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Welcome To Llamacraft [smp Server 1.14] - [big Medieval Project] Looking For More Players!

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Felinka, Oct 22, 2019.


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  1. ★★★★★

  2. ★★★★☆

  3. ★★★☆☆

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  6. 3 years and still no free pretzels? You lied to me.

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  1. Felinka

    Felinka throw speed CHAMPION

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    Welcome to Llamacraft! Llamacraft is a vanilla survival server which started with around 6 people. First, we started building a little medieval village, but then we came up with the ambitious plan of making a huge kingdom filled with tons of lore. We have already built a lot, but there is still a lot to be done. That's why we are looking for more players!
    (Don't worry. The world of Llamacraft is just a community project! You can work on personal projects, like bases, any time you want!)
    Here’s a peek of some of the amazing builds that can be found on Llamacraft already!
    (Keep in mind that this is an incredibly small fraction of everything built so far, I’m too lazy to
    grab screenshots right now, plus I blacklisted myself from the server cuz of college apps :/)
    Ranib City:
    Meeyas Farms:
    Forest between Meeyas farms and Spawn town:

    More pictures from the server can be seen in the headings of each section lol
    We have several datapacks installed to improve apon the basic vanilla Minecraft experience:
    -One player sleep (only 1 player needs to sleep in a bed to make it daytime)
    -AFK name change (when AFK, your username in tab turns to gray)
    -Anti-enderman Griefing (endermen don’t pick up blocks)
    -More mob heads (every mob in the game can drop their head at varying chances)
    -Customizable Armor Stands (armor stands can be made to have arms and be posed)
    -Dragon drop elytra (The Ender Dragon drops an elytra on death)
    Keep in mind, other than these additions the server is completely vanilla.
    We’re looking for people that like building in medieval-ish style and on big projects. If you
    believe you’re not that great at building but you can do other Minecraft related things, let us
    know! For example, the project takes lots of resources so automatic farms are very important.

    New players will not have to start from scratch. We'll help set you up. Most resources that are
    needed in mass quantity are shared. (We’re working on a massive storage system!)

    It’s easy to apply! Send us your application on Discord (Tekenen#3259), while filling out this basic template:
    Basic Application Template:
    -In-Game Nickname (Optional)
    -Why do you want to join?
    -What can you contribute to this survival server?
    -Please explain your expertise.
    -If you are a builder, please include some screenshots of previous work.
    -Any extra information about yourself you’d like to share?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
    H0Y, Sar, Khaps and 2 others like this.
  2. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    All of this was built in survival?? :o
    Felinka and HalfCat_ like this.
  3. Hero Cerebrum

    Hero Cerebrum The RULER of the Brain realm

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    Survival for over one year yes
    HalfCat_ likes this.
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