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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I glare at her and say "I got attacked in Jonathans house by someguy in armor, i got lucky and didn't get killed, so i though it would be safer here"
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae laughed embarrassedly at the sudden tone shift, waving her hand dismissively. "Oh, come on, there's no need to call me that. And I don't know, what do you guys do for fun around here? I normally go to the Forges on my free time, but I don't know if you guys do the same."
  3. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva chuckles, before standing up.
    "Come now, I also see that you have some skill in magic. Not using your skills in the pursuit of something is just a waste. I shall be taking my leave now. I assure you that I will do my best to return tomorrow."
  4. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (hi I'm done with finals and back home so I'm super sorry for the delay, expect A LOT of replies because of break. literally updates at least once per day. I'm making it happen, yes.)
    Kylian rushed over to his workstation, filling his bag with tools, gadgets, and journals. His mind was still rattled by his grandfather's magic within his office, but he doesn't want to waste time thinking about that. Whatever reason they are leaving the smithy is the most important thing to him now. Calling out to his grandfather several times, the old man finally replied,

    "Get to the front door and stay there! I'll be back in just a moment, make sure nothing gets inside!"

    From where he stood, Kylian heard some kind of stone moving underneath him and footsteps slowly growing silent. The grating sound of the stone was heard once more, a curt thud signaling its end of its motion.

    The woman frowned a bit before rolling her eyes, turning back towards the bar,

    "Yeah okay, sure. We also got attack by some chaotic spirits too, but hey! We're lucky we didn't die-"

    One of the guild members thumped her fist against a table, the room turning towards him,

    "Enough. None of us will still be alive unless we work together and figure this all out. Kollin, whatever that figure may be, that'll have to wait until we find Jonathan again. We're planning on heading out in a few moments to go looking for him, would you like to accompany us? You don't need too unless you absolutely want too. Staying here at Goldenberry isn't a bad idea either-"

    The shriek of the female guild member from before alerted Kollin and as the woman drew her daggers, Beci called out to her,

    "Wait, please! I'm with Kollin!!"

    The guild members scanned Beci before turning to Kollin, a suspicious look on all their faces as the male guild member spoke up once more,

    "What is this woman doing here, Kollin?"

    Rez gave a soft 'Hmm' as he thought to himself, the duo walking for a minute or so in silence. As they rounded the corner and faced the plaza, Rez spoke,

    "I suppose we do a mix of sparring and apothecary work. Ezela and some of the other members of our group tend to create any sort of monstrosity of a weapon and swing them around for their enjoyment. I personally find it horrifying, but to each their own."

    The man gave a huff of a sigh before chuckling to himself, gazing to the right at a rose bush garden,

    "However, there are a few of us who prefer simply mixing and creating creams and salves for those injured around the academy. While Alchemy users are the main source of healing tonics here, we're able to at least alleviate some of their pressures. Some people as you may have come across are quite...head strong in their aggression."

    With that, the duo was about half way to the circle of Earth Magic students. A few of them seemed to be sparring as Rez mentioned with basic wooden swords that looked as he mentioned rather...abstract. One looked way too thin and the other was split a good amount in the middle , almost looking as it if had two tip points. Tae noticed that the two sparring weren't familiar to her and quickly scanning the group, spotted Arlio and Ezela still beside each other, spectating the match.

    Hilda sighed and went over to her bed, tossing herself into the blankets and wrapping herself up in a plush cocoon,

    "Now you just sound like my father. If I wanted a motivational lecture, I would've asked for one."

    The girl stuck out her tongue, but let out a childish giggle. She shifted around for a moment before speaking,

    "But, you're right. At least the academy can be something worthwhile. I don't know, I guess I just need to see this thing for myself. If it's so cool like everyone says it is, then I'll see it for myself. Thank you again for leading me back home, it means a lot to me, really! There's some fruits in our garden outside if you're hungry, I'm sure my father wouldn't notice. Anyways, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow, Silva. Be safe on your way back home."

