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Shop Theruff's Shop

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by Theruff, Aug 14, 2019.

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  1. Theruff

    Theruff Newbie Adventurer

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Helm of Andesite (Lvl 49 Rare, 12% Melee DMG, 3% Exploding)
    Roughcut (Lvl 53 Unique, 9% Melee DMG, 6% Earth DEF)
    Roughcut (Lvl 53 Unique, 12% Melee DMG, +67 Melee DMG)
    Blueberry (Lvl 58 Unique, 16% XP Bonus)
    Shrok (Lvl 46 Unique, 12% Thunder DEF)
    Snow Dust (Lvl 52 Unique, +3 Dex, 6% Air DEF)
    Call of the Void (Lvl 56 Legendary, 51% Reflection, 36% Thorns)

    Carapace (Lvl 70 Unique, +770 Health, +13 Strength)
    Pigman’s Ribbing (Lvl 50 Unique, 17% Earth DEF, 6% Thorns)
    Pigman’s Ribbing (Lvl 50 Unique, 15% Earth DEF, 13% Melee DMG, 5% Thorns)
    Dragon Skin (Lvl 57 Unique, 6% Spell DMG, 8% Fire DMG)
    Sawdust (Lvl 49 Legendary, 14% Earth DEF, +5 Agility, 11% Thorns)
    Adamantite (Lvl 70 Legendary, 26% Health Regen, +6 Strength, +918 Health)
    Stonewall (Lvl 60 Unique, 12% XP Bonus, +1 DEF, +3 Strength)

    Unrefined Leggings (Lvl 50 Unique, 22% Earth DEF, 11% Loot Bonus, 5% Melee DMG)
    Unrefined Leggings (Lvl 50 Unique, 22% Earth DEF, 7% Loot Bonus, 11% Earth DMG)
    Bob’s Lost Leggings (Lvl 58 Unique, 5% XP Bonus, 6% Spell DMG)
    Bob’s Lost Leggings (Lvl 58 Unique, +4 INT, 8% XP Bonus, +3 Strength and DEX, +4 DEF)
    Trom’s Climbing Trousers (Lvl 53 Unique, 13% Walk Speed, 6% Air DMG)
    Trom’s Climbing Trousers (Lvl 53 Unique, 12% Walk Speed, 6% Air DMG)
    Jera (Lvl 55 Rare, 7% XP Bonus, 23% Loot Bonus)
    Sandstone Leggings (Lvl 37 Unique, 5% XP Bonus, 7% Air DMG)
    Frosted Leggings (Lvl 57 Rare, 8% Water DMG, 22% Water DEF, +2 INT)

    Talaria (Lvl 59 Rare, 21% Loot Bonus, 20% Walk Speed, +8 Agility)
    Naragath’s Hoof (Lvl 58 Rare, 4% Exploding, +7 DEX, 15% Thunder DMG)
    Philophobia (Lvl 54 Rare, 13% Reflection, 12% Melee DMG, 19% Thorns)
    Sano’s Wisdom (Lvl 51 Rare, 12% Soul Point Regen, 26% Water DEF)
    Sano’s Wisdom (Lvl 51 Rare, 2/4s Mana Regen, 14% Water DEF)
    Tainted Step (Lvl 51 Unique, 144/3s Poison, 10% Melee DMG)
    Tainted Step (Lvl 51 Unique, 85/3s Poison, 12% Melee DMG)
    Marsh Runner (Lvl 58 Unique, +3 INT, 3% XP Bonus)
    Durum’s Journey (Lvl 48 Rare, +27 Health Regen, 12% Walk Speed)
    Mistpuff (Lvl 53 Unique, +2 INT, 9% Walk Speed)
    Mistpuff (Lvl 53 Unique, +2 INT, +5 Agility, 10% Walk Speed)
    Placid Step (Lvl 52 Unique, +4 INT, 10% Water DMG)
    Anchoryl (Lvl 52 Legendary, +323 Health, 17% Health Regen, 10% Reflection)

