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Guide A Slightly Accurate Rewiew Of Every Boss

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by nikolica, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. nikolica

    nikolica bee (also my ign is kabinfarschirne)

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    dr. essren- i understand hes supposed to be a low level boss for noobs and all, but isn't letting him get 1shot by my level 15 assassin a bit too soft?

    witherhead aka bob's mom- she's an imposter, the real black plague of ragni is giant rat, but i still like her because she's the perfect difficulty for new players

    pigman overlord- we all know technoblade is the real pigman overlord (also techno has a level 82 class on wynn so thats nice)

    well witch- well, she didn't make the kid grow a single feather like she said, so why did we kill her??? :thinking:

    salyeros' brother- why was he nerfed? low level people need to get used to giant walls of HP because endgame exists

    bovine barn- leave me alone stUPID SCARECROWS

    arkadicus- level 16 archer/mage vs infested pit fiasco

    rotten necromancer- i thought killing him would remove the curse of being dead inside. oh well at least i tried

    cluckles- gun with legs but it shoots eggs

    haunted mask- flying cube mob number 4817

    rotten passage- now that's the wall of HP us level 100s like to see

    garoth- hey, did you know i'm a fire mob?

    charon- general graken spam for the win

    evil santa- red corrupted santa with extra spicy corruption sauce

    albert the strong- every earth warrior ever

    hashr- charge multihit charge multihit charge multihit charge multihit charge multihit despite being supposed to be unpredictable

    the cockratice- he dreams of being an epic gamer like cluckles, but is never quite good enough

    rymek luke- circle strafing simulator

    theorick- give this man a blanket and some hot chocolate, he needs it

    snow bear- very stronk bear that throws arrows because why not

    gregg'r- hey, did you know i'm a fire mob? v2.0

    the quarton- i'm aware i'm white asf

    the enslaved/ the beast- leave me alone BURST FIREEEEE

    armaggon- hey did you know i'm a fire mob? v3.0

    skykaar- this slime is an absolute unit, seriously did you look at the size of this lad

    biohazard amalgamate- good god, you stink to high heaven!

    tribal sanctuary- omg this boss is so hard wtf how do i beat this at level 57 nerf it jfkslvlrlwlfvlldls, oh wait we just need to git gud

    cursed maiden- make her a chest, and then she'll be truly cursed

    matryoshka idol- this baby is an absolute madlad, it has high health regen, teleport, charge and heal. what doesn't this epic gamer baby have?

    witch doctor- feels like a level 1 fighting a jungle fetish

    ancient skeleton- i'm aware i'm white asf

    out of my mind bosses- hey its ya boy generic plant themed mob number 4826

    redbeard- hey, cannonball do you wanna go afTER THE BOSS PLEASE

    corrupted of worlds- walking talking punching bag pushover that has somehow claimed a massive amount of lives

    guardian- *flashbacks of exploring an ocean temple with wooden sword*

    renevant of skien- grrr i am very angry yes *rage*

    shadow blades- cybel duplication glitch but intended and on stereoids

    corrupted amadel- minions with pull spell reeeee

    shadow amadel- level 100 pots yay

    fully formed amadel- that moment when your minions are more deadly than you

    boss from troubled tribesmen- hey its ya boy corruption themed mob number 59 trillion

    *yahya before he researched meteors* this is your brain
    *yahya's final form*
    and this is your brain on drugs.

    chained beast- hey, i'm guardian but with more damage and health yes originality

    bob- this big and strong boy is every glassy mage's worst nightmare

    nagareth the demon prince- eye of the storm is underrated quest i like it

    rat from the bigger picture- he's gnot a gnelf, he's gnot a gnoblin, he's a rat.

    banshee- stoopid mandatory quest helmets

    boss from the realm of light- hey this "light" thing looks preety tasty

    grand magus- hey fight me with a neutral weapon or ur screwed

    corpus accipients- this is the random=funny logic from all the 2012 mlg videos

    alkevö- hey, do i want to explode?

    psychomancer aka bill's dad- depending on your class this fight will either feel like; fighting a skeleton with a knockback 2 stick or fighting a silverfish with a diamond sword, there is no inbetween

    krolton- your face looks very tasty, not krolton's but the player's... even though that pumpkin does look preety tasty

    minotaur- the salted wannabe that fails in every single way

    geyser pit robot thing- hey do you want to explode?

