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Hey Guys Remember The Nether Yeah Me Neither

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spaetzluh, Dec 29, 2019.



Poll closed Jan 12, 2020.
  1. Nether cool

    27 vote(s)
  2. Nether more like never

    23 vote(s)
  3. The End is my Dad

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Spaetzluh

    Spaetzluh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    yeah didn't think so.

    Wynncraft has always been far more focused on PVE rather than PVP. That's completely understandable, but I'm still gonna complain because my brain juices are flowing and I need to spread the juices to you lovely people.

    We can all agree the Nether died right? No I'm not talking about the stuff in the Nether, I'm talking about the whole dimension. It just died. That's it. No joke here. It's like full-on dead. Like me a Monday morning.

    Let's revive the Nether and give a whole new coat of paint. Instead of having it be a feature right from the start like it used to be, there can be a quest attached that can unlock it. That'd fix the issue that only level 100's would even dare enter such a vile place.

    I'm not gonna discuss what the quest would be (because I'm lazy and that takes w o r k) but it would be in the level 90 range and upon completion would unlock the Nether and all of it's wacky assortments.

    Now onto the actual dimension...
    Let's scrap the idea it's just some random map where players duke it out for no reason. There can be real benefits. Maybe the most successful players can get tickets for the marketplace where they can spend them and save a whole bunch of emeralds!

    There would be 3 modes: Duels, Survival, and Hunting.

    - Duels Mode -
    The classic Wynncraft PVP. For those who want a normal, boring experience (I'm not biased shut up). You can select any of your classes, and duke it out. However, only your hotbar, accessories, and armor gets transferred over. That means you can only have a max of 5 potions, and a weapon, so as to keep things from taking literally centuries. Of course, you can mix & match the hotbar and all that. There would have to be a lot of balancing for this mode. Bow range would definitely have to be reduced because let's face it, if it stayed the same, every other class' asscheeks would be clapped so hard they'd be sent into anaphylactic shock.

    - Survival -
    Did someone say Fortnite? No? You're saying the game is dead? Alright, I can't argue with that, but still. This has potential! Drop a typical survival-games-sized amount of players into a map and spawn loot chests randomly. There won't be any pre-made class choosing in this mode, since that'd ruin everything and we don't want that, do we? So you'll get dropped off, and there's a 3-minute grace period to gather as much loot as possible (All weapon types can be used by the way). Once that time is up, it's time for some epic person-on-person action. The last man (or woman, or wolf, I'm not sexist) standing takes a fat W.

    - Hunting -
    It's cops and robbers: Wynncraft edition! I couldn't think of a cool name so now it's just that one mode from the main game nobody plays! Games are with about 8 players, 2 of them being "cops" and the rest being "robbers." The cops' jobs are to defend NPCs from getting yeeted across the galaxy by those damn robbers. If the NPCs still lay concious by the 5-minute mark, the cops end victorious, and the robbers take one of the fattest L's I think I've ever seen.

    I'm very sorry you had to read all that. Honestly, why didn't you just use a text-to-speech reader? What's wrong with you? Are you a boomer or something? Some people...

    In all seriousness, I hope the Nether gets a revamp. It could become a hub for Wynn's PVP players. It could be so e p i c if they just cook it in the oven long enough. Now it's a matter if they'll buy an oven that big enough. Fingers crossed!
    m0chu | anson, Melkor, Geag and 10 others like this.
  2. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    Hey, I remember the Nether. It was the only place you could get GC (Gold Coins) for the in-game store for free. It was only one GC if you won either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.
    Melkor likes this.
  3. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    What's up with all these suggestions not in the general suggestions section?

    I agree nonetheless.
  4. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    why are people acting like the nether was even remotely a positive experience when it existed? certain builds (ahem poison) absolutely dominated because the game isn't balanced around pvp. hunted mode is an example of how trying to push pvp doesn't work.
  5. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I remember the Nether bcz one day I decided to go in but I discovered that int doesn't work for some obscure reason. So I just got rekt by some random guys bcz archer just one-shot you without you can do anything if you don't have mobility.

    So I was like : "Ok." and I never went in the nether again after that.
  6. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    The Nether is a important area of lore, it's most likely going to be recycled for lore purposes, this could be added anywhere else, actually, it could replace the weird grind spot (which was nerfed to a point it became irrelevant) and instead be a arena of sorts.
    m0chu | anson and BethJerry like this.
  7. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Yeah thats great I didnt read the whole thread yet but @Thonck never tell me youre gonna spread your juices to me again. Thanks man

    EDIT: Aight read it all, first of put this in General Suggestions, next up here are some immediate thoughts.
    Hunting would be a joke. Robbers would toss a shaman totem and spam aura. If theres gonna be a defend the NPC in Wynncraft PvP, it will have to be the most regulated modular shit ever, or people would either never do it or leave if they get cop.

    secondly, though itd be fun to use any weapon for any class that sets up the most bullshitty tactics ever. Oh you want to survive >10s? Sorry, that guy who found a wand and dagger just teleported up to you and multihit/spinned you. Or that guy just charged into you with an arrow storm.

    I think the suggestion has potential, but more thought needs to go into it
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
    Iboju likes this.
  8. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    ok but like imagine wasting a BIG oasis for lore if they had a content drought to make fortnite in minecraft

    also, poison is cancer, even though cancer became necrosis
    Iboju likes this.
  9. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I vaguely remember entering the nether as a level 40 archer and immediately getting one-shot three times by a sniper who I never found out their name.
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