    Lead (Lvl 62 Unique Ring, +3 Strength, 157/3s Poison)
    Render (Lvl 60 Rare Ring, 15% Exploding, 13% Fire DMG)

    Vanilla Spade (Lvl 55 Unique, +8 INT, 12% Walk Speed)
    Carrot (Lvl 58 Unique, 19% Melee DMG, +9 Strength)
    Skien's Madness (Lvl 56 Rare, +3 Tier Attack Speed, 15% Melee DMG, +12 DEX)
    Sphyken (Lvl 63 Unique, 2/4s Mana Steal, 12% Water DMG, 13% Thunder DEF)
    Rebellion (Lvl 53 Legendary, 21% Fire DMG, 20% Thunder DMG 81/4s Life Steal)
    Fierte (Lvl 56 Legendary, +630 Health, 6% Fire DMG, +4 DEF)

    Flaming Fangs (Lvl 54 Unique, +33 Spell DMG, 6% Exploding, 15% Thorns)
    Flaming Fangs (Lvl 54 Unique, +31 Spell DMG, 5% Exploding, +10 DEF, 13% Thorns)
    Kitten Claw (Lvl 57 Unique, +50 Melee DMG, +10 DEX)
    Spike (Lvl 50 Rare, 17% Thorns, 23% Earth DMG)
    Spike (Lvl 50 Rare, 20% Thorns, 8% Earth DMG, 147/3s Poison)
    Squid Dagger (Lvl 56 Rare, 7% XP Bonus, 11% Fire DEF)
    The Exile (Lvl 65 Legendary, 104,4s Life Steal, 34% Health Regen, +660 Health)
    Vampire Touch (Lvl 51 Unique, 1/4s Mana Regen)
    Bull (Lvl 63 Rare, +5 Strength and DEF, +464 Health)
    Twin Daggers (Lvl 49 Unique, 6% Walk Speed, +5 DEX)
    Obsidian (Lvl 41 Unique, 9% Earth DMG, 10% Melee DMG, 10% Loot Bonus)
    Karabiner (Lvl 55 Unique, +3 Agility, +3 DEX, 10% Air DMG)

    Whitecap (Lvl 59 Unique, 12% Spell DMG)
    Bow of Retribution (Lvl 40 Unique, 11% Thorns, 10% Reflection)
    The Traveler (Lvl 49 Rare, 12% Air DMG, 14% Walk Speed)
    Flamiche (Lvl 41 Unique, +205 Health, 12% Health Regen)
    Clairvoyance (Lvl 62 Legendary, 3/4s Mana Steal, 21% Reflection, 19% Spell DMG)
    Clairvoyance (Lvl 62 Legendary, +11 DEX, 24% Reflection, 18% Thunder DEF)
    Armageddon (Lvl 53 Unique, 14% Earth DMG, 5% Spell DMG)
    Meteoric (Lvl 52 Rare, 3% Soul Point Regen, +35 Spell DMG, +16 Health Regen)
    Infinity (Lvl 55 Legendary, 13% Earth DEF, 11% Fire DEF, +6 Agility)

    Burning Torch (Lvl 56 Unique, 8% Spell DMG, 2% Exploding)
    Monk’s Battle Staff (Lvl 50 Rare, 11% Melee DMG, +112 Melee DMG)
    Windchime (Lvl 80 Unique, 10% Air DMG, 10% XP Bonus)
    Nordstrom (Lvl 49 Unique, 9% Thorns, 6% Walk Speed, +2 Agility)
    The Elder Wand (Lvl 62 Unique, 11% Earth DMG, +53 Melee DMG)
    Blight (Lvl 55 Rare, 930/3s Poison, 37% Earth DEF, 10% Thorns)
    Sorcerer’s Stick (Lvl 46 Unique, 11% Spell DMG, 7% Reflection)
    Cigar (Lvl 43 Unique, 6% Earth DMG, 3% Exploding, 13% Fire DMG)
    Ohms' Wish (Lvl 64 Legendary, 19% Spell DMG, 32% Air DEF, +7 DEX, +6 Agility)

    Just got bought out :P

    Discord: Theruff#5995
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
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