    After her small speech, the girl yawned loudly and began snuggling her blankets and pillows, drifting off to sleep. Silva noticed that despite in the somewhat barely lit room, he could make out a golden sun necklace around the girl's neck. He was surprised he never saw it before. The metal sun radiated a golden glow against Hilda's chest, yet didn't seem to disrupt her slumber.
  5. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I still have no idea what's going on...
    Push a table infront of the door. Um. Grab a hammer, that might help me with the shield?
    Stand to the side of the desk and get ready for whatever wants to come in.
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I sigh "Same as me, got attacked by the same guy and we came here. Oh and she's a friend of Jonathans so i suggest not hurting her"
  7. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (let's have some story impacting choices!!)
    Kylian rushed over to a small cabinet that sat beside the door and flipped it onto its side, taking up a height up to his hips. Just as he planned on taking out a hammer to defend himself, the sounds of wood and metal clinking on the stones outside rang out in a rushed manner. Peering through the glass of the door, Kylian noticed a carriage slowly making its way to the door. Suddenly, the sounds of glass shattering into pieces pierced his ears from the back of the smithy. He presumed it was from a back room, but Kylian felt conflicted. Rush outside to the carriage, or stay inside?

    "Hmmph, I see. Either way, can she keep up with us? I'd rather not have civilians out and about with us."

    The low rumble of presumably thunder boomed in the distance, catching everyone's attention. A few guild members in the circle went off to collect their belongings as the same man began checking his own belongings,

    "Well Kollin, are you joining us are staying here? Make up your mind quickly, we don't have all day."
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "As much as I'd love to help out someone should stay behind and make sure this place doesn't get overrun, and as you've said you don't need me"
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    bruh. :C
    He told me to let nothing in!!!!
    I'm gonna get so punished for this if he knows

    Take a step forward before quickly turning back to make sure the door is locked. Rush towards the noise. Whatever I see, throw the hammer at it
  10. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Good night, and sweet dreams." whispers Silva. He takes a mental note of the golden sun necklace before quietly going outside to get a small number of fruits.
  11. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Looking at the distorted weapons with slight confusion, Tae turned back to Rez. "I think I'll stick with healing, thanks." Rubbing her hands together, she completed.
    "And where exactly do you go to create those balms?"
  12. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (i'm very late yes and life happens but i hate using that excuse, so big apologies from my behalf. have the update you deserve.)
    "Alright, we'll be quick. Stay put and make sure nothing gets inside."

    The collection of guild members rushed out of the tavern and down the street, Beci slowly approaching Kollin,

    "What should we do Kollin? We can't just twiddle our thumbs and do nothing."

    Suddenly, several thumps could be heard above Kollin and Beci!!

    Confirming that the door was locked, Kylian ran over to the noise and peeked around the wall corner. Surprisingly enough, he didn't seem to identify anything. The carriage could be heard more clearly however, almost approaching the front of the smithy. Will Kylian investigate the room for the noise or head back to the door and prepare to meet his grandfather?

    As Silva went down to collect a few of the fruits, he noticed the ajar door that lead to the backyard. Hilda must've let that open for his escape. Silva could simply begin his leave or take the time to inspect a bit of Hilda's home before leaving.

    Item Acquired ~ Collection of Fruits [x1]- Some healthy snacks that will most certainly help in a pinch! Consumable. [+3 HP]

    "Understandable, I much rather prefer healing as well. Ah, we create balms inside specific rooms within the Earth Circle building. They contain the herbs, tools, and all the other necessities we need. Perhaps if we have time after, we can pay a quick visit there. Either way, let's join the rest."

    As Rez and Tae approached the group, Arlio beckoned them over,

    "Glad you could join us! We're just waiting for Madame Sinvi-"

    A flurry of leaves rushed past the group and as they turned, noticed a woman in dark green robes and curly brown hair approach them,

    "I see we are all here. Wonderful, find a partner. We shall start immediately."
    Rawb, Tisaun and Tsukiji like this.
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Stay here I'll be back" I'll try to sneak upstairs to see what made the noise
  14. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva decides to leave before someone mistakes him for a suspicious person.

