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Buffs And Nerfs Who Got The Worst

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by OGK, Nov 7, 2019.

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  1. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Hello all! Dead Forum person OGK here and instead of trying to make myself relevant in terms of grading applications (not like I'm over that) I am now here to talk about the buffs and nerfs in the latest patch, 1.19 The Silent Expanse. As from what I can see, I see a lot of changes that I both agree, and disagree with. Leave your own comments on what you thought about the Buffs and Nerfs between the classes and go ahead and vote above to vote on your now, favorite class! Without further ado, I shall start off!

    Ahem, let me start off with the one class that really caught my eye... Mage.

    I got no problems with the class itself... until it's ultimately MASSIVE Damage buffs. Now, I don't think I have every right to critique a class I haven't mained or played heavily, but I can definitely say that they have clearly shined in this recent patch. Going from a scary 400% initial damage Meteor Spell into a new 500% initial damage Meteor Spell is quite scary in the possession of Glass Cannons. As far as I know, they have been both before and now especially now, the true damage dealer of the party as well as controlling the battlefield. Well... except that last part.

    Right now, it seems their whole: "I control the enemy because of Ice Snake and Teleport" is now either very ineffective or just straight up gone and has been traded for more damage and more initial healing. This isn't much of a problem as you have the rest of your party at your back to help tank the damage for you. But now that you aren't the sole healer, you can just invest in pure ultimate damage, and no one would really complain considering you are just chunking out the boss with both your Meteor and Ice Snake Spells. The reason I say Ice Snake is because even though it's hold time has been nerfed to 1 second, 1 second is plenty of time to move around... unless your name is Assassin.

    Either way, I think Mage got one of the BEST end of the Buff/Nerf stick in this whole scenario and besides all of the Shamans I'll see, I think I'll see the rise of Mages again considering they are no longer the sole healer.

    Next is the class that I found that just got 10x cooler.

    Warrior got a GREAT update in my opinion. I side-played this character and know a great friend of mine that plays the class and all I can say before was that the class looked amazing and acted really cool. Especially with both Bash and Uppercut making you feel like an utter badass. Now they've basically made that badassery... somehow more badass. With their Bash attack being nerfed (slightly) it's nothing way too major that anyone can really complain about. Now moving onto their Charge. Not only did I feel awesome when I Charged into the enemy to tank the hits and come in with a landing that made me feel like I just did one of those: Hero Poses. But now I get a 50% Resistance Buff with it?! I will greatly appreciate that! Along with this, it just gives a neat little trick to them that is both friendly for noobs and pros alike.

    Now I get to talk about my favorite thing with these guys now... Uppercut. Hooo yeah, this baby is gonna be amazing! The damage may be toned down a bit (I can't really do the math too well but all I know is that it'll be similar to before but in a different order, so I can't tell if the Uppercut's damage was buffed or not) but it is now more of a combo attack than before. You jump along with your opponent to do another spell on them that can either combo with another or just do another Uppercut. Either way, it'll just be you knocking the enemy up into the air and just having your way with them until you decide you're finished with them. So now they are just a complete powerhouse that both tanks effectively, and can set up great combos with their team.

    In my eyes, Warriors got the most aesthetically and more potential change than the other classes. Hopefully, I see more of these dudes.

    Next up is the class I'm conflicted on.

    Now, Archer's changes got... really weird. At least for me, I can't make much sense of what's going on with them that I'll have to experience for them myself. But all I know is that their Arrow Shield got changed and right now I got mixed feelings on it. I'll have to see it in action for it to really tell.

    I can't really say where they place in their changes compared to the other classes. Maybe someone below has a better understanding of what happened.

    Finally, the class that I feel got punched.

    Assassin, the class that I love. Of course, I was more casual in playing them and not of an intensive pro who will probably scream at me that Assassin wasn't nerfed and this is probably the best darn thing that ever happened to them. But all I gotta say is... no. Their damage (at least on paper) looks like it just took a punch to the face, their Vanish time, you know, their main ways of escape when things are hairy, is down to 5 seconds. I may be the only person who uses Assassin's stealth to their fullest, so taking about a 10 second nerf, really hits hard. Especially when you want to go to places.

    I get that Assassin is a combo class, and that all of their spells have to be put together (such as Vanish to Smoke Bomb to Multi-Hit stay to Spin Attack) in order for them to be effective, but it really kinda cuts it when you're basically not as needed compared to the other classes. But I'll once again have someone tell me that I'm completely wrong and Assassin is either top tier or is not as bad as I'm making it. Which is most likely true, but you'd have to pull some amazing techs for it.

    Now that I'm off my rant of Assassin, I do feel like the huge cut to Vanish does hinder it hard as well as the small damage cut except when you use Vanish to start up. They're still probably good, but it'll take a bit of playing the Assassin in order to notice the difference or not, or probably immediately, you never know.

    As for where I personally place Assassin in terms of getting the Buffs or Nerfs, I think it would be probably one of the classes that got the shortest end of the stick. I saw them every now and then, but I feel like they'll probably be scarce after this.

    What do you all think about what I put above? What do you guys think of the current patch? I'll gladly read what you all will say below as well as the potential salty people who I probably upset because of me not mentioning who and what and the E=mc2

    Have a Good Day!
  2. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    It's higher.