    death- hey let me just get killed by witch doctor because i like you suffering

    spirit of gale- weeee i like jumpingTM

    genesis remorse- it's simple; yeet or be yeeted

    oceanic judge- hey, i'm guardian but ranged also heal spell reeee

    adamastor- if you like love then these two birds are like a dream couple

    adamastor egg thing- basically the all-out part of a spellspammers career where they just start flashing colors across the screen

    antithyrika supercomputer- i am speed

    mech X- antithyrika wannabe

    avos temple boss- hey, did you know i'm a fire mob? v4.0

    phoenix prince- please die alREADYYYY

    solar vanguard- hey, did you know i'm a fire mob? v5.0

    minibosses from dnd- would have been better if they had more health because wall of hp yay, also one of them is a did you know i'm a fire mob? v6.0 but i cant remember who

    garaheth- dnd is epic gamer questline so hes good. ALSO, guess what, i'm a fire mob. v7.0

    qira- web flamethrower teleport


    li boss time now

    mummyboard- the OG version for its level is harder

    virus doctor- he's so bland and boring it took me 10 minutes to think of a funny description but nothing came up

    corkus accipients- it would be cooler if they left in the random 1hp mobs after the 4th form

    idol - flamethrower, casts 1 spell every 10 hours or 10 quadrillion spells every second depending on the form, 3 boring forms, charge, teleport, multihit, and most importantly epic gamer baby

    yahyabot v4.04- that moment when u get a level 5 pot from yahya, drink it at cybel when ur at low health, realise your mistake once u die

    death metal- hey, wanna know what kind of music i like? also witch doctor still exists so thats a thing

    mechorrupter- despite being 10x stronger, he can only dream of having as much kills as the original corrupter

    robob- flamethrower, also water sword

    cybel- this little cataclysm-in-a-box has everything destructive up his arsenal; flamethrower spamming minions, 1 shotting pull spamming minion leftovers, charge, meteor, swarms, survival forms, explosions, and sometimes even duplication. this little 50 centimeters tall cube is probably the most dangerous mob in the game.

    dr. legendary- flamethrower flamethrower flamethrower, a melee phase thats only there to make the fight longer and a phase that hits like a truck and casts push spell every 4 seconds also bombs

    that's all folks

    Edit: added more bosses, also this thread was liked by salted :happy:

    what are some of your favourite rewiews?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  2. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    this is good stuff and yes techno is the pigmen overlord we need, sadly not what you find in the ravine
  3. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Do you just assume witherhead's gender!?!? (Jk nice thread) BTW, witherhead is Bob's mom.
  4. nikolica

    nikolica bee (also my ign is kabinfarschirne)

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    never knew that, very cool
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  5. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    This is experience. Also give this a guide tag XD
  6. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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  7. nikolica

    nikolica bee (also my ign is kabinfarschirne)

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    10 char
    how do i give it a guide tag
  8. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    This list doesn't mention that you have to fight and kill an evil Santa in Craftmas Chaos thus ruining your entire childhood when it comes to Christmas.
    More like "can you please just give me the item I've been farming you 8 times to get but for some reason you can't even manage to accomplish giving me that satisfaction".
    Oh, and this.
    Rainbow defense.
    Actually, this was the complete opposite for me. I've not been able to solo Bob as a mage at level without going at least some form of glass cannon, whether it be from low ish defense/agility or low hp, because he always manages to out regen the very low dps I have any time I use mage when compared to literally any other class (yes, warrior has miles more dps than mages you absolute buffoons)
    oh I mean @RazorGuild haha MAGE!
    Antikythera* but

    hello. i feel the need to ping Selvut283 (Kit/Azue) to tell him of how much Despair his dungeon caused me. it drained me of my heart and soul. i was STUCK FOR 5 TO 6 MONTHS, weakened by lack of nourishment, having to knaw on a glass, empty casing of a liquid emerald bottle. my feet bled as they were dry from lack of good. every time a flamethrower singed me on the conveyor belt to misery, i felt a sharp sting inside of my heart, and my eyes became more bloodshot. as i continued to hear the godforsaken music of the hellscape, i knew that when my utterly sinful soul, being dragged down to purgatory, would be tormented for the rest of eternity, hearing that modified note block song piercing my skin and my heart. fallen factory. antikythera supercomputer. the dungeon, that caused my internal apocalypse
    I want to personally set it on fire and watch it's ashes fall to the ground in front of me. If it was a person I would slam them into a wall and stare directly into their eyes before ripping out their throat and feeding them to the wolves. I look at the entrance and can't help but feel the utter urge to either punch my computer or begin to cry. This dungeon...Undergrowth Ruins....is my ultimate enemy.

    Sorry but no unfortunately I'm going to have to post an animal with a gun now because you did not mention Psychomancer is in fact BILL's dad.
    Now let me show you what it's like to live in Antarctica as I do when you wake up in the morning and see that your igloo is about to be destroyed again.
  9. nikolica

    nikolica bee (also my ign is kabinfarschirne)

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    @Shots i mentioned bill's dad post the picture please

    wait nvm its the penguins
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    Shots likes this.
  10. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Maybe edit title?
  11. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    he is sorry for 1-shotting you
    nikolica likes this.
  12. nikolica

    nikolica bee (also my ign is kabinfarschirne)

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    i forgive him because he needs a buff
  13. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    as an actual penguin I can confirm that none of us have even seen a gun, let alone are capable of using one. We don’t need to anyways. When we flap our flippers against each other in mating battles, the shockwaves cause icebergs to rip apart.

    Let me show you the pure intensity of our mere mating skirmishes:
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    You don't live where I do in Antarctica then it's all out warfare.
    Somebody destroyed my igloo with a carbonizer please help.
  15. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    @Selvut283 post the pasta
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