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What Is The Point Of The Nether?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dr Zed, Nov 21, 2019.


Does the Nether Have a Point?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    40 vote(s)
  3. Sorta..

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    As you all might know, the Nether has been apart of Wynncraft since its inception and is responsible for the corruption in the Wynn province, which was the main conflict of the game. Given that, you'd think by now that the Nether would have had a huge part in the game such as its own quest story-line, having the final boss of the game, or at least be an endgame area such as the Silent Expanse, right?

    Nope. Instead it was just a PvP arena that was pretty much dead for 4 years after Gavel came out until it was finally axed. Sure, we've gotten a few quests surrounding the Nether Portal such as Studying the Corrupt, Fate of the Fallen, and Temple of Legends, but then after that the game acts like the Nether and the Portal don't exist and moves on with completely unrelated side adventures anywhere but the Wynn Province.

    I'm not here to argue that PvP has no place in Wynncraft or how it should have been done. Or even that they should've focused more on the Nether. What I am just wondering is why the Nether was emphasized as the central conflict of the game since the very beginning, yet nothing was ever made of it? And most importantly, why did they essentially replace it with Dern as the endgame source of all of the evil in the game?

    They never make clear the difference between the two, and there doesn't seem to be a reason why both have to exist. Why not just have the beast behind the Eye reside in the Nether? It'd make sense because the Nether is the source of corruption, and Garoth and Theorick saw a being of immense power there. Instead the ultimate evil of Wynncraft is in a separate dimension that has only been officially introduced in-game this update, but equally dark and evil or something?

    It's not that I hate Dern or the Nether or whatever. I just don't get why this has to be so confusing when the Nether and Dern serve the same basic purpose of being the source of ultimate evil. I thought Wynncraft was going with simplicity with its story, and all of this just seems counter intuitive to that.

    TL:DR I don't get why they made the Nether the source of all evil since the very beginning of Wynncraft, and yet recently turned around and made an entirely separate, but equally evil and menacing dimension for the source of all evil and completely forgot about the Nether. Thereby making the Nether having no real purpose, and making the overall story more confusing.

    So what do you guys think? Does the Nether have a purpose (lore-wise) or not? And if so, what it is?
    Also, I know that Dern has been in the lore since the beginning as well. But what Dern was was so vague that it could've been anything.

    Edit 11/22/19: So after some discussion, the explanation I'm getting is that Light and Darkness created the Nether through conflict, and is supported in Wynn Excavation Site D after clearing the green puzzle, "However, when the two touch through influence, it is not twilight that is formed. But a land of corruption." However, HowToZombie brought up that in Taproot, Taproot says:
    • Taproot: This land. The land you call home. It is our battleground… It's history is long and complex. We, the bringers of light seek to create a land of light and happiness.
    • Taproot: However, our power is derived from the good in your world. Our greatest source of power, Gavel, soon succumbed to sin, and our light began to fade.
    • Taproot: But there are those, those who worship only darkness, that seek to destroy all. In your world, the influential forces of light and darkness clash.
    "In your world, the influential forces of light and darkness clash."
    So either A) Taproot and W.E.S.D. are referencing the Wynn province or the overworld in general or B) Taproot is talking about the overworld and W.E.S.D. is talking about the Nether. If it's A, that falsifies the statement that Darkness and Light created the Nether, and if it's B, then Taproot and W.E.S.D. are contradictory.

    Either way, it just goes to show how much the whole Light vs. Dark narrative messed up the lore and over complicated it. Plus it still doesn't answer why they wanted to have 2 Hells to begin with, since the Light vs. Darkness lore is just to justify it.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
  2. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    "What Is The Point Of The Nether?"
    you farm your KDR by killing low-level noobies that were unfortunate enough to wander into the portal.
    RazorGuild, faragoo, Take and 8 others like this.
  3. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    The point of the Nether is to be obsolete
    faragoo, Take, NicBOMB and 1 other person like this.
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Do you think the Nether will be reincorporated?
  5. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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  6. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    I just tested it, I can't enter the Nether :thinking:

    None of the Nether servers are up
    faragoo likes this.
  7. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    It’s down for atleast 2 months
    faragoo, Take, 7Red_Dragon7 and 3 others like this.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I heard it was removed awhile ago because they couldn’t manage items having separate stats between the overworld and the Nether.
    7Red_Dragon7 and Jirayut like this.
  9. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    Can we get Nether Update before Dern Update
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  10. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    I want them to go back to when the nether was like an actual place, instead of just a pvp arena. It would be fun if it was a region like the silent expanse but pvp being always on, makes it really tense to navigate, watching out for player and mob alike.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
    faragoo, Aiyria, Take and 4 others like this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’m honestly fine with either; they can’t easily remove Dern or the Nether at this point (I mean maybe they could retcon Dern, but still).
  12. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    My unorganized thoughts on the point of the nether:

    The corruption could be bad for both light AND darkness, but that subject hasn't seemed to be majorly touched on at all yet (keyword there is "majorly," will get to that in a bit). We don't know the affect that corruption has on darkness, only that corruption is bad for light. Could the corruption be bad for darkness too, and if so, which is the greater threat, darkness or corruption? Having corruption be bad for light and darkness would definitely give the nether a purpose, and could propel the lore into some very interesting directions.

