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Info Item Team Thread - Item/ingredient/major Id Changes, Updates & More (updated 28/03/2020)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Major_Lue, Sep 27, 2019.

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  1. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    Any planned changes to raw melee ingredients?
  2. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    RevenStorm gaming
  3. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Raw Melee Damage: 70 -> 90 (27 to 117)

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  4. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    you tried...
    Asthae likes this.
  5. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Are these in with 1.19.2?
  7. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Epicness937 and Druser like this.
  8. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Time rift really needs it's -mana regen removed im just saying cause by giving it that -2 to -4 mana you are essentially removing use to use the item outside of the few spells that stack in really powerful ways (basically just totem on shaman). Why would I choose to have -2 to -4 mana regen to gain alot of spell damage and the chance to cast a spell a second time when I can just as easily get more mana and spell damage from other items. I just doesn't make sense to me as id rather have +4 or +6 mana regen than -2 to -4 and get that id as that +4 to +6 mana will let me manually spam out extra spells. I get the item was op...cause yeah it was I just think it was really nerfed the wrong way.

    on another note I like the changes to grillface.

    One other question though and that is the Abyss Imbued leggings which still feel a bit under powered in my opinion, especially compared to some of the other hive master spell or melee items available. Earth/water/air is kinda weird right now as it lacks items similar to abyss so that could be part of the issue but I feel like the item itself feels a bit underwealming when compared with other items of similar caliber. Chaos woven and eden blessed are both stronger leggings in my opinion but not used in the same builds. But generally if im making a spell air build im going to use boreal crown over abyss because acquiring mana regen on air builds is far easier than acquiring mana steal. Then if im using air melee im going to use twilight guilded cause getting mana steal on thunder is alot easier. If i want a hybrid build I'd probably go with Elysium cause, again, the elemental setup makes items for that purpose easier to obtain. Abyss overall is by no means bad it just isnt that amazing, Personally I'd increase the mana steal to make the playstyle more workable due to the difficulty of getting mana steal on these build types. I've rambled on long enough...and maybe it's just me feeling this but who knows.
    Druser likes this.
  9. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    I think they should just buff the major ID on Time Rift so there's a higher chance of a spell working again (and it does so without consuming mana). Imo it has a very reasonable drawback due to the nature of its playstyle but buffing it wouldn't hurt.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  10. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    hey who are you ignoring

    Eden-Blessed is literally missing 350 raw spell + 15% elemental damages and further harasses your ability to increase damage with its def req, which makes it difficult to work with if you're going for the same level of damage. I don't see it competing with Abyss-Imbued in the same category of builds.

    So where does it say that Abyss-Imbued needs to be purely built towards mana steal? I'm accustomed to using a combination of regen and steal (something like 7/7 works just fine). Also BPC's generally used over Abyss-Imbued not because of the availability of mana regen, but because it's simply offering higher damage.

    How is Abyss-Imbued melee-oriented? Again, they don't compete in the same category.

    The EFA archetype is a stronger hybrid option than EWA? What am I reading? I don't even know what to say anymore, Just… no.

    Off the top of my head I think Abyss-Imbued already received a mana steal buff at some point since its introduction, but I might be wrong. In any case, Abyss-Imbued and Diamond Hydro Necklace alone already take your total mana steal to 7… if you somehow have trouble finishing up the work on mana sustain with 6 pieces plus your weapon, then you'll have to show me what the problem is. I find it difficult to believe.
    Druser, XavierEXE and Bart (MC) like this.
  11. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I didn't see this post. Regardless while I understand the point I still fail to understand why...I PERSONALLY feel that having more mana to mess with is generally more useful than this major id. and yes i do understand the chest plate gives alot of damage.

    I'm not comparing it to the same builds but rather an item to item basis. Yes I understand this is a bad way to go about this i'm just attempting (and apparently failing) to make a point.

    With the 4/4 mana steal id? I suppose its got no -mana regen so there's that...

    the 350 raw melee and lifesteal as well as the two similar elements, to me at least, make this item melee or at least hybrid oriented.