    "Which reminds me, would I need some form of identification to enter the city tomorrow? I ought to ask the guards about this." Silva says to himself.
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Investigate the room. Maybe I can get it out before he comes in. And if there's nothing here, then its all good. :D
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    For a moment, the short-haired girl stood still and looked at the robed woman with awe, marvelling at her incredible entrance.
    After having shaken her head to focus, Tae turned silently and faced Raz, her lips pursed. "So, want to be my partner? Also, does she always appears suddenly like that?"
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kollin went upstairs to investigate what caused the ruckus on the roof. As he approached the top of the stairs, he could hear some glass being shattered and foosteps thumping on the wooden floorboards. Some voices could be heard from the slightly ajar door,

    "Find him, but don't kill him. They need him alive-"

    "That is if he attacks us first. I won't hold back-"

    "Keep your voices down! What if they hear us?"

    The footsteps could then be heard right beside the door, a shadow of a hand moving to grab the doorknob!
    Silva takes his leave, returning his way back to the front of the gates. The same guardsman from before approaches him,

    "Odd of you to make an effort and amble into the night, but I suppose I won't question it. None of my business anyways."

    Another guardsman approached as Silva asked his question regarding a sense of identity. Both guards turned to each other and shrugged their shoulders, turning back to the forest dweller,

    "You generally have to have one, but I'll let this slide for now since I'm guessing you aren't from around here. Find something, or pft make something I don't know, and make it as reflective as possible as who you are and what you do. Somethin' like this'll do."

    The guard took out from his belt a small pin of two swords crossed with one another,

    "Klaus Dalinsci, guardsman of the southern gate of Ozvio. That'll do. You'll especially need one if you want to get inside academy grounds. I heard they're making it more difficult to get inside if you aren't of magic background. An ethical dilemma I believe, but I don't plan on discussing politics with a..wizened figure like yourself. Does that satisfy your question?"

    As Kylian entered the room, he was slightly taken aback when he saw a rabbit with dark brown fur huddled underneath the desk. It looked up at him and blinked several times, simply staring at him. By now, the carriage could be heard rounding the corner and passing by to approach the door.

    The rabbit, hearing the carriage, instantly sprung up and barreled past Kylian, towards the door! Looking around once more, Kylian could most likely confirm that the crash he had heard was from this rabbit. But it caused that much ruckus? The question stuck to Kylian as he paused for a moment.
    Madame Sinvi motioned for everyone to form a circle around her with their partners. Rez chuckled and nodded his head, motioning for them to walk,

    "She's usually very humble with her entrances, but I suppose she wanted to make an impression on any new students. Most of us have been with her from when we were children. You'll like her, I think she's one of the most down to Earth people we know."

    A pair besides Rez and Tae rolled their eyes at the joke as Madame Sinvi spoke out,

    "Your first task shall be simple. Select one person and they shall raise a pillar of Earth underneath the other, say about two to three feet. Repeat for the other partner. However, I won't limit you as to how the pillar is created. I'll leave you with that as I shall walk around and offer assistance as needed. "

    With that, the groups began rising their pillars, some practically doing it instantly while other seeming to concentrate quite hardly on the task. A couple of students decided to branch away from typical pillars and do other shapes and constructions, placing miniature foot walls and jarring rocks. Rez cleared his throat and faced Tae,

    "I'll go first. I think you'll like my design. Ready?"

    Tae nodded and Rez closed his eyes, almost in a meditating stance. He raised his hands and a circular pillar slowly formed underneath Tae, about a foot in diameter. However, the plaza rock seemed to have cracked away from the ground, pieces of it floating idly around Tae. Rez grinned and gave the cue for Tae to make the next platform.
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As the door opens i'll try to hide behind it and try to see the talkers as they pass
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    chase after it and try to catch it, using anything around (shields to block it, blankets to capture it. Etc.)
    Even if its just a rabbit, its not supposed to be in here!
  20. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Thank you very much, Mister Dalinsci." Silva says, before continuing on his way back to his shack.
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