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My Predictions Of The 1.19 Road To Dern Update

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Corruptplex, Sep 15, 2019.


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  1. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Hello everyone. In light of the recent teaser for 1.19, I sure as hell got excited. Even though the update itself isn't coming for months, I don't think it's a bad thing for me to jolt down my thoughts on whats to come in this update.

    Level Maximum:

    So right now the maximum level in regards to combat xp is 104. For gathering professions, at 110 for all 4 of them have some type of Dernic material. Now, with all the other gathering materials, the areas of collection reflect what level they are based upon. So level 1 stuff can be found in level 1 areas and such. I would assume this would be the same for Dernic. So, 110. However, I believe that they will still follow their old pattern and add an extra level. So my prediction for maximum level cap is 111.

    Quest Reworks/Replacements:
    Like with every major update, there are certain quests that get reworked for whatever specific reasons. I can not say for certain what the replaced quests will be, but here's a list of what quests will get edited of sorts:

    Eye of the Storm [72]: I remember seeing a thread a while back about worst quests, and this one was one of the top. There was so much criticism that if I remember correctly, one of the admins responded with a general statement calming people down. The thread and its responses highlighted a series of problems within the quest itself. If this does turn out true, I can not wait to see what the replacement holds.

    Fantastic Voyage [90]: This quest is basically the most we have to a Dern teaser (not counting video). Now, with Dern coming out, this quest may seem irrelevant. However, we don't 100% know the level range of the province/road. I personally think it will be 95 or 100+, so if this quest stays the way it is, it will not be entirely useless, as the quest would be done before going into Dern. However, I do predict that the GM team will make some edits to this quest to fit the new narrative of the province/realm.

    New Quests:
    There's obviously going to be new quests in the update, as always. Though, with little information of Dern, we can not predict a whole lot regarding it. But predicting the types of quests and their future purpose, and other quests in the 2-3 other provinces is what I will conclude here.

    Introduction to Dern quest: At the moment Dern is location south of the abandoned mines, or at least the first part of it. I honestly can not see a natural path to the province being in placed. For example, a level 1 can go to Ahmsord easily, no boundaries or anything (besides mobs, but you get the points). I believe that the team caught on with this and will prevent this from happening, through a required quest to Dern.

    Dungeon Quest: How wrong would it be if there wasn't a dungeon in this province? I highly doubt it won't be like the forgery, but be parallel and have its dungeon be a core feature of the province like Corkus and its Fallen Factory. If I had to say, I don't see whoever the gm will be (probably Imaxel) will follow a completely new formula for this quest, in fact I'd say that this quest would be a hybrid between The Envoy storyline and the average Wynn dungeon quest.

    Fruma Teaser Quest: For those that do not know, the player comes from the province of Fruma, West of Wynn and South of Corkus. The most we have right now is something called, Imperial Gate. If you go there today, there's a massive area with Imperial Guards and an npc telling you something approximate of: "By the order of the Queen of Fruma, no one is allowed through this gate, punishable by death." And that's it, obviously it appeared to be a little side project stub for when they do Fruma. Although Fruma itself is not coming out until 1.20 or 1.21 or beyond, I believe just like Fantastic Voyage, they will tease the province in this update.

    Another Corkus quest: There are only 3 and 3/4 quests on the massive island. There's room for another one, and if so I'll just make a giant guess and say that it's going to be in Northern Corkus somewhere.

    Guild Territories:
    Now, I will predict that there will be a massive amount of new territories in this new province. For a lot of people, this will be the best part about the update. There is a massive warring community on the server, as a lot of people may know. And this new province with the high possibility of having guild territories, will affect the playing field a lot, overall increasing the generally satisfaction of a large portion of the community.

    I also predict that, there will be a massive amount of individual changes to the territories for the other provinces itself. I am not sure whether this would come out during the update itself, or before, but judging by the person on the gm team who is generally in charge of this stuff is often busy, I'd say that the territory changes will be made during 1.19. I have a lot of confidence in this happening, the reason being because the warring community has its issues with territories. I have seen a lot of it for myself, and yes I do agree that there are issues.

