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My Hopes For The Future Of Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by That_Chudley, Dec 31, 2019.

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  1. GetALifeNerd

    GetALifeNerd Steel Balls.

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    Well practically it was a HUGE nerf that made lootrunning trash. Post 1.18 I opened more than 200 chests to test out lootrunning with a 250% LB build and got 8 rares and 2 legendaries. It made LB completely useless, most chests just gave 4 emeralds and some pots.

    I've opened tier 4 chests with that build and only gotten 4 emeralds and a unique or two, maybe a rare if I get SUPER lucky. Overall it was a fat nerf, made me give up lootrunning.

    Reason it was a nerf was simply because the chests spawned back in too frequently and other players looted chests and if you opened a tier 4 as it respawned it was completely worthless unless nobody had been in the area for awhile. Despite it being technically a buff, practically it was far from it.

    A way client side lootrunning could work is exactly like how it currently works but clientside. Longer you are on without opening a certain chest, the more it gets filled up (With a limit for each tier. Tier 4s could be completely filled up, tier 3s could have 2 rows filled, tier 2s could have one row filled and tier 1s could have 6 slots filled, just a potential way to balance things so you don't get 1000 items from a tier 1)
  2. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    oh boy more people complaining about professions. lovely. if you don't have the time or care to do them, don't do them. you are missing out on nothing except for feeling cool (and depressed) and endgame crafted items, which you can have crafted for you or purchase from the market anyway.

    bro... i dunno what your lootrunning luck is like but i get jack shit so lol
    please make loot chests client side :(
    Iboju and NITEHAWKX like this.
  3. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    That is where server up-time comes into play. Servers that have been running for longer (haven't restarted in a while) will have much better loot. Also if you get only 8 rares and 2 legendaries out of 200 chests, there is absolutely no way you are running on an old server.
  4. Droger

    Droger Self proclaimed "Dungeon Master" VIP+

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    The only thing I have is the client side loot chests, I think that with that comes more items that might ruin the market. The reset is fine tho
  5. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I have done professions. I'm over level 100 in every profession and that's why I KNOW that they suck. It's not some random uninformed opinion, I'm speaking from experience. And also, the fact that so many people complain about it is because there's a serious problem with them.
    Iboju likes this.
  6. GetALifeNerd

    GetALifeNerd Steel Balls.

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    Old server and whether people have been on the server and looted the chests recently is a very stupid thing to depend on. Making chests clientside would fix everything.

    Instead of depending on the age of the server it would depend on how long you have been on the server. Say total uptime is 3 hours. If you're on for 2 hours doing quests and just playing wynn in general and then decide to go lootrunning on Rodorocc, Silent Expanse or Corkus (Maybe all 3 if you are fast) you would get decent loot. It won't be overpowered because it would depend on how long you are on the server.

    Having to depend on both server age and whether other players have looted chests is a pretty bad system yes? I never had this issue pre 1.18, its clear that currently loot running or just chests in general are not very reliable to use.

    "Also comparing client side gathering to client side loot chests is not fair at all, as gathering refreshes extremely fast compared to loot chests, and doesn't have a higher effect when it hasn't been used for a while (unlike loot chests)."

    Well I wasn't comparing it in that way. With gathering being clientside nobody "fights" over resources, something that currently happens with loot running and something I'd like to fix by having the chests clientside. Having your lootrun disturbed because someone else opened all the t4 chests and now made them useless is pretty sad.

    Its a tier 4, the highest tier that isn't very common. Does it matter? No. Why? Because someone opened it recently and you have to wait for the chest to age for it to be worth something. Of course some random could just walk in on you waiting for the chest to respawn, open it before you and get 4 emeralds for it.

    No point in waiting cause anyone can just open the chest and reset the timer. Is this a good system? If so please do tell me why. I think regardless of server age, 200 chests and only that much loot is an absolute scam. Whats the point of waiting when someone else is just going to loot the chest and make it useless?

    I don't think you really have a point unless you genuinely believe that the current system is practical and relies on anything other than luck. If so please tell me why you think the current system is practical.
  7. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I completely agree with you that loot chests need to be changed. Client side loot chests is one way of doing it. You would know that I agree with you had you read my earlier post on this thread:
  8. GetALifeNerd

    GetALifeNerd Steel Balls.

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    Well if you look at your Alerts, you can see that I've already liked that comment before you posted this, I did read it but the main reason why I was commenting was because of this:

    Sounded like you were defending the current system, age of the server shouldn't matter, my point was the sheer number of chests opened with 250% LB was absolutely useless because of the current system, point wasn't about running on an old server it was about how useless the chests are without getting lucky, age of server mostly doesn't matter unless your server is brand new which we both agree is a bad thing to rely on.

    Here you said that loot chests didn't receive a nerf in 1.18 and that they actually got buffed.

    Here I explained that practically it was not a buff despite technically appearing to be one. I also mentioned the 200 chests I opened to test loot chests out in this post.

    Also on how I compared loot chests to gathering.

    I'm sure you've already read all this but it was just to show you where I was coming from and why I said what I did and to also summarise our conversation with all the context.

    Just to be clear I'm not picking any fights, we both agree that the current system needs a rework but, it did sound that you were defending the current system from my perspective so I was a bit unnecessarily aggressive there so I apologise.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
    __Excel likes this.
  9. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    My opinion is that loot chests definitely need a rework, But I don't think client side loot chests is the solution (which is an unpopular opinion when you look at the rest of this thread). I, (much like you), think that the current system where older servers have better loot, is a very dumb mechanic to have and must be changed. If we are going to be reworking loot chests, many more things must be changed, not just whether loot chests are client/server side.
    I am also sorry if I seemed aggressive. When threads like these are created on the forums, there are often people that comment on them with points that are invalid, and they don't quite know what they are talking about. Since your first post on this thread stated that loot chests receive a hard nerf in 1.18, and you didn't give your explanation (which I know understand is completely legitimate), I only wanted to clear things up.
    GetALifeNerd likes this.
  10. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    What I hope for most is more spoilers and less “large” updates that have just 1 hour of play time at most. Updates that have only 4-5 quests for an area that is about the size of an area with 6+ quests.

    personally i would not mind longer wait times if the updates included more content (even if they were just short quests or more things to do that aren’t insanely times consuming or don’t pay off until the end game) and there were more spoilers showing progress on the latest update
    Spinel, btdmaster and Druser like this.
  11. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    Wouldn't it be cool if some quests instead of giving an item that's useless most the time actually gave you a set armor/accessory piece, and completing many quests will leave you with a powerful set of armor instead of some useless helmet.
  12. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    I get your point but I think you’re ignoring everything else in the update.

    New mob designs, better AI, more dungeons, more gameplay mechanics, A whole new class, Item changes and rebalances, a new area to explore with great discoveries, new items along with a new rarity, major ids, reworked dungeons, reworked quests (outside of dern) and also reworked areas. Not to mention...

    Colossal rat.

    To be honest a year is a healthy time to wait for updates, and the update was by no means small.


    1hour of playtime? lmao no.
  13. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    1. CGG won't make any sense.
    2. CGG won't complete the forgery, there's still a portal for a Fallen factory-looking theme. CFF won't make any sense either.

    other than that i agree with almost everything else in here.
    Corkus does need more quests and attention, Gavel needs to be reworked a bit, Guilds need to be polished.
    Bloomi needs to be added
    I'd really love it if we can get the promised gavel dungeons and a general rework for some of the quests there.
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