    No need to completely disregard everything I'm saying here everyone's got opinions clearly I got an unpopular one :)
    Personally I like EFA over EWA due to the defenses and near equal damages over the additional intel EWA gives. Perhaps I've not taken enough time attempting to break both archetypes.

    My point isn't that mana sustain isn't attainable its that compared to mana regen (or mana steal under a water/thunder elemental umbrella) you have to sacrifice alot less damage to get this sustain as you do EWA because earth and air damage items with mana steal are much harder to comeby than ones with water or thunder damage.
  12. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Nerf Arkhalis
  13. Treebeard68

    Treebeard68 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'm pretty sure it did get nerfed, it only gets 5.9k auras now

    (Which is still pretty good)

    It has 127-297 thunder damage now, old damage was 127-437 I believe.
    HV_Metal, Altakar and Epicness937 like this.
  14. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    Oh? Probably missed it, I scrolled through the logs but didn't see this one at all. Anyways, thank you for clarifying.
  15. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    @Major_Lue Any plans to improve air powders ability? The current state of wind prison and Dodge feels really underwhelming compared to the other elements counterpart. The wind prison is barely a prison, it literally just lift the enemies for like 5 sec (which doesn't feel like 5 sec), that's barely good enough do any damage. Dodge is even trickier since air build usually has low hp and you wouldn't be close to enemies to use the ability to its maximum capability. Perhaps an increase in duration for wind prison or increase in damage? Maybe rework how dodge works? Such as damage increase based on the distance covered (because you always run around on an air build).
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  16. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Time Rift - 1- - 3 Mana Regen would be better
    Jirayut and Epicness937 like this.
  17. MikAsk123

    MikAsk123 Buff Warrior

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    Add loot quality onto non-crafted items pls
    Jirayut, Epicness937 and SmileyAlec like this.
  18. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Either massively increase the weaken effect from wind prison, make it not end after one hit, or rework it entirely
    Epicness937 likes this.
  19. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    About Air Prison, I kind of wanted it to be changed to be like a "Breath of the Wild" Stasis Effect...
    It just kind of makes me think of it, also it being changed into something like a tornado also works(pull and dps)...
    Epicness937 likes this.
  20. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Personally thoughts on shaman mythic reliks also now that ive messed with them on wynndata (minus the level 77 one)
    Sunstar seems really good but not totally broken. The damage in melee spell and hybrid all seems reasonable for a mythic of it's type. I personally think adding something like a -15 defense or -15 agility wouldn't hurt as I found I was able to build this thing to be a bit more tanky than it maybe should be for the amount of damage I could output. but overall I like it.

    for toxoplasmoses poison seemed stupid to me for a mythic at first but actually this thing seems neat for heavy melee weirdness and SPIDER BUILD haven't found to much use beyond that though. neat item i'm happy

    Absolution seems kinda good but not great in my opinion. The weapon concept seems really cool as from what i've gathered you use it to regen large amounts of hp from the totem spell which is basically free when using this weapon. You then get some mana sustain and addition hp/defenses and water damage to boost healing. the whole weapon itself is really good in concept and really I would say with some small damage tweeks or perhaps more defenses would be great. But right now it just feels a little weak as being a class that is kinda glassy being confined to your totem and solely reliant on the 35% damage boost seems far from ideal. Regardless play style wise this item looks amazing and i'm gonna buy one when I can afford it :3
    on a side note I can't help but feel this item perhaps could be re adjusted to use a major id...

    The air relik, whatever it was called, seems neat. cant really tell how exactly you use it but all around seems alright, nothing super amazing and special but still good and all. Given I can't tell how you are supposed to play it idk how i'd change it or if it even needs any.

    Fantasia is interesting to say the least. Overall I think it's id dependence can make it both really good and really bad. When dealing with -4/4 mana regen the weapon looks very powerful and probably like the second strongest relik in the game...but when dealing with -8/4 mana regen the weapon drawbacks feel far to great to make up for the damage and low spell costs it possess as mana in rainbow builds can be difficult to come by. Aside from the id dependence this weapon is really awesome. One thought I have for this is just make mana regen and spell cost into a major id that's like "lose 4 (or 5) mana regeneration but gain a 33% spell cost reduction." or something. Just a thought to make the item a bit less id dependant.

