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New Player Here, Got Some Questions

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by ArkRumierA, Dec 7, 2019.

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  1. ArkRumierA

    ArkRumierA Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So I joined Wynncraft a bit more than a week ago (8? 9 days?) thanks to my friend's recommendation.
    Me, the weeb who tryhards all RPG he plays decided to stick around for a while.

    Saw some endgame related contents/gears and Immediately fell in love with this server.

    Currently I'm Lv52 Assassin, doing some quests and grinding to level, and my goal is to get those Mythic items on my own, which will probably take me a year of consistant no-life grind, but I'm down for it.

    Well, I'm incredibly new, and I got some questions :

    • How long do you guys think it will take for me to reach Lv100?
    • I've heard that two same type of 4+ powder have special effects. Which one is best for weapon and armor? If there isn't the "best", which situation does every powder shine at?
    • Does it matter if I try to collect emeralds this early on? Or should I just focus purely on leveling and grind emerald after?
    • Speaking of emeralds, how fast can a high level player grind emerald?
    • Does Loot bomb affect the droprate of mythic items? Or does it just double the quantity of the item you get?
    • Since my future planned mythic weapon is Weathered (Yes I know I'm millions of miles away from it), I am currently putting points into my Agility, and spreading a bit out on Strength and Dexterity. Am I doing it correctly?
    • For leveling, should I be grinding in Grind spots or just follow most recent quests?
    • What exactly does a guild do, and how do they function?
    Thank you for your time reading this, and see you later on the Forums!
  2. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    1) At a decent pace it takes about two weeks of playing through almost every quest in order to get to level 100. You might have to do some bits of grinding in between some levels, but it's not that bad.

    2) You usually just use the powder type of the damage your main weapon most does and for armor you just try to negate the negatives pretty much, I'd say the best abilities are from the water/fire/thunder powders.

    3) You get about two stacks of liquified emeralds if you complete most of the quests, focus on leveling up and sell the items you do not need to the Blacksmith.

    4) ^

    5) It's double the quantity. If you kill a mob during a loot bomb it can drop two same items.

    6) Doesn't matter much since you are most likely change builds during your playthrough. You can reset your skillpoints at the compass tab if you didn't know that already, but most assassins typically go for agility/dexterity builds with maybe some intelligence mixed in due to most item requirements.

    7) You'll most likely do fine with just quests, but as I said previously you might have to do a bit of grinding.

    8) Guild is basically just a place for people to communicate via guild chat and for friends to gather.
    While being of a captain rank or higher you can attack territories and if the territory is defended after usually a 45 second countdown you will be pulled into a guild war server.
    There you will have to battle your way through some quantity of mobs which is usually 1k for most of the guilds, after succeding you will capture that territory and you can defend it with mobs as well.
    Mobs that you buy for your defences cost emeralds and the price varies from tier to tier, the most strongest mobs are obviously the most expensive ones.
    Guilds need territories in order to level up, since guilds get all of the experience gained inside owned territories.
    Guilds need to level up in order to have more open slots so that they can invite more people.
    Guilds do not do much and don't provide any benefits to the player in it, as of right now they are treated like endgame content for people that don't have much to do in-game.

    I think I've answered everything correctly? Anyways.

    After getting to about level 90 get yourself into the concept of loot running, which is basically just going through a path of loot chests with loot bonus gear on in order to get mythic and legendary items. I'm sure you can find some videos about it on here. Good luck with your Weathered dream.
  3. ArkRumierA

    ArkRumierA Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thank you for the tips! can't wait to no-life grind for the next 2 weeks *cough*
  4. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I'm late to your thread but I'd like to offer contrary opinions:

    Doing quests with reasonable playtime, you can make it in 2-4 months. Grinding will get you your levels faster if you know what you're doing but you do end up missing out on a lot of the quest rewards.

    On weapons, there are exceptions but it's almost always better for your weapon if you powder it with the element that it already supports (eg. air on Weathered). On armors you should use the element of your weapon unless patching negative elemental defenses is more useful to your build than the powder special of your weapon's element. I'd use this principle as a starting guide.

    Lootrunning in Llevigar did yield amazing results for a new player who I introduced the game to but it may have just been a coincidence. There's nothing wrong with getting into the spirit of emerald grinding in some way early on because it gives you better awareness of its significance at higher levels. In theory it's still critical that you focus your efforts on levelling up though.

    I make close to an LE per 20 minutes by lootrunning, which I do once or twice a day. Other methods of grinding emeralds typically yield similar results.

    It duplicates every item that mobs normally drop, so if a mob drops a legendary then you'll get 2 of that legendary instead. Loot bombs don't affect chests.

    It's far more important to devise your intended build first, then assign skill points accordingly to the build you settle for. I recommend an experienced builder like Madkurre for this. You're probably going to need a substitute weapon while you've yet to obtain a Weathered so you'll have to remember to account for that.

    Grind spots are faster. Quests give you benefits that are exclusive to them (like fast travel and access to certain areas), and also make for a better game experience. It's ultimately your choice as to which way you go, both are done and have their own merits to them.

    Guilds are essentially communities of people who interact and help each other in the game. Most guilds will advertise themselves as either community-oriented (for members to just hang out or work together on things), warring-oriented (for members to actively participate in guild wars) or a combination of both. Your question is quite broad so it's hard to answer in greater detail, but I do think Bliss covered it quite well.
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