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What Did You Think Of Point Of No Return And A Journey Beyond?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Dec 13, 2019.


Which was your favorite

  1. A Journey Beyond

  2. Point of No Return

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  1. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    PONR is a good quest but A Journey Beyound is better, I like the story, the cutscenes, and of course two new "Elements" Dark and Light, it would be realy cool if they were existed!
  2. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    PONR is, in my opinion, the best quest so far. It didn't leave me stuck or wanting to quit midway, it felt doable, and it used a lot of mind-blowing stuff.

    Pandemonium kinda messed with the soul segment though :o

    And the part where a bunch of players run at you can be "skipped" by walking forward after failing, which is mostly likely unintended.
  3. Rekye

    Rekye Stop DMing ME

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    PONR, was great, but the avatar reference was the best
  4. JujuDeLaVallée

    JujuDeLaVallée To what end ? VIP

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    A journey beyond :
    The fact that we re-find aledar is a good things, he helped us in the beginning, and we helped him at the end, the circle is complete.
    The quest itself is well made, good "cinematics", the quest slowly but surely introduces us into the silent expanse.
    The way many characters die brings out the "dark" and "terrifying" side of the silent expanse.
    Nothing more to say, the quest is really good.
    Point of no return :
    The concept behind the quest is very interesting. It allows us to learn a lot about Lutho and its inhabitants.
    However, I think there is a big problem in the quest.
    The puzzles: In themselves, they are well done and original.
    But I think they don't fit the context of the quest at all, that is to say a kind of spiritual journey. Why do we have to solve a jump course, fight eyes, avoid other souls, etc. to get to an immaterial city with our own soul? Did I miss something ?

    (Sorry for my English by the way >,<)
  5. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    There's actually a lot of skippable dialogue in A Journey Beyond - for instance, when you're talking to the blacksmith, you can hold right click and fast forward thru the dark/light animation dialogue. However you can't really skip the walk and talk so if that's what your talking about, that's fair.
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    As Druser had stated in a reply after I had posted this, the dialogue became skippable later on and was not present when I had done the quest. Either way, there's still a shitload of it thanks to walking sections like you mentioned.
    NITEHAWKX and brokenmotor like this.
  7. sn0w____

    sn0w____ A storm is coming...

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    Well a Jorney Further literally broke my class and now i can’t even leave Lutho so... A journey beyond.
  8. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    PoNR is actually up there with my favorite quests, Shattered Minds, Beyond the Grave, and ???
    All of the stages are unique and fun, and guess what? NO PARKOUR! We had reverse-reverse parkour, but that was lowkey really fun, and I'd love to see similar mechanics in other quests
    It was a phenomenal lore quest, explained a shit ton of stuff, really made you vibe with it (the perfect darkness all around you really made you feel like you were stuck in... well, a place with no escape... a point of no return)
    No running back and forth between cities, no forgetting an item and needing to run to a bank, no fetch
    Very fun

    As for aJB, it's OK. Provides an intro to the Silent Expanse, gives some lore, has some stages.
    But, I mean, this is our first exposure to Dern (discounting lore mentioned by secret discoveries, those Dead Island bad boys-- which I don't even know if they have any relation to Dern, and Fantastic Voyage-- again, no clue)
    So, to be honest, this quest, our first real intro to an entirely new region, different than anything we've seen before (instead of having a ton of safe cities scattered around the map, with dangerous areas between, it is pretty much all dangerous), was lackluster. Bland stages which we have mostly seen before:
    -That fetch stage of item from Corrupted Roots (oh boy old Wynn fetch quests, here we come-- also Olmic Rune. At least we didn't have to walk to Roots)
    -Fight a boss (hmm, I wonder)
    -Run through an area, just to get through it (we've done this before, I liked the slowly losing companions, but having Lucio go first would make so much more sense- he was more impulsive than Elphaba)
    -Mini Challenges to acquire things (kind of like Dojo quest)
    -I'm going to count the lava stage as a non-linear parkour, which I really liked actually (in the belly of the worm)
    -Escort Stage (oh god, the Canyon Guide but where Aledar won't help you at all)

    Overall, for aJB, all the stages were well-made, well-built, and well-dialogued, but there were no really new ideas, which is kind of disappointing for the intro to a new area (now that I think of it, though, none of the intro quests to a region introduce anything truly new. Oh well, a tragedy)

    TLDR; PoNR is a phenomenal quest, which the only bad thing I have to say about it is the fact that in the swapping parkour I always glitched through the blocks when I swapped

    aJB is well-made, but lackluster and tbh, unimaginative
    Druser likes this.
  9. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    AJB Is my favorite quest in wynn and I also really liked PoNR, no constructive comment from me this time tho :(
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