    And hadal....AHHHHHHH WHAT THE HECK???
    This item is just...absolutely ungodly. I actually tested in wynndata and you could get 8.5 auras (good for a legendary weapon) IF YOU CUT THE DAMAGE IN HALF!! It's just a bit high on the damage I think for all the benifits it has to offer. I think the resonable way to nerf it would be adjustments to the spell costs so that 2-1-2-3 wasn't so easy to obtain on it.
    sooooo yeah...y'all might wanna tweek this mythic a bit...

    I will say this mythic, much like pure and nirvana, opens up the topic of if we should make positive ids have a smaller range...but until more are found I won't go down that rabbit hole.

    Revenant seem really neat and in earth air builds I expect to be really useful. I may or may not have gone off on abyss leggings not having enough items to pair with them...but these are perfect! melee boosts and other earth and air attributes with only -melee % to make pure %melee really difficult seems awesome and fitting to the items. Love it.

    Stardew seem absolutely amazing. As an item they look like the lovechild of sine and mementos on steroids. Raw spell builds with these are gonna be nuts (and ive already found some ways to abuse them...) but they don't feel utterly broken cause of that -mana regen.

    Dawnbreak for heavy melee seem neat. With the recent nerfs to the tiers and raw damage I think its alright and fits well with the heavy melee meta...when it rolls 6000+ raw I tend to think it might be a little on the strong side but it serves its purpose very well. Perhaps add a -earth damage id to make quake abuse more difficult.

    Moontower is very situational but when those situations come around it is NUTS.

    Resurgence is the item here I personally find kinda...eh. Hellstrand, Monster, and ignis, the most popular fire spell weapons got damage adjustments reducing their max damage to be more balanced with hp, lifesteal, and defenses. However this means these weapons spell damage outputs are lower than most others and then being fire, spell% and fire% can sometimes be difficult to find in items. With resurgence that's where I see a problem, the mana you get is great, the defenses are great, the intel points are outstanding, and the raw hp regen, while not very useful on its own when stacked with items that have hight %hpr (like hetusol) can be very powerful. But the problem is just, why? Why should I use this item over something like memento sine capri, or gaea hewn all of which offer similar benefits as well as damage. the -spell on this item just doesn't make much sense to me especially given this item is a mythic tier item.
    One possible thought I have if removing spell% isn't creative enough or whatever is to give it a major id called "resurgence" as the word means "a revival" where from spells you deal X% of the fire damage dealt last spell "X" seconds after the spell landed
    TLDR: feels underwhelming and like there's generally better more useful options and theres a major id idea.

    As for the old boot changes
    Crusade feels like a very nice mythic statue without the walkspeed and overall with the skillpoints seems really cool!

    Galleon I personally feel should have a spell id too but regardless is quite nice for earth/water builds of most types. chaos archetype boots seem nice as using chaos leggings alot of the -thunder can be countered.

    Slayer idk honestly. Using it in builds it doesn't feel like it offers me anything I can't get elsewhere it's not a problem with the item itself being bad it's just that it doesn't feel unique or special in really any way. Just kinda has a bunch of somewhat correlated ids slapped together to me. Perhaps I'm the only one who has felt this way but that's just my take.

    Warchief is gud...what alternate timeline is this? for real these boots actually make up for their drawbacks! granted damage can be extremely id dependent but overall these boots are absolutely great!

    Boreal...my second favorate mythic only to Idol...YEAH YEET!!! These boots feel perfect for what they should do. The provide sustainability only when paired with other regen like items making them not overly op on their own but very strong when built properly. A perfect model of mythic boots, not broken, there are non mythic alternatives, only good in specific builds, but really damn good.
    That's all thanks for coming to my ted talk!

    P.S. Rainbow mythic boots when?
    Jirayut, Bart (MC), Stag2001 and 5 others like this.
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