    Most people, including myself think this is a bad thing.
    If you're any good at warrior, then you can uppercut cancel, which does far higher dps then someone getting thrown up.
    This pretty much kills that.
    Bart (MC) and Namakobushi like this.
  3. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    I see, so it's basically no longer a DPS class because of this but more of a single hit class?
  4. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    It was never a DPS class, this just kinda lowers what a skilled warrior can already do.
    Plus it just seems annoying.
    RazorGuild and Namakobushi like this.
  5. dargonlrod

    dargonlrod yea... VIP+

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    how does one
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    You uppercut and bash right after.
    You get the full damage of uppercut and bash, but the enemy stays on the ground.
    The new change leads to less DPS, because you fly up with the mob, making canceling now longer viable.

    This depends on how it works, but I'm assuming its less viable.
    If you fly up as high as the mob does, then it's just as viable, because the mob doesn't fly up with a cancel. If you go a certain hight, then it's far less viable, and in general makes warrior far worse then it is now. (At least for skilled players.)
    Coragon42 and Druser like this.
  7. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    That kinda stinks, as a warrior main, i spam bash and sometimes uppercut and have my warcry on in big fights or grinds
    Its sad to see bash get slightly less damage but more sad to be thrown up with the enemy in uppercut. :'(
  8. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    So they made it worse for skilled, but a bit friendlier to newer players is what I'm getting at?
    Coragon42 and JaydonTheWarrior like this.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I think that it’s the first one; you get launched with the mob, so you both stay on the same y-axis through the uppercut. This probably just makes it easier to combo uppercut and bash

    That said, I don’t really play warrior so I can’t really comment on it
  10. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    imagine having ping smh poo warrior player
    Asthae and Rimuwu like this.
  11. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I'm actually an Assassin main. Seeing all of those big nerfs come to assassin is kind of sad :(


    After playing around with Vanish in my own small testing environment, I must say the reduction to it being virtually nothing is a nice touch. Since Vanish has that little dash it's a very spammable movement skill and I find myself using it a lot to dodge attacks. Very glad about that.

    Multihit got both a buff and a nerf. The 3% nerf to the per hit damage isn't that bad. I will say though that Multihit getting reduced to 8 Mana base is really good. I do like using Multihit and spamming it when mobs are in corners or when they're immovable.
    I do think a cool addition the CT could've added to Multihit is the ability to cancel the "Force" knockback from it by shifting so that way they're still within reach of your attacks. Or some other way of cancelling the KB on it. If that happened Multihit would be even better imo, possibly OP.

    Spin Attack, well, rip. That's all I have to say.
    Coragon42 and JaydonTheWarrior like this.
  12. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    You can hold shift to not jump up with the mobs.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Which incidentally kills your movement speed - very much unworkable for Warrior, who heavily relies on movement to keep up with the ridiculous knockback on spells.
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I hope it's like that, but I doubt it.
    How would it work with multiple mobs?
    It's also just annoying.
    Sure it's dueable, but I would just rather it not in the first place.
    If it was the other way round, it would be kind of cool to mess around with.
    Mistrise Mystic and Crokee like this.
  15. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    assassin got neutered. I’m probably going to go in depth about it in another thread, but the nerfs to vanish and multihit especially just feel like they didn’t know what direction to take the class so they just nerfed all of it. In terms of transportation, vanish is going to feel like absolute shit compared to other movement spells, and multihit really didn’t need a nerf to damage, especially considering that its primer spell, spin attack, just took a bat to the knees. I just don’t see a goal to the class anymore, especially since mage does the primer-combo better now, and the shaman does the Area denial part of smoke bomb.
    Druser likes this.
  16. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I feel the same way. The 30% -> 27% nerf to Multihit felt weird since it's just 3%? Spin Attack got yoinked kinda. Vanish can no longer cause the player to be forever invisible.

    Though I think Assassin can still be utilized fairly decently. Spin Attack is still a very powerful CC and I'm quite glad they didn't take that away. Since Vanish gives 70% Damage Increase on the first hit out of Vanish, it's basically the ultimate spell rotation combo to Vanish + Spin Attack your heart away if you're good enough, especially now since Vanish has a cost of 1 mana. Multihit can now be spammed a bit more now that it's base is reduced, which I'm so glad about, and ofc overall takes up less mana. Idk how people actually use Multihit, I just use it for DPS purposes or knocking an enemy away.

    I believe their goal was to make Vanish a core necessity to use in spell attacks. I don't really know how to feel about this, in my opinion it's kind of meh and I wish they found a better way like passives, but I think it'll be alright.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Vanish/Spin is not a massive dps increase really. Consider that you're adding one mana cost and gaining 70%.
  18. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels like Assassin got the short end, and so far both Warrior and Assassin BOTH seem to have the controversial end of the stick. Only time will tell for Warrior and Assassin on paper sounds like it got messed up.
    Druser likes this.
  19. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    What are you talking about?

    Anyway, regarding the thread, I just feel like Assassin got a little push into the combo direction. Only time will tell how it works out, but I can see some other playstyles arising.
    by2011 likes this.
  20. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    Something else to note is that even if this is the case, the second bash explosion wouldn't mirror your y-axis (you MIGHT be able to get both hits in with really hot timing no matter the case, but that seems WAY harder than uppercut cancelling)
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
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