    For territory changes, there's several ways that I think this one ct member will go about with this. For one, there will be changes to the guild territory boundaries itself, including territories like The Mage Island, due to its dysfunctional territory limit. I predict that there will also be new territories in Gavel and Wynn in addition, which would be fantastic. Overall, this will the one thing about the update that I'll be most excited for (besides dern). :)

    Nether Pvp: An interesting endgame feature, which was disabled due to apparent glitches. I believe if the team has some spare time, which they won't but would be cool, then this would be brought back.

    Additional Guild Feature: There was a thread here https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/254339/ which suggested a new way for mob placement requirements. I believe that either an administrator noticed this, or a CT member informed one of this thread just my guess. While people had some disagreements with this idea, I think some version of this will be added.

    New Dungeon: Mentioned above, I think a new dungeon of sorts will occur.

    Jungle Secret Discoveries: Ever since Corkus, the team has added in some sort of secret discoveries for a specific region. I think the Jungle and maybe even Dernal will be the next regions to get it.

    Secret Feature: Something that is not easily predicted by us. If something like this does get added in the next update, then it would be kind of cool. Even though we all want to uncover the secrets of the update before it gets released, having something completely new thrown at you is generally impressive.

    Thank you everyone for reading this thread. Now of course there may be plenty of mistakes with this thread or debunked statements here, but it's just me here, exploring the possibilities, something I like to do. Something that I realized by looking back at everything, is that I am treating this like a new habitable province, which I don't think is true, I hope you kept that in mind if you plan on responding.
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Well you jinxed it, I am making RTD one huge territory
  3. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    god dang it

    10k mob war !?
    @ goden
    Goden, TheOneImmortal and Druser like this.
  4. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    I appreciate all the positive support so far from the poll and ratings, thank you.
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I mean...Gavel...
  6. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    new music............. better be good this time.................
  7. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    There are samples on Xavier’s channel.
    Corruptplex likes this.
  8. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    those werent great so my hopes are down now
  9. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Well, I think that the eerieness and the ominous feeling will fit Dern very well.

    Listening to the music may be one thing, but hearing it ingame another.

    Also how dare you
    Stag2001 likes this.
  10. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    That is a decent point, but with newer province (ish) additions, corkus, its dungeon quests was the main storyline pretty much for the island.
  11. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    It is the "unknown" playlist right? If it is, it does sound pretty neat so far in my opinion.
  12. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Good post...
    One issue...
    It's not Dern, yet the Fantastic Voyage revamp
  13. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    I did check out a couple songs for myself, they are kind of cool.
  14. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    sounds reasonable, i'd go with max 114 though, due to the 101-104 max that was recently changed
    EoTS (which I actually enjoyed, shoot me). not sure if it has dern relevance, haven't played in a while. however, i doubt they would rework to make more in line with current lore (wasn't EoTS the demon hand summoning thing? seems separate from dern). they will probably rework to lessen community hate (but it is a good meme)
    Fantastic Voyage might not be reworked, as it is already a good intro quest to dernic stuff. however, they could add a sequel quest to it, using the same dude and dark realm. no idea. good theories by you
    agree with most of this, overall
    for intro to dern, they have to do it to em, probably some silly quest similar to either a) king's recruit (welcome to the province, have fun, no real info), b) tower of amnesia (travel around the province to all cities, again, no real lore, but good city introduction) c) heart of llevigar (in-depth intro to the first city of the province), c) envoy I (intro to a province using ambassador-esque npc's, help solve an internal problem to get rep in the province [similar to maltic's well getting you cred with that one detlas citizen]), d) dwarves/doguns line, wynn excavation line, realm of light line. I'm really hoping for this fourth option, but I doubt it. it would have to be a quest line, which isn't a great intro level quest (ask the envoy), along with the fact that you have no idea where the cities and stuff is, and you, relatively speaking, have no knowledge of the province. still would be cool to have to help fix a big problem, so the dernics (who have, lorewise, been separated from society for a while, so they dont trust you or whatever).
    Dungeon quest. ehhhh, there might be one, but this is ROAD to dern update, not dern itself. i doubt it. who knows if dern has dungeons
    Fruma teaser. would be cool, but again, im assuming that would be endgame content, like fantastic voyage as a dern teaser.
    yeah, makes sense, but shouldnt be too many in RtD, maybe dern though. how big is this road, though?
    also, im assuming they wont change other sizes of territories. they leave the guilds to deal with that, according to how much they war over areas (general the FFAs in the federation are high-xp concentration areas, so RtD will probably have a bunch of wars)

