its an atoll
    it could just be a volcanic arc that was created after everything moved
  6. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    Actually, fixing this is rather easy... if you get rid of most of the mountains. First of all, we must change the scale. If we change every 10 blocks into 1 kilometer, we've successfully made each of the "cities" into actual cities, as well as made all the biomes and travel distances somewhat believable. Next, we can treat all the mountains from the Fruman gate to the Silent Expanse as one large mountain range that extends even beyond the map, we can see that that makes sense as well. The mountains that separate the Almuj desert from the Ocean can just be removed and replaced with more Mediterranean terrain. We can also remove the mountains at the back of the desert, and surmise that the desert is actually much larger than it appears on the map.

    Next of all, we can removed the mountains that make the sea landlocked, and separate most of the mountains that separate Gavel from the ocean from Karoc Quarry to the Aldori Valley, as the top-right corner can be assumed to be a mountain range with some volcanic activity, and L Since we previously changed the scale of the entire map, I think we can also safely change the size of the islands. Selchar and Corkus are fine rescaled by a factor 100 like the rest of the map, but the other islands can only be scaled up slightly, making them much more smaller that they appear.

    After this, we can also remove the east, west, and north mountain ranges in Gavel and safely assume that to the east is a small amount of land and then the ocean, the north is mostly forested, gradually turning into tundra regions and arctic seas, and the west is a continuation of the Ahms region as well as the mountains.

    Finally let's fix the Wynn province. Personally I like to think of Wynn as a large island, with Fruma as a large peninsula separated by mountains to the north and a heavily militarized river, similar to the Rhineland between WWI and WWII, to the south. Theorick's protective ice is somehow able to not only protect from corruption, but from the looks of it, possibly Dernic decay as well. I therefor concluded that this likely means the mountainous edges of the Silent Expanse are protected by Theorick's ice, meaning the only location that is not are the Rymek canyons. I assume that the other side of Theorick's protectorate, as I will henceforth call it, is simply a less mountainous jungle region until it gradually turns back into sea.

    Here is my poorly edited version of the map:
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