    Granted, the Silent Expanse ultimate discovery cutscene kind of explains the relationship between darkness and corruption (to some degree)
    The ultimate discovery cutscene depicts Bak'al working as a sort of a minion for an even greater evil. Seeing that we know Bak'al has strong ties to corruption, and now seems to have ties to darkness (or an entity that embodies darkness), kind of shows that corruption and darkness are more or less working towards the same thing: destruction of light.

    That being said, with darkness and corruption looking very similar in terms of purpose in the lore, the nether is looking to be very pointless. Roots of corruption and Silent expanse are both areas tainted by an evil force, with the force stemming from a portal. Both portals lead to some even more evil lands that aren't currently accessible. Both darkness and corruption wanna kill light. The only difference is that nether is red and dern is purple, and those two colors are literally right next to eachother on the color wheel so the difference is minimal.
    Take, Stag2001 and Dr Zed like this.
  13. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    he's got a point
    Dr Zed likes this.
  14. fey

    fey *places pixels on you* CT Manager Modeler CHAMPION ✎ Artist

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    I'm gonna guess that they might repurpose the nether dimension as the "dern" dimension
    Dr Zed likes this.
  15. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah, I was about to say how insignificant the differences are between them. It reminds how they try to explain how the difference between the Decay and the Corruption. Both create monsters and turn things evil, yet one kills trees and the other also kills trees but also turns the terrain red...

    I just hate the whole Light vs. Darkness and it's explanation for the corruption. It literally doesn't mean anything, and the story would've been MUCH less confusing and simpler if they just went with plot of DOOM; someone finds a portal to hell and it's up to us to stop it. Bam! That's it.

    No need for lectures about how the evils of capitalism causes trees to die off and how it destroys a land with giant mushrooms.
    Maybe... That would be a huge retcon, but I guess it would be better than creating a whole new dimension for Dern and removing the Nether Portal to stay consistent.
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I remember something about how the corruption is the result of the clash of both darkness and light.

    However, the SE update seems to be a sort of soft retcon of that; Bak’al now serves the darkness as a lesser minion, rather than being his own thing.

    In addition, the Dark Master dude talked about how he can only overtake areas with no hope.

    Basically, the rules now seem like this:

    Normal, purified area = light only
    Area where dark is trying to take over but people/the light is trying to fight back = corrupted
    Area where darkness has won = eyeball shit

    Which, cool, okay. Not a huge fan of the corruption being ‘darkness lite’ (hah), but it’s workable and makes sense.

    But then what the hell is the nether? We already know that it’s just empty save for a bunch of evil things, and that it basically immediately corrupts everyone who enters, but that doesn’t make sense with the established framework and rules. In order for there to be corruption, there needs to be a fight between light and dark, and there needs to be hope in the region. Otherwise it should just become eyeball shit.

    The best I can figure is that
    -none of the forces originally existed in the world
    -the nether was the original world that the light and darkness fought in, and was separate from the light and the dark realms, sort of like our current realm
    -after the Olm opened the portal to the darkness, and the elves opened the light realm portal, the forces partially spilled into our world, but were separated and so didn’t fight
    -only after humans opened the nether portal did the cosmic battle spill onto our realm, which is the corruption.

    But this is all headcanon because none of it is actually explained and there’s little to no supporting evidence besides the basic story where the miners find the portal, which I am fucking STRETCHING here. Hell, Theorick's story muddies the water FURTHER here by talking about some great evil in the portal, which could just be Bak’al, but I don’t even know anymore, and the lizard dude quest, where it talks about some great something beyond.

    Wynn’s lore seriously needs some cleaning up and exposition
    Dr Zed likes this.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Idk... It just keeps getting more confusing the more dimensions you consider like the Realm of Light or Death's Realm or Garaheth's Realm.

    Isn't the Realm of Light pretty weird too? Like there's a mini-sun worshipped by floating aliens surrounded by giant mushrooms or something?
  18. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Yeah; then there’s the place where you fight Bob, as well.

    The Realm of light is actually pretty cool; light beings that worship a mini sun is a cool and kind of unique concept. It’s a shame that it’s LITERALLY NEVER ELABORATED ON. So, it doesn’t make sense why the sun is there, or why they worship it
    Dr Zed and Druser like this.
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Honestly, Wynns lore is actually terrible and that sucks. There are a lot of good ideas, but there's no connection between them so we end up with like 8 different evils overloards who are completely disconnected yet do the exact same thing. I think the only way to fix Wynns lore at this stage would to scrap everything and work it from the ground up by creating an overarching good and evil for each provence and we all know that's never happening.
    Gogeta, TheEpicCajun, Take and 4 others like this.
  20. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    we have an overarching evil and good for each province, but the problem is that except for Antikythera ALL of the evil dudes do the same thing, and never stay in their respective provinces. Like, the corruption and decay are basically the same, which sure, ok, but THEN there's ALSO corruption in Gavel for some reason
    Dr Zed likes this.
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