    all of this sounds good

    PvP, yep, would be nice. nothing else to say
    Guild features? i left guilds a while back, b/c i went inactive. they generally police themselves well, but a new feature would make them happy
    please add one xoxo

    new dungeon. i'd love it, but only once they tie up loose ends in realm of light (with the dog)
    (im still hoping for a dungeon in the realm of light with him as the boss)

    jungle discoveries. yes yes yes please yes. not just jungle, but all the cool, under appreciated areas. dernal jungle, rymek, swamp, (realm of light because its my favorite place), molten heights, sky islands, aldorei, cotl, kander, light, and dark forests
    so many cool, unused areas
    i can keep going! want to see me do it again? nemract, more in icy, islands in the ocean, crescent (half-moon?) island, christmas island, the mountain boundaries of provinces (by katoa farm, by almuj, and along the sea from llevigar to jofash)

    secret feature
    please be another ??? type thing

    EDIT: i just want to say, this was a well-made thread, i'm not slamming your opinions (i think they are well thought out and theorized), i'm just sharing my own thoughts about said topics
    _Kaasblokje_ and Corruptplex like this.
  15. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    If there's a new dungeon i would bet on it being the light dungeon, since it's been sitting there for however long.
  16. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    please please please
    back when i cared i made an entire thread about making some sort of closure to RoL. it even had colors!
  17. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    When publishing this thread, I was looking for someone to respond to all my comments for an actual discussion, I finally got one. Thank you for that.

    To be honest, you make a big point, but I feel like that they will pull hold back the extra 3 level card for a future update, to I suppose appeal to the community when there is a lack of content.
    The thing that I remember about Eye of the Storm and its hate was how poor the plot was overall, and especially a lot of the dialogue just seemed rushed (Ex. guy gets kidnapped, then claims that he can 1v4+ the kidnappers). Also, I don't know if the quest being centered around one of the most hated towns helped (Not in regards to poor build, but general feeling of the place and its environment and lack of security). Also, I could be wrong but I don't think there was any Dern related stuff with it.

    Fantasic Voyage was a nice quest, but I do feel like they will at least edit it somehow.

    If anything I hope for an envoy storyline like quest, but I think it would be some fast-travel quest in the end I feel like. In the end, we'll just have to find out.

    Dungeon quest, I get what you are saying about the road thing, but what is this road to Dern has cities and has some features like Wynn?

    My personal statement on quests, there should be a mix between main storyline and (fun) fetch quests, as it would provide a lot of balance to the quest scale, something that I did not mention in the original.

    Fruma, I get what you mean, because sooner or later they may tease it somehow, but I think soon people will lose interest over Dern and the team may notice this.
    To be honest, that area on the map south of the abandoned mines is probably not the entire road. Maybe there will be more, maybe there will be less, we will just have to find out how big it really is. I have a feeling that they will change the sizes of a select few guild territories for multiple reasons. People have been complaining for a while about them and their negatives, and I truly respect the Content Team, especially the GM division, and I believe that it will be done alongside new RTD territories. There also might be new Wynn-Gavel territories for new useful xp areas, we'll just have to see for ourselves when the update rolls out.

    Yea here in Luna (Alliance like Fed) we do have a bunch of ffa territories such as Herb Cave and Lava Lake cause they are good xp territories.. With RTD, and if pretty much everyone's predictions for its level range is correct, then people will be fighting over it a lot.

