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Any Class Many Shaman Builds

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Druser, Dec 16, 2019.

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  1. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Here's a bunch of shaman builds for many common endgame weapons. Please add a Shaman class thread prefix.

    Generally speaking you can judge Shaman's Aura damage on Wynndata the way you would the old Assassin Spin damage plus 20%, since Wynndata doesn't include the Totem boost, a simple x1.35 to all damage (sadly the 30% conversion on Aura cripples a bunch of builds, much as Thunder conversion does on spin, etc.). Note Wynndata is currently on 1.19.0 - if I use 1.19.1 or 1.19.2 items I'll custom them or sometimes just be too lazy to use them lol (although should be updated soon anyway).

    Lower WF spell with a bunch of -Aura cost so you can become the spellspammer you always wanted to be (hi IMs Lower is OP).

    The Watched spell with literally maxed heals and high damage and really amusing tiny negative ele defs which I swear I did not intend for lol. Anyway Gay Sanc allows for actually usable rainbow items finally, acting to some extent as a Hive Armor stand-in.

    The End ETA melee with a giant chunk of lifesteal, manages to be competitive despite the unfavorable attack speed since it has such high base damage and natural lifesteal (don't let the big numbers fool you, this is good but normal for melee shaman and also remember 50% class defense).

    Cryoseism EWA spell hybrid one of the most straightforward shaman items, I expect it to see a lot of use.

    Conference Call TWF spell hybrid it's Black, not that complicated considering the Black meta is very well-developed. Note this is 1.19.2 Anima. And yes, I just used Memento with hybrid :P

    Inferna Flamewreath WF spell gamer 129 Int -1 aura cost and exactly 100 Def sp possible. Please don't laugh at me for using Anya's Penumbra cause I was too lazy to find a better option.

    Arkhalis TWA spell witness the epicness of glassy Arkhalis, one of like maybe half a dozen competitive rare weapons in the game. (hey IMs maybe give Arkhalis more health penalty or something cause this is kinda strong)

    You were expecting TWA Salpinx, but it was me, TFA heavy melee/spell hybrid Salpinx! Anyway this is a super cool option with pretty okay (actually mediocre but w/e) heavy melee stats, a decent amount of lifesteal, literal 1 mana Aura cost with no Int because Salpinx/Heph is gamer, and finally TFA gets to see the light of day. Feast your eyes on this abomination. (you all know how to build an air weapon anyway so here's something fun)

    Procrastination tanky rainbow-ish spell the item which has been memed endlessly, effectively has only one use case anyway so here's the standard spell tank which I expect will predominate.

    Witness Overdrive TWA spell which is pretty strong although this build is rather on the glassy side compared to the majority of preceding spell builds (Arkhalis being the big exception). Also consider abusing the +tier for wack quad builds (cumu medeis dawnbreak? idk).

    Arbalest EWF spell works solidly. The -4th spell cost kind of does nothing, since if you use it for melee it's not like you're getting anything off of using Uproot anyway.

    Epic Silver Sound WFA spell because I can (it's pretty good too, gamer -4 Aura cost and 150 defensive sp)

    There's certainly more neat stuff - I've missed a lot of melee options - but I'm getting tired now.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
    Dawnpath, NotFunny, Boyd and 16 others like this.
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    More builds, hitting a bunch of random rares this time (just whatever catches my fancy, I'm not going to waste time building for Timthriall or whatever).

    EWF Sigil of Resistance pretty tanky, low damage but I guess you have Courage.

    Disgraceful ETA Vagabond's Disgrace build which I totally didn't just slap Ornate Shadow for health and raging wind for walkspeed onto. Imo there's a dual problem here, both with Virgo's reqs being maybe a bit too low and with Ornate Shadow Armor having a giant amount of health.

    ETW Misfit spell though ETW lacks the support it needs to work well, although it works better on Shaman (and Archer) than most other classes since there isn't any raw spell access in ETW it still isn't very good.

    TFA One Thousand Voices heavy melee/spell hybrid variation on my Salpinx build from above. Might as well take advantage of that guaranteed exploding to do epic damage.

    EWA Hardcore spell still happily abusing Anya's Penumbra even though practically speaking using it would be very annoying because of the spell cost so Olive/Dia Hydro is probably better (and just skip master hive lol).

    ETF Silent Night heavy melee damage oriented but it also uses Chain Lightning (so it's automatically not damage oriented rip).
  3. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    ETA The End Hybrid builds:
    More melee (21.5k melee/9.8k aura)
    More mana, a bit less damage (19.1k melee/9.7k aura)

    daily reminder that new virgo is amazing and should be on every ET-involving build
    one_ood likes this.
  4. Treebeard68

    Treebeard68 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Coragon42 and Endercomet like this.
  5. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Bump cause this thread was abandoned for SOME REASON
    starx280 likes this.
  6. touhoku

    touhoku heavy spell pioneer Item Team CHAMPION

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    Druser likes this.
  7. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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  8. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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  9. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Well it's less than 3 months, and some of these are still viable
    Epicness937 likes this.
  10. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    lets keep druser's thread alive these are some neat builds :)
  11. Coragon42

    Coragon42 Build Maker in Training HERO

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    One of the neat things about shaman WF builds is that they can dual-wield Inferna and Cryo. Here's your build with Inferna and with Cryo. However, my questionable personal preference is not to have negative passive health regen (even though Totem provides constant heals) so I changed up the build to counter Sizzling Shawl. Here's Inferna and here's Cryo.

    Version with positive health regen

    For those who care about ele defs (please don't hurt me)

    For more dmg and health regen (but no lifesteal)

    Version with no negative health regen, 100+ exploding, higher dps, and better ele defs BUT much lower lifesteal/walkspeed

    Very simple swapout for non-mythic version (because I'm broke)

    Simple accessory switches for more mr (at the cost of some damage)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
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