    The most we have is the old /duel command, which has served its purpose but I think if the ct sees this then they could add it in, have some hope.

    Many people suggest guild features all the time, so some of them will get added eventually.In fact there was a thread by @ Dextral asking the guild community for what features the players want to seen in game, so either this or 1.20 there will be some sweet guild related stuff.
    Salted said a while back that in regards to main Gavel storyline, they did not have the tools to execute it if I remember correctly. For this possible dungeon to exist, I am like 80% sure that it will be nothing like the rest of the others, due to its great possible importance to the storyline.

    The secret discoveries are yes a very cool feature. However, these things take a lot of time. From what I can tell you are a very huge fan of these. If you like these as much as you are describing them as such, then I think you should apply to become a Game Master and join the small team working on these.

    Thank you for your input, I honestly appreciate it. Don't worry about the disagreements here and there, as we will always have those

  18. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    A few things:
    So except for Lost Sanctuary, every regular dungeon has a level gap of 9 levels (until GG). So lvl 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, etc. Now funnily enough if you skip two dungeons from Galleon's Graveyard, you get to Fallen Factory (63 for GG, 72, 81, 90 for FF). So what I'm guessing is that there's going to be two dungeons in between those two that aren't corrupted dungeons. I'm fairly sure we all know about Mortal Mountain which I'm guessing will be the lvl 81 dungeon, but not too sure about the lvl 72 one. I hope it'll be the Gelibord Castle with that Dullahan guy who we have yet to fight and I'd call the dungeon "Chthonic Castle", the Ghost Dungeon.
    Also using this logic a new dungeon in (Road to) Dern would be lvl 99, however I'd also like a Sky Islands dungeon.

    Anyway moving on some of you have heard those eerie songs by Xavier. But have you read the comment section? Maybe they can give us some sort of hint towards what RtD will feature...
    - Depletion:
    "These history-ridden sands, despite having survived countless memories, hide something far more sinister in another land."
    - Silenced:
    "Frozen in past echoes of the many mistakes that these people have made, this land remains forever halted in time. Everything, halted by an eldritch magic that radiated the very air, now only wear a blanket of snow over them. It is only suspected that treading these valleys are only bound to suck the life and color out of you as well."
    - Realization:
    "Once flourishing with life, these plains now only hold the grieving cries of broken promises. Perhaps it could be the reason why everything is no more than a faint memory here. However, there was one thing that was left here, never to be spoken of again."

    "This part of the world is unknown to all. Hiding danger that borders unfathomable, this volatile land was sealed off and all whereabouts of its existence were erased."
    - Unfathomable:

    The guy who wrote these posts just said: "OH. Something tells me that we’re not in Wynn anymore..."
    - Perpetual:
    "A once beautiful and grand bridge has now been ripped apart and weathered to a crumbling ruin from the countless battles that have taken place here. The consternation you feel as you cross this fragile bridge slowly begins to overcome your senses."

    Compulsion, Apprehension and Laceration all don't have any of these comments.

    Now these comments were written by Oculism and KeytarAshes. Oculism is fairly active here so we can ask him if he was just thinking of stuff that came up to him when he listened to the songs or if this is actually true.

    So let's assume they're speaking the truth. Then we can see that there's going to be a desert, snowy and plains area and also a grand bridge somewhere. The place seems very dark, and it's not in Wynn so I assume it's (Road to) Dern. However, deserts, plains, a snowy area and a great bridge all seem to be things that this area seems to have in common with Wynn. Is this a clue? Or is it just misleading? Or did Oculism and KeytarAshes troll me and made me waste like 20 minutes of my life? I guess we'll find out soon...
    Corruptplex and Nukewarmachine like this.
  19. TooSpicy

    TooSpicy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Sadly they said they decided to cancel the mortal mountain dungeon so F
    Druser likes this.
  20. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Wait they actually cancelled it, like it's never gonna happen? I thought they just put it on hold or something
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